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17 Cards in this Set

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Key Anatomy Review
Metabolism Overview
Metabolism is the complete set of chemical reactions that occur in living cells
Catabolism – Yields energy. An example would be cellular respiration
Anabolism – Uses the energy from catabolism to construct cell components (proteins, nucleic acids, etc)
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¨ Digestion (stomach and small intestines)
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¨ Proteins, fats, carbohydrates
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¨ Polysaccharides, starches, cellulose, glucose, fructose, amino acids, fatty acids
¨ Small enough to cross into the blood, but not small enough to be useful to cells
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Metabolism (liver)

Uses a host of enzymes and chemical reactions to further break down digested substances into things like pyruvate, glycerol, lactate, glutamine, ATP, etc. that cells can use for catabolism and anabolism

Waste products of metabolism (for example urea and CO2) eliminated primarily via urine, feces, & expired air
Key Anatomy Review
Portal Circulation
Portal circulation brings blood to the liver from stomach, Intestines, Spleen, Pancreas
In the liver metabolism occurs
After leaving the liver, the blood goes to the inferior vena cava and right atrium
Portal Circulation
If pressure builds→ portal hypertension
Varices at critical anastomosis sites
Collateral Circulation and Shunting of blood around the liver
Non-metabolized blood gets into general circulation
Liver engorgement
Think It Through
¨ Why might a person with right-sided heart failure develop hepatomegaly?
Bilirubin Metabolism
Breakdown of RBC

Unconjugated (indirect) Bilirubin
Not water soluble.
None in Urine, only in blood

Liver conjugates (direct)
Water soluble

Excreted in bile
Produced by hepatic cells
Bilirubin Metabolism
Large Intestines
Bilirubin reduced to urobilinogen and stercobilinogen by bacteria

Stercobilinogen eliminated in stool
Gives brown color

Most urobilinogen reabsorbed and taken back to liver to be excreted in bile
Some excreted through kidneys
Think It Through
¨ Some forms of jaundice cause increased urobilinogen in the urine, others don’t. Why?
Focused Nursing Assessment
Special attention to:
Skin or membrane disruption
Lifestyle (alcohol and drug use especially)
Occupational /Environmental Risk factors
Medication history
Nutritional Status, General
Abdominal assessment
Fluid/lytes, Pain descriptions
Neurological Status
Liver Palpation
¨Focused Nursing Assessment:Fluid Wave
Differentiating ascites (fluid), obesity, and gas With ascites – often have tight glistening skin, bulging flanks, fluid moves in a characteristic way.
Diagnostic Tests:
Liver Function Tests (LFT)
Blood tests
Liver Enzymes
ALP – Bone and liver
ALT – Primarily Liver
AST- Primarily Liver
GGT – Only present in Biliary tract, so more sensitive for liver damage
Liver Enzymes are elevated in liver diseases
Liver Function Tests (LFT)
Blood tests
Alpha Fetoprotein – Hepatic cancer
Tests for Hepatitis (see pg 1093)
Acute infection
Current infection, but not acute
Previous infection
Chronic Infection
Chronic Carrier state
¨Prothrombin time
¨Hgb and Hmct
¨Clotting times
¨Blood Ammonia
Urine Urobilinogen
¨Diagnostic Tests
¨Ultrasound or Scan
¨Ultrasound – NPO for 8-12 hours (decreases gas and GB contraction)
¨Scans (HIDA – Hepatobiliary Scintigraphy, Liver) – Consent for dye. Force fluids after
Can be diagnostic or Therapeutic
Usually done at Bedside
Pre-Care: Void Before,
Position upright or sidelying
Site prep, Stab wound below the umbilicus
Drainage collected in a bottle – measured and sent to lab,
May leave a drainage tube in place
Paracentesis Post-Care
Protein loss
Monitor infection
Skin care and monitoring drainage if tube in place
Only used for severe ascites with respiratory problems. Relief only temporary
1.Similar to other Laparoscopic procedures (pre/post care)
2.Able to visualize liver and biliary tree and can get specimens
3.General Anesthesia in OR
4.Consent; NPO for 8 hours
5.Empty bowel and bladder
6.Observe for bleeding and bowel perforation afterward
Liver Biopsy
¨Can be in OR or at Bedside
¨Pre-Care:Check coagulation studies, Type and cross match for blood, Take V/S as baseline, Explain holding breath after expiration as, needle inserted. Consent
Liver Biopsy Post-Care
Check V/S q 15 X 2; q30 X 4; q 60 X 4, Keep on right site at least 2 hrs, Splint puncture site; pressure dressing
Keep flat on BR for 12-14 hrs
Assess for bleeding, shock, pneumothorax, bile peritonitis
Monitor RUQ or referred right shoulder pain
Comparing Diagnostic Tests
Liver Biopsy

Liver Scan or HIDA


Referred pain to right shoulder
Contrast dye often used
Bedrest. Position on right side
Void before, NPO
Stab wound below umbilicus
Hold breath during needle insertion, Coagulation studies before
Hemorrhage, pneumothorax, bile peritonitis, Bleeding and bowel perforation, Protein loss
Frequent Vital Signs after
Nursing implications for a client undergoing a liver scan or HIDA would include:
A.Giving a low fat meal prior to the test
B.Making sure the client voids before the procedure
C.Positioning in a right side lying position after the procedure
D.Questioning the client about allergies to dye
Immediately following a liver biopsy, a client is placed on the right side. The nurse explains that this position should be maintained for several minutes to:
A.Help prevent or stop bleeding
B.Increase comfort
C.Prevent postural hypotension
D.Facilitate bile drainage
One of your patients experiences a dull, achy, right shoulder pain following a needle liver biopsy. What should be your interpretation?
A.This is common after a needle liver biopsy because of referred pain
B.This patient has probably developed an obstruction in the common bile duct
C.The patient has probably developed peritonitis as a complication of the procedure
D.The patient probably has muscle stretching and discomfort from the position maintained during the procedure
A client is admitted with possible primary liver cancer. Which of the tests below would be the most confirming of this diagnosis?
A.Liver function tests
B.CT scan of the abdomen
C.Alpha-Fetoprotein markers