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77 Cards in this Set

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1. guiding herb – to shoulders, neck, occiput, head - **Occipital HA**

2. Releases exterior & disperses cold – WC stiff neck, achy shldrs, upper back, occiput

3. Unblocks painful obstruction (Bi) & alleviates pain – WCD Bi, esp upper limbs & back, joint pain, arthritis
1. has affinity for the head – reaches vertex – great for headache, not used to rel. surface **Vertex HA**

2. Discharges exterior conditions & disperses cold - chronic headaches & nasal congestion

3. Dispels wind, overcomes dampness, and A.P. – WCD Bi, acute lower back pain from WC
1. Tonifies the blood & regulates the menses – amenorrhea

2. Invigorates & harmonizes the blood & dispels cold – stops pain due to blood stasis. Abdominal pain, traumatic injury.

3. Moistens the Intestines & unblocks the bowels – dry Intestines due to blood deficiency

4. Reduces swelling, expels pus, generates flesh, & A.P. – sores & abscesses
1. nourishes fluids – alleviates thirst by raising ST fluids, treats diarrhea
2. Discharges exterior conditions & releases the muscles fever, headache, stiff or tight upper back & neck.

3. Relieves heat & generates fluids – for irritability & thirst from ext. contracted heat or wasting & thirsting w/
internal heat.

4. Vents & discharges measles

5. Raises the Yang & stops diarrhea - diarrhea or dysentery due to heat.
1. Nourishes the blood & regulates the menses – for blood def. w/ menstrual dysfunction, vaginal discharge

2. Calms & curbs the LV Yang & A.P. – flank, chest, or abdominal pain, HA

3. Preserves the Yin & adjusts the Ying & Wei levels – for spontaneous sweating, vag discharge & spermatorrhea
1. Tonifies & augments the SP & ST – for SP or ST Def. w/ diarrhea, fatigue, spontaneous sweating, & low appetite.

2. Tonifies the LU Qi & augments the LU Yin – for chronic cough or wheezing due to LU Def.

3. Tonifies the KD & stabilizes & binds – urinary frequency, & vaginal discharge.
1. Drains heat & generates fluids – thirst & irritability, thirst from Yin Def., wasting & thirsting

2. Clears & drains LU heat, transforms phlegm & moistens LU dryness – phlegm-heat above diaphragm

3. Resolves toxicity & expels pus – hot toxic carbuncles & sores, Breast abscess
1. Promotes urination & leaches out dampness – for difficult urination, diarrhea, edema.

2. Strengthens SP & harmonizes the m.j. – for SP Def. w/ dampness, loss of appetite, diarrhea, epigastric distention, leukorrhea.

3. Strengthens SP & transforms phlegm – SP Def. w/ thin mucus in which phlegm moves upward causing palps, HA, dizziness.

4. Quiets the HT & calms the spirit – palps, insomnia, forgetfulness
1. Tonifies the Blood – for Blood Def. w/ facial pallor, dizziness, palps, & insomnia.

2. Nourishes the Yin – LV & KD Yin Def. w/ weak lower back & limbs, dizziness, tinnitus, tidal fevers, night-sweats, nocturnal emission

3. Strongly enriches the Yin & relieves wasting & thirsting

4. Nourishes the blood & tonifies the Essence – delayed
development during childhood, premature aging, graying of hair, impotence, & memory loss
1. Clears heat & cools blood – heat in Ying level causing very high fever, thirst, & scarlet tongue.

2. Nourishes the Yin & generates fluids – Yin Def w/ heat (best herb for this) – injury to fluids, dry mouth, low-grade fever, constipation.

3. Cools HT Fire – one of only 3 herbs that do this (Sheng Di Huang, Lian Zi Xin, Huang Lian) – insomnia, dream dist. sleep, irritability, restlessness
1. Clears heat & cools blood – heat in Blood level causing bleeding, fever, dry mouth, & a purplish tongue.

