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104 Cards in this Set

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Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1881-1938). Trained in military, sent around empire but eventually comes back to Salanica. Initially made his name at Gallipoli, leader of a force that kept British forces on the beaches. Made commander by end. After WWI British land at Anatolia, Turks rally around Ataturk after the Armistice of Mudros. Fighting Greeks and wins, signs Treaty of Lausanne in 1923: Turks get everything they claimed in their nationalist principles except Alexandretta, including Armenia, Kurdistan. Ataturk means father of Turks, huge hero in Turkey still. Established independence on Turkey’s own terms. Believed military shouldn’t be in gov’t so strongly separates the two. State absolutely secular. Islam has no place in gov’t. Imports Swiss law code, women can vote in 1930. Bans fez, encourages Western dress, veil banned from public. Modifies language from Ottoman script to modified Latin alphabet, trying to be more connected to Europe.
In Iran, Americanization is tied to Secularization
In Iran, during Shah’s reign, women put on veil as a protest against Westernization.
balfour declaration
Written by Arthur Balfour in 1917. Conflicting ideas of national home versus national state. Intend to create a minority group that needs permanent British protection so they can stay in area. Don’t want independent Jewish state. Declaration also says it would protect rights of non-Jews—civil and religious rights, missing political and economic rights. Promises things Britain can’t fulfill.
Vladimir Jabotinsky
1880-1940. In Eastern European, begins movement based on idea of auto emancipation: that you cannot rely on Christians to give you freedom because they never will. Movement works along side Socialists and Communists but disagrees with them. Forms Haganah force in response to Dome of the Rock riots.
Theodor Herzl
1860-1904. Writes book called Jewish State, argues for establishment of Jewish state, direct response to Dreyfus Affair. Insists there can never be total assimilation in Europe. Western European, appealing to German and French Jews.
peel commission
done in response to General Strike in Palestine, which was triggered by influx of Jews from Germany and Great Depression. 1937. Offers Partition Plan: plan for two states because think can’t possibly get along after the strike. Plan is countermanded and strike gets worse.
White Paper of 1939
British say they never meant Jewish “state.” Limit immigration to Palestine completely. Balfour Declaration no longer applied at all. Zionists can’t really do anything, because going against British means supporting Nazis at this point, so can’t undermine the war effort.
Hajj Amin al-Husayni
1897-1974. Comes from family of local notables in Palestine. Appointed mufti, becomes focus in 1930s for Palestine resistance to British mandate.
Partition Plan
1947. UN plans to end British mandate of Palestine and to have partition to end Arab-Israeli conflict. AKA UN Resolution 181.
Declaration of Israel
Day that British leave, May 14th 1948, Ben Gurion announces establishment of State of Israel. Within hours, USA and USSR recognize it. Next day, war starts with invasion by Egyptians, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq.
Chaim Weizmann
1874-1952. From England, has connections in gov’t. He is president of WZO and influential in Parliament. Works towards protecting rights of Jews, not local people.
World Zionist Organization
Begins with Jewish State by Theodor Herzl.
Jewish National Fund
designed to buy land. Once bought, it can never be sold, and can only be worked by Jews. Displaces peasants on that land, creates disaffected landless class of peasants who migrate to cities.
Jewish community within Palestine. Debate about differing groups of Jews coming into Palestine.
Waves of Jewish immigration into Palestine called aliyah. 1st aliyahs are not necessary religious. By 1931, there were 174,000 Jews in Palestine. By 1937, 300,000 Jews and 900,000 Arabs. Huge population burst, Jews fleeing Germany. Ben Gurion ignores immigration quotas during WWII, brings in Jewish refugees any way possible. By 1942 most people aware of Holocaust, impetus for bringing Jews in Palestine is increased. After Israel is created in 1948, 670,000 Jews arrive, because law of return was if you were Jewish, you can become an Israeli citizen: no quotas. In 1980s, USSR allows Russian Jews to immigrate and they stream into the West Bank.
Water Issues
Golan Heights, previously part of Syria, contains river/water that enables much of eastern Israel to get water, so Israel wants to maintain control of it. Ghilan—has water that goes to Jordan River, Israelis were diverting water in 1960s, Jordan building canal, Syrians also trying to divert water so Israel will have less downstream.
