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74 Cards in this Set

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increased growth hormone, enlargement of both bone & soft tissues
severe hypothyroidism—dull, puffy faces. Hair & eyebrows are dry, coarse, & thinned
Nephrotic Syndrome
swelling usually appears first around the eyes & in the morning. Kidney waste proteins
Cushing’s Syndrome
increased adrenal hormone production. Round or “moon” face w/red cheeks. Excessive hair growth may be present in the mustache & sideburn areas
Parotid Gland Enlargement
Associated w/ obesity, diabetes, cirrhosis
Parkinson’s Disease
decreased facial mobility blunt expression. Neck & upper trunk ten to flex forward. Facial skin becomes oily & drooling may occur
Blind Right Eye
Lesion of the optic nerve, produces unilateral blindness
Bitemporal Hemianopsia
Fibers that are crossing over to the opposite side
drooping of the upper lid. Causes—myasthenia gravis, damage of the oculomotor nerve
Retracted Lid
retracted eyelids. Causes—hyperthyrodism
eyeball protrudes forward...Bilateral— infiltrative ophthalmopathy of Graves’ disease, form of hyperthyroidism...Unilateral— tumor or inflammation in the orbit
Periorbital Edema
kin of eyelids is loosely attached to underlying tissues
Edema accumulates
Caused by allergies, local inflammation, cellulites, myzedema & fluid-retaining states as nephritic syndrome
yellowish, somewhat triangular nodule in the bulbar conjuctiva on either side of the iris
W/aging, first on the nasal & then temporal side
Sty (Acute Hordeolum)
painful, tender, red infection in a gland at the margin of the eyelid
subactue nontender nodule involving a meibomian gland. Usually points inside the lid rather than margin
localized ocular redness from inflammation of the episcleral vessels
Benign & self-limited
Could be nodular
slightly raised, yellowish plaques in the skin...Appear along the nasal protion of one or both eyelids
Lipid disorders, but may also occur independently
pink eye)
diffuse dilation of conjunctival vessels w/redness that tends to be maximal peripherally
Pain mild
Vision not affected except for temporary mild blurring due to discharge
Significance bacterial, viral & other infections; allergy; irritation
Corneal Injury/Infection
Dilation of deeper vessels that are visible as radiating vessels or reddish violet fluch around limbus
Pain moderate to severe, superificial
Vision usually decreased
Significance abrasion & other injuries; bacterial & viral infections
Acute Iritis
Dilation of deeper vessels that are visible as radiating vessels or reddish violet fluch around limbus

Pain moderate, aching, deep Vision decreased
Significance ocular & systemic disorders
Triangular thickening of the bulbar conjunctiva that grows slowly across the outer surface of the cornea, usually from nasal side
May interfere with vision as it encroaches upon pupil
Unequal pupils
Tonic Pupil
Adie’s Pupil, Large, regular & usually unilateral
Oculomotor Nerve Paralysis
Ptosis of the upper eyelid and lateral deviation
Horner’s Syndrome
Affected pupil reacts briskly to light & near effort
Ptosis of the eyelid is present could be with loss of sweating of forehead of the same side
Congenital—involved iris is lighter in color than fellow
Small Irregular Pupil
Argyll Robertson Pupils don’t react to light but react to near effort
Usually but always from CNS Syphilis
Chondrodermatis Helicis
chronic inflammatory lesion start as painful, tender papule that is usually on helix but may be on the antihelix
Cutaneous Cyst
cyst behind the ear used to be called sebaceous syst.
epidermoid cyst common on the face & neck
Pilar cyst common in scalp
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Common in light-skinned people who have been frequently exposed to sunlight
On the helix & raised crusted border with central ulceration seen
biopsy to confirm diagnosis
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Raised nodule w/lustrous surface & telangiectatic
Rarely metastasizes
Fair-skinned people who been exposed to too much sunlight
Deposit of uric acid crystals characteristic of chronic tophaceous gout. Hard nodule in helix or antihelix that may discharge their chalky white crystal thru skin.

