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60 Cards in this Set

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Most powerful diaphoretic
Ma Huang
This herb is used for EXTERIOR DEFICIENT CONDITIONS in which sweating does not improve patients condition. Patient sweating is due to a wei qi xu.
Gui Zhi
Commonly used to treat EXTERIOR-EXCESS because of it's strong function to induce perspiration.
Ma Huang
This herb dilates the lung to relieve dyspnea and wheezing?
Ma Huang
This herb enters the LU and UB channel to regulate water circulation. It can increase perspiration and increases urine output to reduce edema?
Ma Huang
This herb invigorates circulation to treat YIN sores caused by blood xu with stagnation of cold and phlegm.
Ma Huang
Can treat both excess and deficiency cases of wind-cold invasion.
Gui Zhi
Warms the chong and the Ren to treat irregular menstruation caused by Yang Xu (cold) and qi stagnation. Facilitates the flow of blood in the blood vessels.
Gui Zhi
Warms Yang energy in the chest and eliminates cold or phlegm stagnation. Commonly used today to treat myocardial infarction, angina pectoris and cardiac insufficiency caused by yang xu when no heat signs are present.
Gui Zhi
Regulates qi and expands the chest. Treats exterior wind-cold syndrome with qi stagnation showing as chest fullness and chest congestion.
Zi Su Ye
Warms the chest and treats Yang Xu accumulation of phlegm which presents as fullness in the chest, dizziness, vertigo and palpitations.
Gui Zhi
Promotes movement of spleen and stomach qi. Regulates spleen and stomach qi.
Zi Su Ye
Seafood poisoning with nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. *fish and crabs
Zi Su Ye
Cam fetus: morning sickness (upward reversal of fetus qi), threatened abortion and restless fetus (abnormal descending of fetal qi).
Zi Su Ye
This herb treats various itching and dematological disorders, caused by wind, in their their INITIAL stage. Good for skin problems like measles, pruritic skin eruptions, eczema. *Contraindicated for fully erupted measles or open sores.
Jing Jie
Charred form of this herb is used to stop bleeding.
Jing Jie
Good herb for vaginal discharge?
Jing Jie and Bai zhi
One of the most effective herbs for dispelling wind without causing dryness?
Fang Feng
Herb of choice when body aches and pain are the chief complaint.
Fang Feng
You can use this herb when wind is the predominant factor in dematological disorders such as rashes, eczema, boils, rubella and uticaria. It relieves itching.
Fang Feng
Dispels internal wind. Muscle spasms and cramps are a common manifestations of liver wind. This herb enters Liver channel, dispels wind and relieves muscle cramps.
Fang Feng
Commonly used to treat conditions such as tetanus, hyperflexia, trismus, glottal spasms, trembling and seizures.
Fang Feng
When charred to ashes, stops bleeding.
jing jie
This herb is good for intestinal wind - liver spleen disharmony. Painful, recurrent diarrhea. Also, may manifest as stool in blood.
Fang Feng
These 2 herbs are the closest to neutral in Wind-cold category?
Jing Jie
Fang Feng
Representative herb for wind?
fang feng
Jing Jie cannot be used for liver wind?
true, Fang Feng can.
Fang Feng still relieves itching even though it is not a main action. Jing Jie is a little stronger.
This herb expels wind in channels. (external wind lodged very deep inducing internal wind). Combines with other herbs to
fang feng
Bright blood in the stools and abdominal cramping (not dysentary) is internal wind (ulcerative collitis)
We EXPEL when it is exterior condition. We ________ when it is a interior condition.
Taiyang headache
qiang hou
yangming headache
bai zhi
Shaoyin headache
xi xin
Jueyin (vertex) and Taiyang headache
gao ben
arsenic poisoning
fang feng
vomiting due to wind cold
sheng jiang
This herb is most effective at treating wind, cold and dampness from the upper body and is commonly used to treat conditions such as occipital headache, neck, and shoulder muscle aches and pains and joint pain in the upper body.
qiang huo
This herb is incompatible with honey.
cong bai (scallion)
Apply topically to relieve carbuncles
cong bai
Stops leukorrhea
bai zhi
These 5 herbs release exterior wind cold by inducing sweating. List in order from strong to weak.
1. Ma Huang - strongest
2. Gui Zhi - moderate
3. Zi Su Ye - weak
4. Sheng Jiang - weakest
5. Cong Bai - weakest
6. Xiang Ru - wind-cold with SUMMER DAMP
These 2 herbs release both wind-cold and wind-heat?
1. Fang Feng
2. Jing Jie
These 4 herbs are good for headaches. List herb and the channel.
1. Gao Ben - Taiyang headache and Jueyin
2. Qiang Huo - Taiyang headache
3. Bai Zhi - Yangming headache
3. Xi Xin - Shaoyin Headache
These 7 herbs can be used to treat Bi Syndrome/Painful obstruction/Bi Zheng
Ma Huang
Gui Zhi
Fang Feng
1. Gao Ben
2. Qiang Huo
3. Xi Xin
4. Cang Er Zi
These 4 herbs relieve Nasal Disease
1. Cang Er Zi
2. Xin Yi Hua
3. Bai Zhi
4. Xi Xin
2 herbs that harmonize the stomach, treat morning sickness and seafood poisoning?
1. Sheng jiang
2. Zi Su Ye
2 herbs in wind cold category that are closest to neutral?
Jing Jie and Feng Fang
Promote pus discharge. Contraindicated is pus is already draining smoothly.
bai zhi
“do not use xi xin over 1 qian (3gm)” Nephro toxic.
xi xin
incompatible with lilu
xi xin
Sheng jiang can relieve the toxicity of what herbs?
ban xia

tian nan xing
works in combination with da zao to harmonize ying and wei qi for wind-cold xu?
sheng jiang
Consider Sheng Jiang "moving" and treats upper/middle jiao.
paired up for nasal issues
cang er zi and xin yi hua

***bai zhi and cang er zhi
Chao (dry fry) to reduce toxicity
cang er zi
Aromatic herbs in this category?
zi su ye
jing jie
qiang huo
xiang ru
summer time cold with damp (diarrhea)
xiang ru
Name the herbs that treat BI Syndrome in this category
Ma Huang
Gui zhi
fang feng
gao ben
qiang huo
xi xin
nasal congestion with a lost sense of smell?
xin yi hua