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288 Cards in this Set

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Treatment for Acute Mania
(Lithium or Valproic acid or Carbamazepine) + Olazapine
Teratogenic effects of Valproic Acid
Neural Tube defects

- spina bifida

- meningocele
Why Valproic acid causes neural tube effect?
Because it inhibits intestinal folic acid absoption
Side effects of Litium
I-Insipidus (Nephrogenic - treated with Ameloride)
T-Tremor/Teratogen (Ebsteins anomoly- displacement of Tricuspid valve atrialization of the RV)
M- Misc - EKG abnormalities
Basal Long acting insulin
1- NPH
Basal long acting insulin (2)
1- NPH

twice daily

12-18 hr

2- Glargine

one daily

24 hr
Short acting insulin (3)
1- Regular

2-3 hr

tx for: DKA

2-Lis, Aspart

30-90 min

post-meal hyperglycemia
Most common side effect of BUPROPRION
seizures (don't use in bulimics)
drugs that may cause seizures
1- Buproprion

2- Isoniazid (anti- tuberculosis)

3- Imipenem (antibiotic)
MOA of indinavir
protease inhibitor
Side effects of indinavir
(Looks like iatrogenic cushings)
inhibition of CYT P450
What is the use of TMP-SMX in a HIV pt?
Prevention and treatment of Pneumocystis carinii
Short acting hypnotic medication chemically unrelated to benzodiazepines
Clinical use of Zolpedem?
short term treatment of insomnia
Tx of septic arthritis caused by Gonococcus?
Ceftriaxone (plus azythromycin or tetracycline for concomitant Chlamydia infx)

what monitoring test you have to do?
Liver Function test
Side effect of Hydralazine, procaimide
Systemic Lupus Like syndrome= slow acetylators

Side effects

You want to switch a Phenilzine treatment to Sertraline, how may weeks you must wait to begin Sertraline treatment?
2 weeks
why you have to wait 2 weeks to change treatment from MAO inhibitor to SSRI?
Phenelzine is a MAO inhibitor= Ser, NORE, DOPA

Sertraline is a SSRI= Ser

Co administration can cause Serotonin Syndrome
MAO of Verapamil
Blocks SA and AV node calcium channels

- slows phase 0 deporalization decr rate of SA node firing decr AV node conduction
Do not mix Diazepam with?
First generation Antihistaminines Ex: Diphenhydramine, Chlorpheniramine
Why you do not mix Diazepam with antihistaminine?
Tx for Rheumatoid arthritis
Chronic: Glucocorticoids
- quick relief
- short term tx
Acute: NSAIDs
Tx for Giardia lamblia?
Wilson's Disease tx?
Penincillamine- removes excess copper
Hemocromatosis tx?
monoclonal antibody used in lymphoma immunotherapy targets CD20
inhibits PDE 3 increasing cAMP which platelet aggregation
vasodilatation - used for claudication
Effect of Beta blockers in renin
inhibits renin release
Increases HbF synthesis= protection against polymerization of sickle cells

Also known as Hydroxycarbamide
-Blocks Ribonucleotide reductase used in cancers
Thyroid peroxidase
Catalizes iodine oxidation
-See anti-thyroid peroxidase and anti-thyroglobulin antibodies in Hoshimoto's
Simvastatin effects
decrease LDL
decrease TGs
increase HDL
MOA of pioglitazone
Thiazolidinediones (works via PPAR-gamma a nuclear receptor - transcription)
↓ blood glucose levels by improving the target cell response to insulin, decreases gluconeogenesis, Increases adiponectin
How pioglitazone works on target cell?
Transcription modulation
MAO of Aspirin
IRREVERSIBILY inhibits COX 1 and COX 2
Clinical use of Aspirin
↓ platelet aggregation (<300 mg/day)

antipyretic and analgesic(300-2400 mg/day)

