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68 Cards in this Set

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describe the auricle
cartilage based appendage, consists of: helix, antihelix, tragus, orifice of the canal, lobe
what type of epithilium lines the external ear canal?
stratified squamous
describe the tympanic membrane.
located between the external canal and middle ear, fxn is to vibrate.
list the structures of the TM.
cone of light reflex
pars flaccids
pars tensa
how will auricular tophi present? caused by?
one or more NONtender, yellow papules on the helix or antihelix. cause: gout
describe presentation of otitis externa maligna. cause?
diffuse, erythematous, exquisitley tender swelling of the entire auricle. cause: psuedomonas in immunocompromised patients.
describe presentation of ear lobe keloids. cause?
soft, NONtender nodules on the lobe. caused by trauma (ear piercing)
describe presentation of cauliflower ear. cause?
presents with significant loss of structure/fxn of auricle. caused by trauma or infection involving auricle.
describe preauricular node enlargement. cause?
manifests with palpable nodes anterior to the tragus. cause: infection/inflammation of periorbital structures.
list 4 problems with the external ear canal.
cerumen impaction
otitis externa
squamous cell carcinoma
describe presentation of a furuncle.
erythmatous, tender nodule in the canal. may drain purulent material.
describe presentation of cerumen impaction.
presents with decreased hearing, sense of fullness. upon examination, complete blockage of canal precludes visiualization of TM.
describe presentation of otitis externa. cause?
decreased hearing, sense of fullness. swelling, erythema and serous discharge from canal. swelling may occlude canal.cause: foreign body, infection with staph or step spp.
describe presentation of squamos cell carcinoma.
painless ulcer of auricle, posterior auricular nodes may be involved.
list 4 problems with the TM/middle ear.
serous otitis media
purulent otitis media
tympanoplasty tube
perforation of TM
presentation of serous otitis media. cause?
loss of translucency of TM, prominence of underlying structures (umbo/malleus). speckled type light reflection pattern and airfluid patterns behind TM, decrease in hearing
popping with swallowing
sense of fullness.
cause: viral or atopic process.
purulent otitis media. cause?
TM marked with erythema, prominent vessels around periphery, bulging of TM and loss of umbo/malleus, loss of light reflex, decreased hearing, sense of fullness, earache.
cause: bacterial infection (streptococcus, h. flu, b. catarrhalis)
tympanoplasty tube
metal or plastic orifice in TM, dull TM, small amt of discharge.
perforation of TM
hole in the TM itself, loss of cone of light reflex, dull membrane. purulent discharge. bloody discharge and precipitous onset of severe otalgia if cause by barotrauma.
external anatomy of the nose
nasal bone (supports bridge), two nares separated by a septum.
internal anatomy of the nose.
inferior, middle, superior turbinates. inferior demonstrable upon inspection.
list 6 problems with the nose
allergic rhinitis
nasal fracture
septal hematoma
septal deviation
nasal polyps
describe rhinophyma
painless increase in size of nose w/ telengiectasia, sebaceous gland enlargement, accompanied by rosacea
describe allergic rhinitis
diffuse swelling of nasal mucous membranes w/ serouos rhinorhhea, often concurrent conjuctivitis and sneezing.
describe a nasal fracture.
trauma related, painful swollen ecchymotic nose with anterior epistaxis
septal hematoma
complication of a nasal fracture, discrete purple colored swelling of the septum of the nose impacting on both nares
septal deviation
complication of nasal fracture, deviation of septum with resultant decrease in size of one nare and increase in size of the other
nasal polyps. cause?
soft, red, pedunculated nodules in nasal canal (usually hanging from a turbinate or the septum) cause: atopic rhinitis or foreign bodies (nose ring)
list the 6 problems affecting the face/sinuses discussed.
svc syndrome
basilar skull fracture
frontal sinusitis
describe the presentation of amyloidosis
presents with peri-orbital plaque like ecchymosis, macroglossia, findings of right heart failure (hepatomegaly, peripheral pitting edema)
describe the presentation of myxedema
coarsening of features, macroglossia, loss of lateral eye brow hair, delayed reflexes (relaxation phase)
SVC syndrome
macroglossia, diffuse NON-pitting edema of upper extremities and face, elevated JVP
basilar skull fracture
periorbital ecchymosis, decreased level of consciousness, "battle's sign" and hematotympanum.
green nasal discharge, tenderness to percussion, decreased transillumination
frontal sinusitis
green nasal discharge, tenderness to percussion decreased transillumination
list 4 problems with the neck
cervical lymph node enlargement
Ludwig's angina
parotid gland enlargement
visible palpable mass on anterior neck. cause: enlargement of thyroid.