2. Nourishes the Yin – good for irritability & constipation

3. Softens hardness & dissipates nodules – neck lumps, severe throat pain & swelling.

4. Resolves fire & toxins – sores, boils, infected bites
1. Disperses cold & releases exterior –HA, neck & upper back pain

2. Dispels wind, disperses cold, & A.P. – pain due to wind Shaoyin HA, Bi, abdominal pain, or toothache.

3. Warms the LU & transforms thin mucous – cold invasion in LU – cough

4. *clears nasal & sinus congestion – for cough & qi that surges up, fullness in chest w/ cough.

5. Unblocks & facilitates the orifices – various types of nasal congestion, oral pathology
1. Cools the blood & stops bleeding – vomiting blood, bleeding gums, coughing blood, blood in stool or urine,
blood dysenteric disorder, uterine bleeding.

2. Stops cough & expels phlegm – LU heat patterns w/ cough & accumulation of phlegm.

3. Promotes healing of burns – used topically for early stages of burns over small areas.
1. Moistens the Intestines & unblocks the bowels – for constipation.

2. Relieves fire toxicity – for fire toxin carbuncles, sores, scrofula, goiter, & neck lumps

3. Checks malarial disorder – chronic malarial disorder
1. Clears heat & toxin, reduces swellings & abscesses – for LU abscess or LU heat cough w/ expectoration of
thick, yellowish green sputum.

2. Drains damp-heat – for LI damp-heat diarrhea

3. Promotes urination - DH in lower jiao w/ painful urinary
1. Reduces abscesses & dissipates nodules – internal abscesses & external sores, breast & Intestinal abscesses.

2. Clears the LV & clears the eyes – redness & swelling of eyes.

3. Clears heat, resolves dampness, & unblocks painful urinary dribbling – for DH jaundice & painful urinary
1. Disperses WH, clears & benefits the head, eyes, & throat – WH w/ fever, cough, HA, red eyes, sore throat

2. Vents rashes – for early stages of rashes (such as measles)

3. Allows constrained LV Qi to flow freely - *2nd best herb for LV Qi Stag – pressure in chest or flanks, emotional instability, & gynecological problems.

4. Expels turbid filth – summertime exposure to unclean Qi – abd. pain, vomiting, diarrhea
1. Gently disperses & scatters WH – WH w/ fever, headache, sore throat, coughing

2. Calms the LV & clears the eyes – for eye problems, vertigo, Red, sore, dry or painful eyes

3. Clears LU & moistens dryness - moistens LU & thins phlegm; for LU dryness w/ cough, dry mouth or LU
heat w/ thick, yellow sputum
1. Tonifies the KD & fortifies the Yang – KD Yang Def. w/ impotence, infertility, urinary frequency, forgetfulness, withdrawal, & painful cold lower back & knees

2. Dispels W/C/D – for W/C/D Bi w/ spasms or cramps in hands & feet, joint pain

3. Warms & unblocks the flow of Yang Qi - contractures, numbness, or hemiplegia following wind-stroke
1. Tonifies LV & KD, strengthens sinews & bones, expels W/D – Soreness & pain in the lower back & legs, joint problems, numbness, & weakness & atrophy of sinews & bones.

2. Nourishes Blood & calms the Womb – for restless fetus or uterine bleeding during pregnancy.

3. promotes lactation.

4. Nourishes the blood & benefits the skin & hair – For dry, scaly skin due to blood deficiency.
1. Warms the Womb & stops bleeding – menstrual bleeding & uterine bleeding. Calms fetus, lower ab pain, vaginal bleeding as in threatened miscarriage. Infertility.

2. Disperses cold & A.P. – cold ab pain, esp. menstrual pain

3. Eliminates dampness & stops itching – skin problems w/ damp & itching.
1. Resolves Shaoyang disorder & reduces fever – alt. chills & fever, bitter taste, flank pain, irritability.

2. Spreads LV Qi & relieves constraint - #1 herb for this: dizziness, vertigo, chest & flank pain, emotional instability, or menstrual problems.

3. Raises & lifts the clear Yang of the ST & GB – organ prolapse – hemorrhoids, dropping/sagging
1. Extinguishes wind & alleviates spasms – tremors, seizures, & eclampsia.

2. Drains LV heat & pacifies LV Yang – HA, irritability, red
eyes, & dizziness, HTN.

3. Releases the exterior – exterior WH patterns w/ fever, HA, & red eyes
1. Induces sweating & releases the exterior – strong diaphoretic: chills, fever, headache, absence of sweat, tight & floating pulse.