David Ben Gurion
1886-1973. forms force in response to Western Wall attacks on Jews. Seeks to subvert British by gathering arms to prepare for end of war. Building Jewish Agency into a gov’t in waiting.
formed by Jabotinsky. Members join British army to fight Nazis, getting military training for end of war. Will form core of Haganah after WWII. Because did not engage in terrorism against British during WWII, say they are moderate compared to other groups. Assassinate Lord Moyne in 1944, Churchill shuts down discussion of partition in response.
Stern Gang/LEHI
Abraham Stern and the Stern Gang decide to work on getting rid of British even during WWII, do terrorist attacks against British, but crushed by Haganah. Later known as LEHI, work in Irgun in Dayr Yassin massacre.
military branch of Haganah. Continue terrorist attacks, and by end of war step up activites. Bombed King David Hotel in 1946, headquarters of British gov’t in Palestine. A month before British leave Palestine, kill everyone in town of Dayr Yassin. Intention for it to be warning, but Haganah livid.
Temple Mount/Dome of the Rock
Western Wall is technically part of the Wakfh that owns Dome of the Rock. Arabs go to Brits who agree to remove Jewish barrier set up at Wall intended to divide men and women praying. 1928. After Jews fight police, Britain agrees to put barrier back. Al-Husayni calls on Muslims to defend Dome of the Rock, riots spark and Jews attacked.
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees. Provides relief for refugees in West Bank, Gaza, also Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. Established after 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Provide refugee camps.
Israeli parliament. Don’t have party threshold. If you get enough votes, anyone can have a seat. Must build coalition to get things done, Likud has coalition.
Camp David Accords
9/17/1978. 2 parts, one signed in ’79, makes peace with Israel. 2nd part is framework to do something about Gaza and the West Bank. Egyptians don’t claim either of them. Israel hands back Sinai, and Egypt says Gaza should be Palestinian section. Begin agrees VOCALLY to moratorium on settlement activity there, says later it was for 3 months but Carter and Sadat thought 5 years. Effect is huge—Egypt and Israel now have normal relations.
Peace Treaty
Egypt-Israel Peace Talks. 3/26/1979.
King Farouk
Viewed as suspect morally. King of Egypt. Completely discredited after 1948, when sent badly equipped Egyptian soldiers to WWII.
The Free Officers
Include Nasser and Sadat. Group of officers form and want to overthrow Farouk. In 1952 the Free Officers seize Cairo, get control in a day. Try to get rid of the British. British agree to withdraw by 1956, but Egypt must agree to give British access to canal.
Gamal Abd al-Nasser
1918-1976. Becomes president, attempted assassination used to legitimize total suppression of Muslim Brotherhood, so it becomes violent enemy of state.
Aswan High Dam
Nassar wants to build dam for Nile but incredibly expensive. Asks for loan guarantee from IMF, gets it from USA b/c don’t want him talking to USSR. But then USA mad that he bought weapons from USSR so takes away loan guarantee. Nasser then claims the canal as Egypt’s, insists on nationalization, will use tolls from canal to pay for dam. British, French, and Israelis view this as threat, plain to invade. Gain control of most of canal zone, but Eisenhower is angry, USA demands that British withdraw. UN peacekeeping force buffer b/t Israelis and Egyptians.
Suez Canal Crisis
1956. Ends with US intervention. Israel asks for 2 conditions in order for them to agree to leave Sinai Peninsula: want peacekeeping force in Sinai and want Straits of Tiran to remain open. Will regard blockage of the Straits as an act of war.
The Muslim Brotherhood
Egypt. begins to grow in stature after 1936. Allows peasants to join and move up officer ranks. Through WWII were loyal to the king.
1967 War/Six Day War
Nasser closes Straits of Tiran, so on June 5th 1967 Israel launches pre-emptive strike. Come in and destroy Egyptian airforce on the ground, realize that air force and ground force are both important. Israelis get to Suez in 48 hours. June 6th and 7th, Israelis destroy Jordanian air force. June 9th: Egypt signs peace agreement with Israel, Israel seizes Golan Heights for water. War triples the size of Israel.
UN Security Council Res. 242
Nov 22nd, 1967. Can’t acquire territory through conquest, and can’t threaten existence of a state. Reaction of 6 Day War.
