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37 Cards in this Set

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What are the MCC of ICH?

1. HTN

2. Aneurysm

3. AV malformation

4. Illicit drug use

What are the ssx of ICH?

1. Occur over a span of a few minutes to an hour

2. Acute HTN

3. Altered mental status

4. HA

5. Vomiting

What are the complications associated with ICH?

1. Hydrocephalus

2. Herniation

When do most ICHs occur?

1. When patient is awake and calm

What are the MC sites of ICH?

1. Basal ganglia

2. Lobar

3. Thalamus

4. Pons

5. Cerebellum

What are the ssx of a basal ganglia ICH?

1. Contralateral hemiparesis

2. Sensory loss

3. Contralateral conjugate gaze paresis

4. LOC

What are the ssx of a lobar region ICH?

1. Contralateral hemiparesis or sensory loss

2. Aphasia

3. Neglect

4. Confusion

5. Seizures frequent at onset

What are the ssx of a thalamic ICH?

1. Contralateral hemiparesis

2. Sensory loss

3. Gaze paresis

4. Abnormal eye movements

What are the ssx of a pontine ICH?

1. Quadriparesis

2. Facial weakness

3. Decreased consciousness

4. Miosis-- pinpoint pupil

What are the ssx of a cerebellar ICH?

1. Ataxia

2. Gaze paresis

3. Occipital headache

What is prognosis of an ICH?

1. 80% will have sudden onset with HA, rapidly sink into coma

2. 2/3 comatose patients die

What are the MCC of SAH?

1. Trauma

2. Berry aneurysm rupture

What are the ssx of SAH?

1. Worst headache ever

2. N/V

3. Meningismus

4. Altered consciousness

What is the urgency of an SAH?

1. Neurologic emergency--- 50% die

What is the cause of a focal deficit in SAH?

1. Vasospasm

What does complete CN III palsy suggest?

1. Compression from posterior communicating artery aneurysm

How do you dx SAH?

1. LP--- xanthochhromia

2. Cerebral angiography

How do you tx SAH?

1. Surgery within 36 h

2. Prevent re-bleed

3. Maintain cerebral perfusion pressure

4. Tx vasospasm

5. Prevent seizures

How do you tx vasospasm?

1. Nimodipine (CCB)

What is the best indicator of outcome from SAH?

1. Level of consciousness at arteriography

What are the leading causes of M/M in SAH?

1. Vasospasm

2. Re-bleeding

What are the ssx of an AVM?

1. Seizure**

2. Hemorrhage**

3. HA

4. Mass lesions

How do you dx AVM?


2. Arteriography to establish dx

How do you tx AVM?

1. Surgical excision

2. Embolization

3. Ligation

4. Proton radiation (gamma knife)

How do you dx ICA dissection?

1. String sign on arteriography

When is arterial occlusion MC in pregnancy?

1. 2nd and 3rd trimesters

2. 1 week after delivery

When is venous occlusion MC in pregnancy?

1. 6 weeks postpartum

What are the characteristics of cortical venous thrombosis?

1. Slower evolution

2. Multiple lesions

3. Seizures and/or hemorrhage

How do you dx superior sagittal venous thrombosis?

1. Empty delta sign

2. Axial flair on venogram

How do you tx superior sagittal venous thrombosis?

1. Anticoagulation

What are the ssx of super sagittal venous thrombosis?

1. Increased ICP

2. HA

3. Vomiting

4. Papilledema

What are the MCC of mycotic aneurysms?

1. Bacterial endocarditis

2. IV drug abuse

What are the MCC of HTN encephalopathy?

1. Chronic renal disease

2. Acute toxemia

3. Pheo

4. Cushing

5. Cocaine or meth use

What are the ssx of HTN encephalopathy?

1. HTN

2. HA

3. N/V

4. Visual disturbances

5. Confusion

What is the lethal combination for migraines with stroke?

1. Tobacco

2. Hormones

3. Hypercoagulable states

4. Migraine with aura

What should you know about meningovascular syphilis?

1. Strokes due to arteritis caused by neurosyphilis

2. Suspect when a young person has one or several cerebrovascular accidents

What is the urgency of temporal arteritis?

1. Emergency