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42 Cards in this Set

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The american society of anesthesiologists physical staus mesure for patients undergoing surger
Class 1 - Normal and heathy - no known dieaes
class2 mild systemic disease i.e. presnce of essential hypertension or mild typ II diabetes
class 3 sever systemic dieases i.e. presnce of essential hypertension or mild type II diabetes,
class 4 - incapcitatin systemic diease that is a threat to life i.e. advanced cardiac, renal, pulmonary hepatic or endocrine insuffiency
class 5 moribund patient - who is not expected to live with or without surgery
EMERGENCY OPERATION - any patient in one of hte above classes who is operated ona s an emergency
Stages of anesthesia
Stage 1: analgesia (characterized by variable degrees)
Stage 2: delirium ( extends from loss of concisousness until the beginning of surgical anesthesai) - unocnsciousness, irregualr breathing pupils dialted
stage 3: surgical anesthesia - sleep, sensory loss, muscle tone loss
stage 4: medullary paralysis - reversible respiratory failure or irreversible cardiovascular collapse
Wydase (hyaluronidase)
used in local blocks
permits more rapid spread of solutions into tissues, increased indence of toxic reactions, reduces duration of action
ankle block
saphenous nerve, posterior tibial nerve, sural nerve, superficial peroneal nerve, deep peronela nerve
indications for lumbar epidura nad caudal anestheisa
when lower extremity surgery may be risky for hte patient to due ot a preexisting meidcla problem liek ashm or RA
patient who are not suitbale cnadadates for muscle realxnats ie myasthenia gravis
contraindicatiosn for lumbar or caudal aneshtsia
sever hemorrhage or shock, at proposed punctuer site, septicemai, neurologic disease , exteme sof age,
adavantages of s;inal anesthesia over epedural aneshteisai
less local anesthic drug is need
less tiem is need to achieve an adequat block
level fo aneshtesia is more predictabel
easier to perform
advantages of epdiural naesthesai over spinal anesthesia
allow segmental anesthesia
postoerative headache does not occcur
hypotension is lsess liekly
can be maintaitn 1-2 days into the postoperative period as use ful methot for relif of pain
don ont have to remain in baed as long as with spina
what is succinylcholne used ofor
muscle relaxant used to quicly establish an airway especially when reguritation and aspiration pneumonits are a risk
can cause masseter spasm
symptosm of hypnatremia
comfusion, anorexia, lehtargy, nausea, vomiting, coma, and seizures
How do you trat hyponatremai if
hypovolemic-hypotonic: treat with isotonic salin
hypervolemic-hypotonic: trat with restricion of water and consider diureics
sings and symptoms of hypokalemia
disorders of muscle physioogy, rspiratory arrest, cardia arrhytmias
signs and symptoms of hyperkalemia
muscle weakness
cardiac conduction abnormalities (dangerous as K+ leves reach 7 mEq/L)
signs and symptoms of PE
dyspnea, pleuritc chest pain, hemptysis, tachypnea, cough, wheezig nad fever
what anesthtics predispose pt. to nausea nd vomiting
opioids,nitrous oxid, volatile anesthtic, barbituates.
what local anesthetic has the longes tduration
bupivicaine (marcaine)
signs and symptoms of PE
dyspnea, pleuritc chest pain, hemptysis, tachypnea, cough, wheezig nad fever
what anesthic should not be used in children under the age of 12
what anesthtics predispose pt. to nausea nd vomiting
opioids,nitrous oxid, volatile anesthtic, barbituates.
EKG for hyperkalemia
peaked T waves, ST depression, prolonged PR intervals, loss of P wave,
what local anesthetic has the longes tduration
bupivicaine (marcaine)
what anesthic should not be used in children under the age of 12
EKG for hyperkalemia
peaked T waves, ST depression, prolonged PR intervals, loss of P wave,
treatment of hyperkalemia
kayexalete, glucose and inulsin
dalyyis if necessary
respiratory effect of hypothermia
hypoxic ventilatory drive may be deprressed or absent i nprece of ypothermai.
carovascualr efects of hypothermia
hear rate and cariac out changes
prononged PR interva, widened QRS comples
what organ has the largest proportioante reduction in blood flwo with hypothermia
kidneys, GFR decreased 60%
most common potop upper extremiat complications
brachial plexus injuris
most common post op lower extremity injureis
sciatic nerve injury
femora nerve injur due to ecessive angualtion fothe thig
common peroneal nerve injury (most commony damaged)
obturatur nerve
what drugs could you give to prevent post op nausea and vomiting
etilogy of malignant hyperthermai
thoght to be due to reduction in the reputake of Ca by the sarcoplasmic reticulum
most common potop upper extremiat complications
brachial plexus injuris
clinical features of malignant hyperthermai
unexplained tachycardia
hypercarbia or tachypneaacidosis
muscle rigidy
ventricualr arrhymias
fever s a late sign
most common post op lower extremity injureis
sciatic nerve injury
femora nerve injur due to ecessive angualtion fothe thig
common peroneal nerve injury (most commony damaged)
obturatur nerve
what drugs could you give to prevent post op nausea and vomiting
etilogy of malignant hyperthermai
thoght to be due to reduction in the reputake of Ca by the sarcoplasmic reticulum
clinical features of malignant hyperthermai
unexplained tachycardia
hypercarbia or tachypneaacidosis
muscle rigidy
ventricualr arrhymias
fever s a late sign
treatment for malignat hyperthermia
discontinue all anesthics
correct arrhythmia s with procainamide
What are some anesthetics for people with a predisposition to malignant hyperthemia
benzodiazepines - narcotics
nitrous oxide
use of diazepam
prevent and treat convulsions
also sedative and amnesic effect
side effects of halothane
myocardial depressant may trigger malgnant hyperthemai, can produc arrhytmias, senstized myocardium to catechoalmines, psoterative shivering
side effects of isoflurane
depresse cardiovascualr system, shivering postoperatively