anti-inflammatory (>2400 mg/day)
Cinical use of Reserpine
↓ BP
Side effects of Reserpine
Depression and suicidal ideation= due to NORE and SER depletion
MOA of Reserpine
Blocks the storage of adrenergic mediator in presynaptic neuron
Tx for Toxoplasmosis?
Pyrimethamine and sulfasaliazine
Tx for CMV?
GANCICLOVIR, foscarnet (no activation required), cidofovir (no activation required)
Tx for Listeria?
Tx for Crytococcus neoformans?
Which nitrates has 100% of bioavailability?
Isosorbide mononitrate
Atypical antipsycotic
Clinical use of Warfarin
Long term anticuagulation
1- prevent venous thrombosis
2- prevent resultant pulmonary embolism
MOA of Warfarin
inhibits vit K dependent gamma carboxylation of glutamic acid residues of clotting factor 2, 7, 9, 10, C and S
Clinical use of Heparin
Acute management of venous thrombosis or thromboembolism (Binds ATIII enhances binding to Xa AND Thrombin - affects factors 2, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12)
MOA of Acarbose
inhibitor of α- glucoside (brush border enzyme)

↓activity of the membrane bound disaccharidase on the intestine brush border
Side Effects of Acarbose
GI bleeding
Abdominal pain
MOA of Etoposide
inhibits Topoisomerase II→ chromosomal breaks to accumulate → cell death
Clinical uses of Etoposide
Testicular CA