2. Disseminates & facilitates LU qi, calms wheezing & stops cough – cough & wheezing due to WC
obstructing LU.

3. Promotes urination & reduces edema – floating edema
1. Invigorates the blood & dispels blood stasis – dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, post-trauma pain.

2. Tonifies LV & KD, strengthens sinews & bones, benefits the joints – pain & soreness in lower back & knees due to deficiency.

3. Induces downward movement of blood & fire – Nosebleed, vomiting blood, toothaches, bleeding gums. Dizziness, headache.

3. Clears D/H in the lower jiao – knee pain or lower back damp Bi.
(Bei) Sha Shen
1. Nourishes LU Yin – for dry, nonproductive cough.

2. Clears LU heat : dry mouth & thirst.

2. Nourishes the ST Yin & generates fluids – dry & parched mouth, thirst, & irritability.
1. Tonifies blood – dysmenorrhea, irregular menses, amenorrhea w/ abdominal pain

2. Invigorates the channels & relaxes the sinews – numb extremities, lower back pain, knee pain, or joint soreness

3. Activates the channels & relaxes the sinews: numb extremities, shoulder, arm, back & knee pain
1. Tonifies the SP & augments the Qi – SOB, lassitude, & loose stools.

2. Moistens the LU & stops coughs – cough & wheezing., nonproductive coughs.

3. Moderates spasms & A.P. – for painful spasms of the abdomen or legs.

4. Clears heat & resolves fire toxicity – used unprepared for carbuncles, sores, or sore throat.
1. Drains heat, purges accumulation & opens bowels – high fever, profuse sweating, thirst, constipation, ab
distention & pain, delirium.

2. Drains Fire – high fever, sore throat, hot, swollen & painful eyes, or fire toxin sores.

3. Clears heat, transforms dampness, & promotes urination – edema, jaundice, painful urinary dribbling, acute hot dysenteric disorders.

4. Drains heat from the blood – blood in BM from bleeding hemorrhoids, vomiting blood or nosebleed w/ constipation.

5. Invigorates the blood & dispels blood stasis – for amenorrhea, fixed ab masses, fixed pain, traumatic injury or Intestinal abscess.
1. Dispels wind-damp & A.P. – wind-cold-damp Bi in low back & knees. Pain, numbness, weakness

2. Disperses W/C/D & releases the exterior – spicy, warm. For WC – no sweating, more chills than fever. Body aches & pains.

3. Treats Shaoyin: headache & toothache
1. Tonifies the middle jiao – lack of appetite, fatigue, tired limbs, diarrhea, vomiting.

2. Tonifies the LU – LU Deficiency w/ chronic cough & shortness of breath, or copious sputum.

3. Augments the Qi: prolapse of uterus, anus
1. Tonifies the SP & augments the Qi – diarrhea, fatigue, sallow complexion, & lack of appetite.

2. Dries dampness & promotes water metabolism – edema & reduced urination.

3. Stabilizes the exterior & stops sweating – for spontaneous sweating.

4. Calms the fetus – for restless fetus
1. Fortifies KD & SP Yang, warms the HT Yang & fortifies the Yang – aversion to cold, cold limbs, weak back, impotence, urinary frequency, abd. pain & cold, reduced appetite, diarrhea, HT Yang causing chest Bi.

2. Disperses deep cold, warms the channels, unblocks the channels & vessels, & A.P – Amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, cold-damp Bi, chronic sores, sores.

3. Leads the fire back to the source – Flushed face, wheezing, severe sweating, weak & cold lower limbs, deficient pulse. False Heat / True Cold.
1. Tonifies the Qi & Blood – postpartum fever, severe loss of blood.

2. Tonifies the SP & raises the Yang – for SP Def. w/ lack of appetite, fatigue, & diarrhea.

3. Augments the protective Qi & stabilizes the exterior – spontaneous sweating, frequent colds or SOB.

4. Promotes urination & reduces edema – for edema & reduced urination.
1. Opens up & disseminates the LU qi, dispels phlegm, & benefits the throat – for cough, wheezing w/ profuse
sputum, throat pain, loss of voice.