Develops only after years of sustained high bloodlevels of uric acid.
Firm, nodular, hypertrophic mass of scar tissue that extends beyond the area of injury.
It may develop in scarred area, common on shoulders & upper chest. Darker skinned people more prone.
Rheumatoid Nodules
pt w/chronic arthritis or more small lumps on helix or antihelix. Ulceration may result from repeated small injuries. Antedate the arthritis
Chalky white patch with irregular margins
Hyaline material within the layers of the tympanic membrane that sometimes follows severe episode of otitis media
impairs hearing
Serous Effusion
Viral upper respiratory infections
Sudden changes in atmospheric pressure from flying or diving
Eustachian tube can’t equalize the air pressure in the middle ear w/that of the outside air
moveable bubbles
Acute Otitis Media w/Purulent Effusion
Purulent effusion
Symptoms-earache, fever & hearing loss
Drum is bulging & landmarks obscured
the drum could rupture & purulent material could go into the ear canal
most common in kids
Bullous Myringitis
Viral infection characterized b painful hemorrhagic vesicles
Symptoms-earache, blood-tinged discharge from ear & hearing loss of conductive type
immoveable bubbles
Conductive Hearing Loss
disorder of the external or middle ear impairs the conduction of sound to the inner ear;
Minor distortions of sound
The patient’s own voice tends to be soft.
Most often develops in childhood & young adulthood up to age 40.
The ear canal and drum usually has a visible abnormality except in otosclerosis
Sensorineural Hearing loss
disorder of the inner ear the cochlear nerve or it central connections impairs the transmission of nerve impulses to the brain
Distortion or word sounds often present as upper tones of words are disproportionately lost
In noisy environ it worsens
Patient’s own voice may be loud
Develops most often in the middle or later year
There is no problem visible
Herpes Simplex
produces recurrent & painful vesicular eruptions of the lips & surrounding skin
Small cluster of vesicle first develops
Heals 10-14 days
Angular Cheilitis
softening of the skin at the angles of the mouth followed by fissuring
May be due to nutritional deficiency or more commonly to overclosure of the mouth as in pts w/o teeth or w/ill-fitting dentures
Saliva wets & macerates the infolded skin leadingto secondary infection w/ Candida
Carcinoma of the Lip
affects the lower lip
My be scaly plaque as an ulver w/ or w/o crust or nodular lesion
diffuse, nonpitting, tense swelling of the dermis and subcuatenous tissue
Develops rapidly & typically disappears over subsequent hours or days
Usually allergic in nature & sometimes-associated w/hives, it doesn’t itch
Chancre of Syphilis
appear on the lip rather than on the genitalia
Firm, buttonlike lesion that ulcerates & may become crusted
May resemble a carcinoma or crusted cold sore Is infectious
Hereditary hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
multiple small red spots on the lips
May be visible on the face & hands and in the mouth
Spots are dilated capillaries & may bleed when traumatized
Affected people often have nosebleeds & GI bleeding
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
pigmented spot on the lips more prominent than freckling of the surround skin
Pigment in the buccal mucosa
Multiple intestinal polyps associated that turn into cancer
complain of sore throat or at least scratchy
From several kinds of viruses & bacteria Group A Streptococci & Epstein-Barr virus No fever, exudates, or enlargement of cervical lymph nodes, chance of infection by either
Exudative Tonsillitis
red throat w/white exudates on the tonsils
Group A Streptococcal infection aka infectious mononucleosis
This with fever and enlarged cervical nodes
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Dull red & gray exudates present on uvula, pharynx & tongue
Airway may become obstructed
Thrush on the Palate (Candidiasis)
yeast infection from Candida
Thick, white plaques adherent to the underlying muscosa
Predisposing factors—prolonged treatment w/antibiotic or corticosteroids or AIDS
Kaposi’s Sarcoma in AIDS