Small cell lung CA
MOA of milrinone/inamrinone
inhibitor of phosphodiesterase → ↑CAMP
1- ↑Ca in cardiac myocytes
2- vasodilation in smooth muscle
What drug is resistant to degradation by adenosine deaminase?
Cladribine (adenosine analog looks like autosomal recessive SCID)
DOC for hairy cell leukemia
Characteristic for High hepatic clearance
high lipophilicity= poorly eliminate through kidneys
Intracellular consequence of nitroglycerin
inc NO --> inc cGMP --> inc PKG --> Phosphatase activation --> myosin dephosphorylation
Side effect of propylthiouracil
Agranulocytosis (MAO inhibits thyroid hormone synth by blocking oxidation of Iodine in gland, also inhibits peripheral conversion of T4 to T3)
(Beta blockers also inhibit peripheral conversion)
Is perfered in pregnancy methimazole?
No, More Teratogenic than PTU b/c less protein bound
MOA of finastride
inhibits 5α- reductase
decreases peripheral androgen conversion to DTH
Prevention for the increase of myocardial O2 demand due to nitrates use
Beta blocker
increases PR interval
which vessel is more succeptible to nitroglycerin?
Large veins
Bile acid resins= binds negative charged bile acids in the SI → insolubles complexes→feces
Side effect of bile acid resins
incr TGs
GI discomfort
Gritty taste
impedes absorption of fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K)
Warfarin overdose tx?
Fresh frozen plasma (rapid)
Vit K
Cisplatin toxicity?
Prevention of nephrotoxicity due to Ciplastin use
5-Fluorouracil overdose tx?
Uridine diphosphoglucose (NOT Leucovorin)
Methotrexate overdose tx?
Methanol or ethylene glycol poisoning tx
Fomepizole (or ethanol)
Doxorubicin cardiotocity tx?
selective COX 2 inhibitor
Can Colecoxib impair platelet function?
Stimulates plasminogen→ plasmin
(side note: severe tissue damage exposes collagen and releases tissue factor which can activate the cascade, DIC risk)
At the begining of tPA tx, what side effect can be observed?
Reperfusion Arrhythmias on arterial re-opening
direct thrombin inhibitor
clinical uses of agatroban?
Heparin induced thrombocytopenia
Closes PDA
Keeps open PDA
PGE1 (Alprostadil, Misoprostol)
Tx for HTN that have minimal effect on AV conduction?
Co administration of Erythromicin and statin cause...
Myopathy (Erythromicin is a P450 inhibitor)
Methicillin resistant strains of Staphylococcus epidermidis
Vancomycin + rifampin or aminoglycoside
Direct Factor Xa inhibitor
low molecular weight heparin (Bind ATIII but inhibits Xa more than Thromin, not monitoring required)
Clinical use of Enoxaparin
↓ in death and recurrent MI
MOA of Heparin
Binds to antithrombin III
MOA of Etarnacept
TNF-α decoy receptor
Clinical uses of Etarnacept
Rheumatoid Arthritis that do not respond to metothrexate tx
Side effect of Etarnacept
Reactivation of latent tuberculosis
MOA of Ergonovine
Ergot alkaloid
=constricts vascular smooth muscle by stimulating α- adrenergic receptor and serotonergic receptors
Use of Ergonovine
Diagnosis of Prizmental's angina chest pain at rest and ST elevation
Also with oxytocin to deliver placenta
How benzodiazepines increases GABA action?
Binding to GABA receptor and increases frequency of Cl channel opening
How barbituates increases GABA action?
Binding to GABA receptor and increases duration of Cl channel opening
Clinical use of Cilostozol?
Interminet Claudication
↓ cardiac preload= ↓ Left ventricular diastolic volumen
↓ cardiac work
↓ myocardial O2 demand
Side effects of Thiazides
HyperGLUC= hyperglycemia, hyperlypidemia, hyperuremia, hypercalcemia
Hyponatremia= hypotention
(Also increases Lithium toxicity)
Common side effect of Metformin
-Don't use in renal failure
Reversible α- receptor blocker= vasodilation (vs Phenoxybenzamine irreversible)
-prevents local tissue necrosis induced by NE intravenous leakage
Drugs that ↓LDL
2- Ezetimibe
drugs that ↓ TGs
1- Fibrate
2- Niacin
drug that has the most ↑ HDL
Side effects of Ace inhibitors
angioedema (esp w/ C1 esterase def.)
taste changes
pregnancy problems
increases renin
low angiotensin II
Side effect of Spinolactone
hypekalemia, acidosis
Side effect of Niacins
Flushing, Insuline resistence (possible acanthosis nigricans, increases DM meds), mild vasodilation (dec HTN meds)
Beta and alpha blocker= ↓ CHF mortality
Drugs that decreases MI mortality?
↓ Aldosterone and ↓ Sympathetics
-ACEi, Spironolactone, Aliskarin (renin inhibitor), Beta blockers
Amiloride can not be mix with?
ACE inhibitors= cause hyperkalemia
Adrenal crisis tx?
Decreased cortisol so give Corticosteroids
Propanolol and hypoglycemia?
masks adrenergic symptoms (tachycardia) of hypoglycemia, Beta blockers decreases insulin secretion as well
Proptosis tx?
AKA Exopthalmos, Corticosteroids (cause by lymphocyte infiltration of extraocular muscles, TH1 cells release cytokine which stimulate fibroblasts to produce excess GAGs)
What can cause a co admistration of ACE inhibitors and thiazide or loops diuretics?
First dose hypotension
2dary hyponatremia due to diuretics tx
Can ACE inhibitor be use in renal artey stenosis?
NO b/c these kidneys rely on efferent vasoconstriction to maintain GFR (ACEi --> Dec AII --> efferent vasodilation)
Co administration of Verapamil with Beta adrenergic can cause..(2 SE)
Sinus Bradycardia
What are the 2 metabolites formed from Primidone's metabolization?
Phenobarbital + PEMA (both are barbituates)
Muscarinic agonist action on endothelial cells
Bind to endothelial surface--> NO synthase → NO from arginine → inc cGMP → leads to Myosin light chain dephosphorylation → smooth muscle relaxation
Molecular weight of COX 2
72 kD
Cystitis tx?
Fluoroquinole or TMP-SMX
A 37 weeks pregnant woman is positive for GBS, what is the treatment?
Intapartum prophylaxis

- Penincillin or ampicillin
Hartnup Disease tx?
Inability to absorb Tryptophan → may lead to Niacin def.
Effects of glucocorticoids in white blood cells differential
Increases: neutrophil (demargination)
Decreases: basophil, eosiniphils, monocytes, lymphocytes
inhibits H/K ATPase pump at parietal cells
= block final common pathway of gastric acid secretion, which is stimulated by Ach, hist, gastrin
DOC of heroin addition and abuse
Can also use Buprenophine or Pentazocine (partial antagonists)
what is the principal characteristic of Methadone that justifies its substitution for heroin?
Long half life
MOA of sulfonylureas
Opens K channels in beta cells hyperpolarizing them and preventing insulin release
MOA of Flucytosine
Converted to 5-fluorouracil in fungus and blocks DNA and RNA synthesis
MOA of Caspofungin
Blocks Beta 1,3-D-Glucan synthase - inhibits fungi cell wall
MOA of Amphotericin B
binds to ergosol → punches holes in cell membrane
MOA of Azoles
Blocks fungal P450 14-alpha demethylase - inhibits ergosterol synthesis from lanosterol
Cyt P 450 inducers (8)
Queen Barb Steals Phen-phen and refuses greasy carbs chronically