2. Promotes discharge of pus – LU abscess (pneumonia), throat abscess, fever, chest pain, yellow sputum, coughing up blood & pus.

3. Opens up & raises the LU qi & directs the actions of other herbs to upper region of body – reinforce actions of other herbs that clear & drain the upper jiao.
1. Invigorates the blood & promotes movement of Qi for any blood stasis pattern – dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, difficult labor, retained lochia. Qi Stag & Blood stasis w/ pain & soreness in chest, flanks, & hypochondrium.

2. Expels wind – headache, dizziness, Bi syndrome.

3. Alleviates pain: Particularly good for headaches.
1. Kills parasites – tapeworms, intestinal parasites.

2. Promotes movement of Qi, reduces accumulation: food accumulation & stagnant Qi w/ abdominal distention, constipation, tenesmus

3. Promotes the movement of Qi & promotes urination – damp leg qi & edema due to Excess

4. Treats malarial disorder
1. Reduces food stagnation & strengthens ST – for poor digestion due to stagnation & accumulation of
starchy foods, as well as poorly digested milk in infants.

2. Restrains lactation – for women discontinuing nursing, distended & painful breasts.

3. Facilitates the smooth flow of LV Qi – stifling sensation & distention in epigastrum or ribs, belching, loss of
1. Reduces food stagnation & strengthens ST – for poor digestion due to stagnation & accumulation of starchy

2. Nourishes ST – speeds up absorbing of tonifying herbs: Poor appetite, weak SP, ST

3. Strengthens SP: weak digestion & loss of appetite associated w/ SP Def.
1. Promotes urination & reduces edema – abdominal swelling & fullness due to edema, urinary difficulty.

2. Facilitates the resolution of dampness & heat – for mild cases of jaundice due to damp-heat.

3. Disperses blood stasis, reduces swelling & reduces fire toxicity – for sores, carbuncles, furuncles.
1. Facilitates the resolution of dampness & strengthens the SP – edema, diarrhea, leg qi, painful urinary dribbling,

2. Facilitates the resolution of dampness & unblocks Bi – wind-damp, damp, heat Bi.

3. Clears heat & expels pus – for soft, postulated carbuncles, LU or Intestinal abscess – pneumonia, appendicitis
1. Tonifies the SP & stops diarrhea – for SP Def. w/ chronic diarrhea & loss of appetite.

2. Tonifies the KD & stabilizes the Essence – for premature ejaculation & spermatorrhea, xs uterine bleeding & vaginal discharge.

3. Nourishes HT & Calms the Spirit – palps w/ anxiety, irritability assoc. w/ def., & insomnia.
1. Drains heat & eliminates irritability – heat patterns w/ fever, irritability, restlessness, stifling sensation in the
chest, insomnia, delirious speech

2. Clear heat & resolves dampness – painful urinary dribbling, jaundice; sores in the mouth or facial region.

3. Cools the blood & resolves toxicity – heat in blood w/ nosebleed, blood in vomit, stools, urine.
1. Disperses wind & dampness & opens the nasal passages - shrinks & relieves puffiness, swelling & inflammation

2. Disperses wind & dispels dampness – WD Bi – joint pain, swelling, inflammation, itching skin

3. Dispels exterior wind: HA radiating to the back of neck.
1. Dries dampness, transforms phlegm & causes rebellious qi to descend – cough w/ copious sputum, cold-
phlegm in LU. Abdominal distention, fullness, poor app.

2. Directs rebellious qi downward & stops vomiting – N/V cold, thin mucous.

3. Dissipates nodules & reduces clumps – for nodules, phlegm nodules in neck – goiter, scrofula.
1. Moistens the LU & nourishes the Yin – hacking, dry
cough or cough w/ thick sputum that is difficult to expectorate, or coughing up blood.

2. Augments the ST Yin & generates fluids – for dry tongue & mouth due to insufficient ST Yin

3. Moistens the Intestines – for constipation, dry mouth, & irritability

4. Clears the HT & eliminates irritability – for irritability due to Yin Def.
1. Powerfully tonifies the primal Qi – SOB, cold limbs, profuse sweating, & a weak pulse.

