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67 Cards in this Set

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• The Holiness Code
In Leviticus 19, YHWH stipulates the rules for how the Israelites are to live as holy people. Holiness means separation, which means that the Israelites must be set apart and different from other people because they have a special relationship with God. Holiness separates people, space and time.
• Day of Atonement
In Leviticus 16, this ritual (Yom Kippur in Hebrew) describes the annual purification of the tabernacle complex including the holy of holies. Aaron must sacrifice a bull (as a burnt offering) and spread its blood on the mercy seat (that holds the arc of the covenant with the 10 commandments inside). He also sacrifices two goats (for a sin offering). One is sacrificed to the lord and the other has the sins of the Israelites placed on its head and is sent into the wilderness to Azazel.
• Hammurabi
The leader of Babylon who wrote a stele that defines good leadership as protecting the weak from the strong or social justice.
• Mary Douglas
In response to the rules for purity she argues that people create arbitrary categories to create the illusion of control over their environment. For example, some meat is pure other is impure.
• Impurity: from Leviticus, Israelites can only eat food that chews and has divided hoofs, childbirth makes women impure, and ejaculation is impure.
• WML de Wette
came up with the theory that Deuteronomy is “A pious fraud”. He argues that Moses is not the author of Deut but instead was written in 601 by the advisors of king Josiah
• Huldah
is a prophetess in 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles. She authenticates the second book of the law that Josiah finds in the temple and prophecizes destruction if they fail to follow it.
• Josiah
is a child king. Responsible for purging the cult of all other gods and idols. He finds a book that offers a second law in the temple that he purges. There are two accounts of his story, demonstrating the authorship of Deuteronomy to be priests, scribes and prophets
• George E. Mendenhall
Developed the Revolt Model to explain how Israel originated in Canaan. It is based off of the Amarna letters and supposes that Canaanites were tired of Egypt's monopoly and objected to Egyptian actions and the covenant based, and loyal Israelites were an attractive alternative to many of their objections against the egyptians.
• Amarna Letters
letters in Akkadian by the Canaanites to Akhenaten (pharaoh who moved the capital to Amarna) that complain about the pharaoh’s challenge to Egyptian authority in his push towards monotheism.
• The Conquest Model
Albright argues that the Israelites took over Canaan by conquest based on archeological evidence of Israelite settlements in non Israelite sites and some uncovered sites of destroyed cities. Objections are that this ignores the Exodus.
• The Gradual Emergence Model:
Israel Finkelstein argues that Israelites are just Canaanites who gradually developed a separate identity as they migrated to the highland settlements from the lowlands. Evidence is that there are remains and settlements of people who don’t eat pork, critics say the people’s remains don’t look Egyptian.
• The ban/harem
complete annihilation for some crime. Those that commit treason must act as one to kill that treasonous person. Exemplified in the rules for kings and the rules for war in Deuteronomy 20
• Ai:
Means “heap of ruins” in Hebrew and the Israelites attempt to take the city twice. The first time Achan, following the story of Rahab fails to take Ai because of his sins. This failure shows who is in and out of Israel. He and his family are all stoned to death exemplifying the custom of the ban in paying for sin. The second time, Joshua successfully takes the city and burns it to the ground in complete destruction.
• Amphictyony
A theory by Noth based on Judges as to how the Israelites organized their leadership. This sacred league of 12 tribes represents the 12 months of the year to maintain the one sanctuary for the entire year. The tribes have a non-aggression pact, united by their one temple. Problem: more/less than one-temple/twelve tribes.
• Seer/Man of God
the ancient or historical terms for prophet. What they say or prophecy always comes true. This is how Samuel is described when the future king, Saul, comes to find him to search for his donkeys. This shows that the story of Saul has been passed down the generations
• Saul:
he goes looking for his goats, meets Samuel, is anointed with oil (messiah), becomes ruler of Israel, in the war at Gilgal against the philistines, he completes the war burnt offering so that god will go with them into battle even though this job should be reserved for Samuel. Saul falls from power to the next king, David.
• Nabal
is the rich Moabite man who’s wife is Abigail. Nabal underestimates David, but David threatens him to get money for his thugs in the dessert. Because Abigail pays David off and strokes his ego, Nabal is not destroyed. He marries Abigail after Nabal has a heart attack.