Q- Quinidine
B- Barbituates
S- St. John's warts
P- Phenytoin
R- Rifampin
G- Griseofulvin
C- Carbamazepine
Chronic alcohol use
Cyt P 450 inhibitors (7)
KEG is Acutely SICk

K- Ketoconazole
E- Erythromycin
G- Grapefruit
Acute alcohol use
S- Sulfonamides
I- Isoniazide
C- Cimetidine
How does Pyrazinamide work?
TB drug, Converted to pyrazinoic acid and increases the pH of the cell
MOA of Abciximab
Monoclonal antibody Blocks of GP IIb/IIIa, inhibits fibrinogen binding
What disease do Abciximab mimic
Glanzmann thrombastenia
Effect of Timolol in aqueous humor
↓secretion of aqueous humor by ciliary epithelium
Side effect of gancyclovir
Neutropenia, don’t use with Zidovudine in HIV
Side effect of Forscarnet
Celates Ca and Mg
Hypomagnesemia, HypoCa
Impaired PTH release
Lyme disease tx?
Doxycycline or penincillin derivates (Ex. Ceftriaxzone)
MOA of Nystatin
Works just like Ampho
Clinical use of Nystatin
Candidiasis (swish and swallow)
Side note pts who are Myeloperoxidase def. have inc susceptiblity to Candida, Neutrophils prevent the HEMATOGENOUS spread of candida
Rifampin is used as chemophylaxis for?
N. meningitidis
Common side effect of Rifampin
Orange discoloration of secretions
Tx for Trigeminal neuralgia?
Carbamazepine side effects
aplastic anemia
P 450 inducer
what drug can be use against gram (-), gram (+), and bacteriodes?
Piperacillin- Tazabatam (Psuedomonas penecilin derivative with a beta lactamase inhibitor)
MOA of Isoniazid
inhibition of mycolic acid synthesis
mycolic acid= make mycobacterium acid fast
(Requires activation by TB heat sensitive Catalase)
t 1/2 Formula
t 1/2= (Vd x 0.7)/CL
Loading Dose formula
LD=Vd x (Peak concentration)/Bioavailability
Maintainance Dose formula
MD=(Peak concentration) x CL/Bioavailablity
Clinical uses of Valproate
Absence + tonic-clonic seizures, Can use for main different seizure types
Clinical use of Ethosuximade
Absence seizures
MOA of pentazocine/buprenophrine
partial agonist activity and weak antagonist activity at mu receptor
Pentazocine and morphine can cause…
Precipitate opioid withdrawal
Ceftriaxone does not work in C. Trachomatic and U. Urealyticum. Why?
Because they lack of peptidoglycan cell wall
C. Trachomatic and U. Urealyticum tx?
↓MAC, ↑potency (Im MACing so much ass Im impotent)
↑solubility, ↑anesthetic is needed to saturate the blood (Blood:Gas coeffiecient is the ratio of protein/dissolved gas over the diffusable gas)
↑solubility, slow onset of action
↑[Arteriovenous] gradient, slow onset of action
H1 blocker with Serotonin receptor antagonist activity (Used in Serotonin sickness)
MOA of Colchicine
Binds to IC protein tubulin→ inhibits polymerization into microtubules, blocks chemotaxis
SE of Colchicine
Abdominal pain
Clinical use of Fenoldopam
D1 agonist, Emergency hypertension
Only drug that improves RPF and ↓BP
Isoniazid Resistance
non-expression of the catalase peroxidase enzyme
Arsenic poisoning tx?
Cyanide poisoning tx?
Amyl nitrate (creates methemoglobin), Thiosulfate binds it and makes it more soluble - Methylene blue converts back to hemoglobin
-Cyanide shifts the O2-Hb curve left b/c in inc affinity for O2, Also inhibits Cytochrome c oxidase in ETC
Acute lead and mercury poisoning?
Essential tremor tx?
inhibits viral penetration into target cells via gp41 binding
Initial tx for hypoglycemia

