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44 Cards in this Set

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-Sterile inflammation w/ necrosis
-Drugs (corticosteroids) LOTS of PMNs -  BM production or release of PMNs (IL-1, TNF)
-  Activation of PMN adhesion molecules
- LTB4, C5a, IL8
(less PMNs adhere to endothelial cells d/t corticosteroids)

absolute PMN count is > 7000uL
PMN luekocytosis
-Aplastic or Myelophthistic anemia
- Immune destruction (SLE)
-septic shock
-Splenic sequestration
-Chemotherapy lack of PMNs

BM may have more or less cellularity - decreaseProduction- marrow failure
- increase Destruction (d/t macs or complement)
- Activation of PMN adhesion molecules
(ex: endotoxins) -Malaise, weakness, fatigue
-Necrotizing lesions (massive growth of organism d/t poor leukocyte response) PB- low/lack PMNs

BM: more or less cellular G-CSF may help
< 2000 uL
- Type 1 hypersensitivity rxn (asthma)
- Invasive helminthiic infxn
-Polyarteritis Nodosa
-Addison’s dz (cortisol def) -Release of eosinophil chemotactic factor from mast cells (IL5)
-no sequestration of eosinophils in LNs (hypocortisol)
-Corticosteroids sequester eosinophils in LNs
absolute basophil count > 110/uL - chronic myeloproliferative disorders
(ex: polycythemia vera)
>4000/uL in adults
>8000/uL in kids -viral
-drugs (phenytoin)
-Graves dz - increase Production
- decrease Entry into LNs
(Mono, viral Hep, CMV, toxoplasmosis)
-Drugs: phenytoin -Antigenically stim lymphocytes
-Prominent nucleoli and abundant blue cytoplasm
Atypical lymphocytosis

**Kissing dz**

B cells have
CD21 receptor sites for EBV -PB: lymphocytosis: (60%, 7-10,000/ µL)
[Atypically big, big nucleus, fine chromatin, lots cytoplasm-T cells]

-LN enlarged generalized: post cervical, axillary, groin

Paracortical expansion- where T cells reside

-Spleen enlarged (300-500g)
-Liver (atypical lymphs in portal tracts & sinusoids, focal necrosis) -EBV infects B lymphocytes; 2 forms (lytic or latent-polyclonal proliferation)
-Cells spread in circulation & secrete Ab-heterophil
-Ab vs. Viral Capsid Ag early: IgM
late: IgG- for life
-increase # of Cytotoxic T-cells/NK cells
(Atypical lymphocytes in PB)
-LN, spleen, liver infiltrated by atypical lymphocytes Classic
Malaise, fatigue,
fever, sore throat, lymphadenitis, resolves in 4-6 wks

Malaise, fatigue,
(+/-) fever or lymphadenopathy
-Febrile rash,
-Splenic rupture,

B-cell proliferation (polyclonal or B-cell lymphoma) -Atypical lymphocytosis
(> 20% of WBC count)
- + Heterophil Ab test (detects IgM Ab against horse, sheep, bovine RBCs)
- + Antiviral Capsid Ag test
- increase Serum transaminases from hepatitis
Absolute lymphocyte count
<1500/uL is adults
<3000/uL in kids -HIV (lysis of CD4 T cells)
Digeorge-T cells
Severe combined- B and T cells
-Immune destruction
-Radiation (lymphocytes most sensitive cells)
-Malnutrition - increase Destruction: lysis, apoptosis, immune destruction
-decrease Production (radiation)
- decrease Release from LNs
- Chronic Infxn
-Autoimmune dz
- Malignancy - Response to chronic inflammation or malignancy

Absolute monocyte count > 800/uL
-Bacterial or viral infections
-Local or general -Large germinal centers
-(+/-) PMNs & necrosis (abscess)
-Scars on healing Swollen, grey/red, engorged LN
(Tender, fluctuant, +/- draining sinus)
Non Specific Lymphadenitis
-Follicular Hyperplasia:
Early HIV
-Paracortical Hyperplasia:
Drugs (Dilantin)
-Sinus Histiocytosis: cancer 3 Patterns:
-Follicular Hyperplasia:
B-cell stim
large germinal centers

-Paracortical Hyperplasia: T-Cell stim. (Virus, drugs)

-Sinus Histiocytosis: endothelial cells & histiocytes, Non-tender LN
Chornic non specific lymphadenitis
Bartonella Henselae
-Gram –
2 wks post scratch, 90% < 18yrs., Granuloma w/
Stellate microabscesses in germinal ctrs Axillary or cervical adenopathy

