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30 Cards in this Set

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What is the relationship between Potassium and Magnesium?
A low magnesiu level usually accompanies a low potassium level
BUN reflects?
The metabolic function of the liver and the excretory function of the kidneys
B/c urea is formed in the liver as the end product of protein metabolism
What is the ratio of creatinine and the BUN
Hyponatremia: Signs and Treatment
Lethargy, Confustion, Muscle cramps, twitching
Restricting fluids safer than IV saline solutions but if prescribed administer them very slowly
Thirst, Hyperpyrexia, Irritability
Restrict sodium in diet and increase water intake
Hypokalemia:Causes; Treatment; Symptoms
Causes=Hyperaldosteronism and Cushing's
Signs= flat t wave, decreased GI motility, muscle weakness
Treatment: Administer potassium
Eat foods with potassium= bananas, oranges, cantaloupes, avocado, spinach, potatoes
defined by the body's overproduction of aldosterone, a hormone that controls sodium and potassium levels in the blood. Its overproduction leads to retention of salt and loss of potassium, which leads to hypertension (high blood pressure).
Aldosterone-secreted by the adrenal gland( adrenal cortex)
Hyperkalemia: Causes, Treatment; Symptoms
Addison Disease
Bradycardia, Flaccid pralysis, Tall T waves
Administer 50% gluocse with regular insulin; Calcium gluconate to protect the heart
Hypocalcemia: Causes, Treatment; Symptoms
Hypoparathyroidsim, Pancreatitis
Tetany, Positive Trousseau Sign, Tingling of extremities
Administer calcium supplements 30min before meals, Administer calcium slowly infiltration can cause tissue necrososis
Hypercalcemia;Causes ,Treatments, Symptoms
Polyruia, Polydypsea,
Administer calcitonin= reduced Ca level
Glaucoma is usually.......
Painless and symtpom free. It is usually picked up as part of a regular eye examination
What is the purpose of eye drops in a glaucoma client?
Eye drops are used to cause pupil contriction because movements of the muscles to constrict causes aqueous humor to flow= decreased pressure in the eye
Teaching for Pilocarpine
Eye drop used in glaucoma patients, caution vision may be blurred for 1-2 hours after administration and that adaptation to dark environments are difficult
Conductive Hearing Loss
sound does not travel well to the sound organs of the inner ear
The volume is less but clear and if you speak up hearing is normal
Phospharus Level
Hyperthyroidism aka
Graves Disease, Goiter
-excessive activity of the thyroid gland
-Acceleration of Body processes
Weight Loss
Increased appetite
Increased BP
Heat intolerance
Thyroid Storm
Uncontrolled hyperthyroidism occcurs with Graves Disease
Signs= Anxiety, Agitation and elevated BP
Care focused on maintaining airway
What drugs may be given to treat Hypothyroidism?
Propylthiouracil (PTU)
Methimazole (Tapazole)
Propaolol (Inderal)=decrease in excessive sympathetic stimulation
PTU- dosage is based on weight and is given over several months
Postoperative care thyoidectomy
Be prepared Laryngeal Edema
Tracheostomy set at the bedside with O2
Suction Machine
Calcium Gluconate
Signs of Laryngeal Edema= hoarseness or inability to speak clearly
Parathyroids may be removed with a thyroidectomy- 1st indication problem with parathyroids
decrease in calcium level prior to operation
If two or more parathyoids have been removed what is the impact on nursing care
The client is @ greater risk for tetany
Monitor fr tingling of toes
Chvostek sign ( twitching of lip after tap on cheek)
Trousseau sign ( carpopedal spasm after BP cuff inflated)
Hypothyroidism aka
Hashimoto disease
Fatigue, Dry Hair, Weight Gain, Cold intolerance, Dull Emotions
What is a complication of Hypothyroidism
Myxedema Coma
Signs= hypotension, hypothermia, hyponatremia, hypoglycemia, respiratory failure
Primary Adrenocortical Deficiency aka......
Addison Disease
characterized by a lack of cortisol, aldosterone, androgens
Signs of shock
Complications of Addison Disease?
Addison Crisis
Caused by sudden withdrawal of sterioids or a stressful event
Vascular collapse
Treatment of Addison Crisis
1. Rapid infusion of large amounts of IV fluids
2. IV glucose
3. IV hydrocortisone (Essential)
4.Aldosterone replacement
Cushing Syndrome
Excess adrenocorticoid activity usually caused by chonic administration of corticosteroids
Signs of Cushing
Truncal Obesity
Abdominal Striae
Buffalo Hump
Edema, poor wound healing, easy bruising
Hirsutism in females
Client teaching for client taking steroids
1. Take with meals to prevent gastric irritation
2. Never skip doses
3. If have N/V for more than 12-24 contact MD
What are the peak action times of these types of insulin?
Rapid- 2-4
Intermediate- 6-12
Long Acting- 14-20