Occupied Territories
After 6 Day War, Israel occupies Gaza Strip, West Bank, Sinai Peninsula, and Golan Heights. Egyptians are loosing revenue from Sinai oil and Suez money.
Green Line
refer to the 1949 Armistice lines established between Israel and its neighbors (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria) after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War
Menachem Begin
1913-1992. Likud party. Very militant. Becomes Prime Minister of Israel, views PLO as Nazi movement. Says that Gaza and West Bank are not up for negotiations under any circumstances.
Moshe Dayan
1915-1981. Israeli, orders his forces to seize Jerusalem right after 6 Day War ends. Didn’t mean to succeed, but it worked. Golan Heights seized by Israelis.
Golda Meir
President of Israel 1969-1974. President during Munich Olympics and Yon Kippur War.
Shimon Peres
Current president of Israel. 2007-. Plans were announced by Peres for joint economic effort in four locations in the West Bank, in a plan known as the Valley of Peace initiative. This effort was to include joint economic and industrial projects, and a jointly-built university, with investment from several countries, including Turkey and Japan.
Yitzhak Rabin
Prime Minister of Israel, 1992-1995. Oslo Accords- PLO and Israel mutually recognized each other.
Ariel Sharon
tank commander for Egypt, crosses river and takes Israelis by surprise in 1973. Agricultural minister under Begin, convinced they could give back Sinai, but not Golan or West Bank, so encourages illegal settlement in West Bank.
Black September
Sept 16th 1970- Hussein of Jordan orders troops into refugee camps and to destroy Fatah. Between 3000-6,000 Palestinians killed. Militant Palestinians forced out of Jordan.
King Hussein
1935-1999. King of Jordan, now ruling a population after 1967 that is 70% Palestinian. Has lost West Bank control so looks very week. 1970—PLO seizes 4 commercial airplanes, Hussein forced to make concessions to free hostages. Comes to decision that he’ll end up being overthrown, so declares war on Palestinians.
1973 War
Sadat of Egypt and Syria launch surprise attack on Israel on Yon Kippur. Sept 6th. Israelis taken by surprise, Egyptian forces cross Suez Canal, push into interior, then stop, b/c point of war just to change status quo. Now in control of Suez, breaks Israelis sense of invincibility. Sadat’s forces push through to interior of Sinai, so USA resupplies Israel, USSR responds by resupplying Egypt and Syria.
Oil Crisis
OPEC demands that US preserve Egypt’s gains in 1973 war or no oil. Lack of response by USA so on Oct 19th, Saudis refuse to sell oil to anyone helping the Israelis. Oil goes from 2$ a barrel to 12$. Oil shock has dramatic negative impact on US economy. Taps not turned back on until 1974.
Causes very rapid shift of wealth to Middle Eastern countries, because they nationalize their oil companies in 1973. Got 300 million before, now got 20 billion a year. Causes rationing and lines in USA. Causes economic distortion in oil countries, but Iranian shah doesn’t spend money well.
AIOC negotiates with Muhammad Reza Shah in 1953. AIOC paying royalty that stayed static no matter how much $ was made. Bad for Iranians. AIOC making 250 mill a year, paying only 90 mill to Iranians. AIOC becomes BP, British Petroleum. BP gets 40% after 1953 coup, USA get 8%, French get 6%...
1948 agreement signed in Saudi Arabia, creates Arabian Oil Company. Biggest oil company in world, set up 50/50 agreement with Saudis. Compared to this Iranian deal looks very bad.
UN S. C. Res. 338
10/22/1973. Called for cease fire in 1973 war. All parties needed to stop fighting and agree to negotiations.
Anwar Sadat
Replaces Nasser in 1970. Has to stop amassing weapons because of bread riots in Cairo. In 1972, he expels all Soviet advisors in the military. Trying to force a change. In late 70s, food riots and growing economic disparity due to military spending. Announces in 1977 that he recognizes Israel as state and will go to Jerusalem for peace. Later he is blamed for abandoning the Palestinians and resistance cells form against him, assassinated.
Designed to be counter to Fatah. Umbrella organization. Ejected from Jordan in 1970, so set up in Beirut, Lebanon. Arafat comes to control PLO in 1969, other Palestinian movements condense into PLO. Seek to undermine Hussein in Jordan. Seize 4 airplanes, makes Hussein give concessions to free hostages. When move to Beirut, launch attacks into Israel, who responds 10fold and hits Shi’a, who resent the PLO who are Sunni.
