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88 Cards in this Set

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means Age of Ignorance, all history before Muhammad’s first revelation in 610.
In Mecca, temple built by Abraham. Filled with idols in Muhammad’s time, he goes in and smashes them.
: in 622, Muhammad’s journey from Mecca to Medina with his followers.
central religious text of Islam. Revelations of Muhammad as told to him by the angel Gabriel. Complied in time of Abu Bakr. Most important source of usul al-fiqh.
part of Islamic law that means way of the prophet. Try to follow the examples Muhammad set in his life. Correct precedent, as shown by Muhammad
: bit of information that describes what Muhammad did or said
means struggle. Considered duty by many Muslims. Originally intended only for the neighbors of Muslims
title for the ruler of the Islamic umma, or community. Head of state in a caliphate.
word means leader.
five pillars
1. Pray 5 times a day. 2. Profession of faith- there is only one god and Muhammad is his prophet. 3. Pilgrimmage to Mecca. 4. Pay zakat to maintenance of the poor. 5. Fast during Ramadan.
means straight path, divine way. Inherently unattainable but ideal.
human attempt to process what God wants us to do.
usul al-fiqh
sources of fiqh or jurisprudence. Process intertwined with a text.
a legal school of thought, including Hanbali, Hanaffi, Maliki, Shafi’I, and Ja’fari.
legal opinion, not binding.
person qualifed to issue a fatwa. Must operate within a school of legal thought. Individual must decide if they believe mufti, and if fatwa is fiqh. Mufti use sources of usul al-fiqh to determine a fatwa.
judge in court of Islamic law. Weighs evidence as presented to him, but has no enforcement.
battle of karbala/ashura
in 680 Husayn marches with followers from Medina to Kufa, stops in Karbala where Yazid’s army massacres him, killed by Kharijites. Ashura is 10th month in Islamic calendar, period of mourning for Shi’a.
followers of Zayd b. Ali who believe you become Imam because you have asserted it. Establish state in Yemen till 1963, believe you can have more than one Imam at a time as long as divine spark is passed on.
Shi’I who view line of sucessors as unbroken till 12th Imam.
874, is baby when designated 12th Imam. Present in the world but not here, waited for, will show himself on Judgement Day.
means sign of God. Title of Islamic law study, htose who have ability to interpret Islamic law and act as guides for people.
means model to follow, title that can be given to Ayatollah. Most of Shi’a follow him, give some of the zakat to him to distribute. Develops in 18th century.
present in world but not here, status of Mahdi.
follow the teachings of Islam but believe Ali was Muhammad’s true successor and reject history of the first three caliphs.
ahl al-bayt
people of the hosue of Muhammad. Hysayn designates his son Ali as successor, passes on divine spark.
consensus of Islamic community?
in one of the four Sunni schools of thought.
rashidun caliphs
first four caliphs who established the Islamic state. Abu Bar, Umar, Uthman, and Ali. 632-661.
umayyad caliphs
660-750. Capital at Damascus. Established by Mu’awiya.
abbasid caliphs
overthrew Umayyad caliphs, 750-1258. Shifted capital to Baghdad. Created Mamluk, Turkish slave army, which rose in its place.
someone involved in jihad to expand boundaries of Islamic empire. Fight against Byzantines who are Christians. Build state and empire behind force of the ghazis.
refers to prayer leader. Relgious elite.
in Persia in 1330s, sufi movement develops. Mystical search for divine knowledge, follow sufi master, founded as peaceful movement.
ottoman dynasty
1299-1918. massive at one point. Controls from Algeria to Iraq, Hungary to Yemen for around 600 years. Major player in WWI.
bayezid I
1389-1402). Centralizes Ottoman state by replacing local rulers with family members, reconquers many things in Anatolia and Hungary, draws attention of Timor who reconquers Anatolia and kills Bayezid.
Tax begun by Bayezid I. Sultan decreed that need to go and collect slaves for Ottoman household and military. Young boys taken from Balkan Christians, became Janissaries or officers, paid. Abolished in 1637.
communities of non-muslims. Ottoman empire interacted with non-Muslims based on their millets, which were responsible for their own law, education, and charity. To solve conflicts one had to choose which millet to bring it up in.
developed by Murad I. Infantry units that formed the sultan’s troops and bodyguard. Originally formed of dhimmi.
halil pasha
continually tries to bring Murad II back to throne, represents bureaucracy, high status and high learning.
