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30 Cards in this Set

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Da fu pi
Name, Category and Clue
Areca peel, Betel palm peel
Regulate Qi
Clears out Da food and makes you pee
Da fu pi
Actions and Indications
1. Promote the flow of SP and ST Qi and remove food stagnation for abdominal distention and constipation.
2. Dispel dampness for edema.
Da Huang
Name, category and Clue
Rhubarb root and rhizome
Downward Draining Purgative
Da Huang
Actions and Indications
1. Purgative for Fever with constipation and abdominal fullness.
2. Drains fire for intensive fever, sore throat, hot swollen painful eyes, or fire toxin sores
3. clears heat promotes urination for jaundice, edema, lin, acute appendicitis, incomplete intestinal obstruction.
4. Invigorates blood circulation and eliminates stasis for hematemesis and epistaxis, nose bleeds.
5. Amenorrhea, fixed ab masses, pain due to blood stasis.
6. Charred to stop bleeding topically or internally.
Da ji
Name category and clue
Large thistle
Regulate the blood to stop bleeding.
Da ji
Actions and Indications
1. Cools the blood to stop bleeding for vomiting blood, hematuria, blood in stool, uterine bleeding.
2. Reduces swelling, and generates flesh for carbuncles, sores and swellings.
3. Benefits GB and reduces Jaundice.
4. Reduces hypertension due to Liver heat.
Da qing ye
Name category and clue
Isatis leaf
Clear heat and relieve toxicity
Indigo leaf
Da qing ye
Actions and Indications
1. Clears heat and fire toxin for meningitis, pneumonia, influenza, epidemic toxin, mouth ulcers, and painful throat obstruction.
2. Cools blood and dissipates maculae or other skin eruptions.
Da zao
Name category and clue
Jujube, chinese date
Tonify Qi
Da zao
Actions and Indications
1. Tonifies the Spleen and augments Qi for weakness, lassitude, reduced appetite, loose stools.
2. Nourishes the blood and calms the spirit for irritability, emotional upset due to restless organ disorder, palpitation, irritability.
3. Moderates and harmonizes the harsh properties of other herbs.
Dai Zhe Shi
Name, category and clue
Extinguish wind and stop tremors
Dai Zhe Shi
Actions and Indications
1. Sedates and anchors yang and clears liver fire, for dizziness, vertigo, HA, feeling of pressure around eyes, or tinnitus.
2.Strongly directs rebellious Qi downward, for belching, vomiting, nausea, and asthma.
3. Cools the blood to stop bleeding for spitting blood, nose bleed, and uterine bleeding.
Dan dou chi
Name, category and clue
Prepared soybean
Cool and Acrid to release the exterior.
Dan dou chi
Actions and Indications
1. Dispel wind cold and heat for common cold.
2. Relieves irritability, chest stuffiness, insomnia.
Dan nan xing
Name, category and clue
Arisaema powdered with cow bile
Transform phlegm heat
Dan nan xing
Actions and Indications
1. Clears heat, transforms phlegm and extinguishes internal wind for tremors, seizures, or stroke or childhood seizures due to phlegm heat
Dan shen
Name category and clue
Salvia root
Regulate the blood, and invigorates the blood
Dan shen
Actions and Indications
1. Invigorates the blood to dispel stasis for dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, angina pectoris, lower ab, chest or hypochondriac pain.
2. Eliminates pathogenic heat for restlessness, irritability, palpitations and insomnia due to heat in the nutritive level.
3. Cools the blood and reduces abscess, for early stage breast abscess, ulcers and carbuncles.
4. Nourishes the blood and calms the spirit for palpitations and insomnia.
Dan zhu ye
Name category and clue
Lophatherum stem and leaves
Clear heat and drain fire
Dan zhu ye
Actions and Indications
1. Clear heat and relieve thirst for Febrile condition with thirst and fidgetiness, mouth sores, swollen painful gums.
2. Diuretic for oliguria and Lin syndrome
Dang gui
Name category and clue
Chinese Angelica root
Tonifying herbs, tonifies the blood
Dang gui
Actions and Indications
1. Nourish the blood and invigorate the blood for anemia, abdominal pain, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, and other menstrual disorders.
2. Invigorates and harmonizes the blood and disperse cold for abdominal pain, trauma, and chronic wind damp bi.
3. constipation due to blood deficiency.
4. Reduces swelling, expels pus, generates pus and relieves pain for sores and abscesses.
Dang shen
Name category and clue
Codonopsis root
Tonifying herbs, tonify Qi
Dang shen
Actions and Indications
1. Tonifies the middle burner and Qi for lack of appetite, fatigue, diarrhea, vomiting, prolapse of the uterus, stomach or rectum.
2. Tonifies lung qi for chronic cough, shortness of breath, or copious sputum due to SP Qi def.
Deng xin cao
Name category and indications
Rush pith
Drain dampness
Deng xin cao
Actions and Indications
1. Promotes urination for hot painful lin, scanty dark urine, jaundice.
2. Clears the heart and directs fire downward for irritability especially at night, insomnia, restlessness, childhood sleeping disorder.
Di fu zi
Name category and clue
Broom cyprus fruit
Drains dampness
Di fu zi
Actions and Indications
1. Clears heat and promotes urination for Lin syndrome.
2. Expels dampness and stops itching for eczema, scabies and damp heat in the genitals.
Di gu pi
Name category and clue
Gou Qi zi bark
Clears heat from deficiency
Di gu pi
Actions and Indications
1. Cools the blood for steaming bone, chronic febrile disease, night sweats, irritability, thirst, tooth ache due to floating fire in kidney channel.
2. Drains lung heat for cough and wheezing, epistaxis, hematemesis, hematuria, and spitting blood.