2. Strengthens the SP & tonifies the ST – for lethargy, lack of appetite, chest & abd. distention, chronic diarrhea, & prolapse of ST, uterus, or rectum.

3. Tonifies the LU & augments the Qi – wheezing, shortness of breath, labored breathing on exertion
due to LU Qi Def. Usually also failure of KD to grasp Qi.

4. Generates fluids & stops thirst – wasting & thirsting, high fever & profuse sweating.

5. Benefits the HT Qi & calms the spirit – palps w/ anxiety, insomnia, forgetfulness, & restlessness.
1. Invigorates the blood & stops pain while promoting the movement of Qi & resolving constraint – pain due to traumatic injury, treats chest, abdominal, flank, or menstrual pain.

2. Clears heat & cools the blood – nosebleed, vomiting
blood, blood in urine.

3. Clears the HT & opens the orifices – anxiety, agitation, seizures, mental derangement.

4. Benefits GB & reduces jaundice – jaundice
1. Reduces food stagnation & transforms accumulation - for accumulation due to meat or greasy foods w/ ab distention, pain, diarrhea, vomiting

2. Transforms Blood Stasis & dissipates clumps – postpartum abdominal pain & clumps due to blood stasis.

3. Treats hypertension: HPB
1. Stabilizes the KD & secures Essence – urinary frequency, incontinence, spermatorrhea, & excessive sweating.

2. Stops excessive sweating & supports that which has collapsed – for excessive sweating w/ Yang collapse.

3. Tonifies & augments the LV & KD – lightheadedness, dizziness, soreness & weakness of the lower back & knees, or impotence
1. Nourishes & tonifies the LV & KD – sore back & legs, low-grade abdominal pain, impotence, nocturnal emission, wasting & thirsting disorder, & consumption.

2. Benefits the Essence & brightens the eyes – Dizziness, blurred vision, & diminished visual acuity.

3. Enriches the Yin & moistens LU – for consumptive cough & wasting & thirsting disorder.
1.Tonifies the SP & augments the Qi – for weakness, SOB, lassitude, reduced appetite, & loose stools.

2. Nourishes the Blood & calms the spirit – irritability, & severe emotional instability.

3. Moderates & harmonizes the harsh properties of other herbs.
1. Regulates Qi, adjusts the middle, & relieves the diaphragm – epigastric or abd. distention, fullness, bloating, belching, nausea, vomiting.

2. Dries dampness & transforms phlegm – stifling sensation in chest &/or diaphragm, copious, viscous sputum, abd. distention, loss of appetite, fatigue, loose stools.

3. Helps prevent stagnation – used w/ tonifying herbs to prevent their cloying nature from causing stagnation.
1. Tonifies the LV & KD, strengthens sinews & bones -weak, sore, or painful lower back or knees, fatigue, & urinary frequency

2. Aids in the smooth flow of Qi & Blood – promote circulation, esp. in those w/ weakness of sinews, bones

3. Calms the fetus – restless fetus

4. Recently used for dizziness & lightheadedness (HTN) from rising LV Yang
1. Disperses wind & clears heat – WH patterns, from common cold or warm pathogen disease w/ fever & HA.

2. Calms LV & clears the eyes – red, swollen, dry &/or painful eyes, spots in front of eyes, blurry vision, dizziness

3. Calms the LV & extinguishes wind – dizziness, headache, deafness due to LV Yang rising
1. Clears heat & resolves toxicity – hot, painful sores & swellings, esp. of the breast, throat,or eyes, intestinal abscess.

2. *Vents & disperses externally contracted WH – early stages of warm-heat pathogen w/ fever, slight sensitivity
to wind, sore throat, headache. Also for externally contracted summer-heat.

3. Clears DH from the lower jiao – DH dysenteric disorder or painful urinary dribbling.
1. Drains heat, settles convulsions, extinguishes wind, & stops spasms – high fever leading to changes in consciousness, incoherent speech, convulsions, & seizures.

2. Clears heat & unblocks & promotes movement in the channels & collaterals – swollen & painful joints, hemiplegia from wind-stroke.

