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37 Cards in this Set

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Order of levers from least to most

Second, First, Third

ATP usage from least to most

Phosphagen, Glycolysis, Oxidation

What binds to troponin?


What skeleton does the coccyx belong to?

Axial skeleton

What regulates the strength of muscular contractions?


Hypertrophy uses what type of muscle fibers?

Type ll

What is the chemical energy source utilized by the body?


What type of trying gets reversed at a more rapid rate?


What is phosphogen regulated by?

Creatine Kinase

What determines fast or slow glycolysis?

Fate of pyruvate

What is the protein in skeletal muscle?


What type of gas exchange occurs in the lungs?


What is the rate limiting step in glycolysis? Krebs?

PFK; Isocitrate Dehydogenoase

What anatomical plane is a deadlift performed in?


What is the functional unit of neuromuscular junction?

Motor unit

What muscle type is a fast twitch?

Type ll

What type of anatomical plane is a lunge performed in?


What has the greatest energy yield from glycolysis?

Muscle Glycogen

True eccentric contraction

Force < Resistance

What force has the greatest mechanical advantage?

Resistive Force

What shortens during a contraction?

Sarcomere shortens

VO2 Max increases and

It increases the capacity to deliver O2 to working muscles

Motor unit fact

Traditionally thought to only contain 1 fiber type

Where are muscle spindles found? GTOs?

Skeletal Muscles; Junction of mm and tendon

What energy system predominates?


What is not an adaptation to chronic aerobic training?

Increases max hr

What changes @ 4,200ft?

Increases CO @ rest

Once the primary pacemaker stops whats the LAST pacemaker?

Purkinji Fibers

What muscle fiber type contains the most mitochondria?

Type 1

Chronic endurance training results in a shift toward what product?


Increasing ADP, AMP, Pi, and ammonia does what

Increases glycolysis

What is the P-wave?

Atrial depol


vent repol

Fate of pyruvate during fast glycolysis


What muscle fibers does an individual switch to with detraining?

Type lla -> llx

Anabolic process

Muscle hypertrophy

What regulates stroke volume?

EDV and action of catecholemines