- non-medical setting

- medical setting
- non-medical setting= IM glucagon
- medical setting= IV Dextrose
MOA of Rifampin
inhibits DNA dependent RNA synthesis
benzodiazepines that causes day time drowsiness
Long acting (due to active metabolite)

Chlordiazepoxide (used for withdrawing Alcoholics in DTs)
Short acting benzos
Intermediate acting benzos
Benzodiazepine side note
Citalopram is NOT a benzo it’s an SSRi (**** the pharmacutical companies)
Which benzos are not hepatically excreted?
Oxazepam, Temazepam, Lorazepam
"Outside The Liver"
How can be prevented the hemorragic cystitis caused by Cyclophosphamide?
MESNA (binds acroline the toxic metabolite)
Clinical use of Ribavirin
Infants w confirmed RSV broncholitis (Palivizumab is a monoclonal antibody against F protein used for prophylaxis)
HCV (with alpha-IFN)
MOA of Ribavirin
Guanosine analog causes mutations in RNA and inhibits RNA dependent RNA pol, Inhibits IMP Dehydrogenase depleting the GTP pool and inhibiting DNA synth
impairs uncoating of Influenzae A
-Also used in Parkinsons to increase Dopamine release)
BNP (brain naturetic peptide)
(Secreted by ventricles in response to excessive stretch, hypertrophy)
Is Nafcillin resistant to degradation by bacterial B- lactamase?
yes, used for MSSA my cause interstitial nephritis
Clinical use of nafcillin
Skin infections of S. aureus
Atypical antipsycotic that treat negative and positive symptoms
Anti-dopamine, Anti-5-HT, Anti-Serotonin, Anti-alpha, minimal antimuscarinic
Which vitamin is Isoniazid chemical similar to?
Vit B6 (leads to peripheral neuropathy)
Why is atropine dangerous when used in the eyes
especially in African americans
Resistance to streptomycin
altered structure of bacterial ribosomes proteins
MC- enzymatic modification of aminoglycoside (acetylation [Enterococcus], adenylation, phosphorylation)
Most specific effect of Dobutamine
↑ cardiac conduction velocity
MOA of digoxin
slow conduction through AV node via ↑parasympathetic tone --> ↓AV conduct (affects Na/K pumps in neurons)
Also increases contractility by indirectly inc Ca concentration
S. epidermidis tx?
Dose dependant characteristics of Isoproterenol
Beta agonist
↑cardiac contractility
↓vascular resistance
Clavulinic acid
B- lactamase inhibitor
Why amoxillin is co-administrated with clavulinic acid?
Clavulinic acid ↓amoxillin cleavege by bacterial cells
Tx of opioid withdrawal in neonates?
Opioid solution= tincture of opium
Symptoms - excessive sucking (sympathetic hyperactivity), high pitch cry, tremor, rhinorrhia, sneezing, diarrhea
MOA of Ethosuximide
↓ Ca current in thalamic neurons
Blocks T- type Ca
↓Na in fast firing cortical neurons
Long term tx for duodenal ulcers
Antibiotics (kill H. pylori, Metronidazole, Bismuth and Tetracycline OR Clarithromycin, Amoxicillin and Omeprazole)
-Side note also the treatment for MALT lymphoma
Prevention of crystalline neupathy due to Acyclovir
Acute Hydratation
↑HR, CONDUCTION, CONTRACTILITY, myocardial O2 consumption
Thiopental redistribution?
Muscle and fat tissue (fast onset but also short duration)
Tx for drug induced parkinson disease?
-Muscarinic antagonists that enter the brain
Class IA
slows phase 0 depolarization
longed phase 3 reporalization of ventricular myocyte
What vitamin can not be mixed with Levodopa?
VIT B6 (Don’t use mutivitamin pills with levadopa)
incr levodopa peripheral metabolism (via Dopamine (amino acid) decarboxylase)--> decr enter to CNS
2 types of exacerbation of Mysthenia Gravis
1- myathetic gravis= subtherapeutic , there is low Ach to compite with antibodies
2- Cholinergic crisis= inappropriate high doses of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors can cause paralysis
Prevention of thrombotic events in homocystenuria
Vit B6 (via increased activity of Cystathionine sythase which combines HomoC with serine to make cystathionine which is degraded to cysteine)
Anticonvulsant and mood stabilizer
Valproic acid
Also lamatrogine
decr aldosterone
no change bradykin
incr AT I, AT II, renin
tx for malaria- chloroquine resistant
Drugs used for plasmodium vivax and ovale
Chloroquine and Primaquine (for liver cysts)
tx for acute gouty arthritis
Side effect of Amitryptyline in BPH pts
urinary retention (antimuscarinic)
Steps for status epilepticus tx
1- IV lorazepam
2- Phenytoin (simultaneously)
3- continues seizures= Give phenobarbital
4- if seizures persists= intubation and anesthesics
Menotropin and hCG uses
menotropin= human menopausal gonadotropin (gonadotropins LH and FSH extracted from the urine of postmenopausal women - used for fertility treatment)