• Uriah
is Bathsheba’s (girl who is bathing naked on the roof and David gets pregnant) husband who is off fighting in the war. David tries to get him to have sex with her while he is called home from war, but he refuses so David has him killed.
• Nathan
The prophet who comes to David and tells him a story where the rich steal from the poor. David proves his guilt by overreacting to the story and saying that everyone should be killed. Nathan protects the weak from the strong and prophecies “The sword shall never leave your house and the baby between you and bathsheba will die.
• Amnon and Tamar
Amnon is David’s son and Tamar’s half sister. Tamar is property of her full brother, Abselom. He falls in love with tamar and then rapes her using the three word combination (stronger, force, lay with) that equates to rape in the Hebrew Bible. Absalom forces her to stay quiet and Amnon is killed by Absalom. This fulfills nathan’s promise that David’s succession will be bloody.
• Ahijah the Shilonite
is a prophet that gives Jeroboam a prophetic sign act that his garment will be torn in 12 pieces. The tribes of Israel are broken in two because Solomon was an idolatrous king
• Rehoboam:
The king in the south, son of david. He decides to continue to use slaves to build the temple.
• Jeroboam
The servant of Solomon that inherits the kingdom to the north, and sees Israel broken into 12 tribes as Ahijah predicts. When Solomon hears the prophesy he wants to kill Jeroboam and he flees into Egypt, turning Egyptian also in that he uses slave labor. He builds the capital of his kingdom in Sheckem He perpetuated the division of the kingdom by erecting two golden idols at the extremes of his kingdom so the people will not worship in the temple of Rehoboam.
• Elijah
One of the two major prophets in Kings. He is the master over Elisha and is unique because he performs miracles and has “superpowers” Elijah is one of the only people in the Hebrew Bible that doesn’t die, but is taken up to heaven alive. He argues for one God, YHWH by testing god to light a sacrificed bull on fire in a contest against the prophets of Queen jezebel’s phrophets of Ba’al. The Deutoronomists correct this story with the story where Elijah goes out into the dessert for 40 days and eventually “see’s god in the silence” or white noise proving that you don’t need the special effects to understand God.
• Ba’al
the storm god who controls rain. Son of El. The god for the Canaanites of Ugarit
• Amaziah
In the book of Amos, Amaziah is a priest who gives the dynastic oracle to the king and tells the king that Amos is trying to be hired by the king with his prophesy that “the king will die and the people will go into exile” because of violations of social justice.
• Social justice
the weak are protected from the strong. Defined by Hammurabi and defended by Amos
• Hosea
is a prophet who uses the metaphor of whoredom for the people of Israel. He thinks the kingdom will be destroyed because of idolatry. Hosea uses indictment or riv which is a covenantal lawsuit.
• Rib (covenantal lawsuit)
the north has broken their contract with YHWY because they have been idolatrous. The metaphor of whoredom is used to deliver this lawsuit to the people through the prophet hosea.
• The syro-Ephraimite war
The civil war between the states of Israel and Judah in 734 BCE. The kings of Aram and Israel laig siege to Jerusalem because King Ahaz refused to join them in their united front against the Assyrian king TP3. Assyria is marching south toward Egypt, the empire with all of the riches and resources and the smaller countries are in their way
• Second Issiah
Chapters 40-55 of Isaiah who’s job is to comfort the people. He promises a second exodus that will bring the people back to Jerusalem. It has to be dramatic and miraculous to argue and convince the people that YHWH is the only god (theoretical Monotheism)
• Sennacherib
King of Assyria who is payed off by Hezekiah to save Jerusalem from the Assyrian attack in 722.
