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56 Cards in this Set

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Cough for 4 days. SSx started with fever and body aches. Cough with a yellow sputum that is difficult to expectorate accompanied by chest constriction. Urine is turning yellow. Tongue: Red w/ a greasy coat. Pulse: Rapid & Pulse
Phlegm Heat in the Lungs

Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan
Pt complains of fever 2 days. Sore & swollen throat & HA. Fever w/ body aches. Children came home with flu. Pulse = rapid & floating. Tongue has a red tip
Wind Heat Invasion

Yin Qiao San

(Yin Qiao Chieh Tu Pien / Yin Qiao Jie Du San)
Joint pain swollen deformed. Pain is stabbing & Fixed in several locations throughout the body. Worse with pressure & worse in morning. Tongue: Purple. Pulse: Wiry, Choppy
Blood Stasis Bi

Shen Tong Zhu Yu San
Blood Stasis Bi Tx P:
Vitalize Blood, Eiminate Cold, Stop Pain
Pain in multiple joints. Migrating pain. Joints feel cold, and are hard to warm. Had the flu a couple months ago  condition.
Wandering Bi

Fang Feng Tang
wandering bi Tx P?
Expel wind, disperse cold, remove obstruction, stop pain
Male 75, psoriasis 4 years, itching sore, t: red w/ yellow coat; wiry forcefull
Excessive heat in the qi & blood levels

Fang Feng Tong Sheng San
List ingredients and dosage in dang gui bu xue tang
6 dang gui
30 huang qi
58 joint pain, swelling stiffness, burning pain. Extremities feel cold to touch, but to her they feel hot. Worse in fingers and toes. She has been diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis and also Curvature of the spine. She has loose stools. Tongue: pale w/ red sides and white coat. Pulse: tight and rapid.
What is Dx, TxP, and 5 herbs to treat this?
Joint pain dt cold and heat toxin pathogens

Clear heat and disperse cold simultaneously

Jin yin hua, lian qiao, gui zhi chi shao yao, ji xue tang
Which herb use for chills and mild fever neck pain and diarrhea
Ge Gen
What txp for aids patient?
Clear Excess, Tonify Deficiency
What is not a cause of Dry Eczema?
Wet Damp without Wind
Dui Yao for oozing & weeping sores?
yi yi ren & di fu zi
Formula for wind damp cold bi in an elderly pt w/ chronic pain
Duo Huo Ji Sheng Tang
Formula to tonify qi in an immune compromised patient?
Si Jun Zi Tang
Which herb add to si jun zi tang increase immune Fx?
Ling Zhi
Niu Bang Zhi category?
C. A. R. E.
Which herb clears toxic heat. Clears heat at the blood level?
Xuan Shen
Pt w/ high fever w/ profuse sweat aversion to heat, red face, severe thirst, irritability, flooding, foreful slippery rapid pulse; HA toothache, bleeding gums and nose?
Excessive Heat in Yang Ming

Bai Hu Tang
Which herb is salty, sweet, bitter, and cold. Enters the Kidney, Lung, Stomach.
Clears Heat and Cools the Blood (clear the nutritie level decoction - qing ying tang);
nourishes the yin, especially for warm heat pathogen diseases w/ ssx such as constipation and irritability;
Softens hardness and dissipates nodules, for neck lumps due to phlegm fire as well as severe throat pain and swelling
Xuan Shen
What are the characteristics of xu type pain?
Chronic intermittant pain aggravated by exercise
What herbs are in Wen Den Tang? Er Chen Tang plus ??
Wen Den Tang plus
Zhu Ru and Zhi Shi
Patient presents with high fever w/ profuse sweating and aversion to heat, red face, severe thirst, and irritability.
Pulse: flooding, foreful slippery, rapid pulse.
SSx may also include: HA, toothache, bleeding of gums and nose? Dx & formula?
Yang Ming Excessive Heat

Bai Hu Tang
Yang Ming Excessive Heat TxP & Formula?
Clear Qi Level Heat, Drains Stomach Fire, Generates Fluiuds, and Alleviates Thirst