hCG induces ovulation
Class III antiarrhrytmic
affects phase 3 (K channel blocker)
Which classes of antiarrhythmics are best for SVTs?
Class I and III, adenosine and digoxin
Which classes of antiarrhythmics are best for Ventricular arrhythmias?
Class II and IV
inhibits cell wall synthesis
Only 2nd gen of cephalosporins that enters the brain
MOA of desmopressin (DDAVP) in endothelial cells
stimulates the release of von Willebrand factor (with Factor VIII)
MOA of N- acetylcysteine
Mucolytic agent for CF that loosens the thick sputum by cleaving disulfide bonds
Tx for motion sickness?

Most common side effect
SE: dry mouth
Prophylaxis for MAC infection in HIV patient
Side effect of B-blockers in lungs
Asthma exacerbation
Medication- induced body fat redistribution syndrome is caused by (2)

HIV-1 protease inhibitors
Cryptococus neoformans meningitis tx?
Amphotericin B (intrathecal) + Fluorocytosine OR Fluconazole (enters CNS)
MOA of isotretinoin
Retinoid (like Vitamin A)

binds eukaryotic nuclear receptors changes gene expression
-Birth defects DO A PREGNANCY TEST
MOA of paclitaxel
Prevents depolymerization of microtubules
Psoriasis tx?
-synthetic vit D3 analog that binds DNA and acts as a transcription factor --> stimulates cell proliferation and induce normal cell diferentiation
TNF-alpha inhibitors - Infliximab, Adalimumab
MOA of Cyclosporine
inhibitor of IL-2 transcription

binds to cyclophilin--> forms comples--> inhibits calcineurin--> ↓IL-2
-Tacrolimus has a similar mechanism
Which drugs cause gingival hyperplasia?
Cyclosporin, phenytoin, nifedipine
Antibiotics that act on 50S
chloramphenicol (inhibits peptidyl transferase)
clindamycin (inhibits translocation)
linezoid (binds 23S rRNA and inhibits initiation complex)
erythromicin (prevents release of uncharged tRNA)
Antibiotics that act on 30S
Tetracylines (block the acceptor site)
Aminoglycosides (Inhibits initiation comples and induces misreading = bacteriacidal)
Tx of vomiting or gastric stasis?
side effect of Metoclopramide
exarcebate or cause Parkinsoniam symptoms (tardive dyskinesia)
Reversible alpha 1 agonist
↑vascular resistance--> ↑BP--> activates baroreceptors-->↓SV, ↓ HR
Atropine overdose tx?
Physostigmine (can enter the brain)
opioid effect resistance to tolerance
MOA of Pramipexole
stimulates DOPA receptors
Side effect of Cisplatin/Carboplatin
Acoustic nerve damage and nephrotoxic
Side effect of Bleomycin
Pulmonary fibrosis
Side effect of Doxorubicin
Dilated cardiomyopathy
Side effect of Transtuzumab
Side effect of 5-FU and 6-MP
What drug increases the toxicity of 6-mercaptopurine
Allopurinol (its metabolized by xanthine oxidase)
Side effect of Vincristine
Peripheral neuropathy
MOA OF Osteltamir
Impair viron particle release, neuraminidase inhibitor
tx for the recurrence of genital herpes
daily oral acyclovir, valacyclovir, or fanciclovir after the first episode
How spironolactone benefit overall survival in CHF?
B/C CHF stimulates RAA system
protect against UVB
PABA esters
protect against UVB and UVA
Zinc-oxide containing suncreens
most common side effect of aspirin
fecal blood loss
which reverse trancriptase causes pancriatitis?
Didanosine (an NRTi)
which reverse trancriptase is active against Hep B?
Lamivudine (an NRTi)
which reverse trancriptase do not need IC phosphorylation?
Nevirapine and efavirenz (NNRTi)
Side effect of Ticlopidine
mouth ulcers
MOA of methothrexate
inhibits enzyme dihydrofolate reductase to block folic acid synthesis
Side effect of methothrexate
stomatitis= painful mouth ulcers
hepatitis, fibrosis, cirrhosis
nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor
No 3'- OH group, making 5-3 phosphodisterase linkage impossible
effect of diphenoxylate in motility
slows it (its an opioid)
(combine with atropine to prevent abuse - Lomotil)
Why thiazides increase lithium toxicity?
Lithium is excreted by kidneys