• Baruch
a scribe in Jeremiah under Johoiakim who writes the scroll of the book of Jeremiah, but he makes th word of the lord into a lie and adds more to the scroll than Jeremiah dictates. This is why the new law found by Josiah was faulty, because of lying scribes
• Nebuchadnezzar:
The Babylonian king when the Babylonian army destroys Jerusalem, fulfilling Jeremiah’s prophecy
• Coniah
is Jehoiakim’s son and is thrown out of Jerusalem and dies there also fulfilling Jeremiah’s prophecy. Coniah is the signant ring that YHWH throws away and rejects to the Babylonians. Since this King dies, he is the end of the Davidic line
• The suffering servant
sings the servant songs in second Isaiah. Written in poetry. Argue that suffering can be positive. And that God is for the whole world, not just Israel
• Vicarious suffering
suffering for other people’s sins. Second Isaiah introduces this idea in the servant sign. Israel had to suffer so that the salvation of God could reach the whole world. This suffering is positive. There is meaning in life but there is greater meaning in death.
• Zerubbabel
In the book of Zechariah is the king that should build YHWH’s temple. He is part of a diarchy with the high priest and there will be peaceful understanding between them. He is called YHWH’s signet ring
the priest and scribe that brings the Pentateuch and attempts to cleans Jerusalem of its impurity of the men who stayed behind and married Canaanites. He forces them to divorce and is corrected by Malachi (messenger) who tells him that they all have one father.
Why is the Jerusalem royal ideology important?
The Jerusalem royal ideology stipulates that the line of David will reign forever, Kings are sons of god or gods themselves, Jerusalem is infallible. This “forever promise” prevents David from being a good king as exemplified by his abuse of social justice with Uriah and Bathsheba but because he is promised kingship forever, he cannot be dethroned. Also, as soon as the Davidic line ends with Coniah, the people doubt that YHWH is their god.
List two examples that show that the Bible is a patriarchal document.
1. In Hosea’s metaphor of whoredom for Jerusalem’s idolatry with Ba’al, the woman is made the whore and she is property of her husband. This metaphor is addressed to men.
2. Tamar is the property of Absalom and cannot stop Amnon from raping her because she is subordinate to him.
3. In Leviticus, women are the property of their fathers, husbands or brother
722 BCE
In the year 722 BCE, the King of Assyria conquered Samaria, the capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, and exiled its inhabitants. Known as the "ten lost tribes," they vanished and were lost to Israel as a coherent national or religious entity.
701 BCE
Ahaz offers money to the Assyrian army outside the gates so Judah/the city of jerusalem is spared
586 BCE
Nebuchadnezzar demolished the walls of Jerusalem and
the homes of the notables, and burnt the Temple. A considerable but unspecified number of Judeans were carried off into captivity, swelling the ranks of
those previously exiled.
Name three prophets who have their own book and refer to one topic that you think is important to them.
1. Amos: Social Justice
2. Hosea: Idolatry
3. Ezekial: Individual responsibility
King Solomon is famous for three main reasons, what are they?
1. He has god-given wisdom
2. He built a temple to god
3. He has many foreign wives.
What is the prophecy fulfillment schema?
A technique used in the Deuteronomist history where each time a prophecy is fulfilled, they call attention to the prophet who made the prophecy proving that God makes no mistakes and controls history.
List two examples that show the Bible comes from a different socio-cultural world than our own.
There are slaves used by Solomon and Rehoboam to build the temple.
Father to daughter incest is missing from the laws of impurity because women are property of men and people can’t be forbidden from destroying their own property.
What were the questions that people had after the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile?
Is this the end? Is YHWH god? Did we lose YHWH forever? Can he protect his people or was he overcome by the other gods? People doubt everything
What are the major theological themes in the book of Deuteronomy?
Social justice, ONE GOD, ONE PEOPLE, ONE SANCTUARY, law and covenant, rules for king and rules for war.
What are the three different endings of the Assyrian siege of Jerusalem in 701BCE?
1. Most of you will die, the Assyrians will burn the land, then throw salt on it so you will take 70 years to recover and be self sustaining again.
2. God will defend the city based on the Jerusalem royal ideology and the Assyrians will be killed by an angel of the lord.
3. King Hezekiah pays off the king of Assyria to save Jerusalem
What issue do the Deuteronomistic authors want to discuss in the end of the book of Judges when the say: “in those days there was no king in Israel”?
There are three examples of violations of justice against the weak, women, in society. This shows that tribal leaders are not effective because there is no king to arbitrate justice.
What were the issues on which those who returned from the exile and those who had stayed behind disagreed?