Mehmet II relies on slave advisor named Zagnos in the Janissaries, tells him he must keep the Jans in check, so Mehmet II launches huge ghazi to occupy them. Replaces Halil Pasha as Grand Vizier.
safavid dynasty
Sufi master.
followers of more militaristic Sufi movement in 1480s. Wear red hats called Qizilbash.
isma'il I (Safavid)
(d. 1524). Grows up in pocket of 12er Shi’ism, rallies Qizilbash to follow him to claim birthright. Claims he becomes part of God and so is God. Takes Ardabil and Tabriz, crowned Shah and declares 12er Shi’ism as official religion of his state. Wins many battles until fights Ottomans. Focus for Persia changes to south and eastwards.
selim I
1512-1520). The Grim. Sultan of Ottoman empire, follows Bayezid II, very focused on the state control and the east. Fights Isma’il I in Battle of Chaldiran. Deals with rebellions on edges of empire. Concerned with the Mamluk dynasty that controls Egypt, defeated but hang around till 19th c. Selim takes Jerusalem, Mecca, and Medina, so sultans are also caliphs.
battle of chaldiran
: 1514. Ottomans have gunpowder and cannons so defeat the Safavids.
suleiman the magnificent
(1520-1566). Very expansive sultan of Ottoman Empire. Leads his troops on campaign each year, expands loyalty by acquiring more resources and land. Takes Belgrade in 1521, captures Rhodes. Launches siege against Vienna that fails but into Europe now.
abbas mirza
given northwest province of Azerbaijan, d. 1833. Arrives as governor in time to find encroachments from the British and the Russians looking to take Iran. From 1810-1813 fights war against Russians, Iranians lose. Decides to follow Muhammad Ali’s example and make military improvements, but has too many reforms and too little $. Launches war against Russia in 1826, gets obliterated.
treaty of gulistan
1813, end of 1st Russo-Perisan War. Russians make Iran pay them, cede them control of whole Caspain Sea, encroach on northern half of Azerbaijan.
treaty of turkomanchai
1828. Iranians consider this when things really sloped downhill. Have to pay Russians, lose land, lowers tariffs for Russian goods, all cheaper than domestic produce. Provision of Extraterritoriality—all Russians not subject to Iranian law. Cascading effect, b/c nations with most favored nation status want the same things the Russians have.
Constantinople falls to the Ottomans in 1453 from the Byzantines.
court of Ottoman Empire. Need less evidence than Shari’ a court, circumstantial evidence more acceptable.
issued by Bayezid II (1481-1512)., says when a sultan comes to the throne must kill his brothers so alternate sources of power are eliminated.
Askeri were elites, ruling class. Military folk, should speak Turkish, Persian, and Arabic. Literate. Mostly muslim but some Jews and Christians.
ruled, taxpayers. Literally means flock, exploited by askeri, who ruled through schools of legal thought. Ruled by elite, no direct involvement from the state.
local notables in Anatolia who ally with Janissaries and bureaucrats, march to Istanbul to stop reforms, remove Selim III from throne.
selim III
1789-1807. Creates translation offices in Istanbul, sets up foreign embassies in Europe. Janissaries resist his reforms so creates parallel army trained like Europeans, important artillery section. Mecial schools created, but debases currency to pay for armies. Tries to eliminate bribes and apprentice system but people resist. Also tries to eliminate tax farming.
mahmud II
1808-1839. First kills Mustafa IV so is last man of Ottoman family left. Understands that if he wants to reform, must go slowly. For next 15 years appoints people to bureaucratic positions loyal to him, builds artillery section of military. 1826 Auspicious Event- fires Jans, they riot, Mahmud uses artillery against them. Then goes after ulama, fixes waqf which is endowments meant for public projects by rich people, which the ulamas salaries were given through.
muhammad ali
1805-1848. Commander of Albanian forces, forms alliance with ulama and Mamluks. Proclaims himself governor of Egypt. Told by Ottoman emperor to go recapture Mecca and Medina from the wahabi, he sends son Ibrahim. Wants to replenish military by building up economy. Imports guns, use Egyptian cotton for uniforms, increases # of workers in city, shift in Nile Valley to cash crops. Attempts to make Egypt independent, tries to get control of Syria and Hijaz but British intervene on behalf of the Ottomans.
reform movements
Ibrahim, Muhammad Ali’s son, wants to create peasant army, educate officers by creating secular, modern Western schools. Also establishes medical schools with French teachers.
means reform. Began with Mahmud II. 1839-1876. Economy grows through cash crops, increase in newspapers with audience who can read it, popular sovereignty with parliament and constitution,
hatt-i sharif of gulhane
1839, government decree that guarantees the life, honor, and property of Ottoman citizens, trying to create nationalistic feeling, conscripts entire empire, eliminates tax farming, removes the millets.
jamal al-din al-afghani
a fantastic orator who starts rhetoric of Pan Islamism, argues for unifying Islamic world to kick British out, argues that modern is not necessarily Western.
