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15 Cards in this Set

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Recognized not as a deity, but as the principle of reality itself: the unborn, unmade, unitary, unchanging infinite.
They regarded "soul" or "mind: as material and believed that everything was guided by purely physical laws
The treatises of the Brahmanas dealt with the ritual application of the olf Veldic texts (replecting a reaction against excessive emphasis on the power of sacrifice and ritual, accumulation of worldy wealth and power), the explanation of Vedic rites and mythology, and the theory of the sacrifice.
Abraham promised to serve only him, and his God promised to bless his descendantas and guide them as his special people
The central concept of Doaism is the Dao, or Way. It is mysterious, ineffible, and cannot be named. It is the creator of the universe, the sustainer of the universe, and the process or flux of the universe. The Dao functions on a cosmic, not a human, scale.
The "ordinary norm" of life in the various traditions of Indian religiousness can be summarized as life lived according to dharma. Its most common meaning is simialr to tha tof the Vedic Aryan conept Rta; "the right (order of things)", "moral law", "right conduct"
Early on meant "indian". Later, first invading Muslims then Europeans used Hindu to characterize the most prominent religous and social institutions of India as a whole. Not a term for any single or uniform religous community. Hindu religion and culture lump together an immense diversity of social, racial, linguistic, and religous groups.
The key to resolving the dilemma of samsara lies in this concept which in Sanskrit literally means "work" or "action". At base, it is the concept that every action has its inevitable effects, sooner or later; as long as there is action of ming or body, there are continued effects and hence continued existence. Good deeds bring good results
Legalists were concerned with ending the wars that plagued China. True peace, they believed, required a united country and a strong state. They favored conscription and considered war a means of extending state power
the redeemer whom Jews believed would establish the kingdom of God on earth
Worshiping one god
Greek city-state
Worshipping many gods
The idea of the endless cycle of existence is only superficially similar to our idea of "transmigration" of souls. The key to understanding reality. It is not a liberating, but a burdensome reality
People that traveled about and received pay for teaching practical techniques of persuasion, such as rhetoric, which were highly valued in democracies such as Athens. They did not speculate about the physical universe but applied reasoned analysis to human beliefs and institutions.