Resolves in 2-3mon
Skin test + for B. Henselae Ag
Cat scratch
calssification for lymphoid neoplasm
cell origin
clinical features

tumors of B cells
Tumors of T cells/NK cells
Cells usually arrested in 1 stage of differentiation
- Normal LN architecture effaced

Follicular /nodular
-Indolent but not curable

-B or T cells
-Aggressive but curable
Clonal proliferations of cells:

B-Cells: (80%)- may be follicular pattern or diffuse

T-Cells: (20%)-
Always diffuse

Histiocytes: rare,
Always diffuse

Practical classification of NHLs:
-Follicular Lymphoma
-Diffuse Lg cell Lymphoma
-Sm Non-cleaved (Burkitt’s) Lymphoma
-Lymphoblastic Lymphoma Classification:
-- R.E.A.L.—
-based on cell of origin:

-B-cell (precursor/ immature, peripheral cell/mature)

(precursor/ immature, peripheral cell/mature)

-Hodgkin’s Dz
Non Hodgkins lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL)

-Incidence is ↑
(d/t AIDS)

-Death rate ↓

2/3 nodal
1/3 parenchymal
older than 60, B cell neoplasia
most common leukemia in western world
foci of mitotically active cell -> proliferaton centers
scant cytoplasm
LN, BM, spleen, liver infolved
absolute lymphocytosis
smudge cells
trisomy 12 , deletion of chrome 11/12 is common
transformation to DLBC, or pro lymphocytyc leukemia
if lymphocytes > 4000 -- CLL
Nodular appearance, LN effaced
Centrocyte - small cleaved cells - nuclear chromatin course, nucleoli indistinct mixed with LARGE (centroblast) with vesicular chromatin, several nucleoli, modest cytoplasm
(no apoptosis/mitosis - unlike reactive follicles)
CD19, CD20, CD10, BCL6, BCL2
t(14,18) BCL2 <--> IgH locus (BCL2 prevents apoptosis )

BM has lymphoma
progression to DLBC lymphoma
follicular lymphoma
Older Men
Cyclin D1 dysreg t (11.14)
no proliferation centers
Naive B cell, cleaved cell
LN - dffuse/nodular pattern
BM involved, also GI tract w submucosal nodules resembling polyps
no CD10
Mantel Cell
most impt in adults 50% of lymphomas
localized mass w extranodal involvement, GIT, Brain,
agressive and fatal if untreated
chemo - remission 60-80%
neoplastic B cell nuclei very large, forms: round, irreg cleaved nucler contours, dispersed chormatin, serveral distinct nucleoli, modest pale cytoplasm (centroblast)
or large round multlobulated vesicular nucleus,2 prominant nucleoli, abundant cytoplasm (immunoblast)
Diffuse Large B cell Lymphoma
2-5 prominent nucleoli
high mitotic rate of B cells - starry sky appearance - Mac - are stars
30% child lymphoma
h pylori
chronic inflammation - sjogren, hashimoto,
MALT - salivary, GIT thyroid gland malig lymphoma and stomach
Marginal Zone Lymphoma
mutation in NOTCH1, thymic involvement
childhood pre B cell, adolescents pre T cell
lymphblasts w irreg nuclear contour, condensed chromatin, small nucleoli, scant cytoplasm
Tdt+ (immature)
hyperdiploidy (B cell) t(12,21) - good outcome
CD19, CD2,7 (t)
mediastinal mass
male < 20
non hodgkins Lymphoblastic Leukemia

can be ALL
mycosis fungoides
sezary syndrome - more agressive
cutaneous lymphoid malignancy
mature t cell CD$
itchy cooked lobster skin
Cutaneous T Cell lymphoma
HTLV-1 - Japan, Caribbean, SE US
CD4, TdT -
>20% lymphoblasts
nomocytic anemia and thrombocytopenia - BM replaced with lymphoblasts CD4
hyperlobulated 4 leaf clover lympho in PB
skin lesion , hepatosplenomegaly
Adult T Cell Leukemia/ Lymphoma
Reed Sternberg cells with infiltrate of lympho, eosino, plasma, benign histo
RS cells release IL-5 eosin, TNF, and IL13 - mucus and inflamm resp
most common, M>F
defects in cellular immunity
transformed germinal center B cell
multinucleated nucleus, prominant nucleoli
CD15, CD30
Hodgkins, Classical
Reed Sternberg, L&H variants - Ig pale staining, multilobed
popcorn cell, CD20
young male
localized, cervical/supraclavicular LN enlarged
stage 1/2
Hodgkin - Lymphocyte predominant
Men > 50, EBV
RS cells numerous
increase in eosin, plasma, lympho, histoio
CD15, CD30
Stage 1/2
Hodgkins, mixed cellularity
young females, most common
lacunar cells - pale cell w multilobed nucleus w many small nucleoli
CD15, CD30
Ant mediastinal LN, cervical, supraclavicular,
collagen bands of fibrosis separating nodules
Hodgkins Nodular Sclerosing
RS cells, T lymphs, CD 30, CD15
some w EBV
hodgkins lymphocyte rich
most have EBC
Rs cells , few lymphos
CD30, CD15
most are stage 3
Hodgkinds, Lymphodepleted
85% b cell, 15 % t cell
hyperdiploidy > 50/cell
t (12,21)
peak age 4 yr old (b cell), 15-20 (t cell)

