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61 Cards in this Set

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What are the four physiological functions of skeletal muscle?
Thermogenesis, Protein stores, psychological, and biomechanical
Muscle function: Thermogenesis
refers to non-purposeful, skeletal muscle activity which is important in the maintenance of body temperature - the twitching of skeletal muscles during shivering
Muscle function: Protein stores
Basically, muscles are extremely labile. If you don't exercise for a long time they will atrophy
Muscle function: Psychological
It has an effect on an individual's self-esteem. Especially if it is missing or in a decreased amount
Muscle function: Biomechanical
Muscles can directly convert chemical energy into mechanical energy. They can also absorb shock
This is the cell membrane that surrounds muscle fibers. It is closely associated with a basal lamina composed of glycoproteins stuck to the cell surface and covered by type IV collagen
What substance adds stability to the sarcolemma?
type IV collagen
What is an invagination in the sarcolemma called and why is it useful?
T-tubule. Invagination allows electrolytes and nutrients to have ample diffusion area.
several hundred to several thousand myofibrils make up each myofiber. These are composed of actin and myosin and are arranged in a structure referred to as the sarcomere
muscle fiber. can range anywhere from 45 -120 um
The smallest functional unit of skeletal muscle. It is defined as all structures between the 2 Z lines.
A band
The portion of a sarcomere which contains myosin filaments (and some actin)
H zone
area of the sarcomere in the A band where no actin filaments overlap
Zones in muscles that shorten
HI (say HI to the muscle)
the cytoplasm not related to the contractile process. Contains electrolytes, ribosomes, mitochondria, and glycogen, etc.
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
composed of the 2 lateral cisternae and the longitudinal tubules. Release of calcium occurs from the lateral cisternae
Which of the two muscle types contains more lateral cisternae and why?
Type II muscles because they need to contract and relax more rapidly
This structure separates the 2 lateral cisternae in the Sarcoplasmic reticulum
Type I fibers
slow twitch, red oxidative fibers
Type II fibers
IIa - fast twitch, oxidative
IIb - fast twitch, glycolytic
What are the four major proteins in the sarcomere?
myosin, actin, tropomyosin, and the troponin complex
Myosin is the ___ filament and Actin is the ____ filament.
Myosin is the Thick filament and Actin is the Thin filament
What are the three proteins contained in the troponin complex?
Troponin T, Troponin I, and Troponin C
What determines force in a contraction?
The number of cross-bridges
What are three important features of the contractile process?
1.) Hydrolysis of ATP
2.) "" "" which is associtated with a physical-chemical phenomenon resulting in muscle shortening and tension development
3.) Interaction 1 and 2 must be controlled by calcium
Describe calcium after depolarization as it relates to the contractile process.
Depolarization of T-tubule causes the release of Ca++ from the SR and activates the contraction process. Removal of Ca++ results in relaxation
Low ATPase in muscles results in what velocity of muscle shortening? High ATPase? What types of muscles are these found in?
Type I muscle - low ATPase, slow
Type IIb muscle - high ATPase, fast
How many G-actin molecules are there per half turn on the F-actin polymer?
Where does the tropomyosin lie within the sarcomere?
in the "groove" between the 2 actin helices, such that there is a tropomyosin molecule in contact with every actin molecule
Troponin I
the interaction inhibitor protein
Troponin T
the tropomyosin-binding molecule binds to tropomyosin
Troponin C
the calcium-binding component
Describe the Troponin Complex's organization within the sarcomere.
1 troponin for every 7 actin molecules. Stable without Ca++
Ca++ causes transformation of Troponin which results in tropomyosin moving away from the binding sites on actin
T/F Binding of Ca++ to the troponin complex at troponin C effects 7 actin, the one it was directly covering and three adjacent actins on both sides of the original actin
Describe the reaction mechanism of contraction. Six steps.
1. ATP Hydrolysis
2. Formation of Active Complex
3. Phosphate release
4. Power stroke
5. Product dissociation (rate limiting step)
6. Dissociation of Actin and Myosin
Why does rigor mortis occur?
It occurs because there is no more ATP to Dissociate the Actin and Myosin
Excitation-Contraction Coupling - describe how Ca++ can be quickly used and removed.
SR stores Ca++ and the diffusion distance to Troponin C is short.

Longitudinal SR can also transport calcium back into storage rapidly for relaxation
Excitation-Contraction Coupling - discuss the mechanical coupling occuring between the voltage change in the T-tubule and the opening of the calcium release channel in the SR of the skeletal muscle
At a relaxed state cytoplasmic calcium levels are at about 1x10^7 molar.

T-tubule has DHPR, the voltage receptor, and SR has RyR1 (ryanodine receptor), which allows for rapid release of calcium that quickly reaches the troponins
Describe calcium removal by the SR.
Uses SERCA (sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum which is a Ca2+ - ATPase
Compare Ca++ uptake rates by SERCA in type I and Type II skeletal muscles
Type II faster than Type I
Creatine Phosphate
This is the major storage form of high-energy phosphates in muscle and greatly exceeds the amount of ATP. It rephosphorylates ATP. CP stores last for about 30 seconds of maximal exercise
Generation of Chemical energy in skeletal muscle contraction can be by which two major pathways?
Anaerobic - results in lactic acid, which weakens the muscle

Aerobic - by oxidative phosphorylation makes LOTS of ATP
Which does are body use first for energy in the muscles, fat or sugars?
Type I fibers use primarily the ____ pathway and Type IIa primarily use ____ pathway and Type IIb uses the ____ pathway
Type I, aerobic
Type IIa, aerobic
Type IIb, anaerobic
T/F Distribution of Type I and Type II skeletal muscles altered by training
FALSE - Type I and Type II skeletal muscle distribution is genetically determined
Skeletal Muscles:
What is Twitch?
the response to a single AP is a sharp rise and fall in force (related to crossbridge binding)
Skeletal Muscles:
What is summation?
Increased force production by a muscle due to repetitive stimulation
Tetanic Contractions
Increased frequency of AP by stimulation results in greater tension developed by the muscle
Rate Coding
Form of force summation in skeletal muscles that is controlled by the CNS
Recruitment (skeletal muscles)
Increasing the number of Motor Units recruited increases the amount of force
Isometric Contraction
No change in length
Total Tension
the observed tension when a muscle is maximally stimulated at a fixed length
Passive Tension
the tension developed in the muscle when not stimulated adn results from the passive elastic properties of the muscle
Active tension
the difference between the total tension and the passive tension. Tension produced by the sarcomeres (specifically the # of cross-bridge interactions
Isotonic muscle contraction
muscle changes length as a result of the force of the contraction. When muscle force is greater than the attached load, the muscle shortens and moves the load.
Concentric muscle action
shortening of muscle as a result of isotonic muscle contractionj
This is the amount of force that muscle exerts to equal the opposing force
Energy consumption for muscle consumption (3 components)
Isometric energy (internal shortening or tension required to hold the load, isometric phase)

Energy to perform the work (move the load)

Energy for the rate of moving of the load (velocity of shortening of the muscle)
Velocity of shortening
When this is smaller, we are able to exert maximal force. We sacrifice force as we increase this velocity
additional resistance not directly related to the load. Added tension that requires slowed down movement
Eccentric muscle actions
muscle tension developed while lengthening or being stretched - greater forces are developed here than in concentric muscle actions