2. Clears heat & calms wheezing – wheezing, esp. due to LU Heat.

3. Clears heat & promotes urination – for hot painful urinary dribbling, edema, heat clumping in the UB w/ urinary difficulty or inability to urinate.
1. Clears heat, resolves toxicity – either internal fire toxin disorders, such as Intestinal abscess.

2. Dispels blood stasis & stops pain – for pain in the abdomen & chest. Also for postpartum pain, & more recently for post-operative pain.

3. Expels pus: fire toxin surface sores & swellings.
1. Expels wind, eliminates dampness, unblocks nasal passages, & A.P. – WC or WH, best for sinus & nasal
passages, acute or chronic. WC FRONTAL headache. Supraorbital pain, congestion, & toothache.

2. Reduces swelling & expels pus - early stages of superficial sores & carbuncles.

3. Expels dampness & alleviates discharge – vaginal discharge.
1. Releases exterior & expels wind - *WH or WC – headache, chills, body aches due to WC

2. Expels wind dampness & alleviates pain – exterior WD painful obstruction - Bi, arthritis pain

3. Expels wind & relieves spasms – trembling of hands & feet, painful diarrhea w/ bright blood in the stool. Migraines.
1. Clears heat & cools blood – heat in Blood level. Nosebleed, blood in sputum or vomit, subcutaneous bleeding. Frequent & profuse menstruation.

2. Invigorates blood & dispels stasis – amenorrhea, abdominal masses, lumps, or bruises due to trauma.

3. Clears fire/heat from deficiency – steaming bone disorder, fever at night & coolness in the morning.

4. Clears ascending LV Fire – headache, eye pain, flank pain, flushing & dysmenorrhea. Mildly lower blood press.

5. Drains pus & reduces swelling – topically for firm non-draining sores, or internally for Intestinal abscess.
1. Clears heat & drains dampness – diarrhea or dysenteric disorder. Vomiting &/or acid regurgitation from ST heat. **Primary herb for dysentery**

2. Drains fire & resolves fire toxicity – high fever, irritability, disorientation, delirium, painful red eyes & sore throat, boils, carbuncles, abscesses.

3. Clears heat & stops bleeding – (sl. charred) nosebleed, blood in urine, stool, or vomit.

4. Clears heat topically – red & painful eyes & ulcerations of tongue & mouth.
1. Drains DH, particularly from the lower jiao – thick, yellow vaginal discharge, foul-smelling diarrhea,
dysenteric disorder. Hot leg qi w/ red, swollen, & painful knees, legs, feet. Also for DH jaundice.

2. Drains KD Fire – (also Zhi Mu) steaming bone disorder, night sweats, afternoon fevers & sweating, sometimes
w/ nocturnal emission & spermatorrhea.

3. Drains fire & resolves fire toxins – fire toxin-generated sores & damp lesions of the skin.
1. Clears heat & dries dampness – for DH in ST or Intestines w/ diarrhea or dysenteric disorder, damp fever, stifling sensation in chest, & thirst w/ inability to drink; painful urinary dribbling.

2. Clears heat & resolves toxicity, esp. in the upper jiao – high fever, irritability, thirst, cough, & expectoration
of thick, yellow sputum, or hot sores & swellings.

3. Clears heat & stops bleeding – Vomiting/coughing blood, nosebleed, blood in stool.

4. Clears heat & calms fetus – restless fetus
1. Releases exterior & dispels wind - *WH or WC, also carbuncles, boils when they first erupt, esp when w/
chills & fever

2. Vents rashes & alleviates itching – initial stage of measles & pruritic skin eruptions

3. Stops bleeding – hemostatic – must be blackened/burned; auxiliary herb for hemorrhage, blood in stools or uterine bleeding.
1. Invigorates blood – (also Mu Dan Pi) – dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, abdominal pain, swelling & pain associated w/ trauma & early stages of abscess & boils.

2. Dispels stasis: fixed abdominal masses

3. Clears heat & cools blood – heat entering Blood level w/ fever, purple tongue, maculae, & bleeding

4. caution w/ pregnancy – late 30’s early 40’s w/ history of miscarriage
1. Clears heat & generates fluids – high fever, irritability, thirst. Esp. good when accompanied w/ rebellious qi.