high nuclear/cytoplasm ratio, course, clumped chromatin,
1-2 nucleoli, no cytoplasmic granules
Blasts in PB > 30%
suppress normal hematopoiesis
abrupt stormy onset, testicular enlargement (B-ALL), thymic enlargement (T-ALL)
fatigue (decrease RBC), infections (decreased WBC), bleeding (decreased platelet)
CNS manifestations - headache, nausea, palsy (b cell)
bone pain
Acute lymphoblastic lymphoma
good prognosis vs bad prognosis for ALL
good - 2-10 years, low wbc, pre b cell, hyperdiploidy; t(12,21)

bad - <2, or adult, high WBC, t (9,22), mature b cell
age 15-59, age age 50
risk factor - chrom abnormalities, ionizing radiation,, chemicals, alkylating agents
RAR- alpha gene in --
Auer rods, faggot cells
delicate nuclear chromatin
prominant nucleoli
course/numerous azurophilic granules in cytoplasm
fatigue - rbc, infection - pmn, bleeding - platelets
myeloperoxidase, esterase
30% blasts in BM, hypercellular
auer rods
age 24-50
auer rods
>20% marrow cells are myeloblasts
myelocytic and monocytic differentiation
monoblasts pos for nonspecific esterase
myeoid cells have a range of maturation
variable number of auer rods
inv 16
dry tap of BM aspirates seen with
myelofibrosis, aplastic anemia
AML M7, hairy cell

due to aplastic nature of the marrow giving a 'dry' cell less tap
trisomy 12, deletions of 11 and 12
CD5 CD23
small resting lymphos with dark round nuclei,prolymphocytes in BM
proliferation centers in LN
Smudge cell - cant differentiate into plasma cell
age > 60
decrease Ig's

if in LN - SLL,
in blood - CLL
25-60 year olds, peak 40-50
risk - ionizing radiation, benzene,
t(9.22) Bcr-ABL fusion - protooncogene
PB - neutrophil, metamyelocyte, myelocytes some baso and eosino
BM - hypercellular
Spleen - enlarged red pulp extramedullary hematopoiesis - increased hematopoietic cells can compromise blood supply - infarct
extreme splenomegaly
blast crisis 70% meylo, 30% lympho
decrease leukocyte alkaline phosphate
gleevak inhibits bcr-abl fusion tyrosine kinase
men > 59
CDc11, CD103
fine hair like extensions of cytoplasm
B cell leukemia
TRAP stain
no lymphadenopathy, pancytopenia splenomegaly
survival 4 years
Hairy cell
50-60 ages
plasma cells 'clock like nucleus'
bone lesions, bone pain, pathological fractures
renal involvement - protein casts on DCT - bence jones
amyloidosis - AL
Chrom for Cyclin D1, Cyclin D3
increased infections
BM - fibroblasts and Mac secrete IL6 ->plasma cell proliferation, IgG highest
plasma cells secrete TNF, IL6, IL1 - bone resorption production of RANkB lingand --> differentiation and activation of osteoclasts
Bence jones in protein, serum M components
Mult Myeloma
50-70 M>F
due to alkylating agents
BM normal or hypercellular
ineffective hematopoiesis, resistant to therapy, can turn into AML
myelodysplastic syndromes
40-60 years
JAK2 mutation
congestiong, thrombosis, infarction
cells hypersensitive to EPO
increased MCV, Hct, hyperviscosity
polycythemia vera
myelofibrosis in BM
Megakaryocytes make PDGF, TGFB
increase WBC/RBC reaction in RB
myeloid metaplasia in spleen
extramedullary hematopoiesis
masive splenomegaly, portal Hytn
splenic infarct w left side pleural effusion
JAK2 mutation (valine to phenylalanine at residue 617)
fibrosis replaces marrow
dry tap
anemia and thrombocytopenia
leukoerythrocytosis - nucleated RBC, immature white blood cell
hyperuricemia and gout - (increase cell turnover)
malignant cells are megakaryocytes
tear drop cells darcocytes

myeloid metaplasia with primary myelofibrosis