Yasser Arafat
1929-2004. founds group Fatah in 1958. People who grew up in Gaza, developed sense of hatred towards Israel and Arab gov’ts. Initally funded by Syrian gov’t because useful at border at Ghilan, which has water that goes to Jordan River. Fatah hired to use terrorist attacks to distract Israel from water diverting. However, Fatah’s goal is to provoke retaliation of Israel into Arab countires, want general war—starts 6 day war.
Hafiz al-Assad
President of Syria from 1971-2000. Dictorial regime shaped by years of unstable military rule. Ba’ath party, very repressive, but rivals with Ba’ath party in Iraq. Massively increased Syrian army, very nationalistic.
French Mandate
1920. French given mandate for Syria and Lebanon. Initally divided into 4 states, French wanted to divide it up so would have to stay and protect it. Concede eventually with Syria but have deep economic ties with Lebanon.
National Pact (Lebanon)
Lebanon created in 1928, but does not have Christian majority, French anticipate conflict with all the different religions, and don’t want to leave. However, all groups agree there should be no boundaries for trade and gov’t should be small, except for Shi’a and Druze. In 1943, the elite of Lebanon make a pact that Parliament will be 6:5 Christian to Sunni, and president will always be Christian, and prime minister will always be Sunni.
Roman Catholic Church connected to Maronite Catholic Church, forged in 18th century. Pope recognizes Maronites as Catholics with different rites. Connection used by French to get foothold in Ottoman empire. Maronites not majority of pop in Lebanon, mostly in mountains.
Lebanese Civil War
4/13/1975. Maronite church shot at, then Phalange shoot Palestinian bus. War begins and lasts until 1990. Army called in to restore order but starts shooting at each other. Muslim West Beirut and Christian East Beirut dvided. 1976- Syrian armies enter to restore order but don’t leave for 30 years. 1978- Israeli armies invade Lebanon to stop attacks, but forced to withdraw by UN. Set up army that keeps south quiet. Israelis able to make PLO leave Lebanon, go to Tunisia in 1982.
Maronite Christian militia, best organized in early 70s. Strength increases but people don’t notice because of wealth in Beirut.
The shatila refugee camp was set up in 1949 in Beirut, for Palestinian refugees. Massacre carried out in September 1982 by the Christian Lebanese Forces militia group.
Lebanese Christian Phalangist militiamen were permitted to enter two Palestinian refugee camps, in an area under Israeli army control, and the militia massacred an estimated several hundred to several thousand civilians.
Taif Accord
Ended Lebanese Civil War in 1989. Established framework for removal of Syrian troops from Lebanon. Also transferred some power away from the Maronite sect.
Qajar Dynasty
1796-1925. Up until Ahmad Shah is deposed by Reza Shah.
Iranian parliament. In 1964, passes bill giving US personnel extraterritority. Also accepts 2 million loan from USA.
Sayyid Zia al-Din
newspaper writer who supports British in Iran. Marches with Reza Shah and is made Prime Minister in 1921. Sidelined by Reza Shah because prop-British.
Kuchek Khan
Revolt in Iran in 1917 under Kucheck Khan, makes ties with communists who are starting to build movement. In 1920 Red Army starts to give support to Kuchek Khan and his supporters the Jangalis. Loses their support when Sayyed Zia signs peace treaty with Soviets, revolt falls flat.
Ahmad Shah
1909-1925. Shah of Iran, isn’t forceful, just wants financial gain. Cabinet hires American to help with finances, Russia unhappy, and threatens to invade. Invade in 1911. Reza Shah suggests vacation in 1923…Ahmad shah leaves.
General Edmund Ironside
sent by British to extract all Russian influence from Cossack brigade, which was Iranian soldiers with Russian officers.