2. Clears heat & promotes urination – dark, scanty urine or blood in urine, esp. good when accompanied by irritability & thirst.

3. Encourages rashes to surface – incomplete rash
1. Strongly dries dampness & strengthens the SP – reduced appetite, diarrhea, epigastric distention & pressure, fatigue, N/V, thick greasy tongue fur.

2. Induces sweating & dispels wind-dampness –
Chills, fever, headache, body aches, nasal congestion.

3. Clears dampness from the lower jiao – leg qi, atrophy disorder, vaginal discharge, swollen, sore joints.

4. Improves the vision – night blindness, diminished vision w/ rough sensation in eyes. Dry eyes, poor vision.
1. Nourishes the HT Yin – irritability, insomnia.

2. Augments the LV blood, & quiets the spirit: palps with anxiety.

3. Prevents abnormal sweating – for both spontaneous sweating & night-sweating
1. Promotes urination – edema, scanty urine, turbid painful urinary dribbling, jaundice, diarrhea.

2. Leaches out dampness - leukorrhea

3. Treats painful urinary dribbling in pregnancy
1. Promotes movement of Qi & stops pain – poor appetite, feeling of food sitting in ST, epigastric or abdominal pain or distention, N/V. Flank pain, distention, soreness.

2. Adjusts & regulates stagnant Qi in the Intestines – diarrhea, dysenteric disorder, abd. pain, tenesmus.

3. Strengthens SP & prevents stagnation – used w/ tonifying herbs to ameliorate their side effects.
1. Invigorates the blood & dispels stasis – dysmennorhea.

2. Clears heat & soothes irritability – restlessness, irritability, palpitations, insomnia due to heat entering nutritive (ying) level.

3. Cools the blood & reduces abscesses – as a helper to treat sores or early stages breast abscess

4. Nourishes the blood & calms the spirit – for palps & insomnia

*Lowers blood pressure, treats HT disease, high cholesterol, degenerative arteries/vessels
1. Nourishes & tonifies LV & KD – dizziness, spots before the eyes, soreness of the lower back, premature graying hair, & tinnitus.

2. Augments the LV & KD & clears heat from Deficiency – for internally-generated heat from Yin Def.

3. Augments the LV & KD & improves vision – for diminished visual acuity.
1. Calms the LV & anchors the Yang – for headache, vertigo, dizziness from ascendant LV Yang.

2. Dredges the LV Qi & disperses constraint & clumping – for pain & distention in the chest or flanks, irregular menstruation, or insufficient lactation.

3. Dispels wind-heat & brightens the eyes – for red, swollen, & painful eyes as well as increased tearing.

4. Dispels wind & stops itching – for any type of skin lesion w/ significant itching, such as hives.
1. Spreads & regulates LV Qi – LV Qi Stag. w/ chest or hypochondriac pain or stifling sensation in chest. Emotional symptoms.

2. Harmonizes the ST & strengthens SP – epigastric pain, fullness, distention, lack of appetite, belching &/or vomiting.

3. Transforms phlegm & stops cough – cough w/ copious phlegm, stubborn cough w/ chest pain.
1. Contains the leakage of LU Qi & stops coughs – for chronic cough & wheezing.

2. Tonifies the KD, binds the Essence, & stops diarrhea – for nocturnal emission, spermatorrhea, vaginal
discharge, & urinary frequency, daybreak diarrhea.

3. Inhibits sweating & generates fluids – excessive sweating, thirst or dry throat.

4. Quiets the Spirit while calming & containing the HT Qi – irritability, palpitations, dream-disturbed sleep, & insomnia.
1. Clears heat & drains fire – high fever, irritability, thirst, rapid, flooding pulse. Also for cough w/ expectoration of thick, yellow sputum.

2. Enriches the Yin & moistens dryness – night sweats,
steaming bone disorder, irritability, afternoon or low-grade fevers, heat in 5 centers, bleeding gums. Also KD
heat sx: spermatorrhea, nocturnal emission.

3. Generates fluids & clears heat - oral ulcerations & inflammation, wasting & thirsting.