suez canal
1854 concession is given to Ferdinand de Lesseps a Frenchman. Khedive Sayid makes horrible deal for the Egyptians with the canal, puts most of cost and manpower of building canal on Egyptians. As Sayid racks up debts, British intervene to protect canal for themselves. Opens in 1869.
abdul hamid II
1876-1909. Prorogs parliament in 1878, suspended, for next 30 years Parliament is prorogued. Seeks to undo any limits on his power, makes informats: people paid to tell on other people. Press no longer free.
committee of union and progress/young turks
form 1889, group of students. Side with Germans in the war because afraid of isolation, Germans generated a lot of goodwill by treating them as equals, and ottomans thought war would be quick and just against the Russians.
public debt commission
created because Isma’il can’t pay loans back for Egypt, European creditors from Austrai, Germany, Italy, and Britain can now check Egyptian books, give more $ back to their countries.
'urabi revolt
Egyptian military officer leads popular revolt 1881-1882, tries to assert control over Egypt. 1882 Battle b/t British and ‘Urabi, British destroy Egyptian military and law institution. Now will occupy Egypt until 1954.
Otomans say gov’t of different countries/religions will try people from their own community. Massive increase of Euros in Ottoman Empire, start system where they give locals citizenship, argue that these citizens should have extraterritorially, don’t have to pay tariffs and taxes. All Ottoman courts could do about bad crimes was deport people.
economic allowance for someone to build something like railroads that after certain number of years reverts back to government.
isma'il (egypt)
1863-1879. Comes to throne during economic boom driven by cotton, American civil war disrupts their cotton. Isma’il uses money to build up infrastructure, but uses too much $, and Egypt ends up with a huge debt, taking out other loans to pay for just the interest.
lord cromer
British commissioner in Public Debt Commission, rejects Isma’il’s plan, forces Egypt to sell shares to the Suez Canal to the British, and to declare bankruptcy, Isma’il forced off the throne. Made viceroy and controls Veil Protectorate, pays debt by cutting taxes and infrastructure, slashes education.
enver pasha
a major in Salanica, finds Talat and Jamal and become core of CUP in salanica.
talat pasha
part of CUP. Makes deal with Enver—secret pact with Germans. Defensive allianace, if Russia enters the war. 1914.
jamal pasha
military commander, part of CUP.
nasir al-din shah
1848-1896. Tries to balance Russians and British, so gives concessions because he’s out of $$, can’t tax effectively. Gives tobacco concession.
muzaffar al-din shah
1896-1907. Son of Nasir, Has all the $ problems but no time to establish power base.
December 1876, Ottomans announce they have a constitution now, will protect all of their citizens, European powers should leave. In Iran constitutional revolution in 1906, but Brtis and Russians prorag it.
tobacco concession
Give by Nasir al-Din Shah in 1890 to Gerald Talbot, imperial tobacco company generates huge amount of revenue for him. Repealed in 1892 b/c Tehran Bazaar, westernized intellectual group, and ulama unite and rally against concession.
william d'arcy
Muzaffar grants concession to him in 1901 for oil exploration in southern Iran, doesn’t find oil till 1908 in Masjed Soleiman. Finds tons of oil, British control it.
Ottoman Empire gets too close to the Suez Canal, so British launch campaign. 1915-Jan 1916. British and New Zealanders fight Turks on the beaches and never get off.
sharif hussayn
Ottoman governor in Mecca nd Medina, who wants to be king of his own state.
amir faysal
Sharif Husyan’s son. Declares Arab Kingdom, becomes king of Syria in 1920 but only for 2 years until French force him out.
t. e. lawrence
sent by British to convice Amir Faysal, Sharif’son, not to take Medina first but to use guerilla campaign against Hijaz railway. Very effective. His forces combined with Arab forces take Jerusalem and Damascus.
mcmahon-husayn letters
Sharif Hussayn asks Egnlish ambassor for weapons. They contact him as Galipolli is going badly, make 3 promises. Say Middle Eastern people can have Hijaz but very vague terms, promise Palestine will have Jewish national home.
British and French deide how to divide up Ottoman Empire. Brits get southern Iran and Mesopotamia, Russians get northern Iraq, Italains get part of Anatolia, French get Syria, Hijaz will be internationalized. Have to shift agreement because of Wilson’s 14 points, but just use mandates instead of divvying up territory.
treaty of sevres
takes longer than Versailles because Ottomans aren’t there, just Britain, France, and Italy decing what to do. 10/20/1920. Partitioned the Empire. Hijaz made international, Armenia made its own state, allies would control Empire’s finances, France received zone of influence in Syria, Greece got part of western Anatolia, Kurdistan supposed to be made. But treaty annulled when Turkish war of independence starts.