Reza Shah
1925-1941. Moved through ranks of Cossack brigade by Ironside. Ironside tells him that he’s leaving country for 3 weeks, gives green light to him. March on Tehran in 1920, appointed Minister of War in 1921. Seeks to create nationalistic identity for Iran. Makes Persian national language, puts $ into education. Consolidates military, first pillar of regime. Every man must serve for period. 2nd pillar- bigger and more efficient bureaucracy, collects taxes better. 3rd pillar- court patronage. Reza parcels out land, gives jobs in gov’t to build links. Not as secular as Ataturk, but sidelines ulama. Bans ashura mourning. Bans veil in 1936, says Western clothes should be worn. Founds Tehran University in 1935. Decrees everyone must take last name. Westernization. Deposed and removed by British because doesn’t expel all Germans when Hitler launches offensive in USSR.
Mohammad Reza Shah
1941-1979. Replaces Reza Shah, is his son. Insecure he will be removed because put on by USA and USSR. Seeks to rebuild military with help from US. Iran military taught with US techniques and weapons. USA leaves 6 months after WWII ends, but USSR does not, wants Tudeh party to take over. After coup against Mossadeq, Shah is restored but very insecure. Declared policeman of Gulf by USA and Brits, selling him huge amounts of military weapons. Economic crisis b/c of wealth coming in from oil, but doesn’t spend it well. By 1978 starting to make concessions but too late.
1951-1953. votes against Reza Shah becoming Shah, from important family. elected to Majlis. Comes to power on back of oil nationalization. Nationalizes oil in Iran in 1951. British dispatch gunboats to Gulf, and all oil companies agree not to buy Iranian oil.
Communists Reza Shah had imprisoned and set free and form party. Based in Tabriz and Tehran. Later perceived as USSR proxy, gets resources from them. CIA plants articles in press that criticizes Tudeh. Agents also infiltrate them and do things to discredit them.
Kermit Roosevelt
Elements in USA CIA that view Mossadeq as a threat, Roosevelt is head of operations in Iran. Starts to try and insinuate that he is Communist, working to transform him into “Red Menace.” Though Mossadeq’s men get wind of the plan an darrest Shah, he runs, and Roosevelt still wants to do coup. Activates V-DAM network, ulama turn against Mosadeq. Army restores order. When Mossadeq calls out troops, army beats Tudeh, so Tudeh abandons Mossadeq. Everyone knows CIA did it and forms tremendous resentment against USA.
Operation AJAX
Codename for CIA’s plan to overthrow Mossadeq’s gov’t with the 1954 coup d’etat.
General Zahdi
Roosevelt wants him to take charge in Iran.
tool of repression used by Iranian shah. Secret police who use torture, imprision. Cows population into submission.
bazaar supports student protests for Khomeini after Shah insults him in newspaper.
White Revolution
Mohammad Reza Shah pays for this in 1963. 6 parts. 1- land reform. Some level of redistribution for peasants, trying to create middle class. 2- sell off factories that had been built previously, to pay for land reform, but need to give workers share of profits. 3- to pay for that, nationalize timber industry. 4- give women the right to vote. 5- creation of literacy corps. 6- administer basic health care. Ayatollah Khomeini resists this, criticizes Shah.
Rex Cinema
1978. anniversary of 1953 coup, fire at cnema where doors were locked. Everyone blames Shah and SAVAK for this. Huge protest at Jaleh square, Shah’s army kills many of them. Breaking point for shah.
Black Friday
protests that occurred on September 8, 1978 in Zhaleh Square Tehran, Iran. The Iranian Government declared martial law in response to protests against the Shah's Rule. According to the anti-government sources, the military of Iran used deadly force, including tanks and helicopter gunships, to break up the largely peaceful demonstrators.
Mujahidin Khalq
Marxists dissent in Iran forms this in 60s and 70s. known as MKO. Terrorist organization that was responsible for deaths of US agents in 70s.
neighborhood watch committees that devolve into morality force, anti-Shah force. Go after people tied to Shah, very bloody.
Iranian hostage crisis
Carter lets Shah come to US for cancer treatment. Nov 4th, 1979, students occupy American empbassy, armed, take 63 hostages. Hold them for 444 days, until Reagan is president. Results in anti-Iran feeling in USA, causes shift to right in American politics in 80s.
Ayatollah Khomeini
1902-1989. After criticizing White Revolution, SAVAK come to arrest him on Ashura, sets off massive protests. Military used to crush them. Speaks out against extraterritorality for USA in 1964, repressed and expelled from Iran. After Rex Cinema, Shah flees, Khomeini returns. Calls for referendum for Islamic republic or not. Becomes Islamic republic, but have officer elections regularly.
