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11 Cards in this Set

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Results from a functional disorder of intestinal motility, segments of peristaltic waves and intesity of propulsion seem affected

Affected by:
heredit, depression, anxiety, high fat diet, alcohol consumption, and smoking
IBS chronic symptoms
1. Abdominal pain
2. Alternating diarrhea and constipation
3. No anatomic abnormality
IBS Causes
1. Stess
2. Ingestion of irritants
3. Lactose intolerance
4. Abuse of laxatives
5. Hormonal changes (menstration)
Treatment of IBS
1. Counseling
2. Strict dietary restrictions DO NOT HELP - cause stress
3. Rest
4. If from laxative use, bowel retraining will be needed
5. Teaching - avoid irritants, no dairy, stress maintenence, increase fiber, drink fluids
Ulcerative Colitis
Characterized by diffuse inflammation with edema and shallow mucosal ulceration

- Primarily affects distal colorectal area - sigmoid and descending colon

- Can progress to involve entire colon

- Scarring decreases elasticity and absorptive properties of colon
S/S Ulverative colitis
1. Classic Symptom = Diarrhea (15-20 stools/day)
2. Stools contain blood, mucous, and cellular exudate
3. Abdominal cramps
4. Fecal incontinence
5. Electrolyte imbalances (Na, K, Ca, bicarb.)
Crohn's Disease
Found most frequently in the proximal colon and ileocecal junction
- Transmural inflammation (involves all layers of intestinal wall and possibly lymph nodes as well)
- "skipping" or "cobblestone" effects
- Morphologic changes to colon wall that decrease function
- Potential for stricture and fistula formation
S/S Crohn's disease
1. RLQ pain
2. Cramping
3. Tenderness
4. Flatulence
5. Nausea
6. Fever
7. Diarrhea
8. Rarely bleeding

1. Diarrhea (4-6 stools/day)
2. RLQ pain
3. steatorrhea (fat in stool)
4. Marked weight loss
5. Possible weakness
Pharmacological Management of Crohn's Disease
1. Sulfasalazine (amniosalicylates/ sulfonamide)
2. Corticosteroids
3. Immunosuppressive agents
4. Antibiotics (Flagyl)
5. Vitamin B12
6. Iron dextran complex (InFeD)
7. Antidiarrheals
Nursing Management of Crohn's Disease
1. Dietary restrictions when symptomatic
2. Role of "bowel rest" - TPN
3. Dietary fiber more problematic with Crohn's due to possible stricture formations
4. Post surgical care
Nursing Management of Hemorrhoids
1. Bulk stool softeners
2. Analgesic ointment
3.Sitz bath
4. Ligation
5. Sclerotherapy; ctyotherapy
6. Infrared photocoagulation
7. Laser excision
8. Hemorrhoidectomy