MAY have sx of hypo/hyper thyroidism or may be asymptomatic
cervical lymph node enlargement
one or more nodule in neck.
multiple causes:
can be due to metastisis: hard, stoney.
lymphoma: rubbery
infection-related: tender, swollen
Ludwig's angina
presents with tender, erythematous swelling in anterior neck (esp. submental area) may develop airway compromise and stridor
parotid gland enlargement
presents with lateral neck swelling can be tender or non tender. cause: mumps, bulimia, sialolithiasis
gingival hypertrophy. cause?
diffuse gingival thickening and enlargement, tender or non tender. cause: often due to medication - phenytoin, cyclosporin A
gingivitis vulgaris
diffuse tender swelling, tartar and calculus at gingiva/tooth interface and mild bleeding. varying severity: can uncover roots of teeth, purulent discharge may be present
acute non-lymphocytic leukemia,M5 subtype
manifests with diffuse gingival hypertrophy. cause: infiltration of leukemic cells into gingiva
manifests with hypertrophic interdental papilla. cause: irritation (flossing, being pregnant)
torus mandibularis
mucosa covered bony nodules usually on lingual side of mandible, benign.
herpes simplex stomatitis
clusters of vesicles, become painful erosions and ulcers on gingiva, mucosa, lip and skin
coxsache stomatitis
diffuse vesicles that become painful erosions and ulcers on the gingiva, mucosa, lip and posterior pharynx. DOES NOT CROSS VERMILLION BORDER OF LIP. may involve palms and soles
white papules and plaques on mucosa, pharynx tongue and gingiva
aphthous stomatitis
one or more tender erosions on the buccal mucosa. idiopathic.
disruption of tooth enamel, brown or black discoloration. adjacent to sites of restoration or the interfce between gingiva and tooth.
tooth attrition
wearing down of incisural surfaces of the teeth, cause: wear and tear.
herpes simplex labialis
one or more clusters of vesicles on the lip OUTSIDE the vermillion border
coxsachie A
multiple vesicles and erosions on lip, gingival surface, mucosa of the mouth DOES NOT CROSS THE VERMILLION BORDER
one or more transverse fissures in the lip. casue: dryness or UV exposure
crusty fissures on the angles of the mouth. cause: candida or Fe deficiency
enlarged tongue with peripheral indentations, i.e. serratoglossia. cause: amyloidosis, acromegaly, hypothyroidism
atrophic glossitis
smooth tongue w/ loss of all fungiform and filliform papilla, appears shiny, prominence of circumvillate papilla on posterior surface.
cause: vit B12/ folate deficiency
geographic tongue
red patches of denuded tongue epithelium, surrounded by rims of white and normal epithilium, changes day to day.
cause: idiopathic
black tongue
black color, specifically fungiform/filiform papilla.
cause: colonization with aspergillus niger, bismuth, charcoal.
sublingual varicosities
purple vessles on sublingual surface. generally benign.
squamos cell carcinoma
painless red or white exophytic papule, plaque that ulcerates on the tongue.
torus palatinus
non-tender nodule in the hard palate, covered with mucosa.
cause: benign bony exostosis
non-exudative pharyngitis
erythema and swelling of tonsils and posterior pharynx, accompanied by cervical node enlargement, serous rhinorrhea, serous otitis media
exudative pharyngitis
swelling, erythema and exudates on posterior pharynx and uvula. accompanied by:
(if strep. etiology) enlarged jugulodigastric nodes.
(if mono) diffuse lymphadenopathy and all areas and splenomegaly
smooth nodule or mass in the posterior pharynx adjacent to tonsil.
cause: strep abscess in peritonsillar area
problems assoc with goiter
hyper AND hypothyroidism
sx of cold, weight gain, depression, patchy (diffuse) alopecia, loss of lateral eyebrows. delayed relaxation phase for reflexes, bradycardia, thickened skin, proximal muscle weakness
sx of weight loss, heat intolerance, hyperdefecation, bi-lateral or unilateral lid lag, active lid lag, active lower lid lag, bruit over goiter, bruit over the eyes, systolic rub, brisk deep tendon reflexes, tremor, thin skin, proximal muscle weakness, distal onycholysis.
GRAVES DISEASE MANIFESTS WITH SX OF HYPERTHYROIDISM. also, pretibial myexedema and proptosis/exophthalamus.