Vilayat-I faqih
rulership of the jurisprudent. Khomeini’s idealogy. Legal scholars had been guardians of widows, orphans, etc, so Khomeni says this means Ayatollah should be in charge of state.
Shi’a authority. Makes decisions on Islamic religious law. Tries to prevent individuals from dividing the umma.
Abol Hasan Bani Sadr
First president of Iran. 1980-1981. Impeached because not Islamic cleric.
Mehdi Bazargan
1907-1995. Head of Iran’s interim gov’t, Appointed Prime Minister by ayatollah Khomenei, was democratic and liberal so came into conflict with them.
Ayatollah Khamenei
Marja-i-taqlid, but status controversial. Supreme Leader of Iran since 1989, after Khomeini died. Consistant in his opposition to the USA.
Hashemi Rafsanjani
President of Iran from 1989-1997. Advocated free market economy. Tried to forge better relations with Arab and Asian countries, but relations with US and Europe remained poor.
Mohammad Khatami
President of Iran from 1997-2005. Tried to carry out reforms, but clashed with conservative Islamics. Tried to play a larger role in the Gulf area.
Iran-Iraq War
9/23/1980. Iraqi forces invade Iran, start of 8 year war. Huge casualties, economies shattered. Very nationalistic war. Iraq thought by invading southwest Iran, Arabs their would join him but they don’t. Iraqis use chemical weapons bought from US and Germans on Iranians. By 84, US gives satellite info to Saddam Hussein. War of attrition. Ends partly due to exhaustion, in 1988, stalemate—come away with essentially the same borders.
USS Vincennes
Ship in US Navy that shot down an Iran airplane near the Straits of Hormuz. Accident, after this Khomeini agrees to accept UN peace proposal.
King Faysal I
d. 1933. Iraq. During his rule Ottoman officers gain power, all Sunni. Draw people into officer ranks and gov’t becomes predominantly Sunni.
Hasan al-Bakr
leader of Ba’ath party in 1960s. Start to rely on family ties. Seizes power from 1968-1979. Saddam Hussein is his lieutenant.
Nuri al-Sa’id
1888-1958. Iraq. Never officially rules but controls state, supports West and British.
Abd al-Karim Qasim
1958-1963. Launched coup against Nuri al-Sa’id. Starts to lean towards Socialist programs, following Nasser.
Saddam Hussein
Rules Iraq from 1979-2006. Autocratic dictator, power base was only one clan. Good at using money from oil crisis, Iraq becomes very wealthy. Uses Republican Guard along with regular army. Develops Iraq into police state. Develops cult of personality around himself. Huge economic problems after Iran-Iraq War, massive debt. By 1990, needs $ to pay back loans, invades Kuwait.
Ba’ath Party
new party in 1960s in Iraq that is Pan-Arab, secular, nationalist, with leanings towards Socialism. Syrian Ba’ath head wants to be in charge of new Pan-Arab state. Arif wants to use it to overthrow Qasim. He marginalizes them and they go underground.
Shatt al-Arab
river that constitutes a large portion of the border between Iran and Iraq. Conflicting claims over the river led to the Iran-Iraq War. Iraq’s only outlet to the Persian Gulf.
Operation Desert Shield/Storm
Iraq invades Kuwait on aug 2nd, 1990. World responds negatively, Hussein surprised because no one cared when he invaded Iran. But Kuwait produces 20% of world’s oil. US puts in troops, starts trying to negotiate. 1/16/1991- air campaign beings, destroys Iraq’s infrastructure. Coalition puts in ½ million troops, get Hussein out of Kuwait.
Kurdish/Shi’ite revolts
Starts in 1960s and continues till invasion of 2003. Al-Sa’id’s gov’t had played to Sunnis and ignored Kurds and Shi’a. Hussein wars against them, uses poison gas on them in 1987.
No-fly zones
The Iraqi no-fly zones are two separate no-fly zones (NFZs), and were proclaimed by the United States, United Kingdom and France after the Gulf War of 1991 to protect humanitarian operations in northern Iraq and Shiite Muslims in the south. Iraqi aircraft were forbidden from flying inside the zones. Trying to aid Kurds.
The United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission. Led inspections of alledged weapons of mass destruction facilities in Iraq but didn’t find any, shortly before 2003 invasion.