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45 Cards in this Set

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The 3 layers of the pericardium are:
visceral serous (epicardium)
parietal serous
The pericardial cavity lies between ___ and ___.
visceral serous pericardium
parietal serous pericardium
The fibrous pericardium fuses superiorly with ___, inferiorly to ___, and anteriorly to ___.
adventitia of great vessels
central tendon of diaphragm
The transverse sinus lies in the ___, betweewn ___ and ___.
pericardial cavity
parietal pericardium
visceral pericardium
The phrenic nerve and pericardiacophrenic vessels run between ___ and ___.
fibrous pericardium
mediastinal part of parietal pleura
The oblique sinus is ___ to the transverse sinus, and terminates at ___.
inputs of pulmonary veins
The thoracic IVC is ___ with respect to the pericardium.
Cardiac tamponade is ___. Symptoms include (5)
accumulation of fluid inside pericardial cavity
hypotension unresponsive to hydration
compression of SVC
paradoxical pulse
spontaneous (venous) filling of syringe
distant heart sounds
The 2 approaches for pericardiocentesis are ___ and ___. The first penetrates ___, the second ___.
pectoralis major
rectus abdominis
The major branches of the R coronary a. are: (4)
SA nodal branch
AV nodal branch
R marginal branch
posterior interventricular branch
The structures supplied by the R coronary a. are: (5)
SA node
AV node
R atrium
R ventricle
IV septum
The LAD branch is also called ___.
anterior interventricular
The major branches of the L coronary a. are: (2)
circumflex branch
LAD branch
The branches of the circumflex branch are:
anterior marginal
obtuse marginal
atrial (Marshall) branch
posterior marginal/LV
The branches of the AIV branch are: (2)
anterior diagonal branch
septal branches
Coronary blood supply is right dominant if ___ branches from ___.
posterior IV branch
R coronary
The top 3 arteries for coronary blockage, in order of frequency, are:
R coronary
The ___ vein reverses the course of the LAD and drains into ___.
great cardiac
coronary sinus
The ___ vein reverses the course of the PIV and drains into ___.
middle cardiac
coronary sinus
The ___ vein reverses the course of the right marginal branch and drains into the ___.
small cardiac
coronary sinus
The ___ veins are located ___, and drain into ___.
anterior cardiac
on anterior aspect of RV
The ___ veins are located ___, and drain into ___.
smallest cardiac
within wall of heart
nearest chamber of heart
The pulmonary valve is a ___ valve. It has ___ cusps which are designated ___.
left, right, anterior
The aortic valve is a ___ valve. It has ___ cusps which are designated ___.
left, right, posterior
The mitral valve is the valve between ___ and ___. It has ___ cusps which are designated ___.
anterior, posterior
The tricuspid valve is the valve between ___ and ___. It has ___ cusps which are designated ___.
anterior, poster, septal
The aortic and pulmonary valves can be auscultated at ___.
edge of sternum, intercostal space 2
The mitral valve can be auscultated at ___.
left intercostal space 5
The tricuspid valve can be auscultated at ___.
sternal end of intercostal space 5
The cusps of the mitral and tricuspid valves are tethered to ___ by ___.
papillary muscles
chordae tendineae
__ is the pacemaker of the heart. It is located just beneath ___, at ___.
SA node
junction of SVC and RA
AV node is located just beneath ___, at ___, near ___.
right side of interatrial septum
ostium of coronary sinus
Parasympathetic innervation to the heart is via __. It ___s the heart rate.
vagus nerve
The preganglionic parasympathetic cells originate in ___, terminate ___ and release ___. The postganglionic cells terminate ___ and release ___.
dorsal nucleus of vagus and nucleus ambiguus
near SA, AV nodes
at SA, AV nodes
Sympathetic innervation to the heart is via ___. It ___s the heart rate.
postganglionic sympathetic nerves
The preganglionic sympathetic cells originate in ___, terminate ___, and release ___. The postganglionic cells terminate ___, and release ___.
IML column of the spinal cord
stellate and middle cervival ganglia
on myocardium
Tetralogy of Fallot is caused by ___. The characteristics are (4):
The symptom is ___.
abnormal migration of neural crest cells
pulmonary stenosis
overriding aorta
IV septal defect
RV hypertrophy
Overriding aorta means ___. It therefore necessitates ___.
The aorta receives blood from RV in addition to LV.
IV septal defect.
Membranous ventricular septal defect is caused by ___. At first it causes ___, but eventually causes ___. The second situation is called ___.
incomplete fusion of bulbar ridges and AV cushions
left-to-right shunt
right-to-left shunt
Eisenmenger complex
Patent ductus arteriosus causes ___ shunting. It is common in __. ___ and __ promote patency. ___ (4) promote closure.
premature infants, maternal rubella
Pg inhibitors
In contrast to MI, angina pectoris is caused by ___. Sensation of pressure/burning lasts for ___.
non-necrotizing ischemia
up to 20 minutes
In MI, the sensation of burning/pressure lasts for ___.
greater than 30 minutes
Cor pulmonale is ___, due to ___.
dilation of RV
pulmonary hypertension
Calcific valve disease most commonly affects ___.
aortic valve
Rheumatic heart disease is caused by ___. It most commonly affects ___.
autoimmunity against vavle CT
mitral valve