deep purple color of lesions
May be raised or flat W/AIDS pts
Fordyce Spots
normal sebaceous glands that appear as small yellowish spots in the buccal mucosa or on the lips
small red spots that result when blood escapes from capillaries into the tissues
In buccal mucosa often caused by accidentally biting the cheek
Oral petechiae may be due to infection or decreased platelets too
thickened white patch in the oral mucosa
The irritation can lead to cancer—seen in those that chew
Marginal gingivitis
among teenagers & young adults
Gingival margins reddened & swollen & interdental papillae are blunted, swollen and red
Brushing teeth makes the gums bleed
Plaque not visible
Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis
occurs suddenly in adolescents & young adults accompanied by fever, malaise, and enlarge lymph nodes
Develop in the interdental papillae
Necrotizing process spread along the gum margins when grayish pseudomembrane develops
Red, painful gums bleed easily
Foul breath
Chronic Gingivitis & Peridontitis
inflammation of the deeper tissues that normally hold teeth in place
Attachment b/w gums & teeth gradually destroyed, gum margins recede & teeth eventually loosen
Calculus—calcified plaque, cream-colored deposits on the teeth
Gingival Hyperplasia
gums enlarged by hyperplasia are swollen into heaped0up masses that may cover teeth
Redness of inflam may coexist
Caused by Dilantin therapy (seizure therapy), puberty, pregnancy, & leukemia
Prgnanacy Tumor
gingival enlargement may be localized, forming tumor like mass that usually originates in interdental papilla
Red & soft & usually bleeds easily
Lead Lines
Bluish-black line on the gums signal chronic lead poisoning
Line is about 1 mm from the gum margin
Dental caries
chalky white area in enamel surface of tooth
May turn brown/black, soft, & cavitate
Hutchinson’s Teeth
smaller & more widely space than norm & notched on their biting surfaces
Sides of teeth taper toward the biting edges
Upper central incisors of permanent teeth most often affect
Sign of Congenital syphilis
Hairy Tongue
“hair” is elongated papillae on the dorsum of the tongue
Yellowish to brown/black
May follow antibiotic therapy but may also occur spontaneously w/o known cause
Geographic Tongue
scattered smooth red areas that are denuded of papillae
Give maplie pattern that changes over time
Unknown cause benign condition
Smooth Tongue
smooth & sore tongue that has lost its papillae Deficiency in Riboflavin, Niacin, Folic acid, Vit B12, Pyridoxine or Iron
Could be from anticancer drugs
Hairy leukoplakia
whitish raised areas that have feathery or corrugate pattern
Areas can’t be scarped off
Sides of tongue most affected
Seen in HIV infectiosn & AIDS
thick white coat on tongue due to Candida infection
Raw red surface is left where the coat scrpaed off
May also cause redness of tongue w/o white coat
AIDS,predisposes to the this condition
Aphthous Ulcer(canker sore)
painful, small, round or oval ulcer that is white or yellowish gray & surrounded by halo of reddened mucosa
Single of multi heal 7-10 days
perisiting painless white patch in the oral mucosa
Raises possibility of malignant chance
Mucous Patch of Syphilis
painless lesion in the secondary stage of syphilis & highly infectious
Slightly raised, oval & covered by grayish membrane
Carcinoma, Floor of Mouth
sides of the tongue
Erythroplakia—reddened area of mucosa; possible malignancy
Diffuse Enlarge Thyroid
includes the isthmus & lateral lobes
No palpable nodules
Caused by Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis & endemic goiter
Multinodular Goiter
enlarged thyroid gland that contains 2 or more identifiable nodules
Mulit suggest metabolic rather than neoplastic process
Irradiation during childhood, pos fam history, enlarged cervical nodes or continuing enlargement of one of the nodules raise the suspicion of malignancy
Single Nodule
may be a cyst, benign tumor or 1 nodule w/in multi nodular gland
Raises ? of malignancy
Prior irradiation, hardness, rapid growth, fixation to surrounding tissue, enlarged cervical nodes increase the probability of malignancy