Bai Hu Tang
Pain in the hypochondria, HA, dizziness, red and sore eyes, hearing loss, swelling in the ears, a bitter taste in the mouth, irritability, short temper, a wiry, rapid, and forceful pulse, and a red tongue with a yellow coat. Difficult and Painful urination with a sensation of heat in the urethra, swollen and pruritic external genitalia or foul swelling luekorrhea.
Liver Gallbladder Heat

Clear DH in the lower burner

Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
Characteristics of xu type pain?
chronic intermittent pain aggravated by excercize
Herbs that treat cancer patient; Increase WBCs?
Yu Zhu & He Shou Wu
Dui Yao to increase RBCs?
Dang Gui & Lu Rong
What are the actions of Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
Drains Fire Excess from the Liver and Gallbladder;
Clears and Drains Damp Heat Excess from the Lower Burner
Which herb is Salty, Sweet & Slightly Cold; Enters the Lungs and Liver. Disperses Wind and Clears Heat; Vents Rashes; Clears the Eyes & Removes Superficial Visual Obstruction; Stops Spasms and Extinguishes Wind
Chan Tui
List the Ingredients in Er Chen Tang?
Ban Xia,
Chen Pi,
Fu Ling,
Zhi Gan Cao
In the begining stages of Lupus what is going on?
Toxic heat attacks the Spleen / Stomach.
Which herb is Bitter & Cold. Enters the Heart, LI, Liver and Stomach. Clears heat and drains dampness; drains fire and resolves fire toxicity; clears heat and stops bleeding; clears heat topically
Huang Lian
Western categories of bi syndrome include all of the following except?
Systemic Lupus
Bone Fractures
Acute of Chronic Arthritis
Bone Fractures
What is not true of skin rashes dt internal wind?
wind can be caused by spleen xu
What category is Da Huang?
purgatives, downward draining herbs
Which herb in the clear heat and cool xue category has the functions: clears heat and cools xue; relieves fire toxicity; vents rash, clears damp heat form the skin, moistens the intestines, unblocks the bowels?
Zi Cao
What are the functions/actions of Xiao Chai Hu Tang?
Harmonize and Release Shao Yang Disorder
What is the Dui Yao for Tx of wind cold damp bi?
Qiang Huo and Du Huo
Du Yao clear heat from the head?
Ju Hua and Man Jing Zi
Dui Yao for wind heat?
Gui Zhi and Ma Huang
What is the common function of Shi Gao and Zhi Mu?
Clear Heat and Purge Fire
Which Dui Yao breaks blood stasis for abdominal masses?
San Leng and E Zhu
In cases of bi syndrome with damp predominant it is important to drain excess fluids. Which combo is used for swelling of the legs, feet, or hands?
Yi Yi Ren & Fang Ji
Which herb do you add to a skin rash formula to treat heat in the xue level?
Chi Shao
Which formula is most appropriate to treat all types of boils and carbuncles w/ eythema swelling, heat and pain w/ fever and chills. Tongue red w/ yellow coat. Pulse rapid
Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin
Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin actions
Clears heat, relieves toxicity, cools the blood, and reduces swelling
Fang Feng Tong Sheng San
disperses wind, releases the exterior, drains heat, and unblocks the bowels. for excess heat in the interior and exterior
Which modification of Liu Wei Di Huang Wan can be used to treat yin xu w/ vigorous fire?
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan

(liu wei di huang wan w/ zhi mu and huang bai)
Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang targets what body area?
Uterus and Lower Jiao
Which of the 'yellows' targets upper jiao heat?
Huang Qin
Which herb is acrid, bitter, slightly cold. Enters the heart, liver, and kidney. Clears heat and cools the blood. Clears fire from xu (yin xu fire). Invigorates the xue and dispels stasis. Clears ascending liver fire. Drains pus and reduces swelling topically.
Mu Dan Pi
Which herb from the invigorate xue category also expels blood stasis, tonifies the liver and kidneys, induces the downward movement of blood and fire.
Nui Xi
Which herb to tonify the liver and kidney, strengthen sinews and bones, calms the fetus and stop uterine bleeding, promotes the movement of xue, alleviates pain?
Xu Duan
which of the following herbs does not clear xu heat?
zhi mu
di gu pi
shi gao
xuan shen
shi gao
which herb has strong and reliable function to stop bleeding and transform blood stasis?
San Qi