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78 Cards in this Set

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Main S&S with B12 deficiency?
Gradual onset of Peripheral neuropathy starting in hands and/or feet that slowly ascends
Other S&S with B12 deficiency?
Fatigue, pallor, glossitis
Peripheral smear for b12 deficiency reveals what?
Macrocytic or megablastic anemia w/ multisegmented neutrophils
Alcoholic drinks with Hodgkins Lymphoma?
Night sweats, fevers and pain.
Higher incidence of Hodgkin’s in?
Teen and >50yo, males, white
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is a cancer of the?
Beta lymphocytes
Acute Leukemia S&S?
Fever, fatigue, wt. loss, bleeding gums, epistaxis, pallor, bruising, petechia, bone pain
Acute Leukemia is a CA of the?
Hematopoietic progenitor cells
Acute hemorrhage labs?
Sudden & rapid drop in the hemoglobin (<6g/dL) and hematocrit values
S&S of acute hemorrhage?
Shock: pallor, clammy skin, tachycardia, hypotension
Frequent infections (especially bacterial) can indicate?
Neutropenia (also may present w/fever, sore throat, oral thrush)
Neutropenia defined?
Absolute neutrophil count of less than 1,500/mm3
Thrombocytopenia s&s?
Easy bruising, bleeding gums, spontaneous nosebleeds, hematuria
Normal platelet count and count w/thrombocytopenia?
Normal = 100,000/mm3 Thrombocytopenia < 20,000/mm3 increases risk for bleed
Hemoglobin Values
Males: 13-18 g/dL
Females: 12-16 g/dL
Hematocrit Values
Males: 37%-49%
Females: 36%-46%
Hematocrit is?
Proportion of red blood cells in 1mL of plasma
MCV is?
Mean Corpuscular volume: A measure of the size of the red blood cell in a sample of blood.
MCV is decreased with?
Microcytic anemias
MCV is elevated with?
Macrocytic anemias
Normal MCV?
MCHC is?
mean corpuscular Hgb concentration: a measure of the avg color of the RBC in a sample
When is MCHC decreased?
Iron deficiency and thalassemia
MCHC in macrocytic anemias?
Normal MCHC value?
31-37 g/dL
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin: indirect measure of the color of RBC's
MCH in decreased when?
pale or hypochromic RBC's; iron deficiency or thalassemia
MCH with macrocytic anemias?
TIBC is?
Total Iron Binding Capacity: A measure of the available transferrin that is left unbound to iron.
Transferrin does what?
Transports iron in the body
When is TIBC elevated?
Iron deficiency anemia and normal in thalassemia, b12, and folate deficiency anemia
Normal TIBC range?
250-410 mcg/dL
Normal MCH value?
25-35 pg/cell
Serum Ferritin is?
The storage form of iron. Produced in the intestines, stored in body tissue such as spleen, liver, and bone marrow. Correlates with iron storing status of healthy adults
Serum Ferritin is markedly decreased with ?
iron deficiency anemia, but normal to high in thalessemia trait.
Normal Serum ferritin level?
Serum Iron is decreased with?
iron deficiency anemia; normal to high with thalassemia and the macrocytic anemias. Not as sensitive as ferritin reading.
What affects serum iron reading?
recent blood transfusion; avoid iron supplements for 24 hours before testing
normal serum iron level?
50-175 mcg/dL
RDW is?
Red Cell Distribution Width: A measure of the variation in size of red blood cells in a given sample.
When is RDW elevated?
iron deficiency anemia; immature RBC's tend to be bigger; mixed population
Reticulocytes are?
Immature RBC that still have nuclei.
What happens to reticulocytes after 24h in circulation?
After 24h in circulation, reticulocytes lose their nuclei and mature into RBC's.
Where do reticulocytes come from?
Bone marrow normally releases small amounts to replace damaged RBC's. RBC's last 120 days.
What happens to RBC's after 120 days?
they are broken down by spleen into iron and globulin and bilirubin
Normal reticulocyte count?
.5 -2.5% of total RBC count
Reticulocytosis is?
an elevation of reticulocytes seen while bone marrow is stimulated by supplementaion of iron, folate, B12 (after deficiency) and after acute bleeding
Does chronic bleeding cause reticulocytosis?
If there is no reticulocytosis after acute bleeding or supplementation, r/o what?
Bone marrow failure
Deficiency of Serum folate and B12 will cause?
Macrocytic anemia
Normal folate levels?
3.1 -17 ng/mL
Normal b12 levels?
White cell differential?
Percentage of each type of leukocyte in a sample. Total will = 100%
Normal White blood cell count?
4,500- 10,500 mm3
% of Neutrophils or segs (segmented neutrophils)?
Band forms or Stabs (immature neutrophils) % on diff?
Lymphocytes % on diff?
Monocytes % on diff?
Eosinophils % on diff?
Basophils % on diff?
High altitude and Hgb?
adaptation to oxygen thin air (hypoxic conditions) by bone marrow producing higher levels of circulating Hgb
Who may have secondary polycythemia with elevated levels of Hgb/hematocrit as a response by the body to chronic hypoxia?
Heavy smokers and COPD
Anemia defined?
decrease in the Hgb/hematocrit value below the norm for patient age and gender
Most common type of anemia in the world for all races, ages, and genders?
Iron deficiency anemia
Iron deficiency anemia is? (size & color)
microcytic and hypochromic
Iron deficiency anemia diagnostic tests?
Ferritin/serum iron decreased
TIBC and RDW increased
Red blood cell change with iron deficiency anemia?
MCV < 80 (microcytic)
MCHC decreased (hypochromic)
poikilocytosis (variable shapes)
anisocytosis (variable sizes)
Thalassemia Minor diagnostic test?
hemoglobin electrophoresis
Red Blood Cell changes with Thalassemia minor?
MCV < 80 (microcytic)
MCHC decreased (hypochromic)
Pernicious Anemia diagnostic test?
antiparietal antibodies increased
RBC changes with pernicious anemia?
MCV > 100 Macrocytic
Megaloblastic RBC's
Normal color (normochromic)
folate deficiency anemia diagnostic test?
folate level decreased
RBC changes with Folate deficiency anemia?
MCV > 100 (macrocytic)
Megaloblastic RBC's
Normal color
B12 deficiency diagnotics?
B12 level decreased
hypersegmented neutrophils
B12 deficiency RBC changes?
MCV > 100 (macrocytic)
Megaloblastic RBC's
normal color
normocytic anemia diagnostic tests?
MCV between 80-100
history of chronic inflammatory disease such as RA
Sickle Cell anemia diagnostic tests?
hemoglobin electrophoresis
hemoglobin S seen
Changes in RBC with sickle cell?
sickle shaped RBC's w/shortened life span 10-20 days
Target cells
Hemolytic anemia