thiazides cause volume depletion, kidneys try to retain Na + H2O, lithium reabsorption follows Na reabsorption
Gout long term tx?
Allopurinol= xanthine oxidase inhibitor
monitoring test for warfarin
monitoring test for heparin
pyrophosphate analog that does not require IC activation (Side effect: celates Ca and Mg)

tx for CMV, herpes and HIV
Side effect of Thioridazine
Retinal deposits (typical antispychotic w/ less eps)
Side effect of Chlorpromazine
Corneal deposists (typical antispychotic w/ less eps)
Side effect of Ziprasidone
longed QT
Side effect of Clozapine
Effect of Pilocarpine in pupils
cause pupullary constriction

Direct muscarinic cholinergic agents
Tetracyclines are bacteriostatic used for?

(can also use macrolides)
Hepatic encephalopathy tx?
Lactulose--> degraded by colonic bacteria--> lactic acid + acetic acid
Red man syndrome

↑ blood [histamine]
Bacterial Resistance MOA
↓ IC accumulation of drug

1- ↓permeability

2- Pump drug out= saturates w protein--> eliminates the ion [] gradient
-This can be blocked by putting bacteria in an acidic solution
What part of the ear does cisplatin damages?
the apical sterocilia on hair cells causing hearing loss
Side effects of atropine
"hot as a hare, dry as bone, blind as a bat, mad as a hatter"

dry skin and mucous membrane


mydriasis and cycloplegia

altered mental status
Reasons for increased effects the diazepam in elderly
↓Total body muscle

↓Total body weight


↑body fat--> ↑volume of distribution, Stays in the body longer

SE: confusion
MOA of cocaine
inhibits presynaptic reuptake of NORE, DOPA, SER
Side effects of cocaine
incr BP

vasocontricction--> chest pain
-Nasal ischemia


which diuretic causes most brisk diuresis?
Bile acid resins increases risk for?
Gallbladder stones
-So do fibrates
Drug with Quinidine- like effects (QT & QRS longation)
Tx for TCA overdose?
Drug with Vd= 3-5 L
inc MW--> binded to plasma protein

---> hydrophilic
Drug with Vd= 41 L
decr MW


so drug can cross cell membrane and goes to IC compartment
Streptokinase side effect
intracerrebral hemorrhage
TX of acute C. diphteriae
1- diphteria anti-toxin= rapid administration good gnosis

2- penincillin or erythromycin

3- DPT vaccine
Nimodopine tx for?
Ca channel blockers used for prevention of cerebral vascular spam following SAH
what you have to monitored in ethambutol tx?
Visual acuity
- color blindness

- central scotoma
what you have to monitor in aminoglycoside or vancomycin tx?
Hearing and vestibular function
Kidney function
Tx for myoclonic seizures?
Valproic acid
MOA of entarcapone?
COMT inhibitor

- incr bioavaliability of levodopa