Who is in and who is out. Ezra believes that only the exiled (who were purified through the fire of the exile) are pure. But the others believe they are pure as well. Ezra also believes that those that married Canaanite women because Israelites should be separate. Malachi disagrees saying that we all have one father and all people are god’s people. Ezra holds Leviticus and Deuteronomy while Malachi holds second Isaiah.
o Immigration Model
(Noth and Albright): Plains were more populated than the highlands, so the Israelites settled in the high lands and just gradually extended their control to the plains. It is supported by Judges I that says that the canaanites were not initially driven out of the lowlands. Evidence in Judges 1 which says that the Canaanites were not initially driven out of the low lands.
o Conquest Model
(Albright): Coming from the story of conquest, in Joshua, the Israelites construct a story of conquering the Canaanites, but this is just because they were conquered by other groups. A huge- blitz like take over. Evidence for: Israelite settlements in non-Israelite regions based in archeological discoveries of tells, the mounds left over from the destruction of a city. Evidence against: no evidence of destruction in the right locations to match with the Biblical accounts. HOwever, also discovered in archeological evidence is lots of canaanite type settlements, suggesting peaceful immigration and that the people who lived there were first canaanite, not from outside.
o Revolt Model
(Mendenhall) takes evidence from the Amarna letters in which the Canaanites complain about Akhenaton challenging Egyptian authority, moving the capital, and moving towards monotheism. He thinks that the Canaanites resented Egypt so much that the peasants revolted against their rulers in favor of the Israelites. This makes the Israelites not a distinct ethnic group but instead a mixed group of oppressed people who joined together in the worship of the liberator god, YHWH.
o Gradual Emergence Model
(Finkelstein): The people gradually developed a new identity and migrated to the highlands.
• What is the moral problem of the conquest according to Joshua?
Since the conquest of the canaanites involves "The city and all that is in it shall be devoted to the Lord for destruction" with the exception of the prostitute, Rehab, they practice, the ban, or herem. This violence is not a factual report of ancient warfare, but instead presented as the theologically correct ideal. This is troubling because this action is justified by divine command and praiseworthy. Since the people are dedicated to the lord it can be likened to a sacrifice or a religious act, sanctifying this indiscriminate slaughter. They claim that the israelites had claim to canaan because God gave it to them.
The lord instructs total destruction which legitimizes religious inspired violence. However this is faulty logic because you don’t fight holy war, but God flights for you. At Jericho, all they did was circle the city and God made the walls come a tumblin’ down. The reason they tell this story of conquest is because they project all of their losses and despair on their opponent as a survival
• What was the disagreement between Saul and Samuel?
o They disagree over who should offer the sacrifice to YHWH before the battle against the Philistines. Common sense vs. complete obedience. Saul is instructed to wait 7 days but he completes the burnt offering before Samuel arrives because his people are too afraid. Samuel thinks he his foolish for breaching God’s commandment and now he will not be king.
• Why is Solomon famous?
o God given wisdom
o Builds a temple
o Many foreign wives
• Describe the end of the kingdom of Israel and the end of the kingdom of Judah?
o Jerusalem was destroyed in 722 by Assyria
o Judah was destroyed in 586 by Babylon
• What do Amos and Hosea have to say about the sacrificial cult and the priesthood
o What really matters in religion is social justice, not sacrifice.
• What is “Second and Third Isaiah?
o Second Isaiah is books 40-55 that argues for theoretical monotheism and who’s job description is to comfort the people. Written by Isaiah’s disciples.
o Third Isaiah is 56-66 and in these two books, Babylon is the enemy and Jerusalem is destroyed.
• How did Isaiah die?
o He wanted to help the people but all he did was bring harm. He feels like god raped him and everyone hates him for bringing messages of doom. He hates being YHWH’s prophet and wishes he had never been born
• What are Ezekiel’s symbolic actions?
o Symbolic actions
• Calls for the prophet to build a model of a city under siege
• Lie on left side 390 days for iniquity of Israel and on right side for 40 days for house of Judah. To bear the punishment of the people and make them feel guilty about their acts of impurity.
• He must eat dung
• And must shave his head and beard into thirds. To represent the fate of the inhabitants of Israel famine, the sword and exile
What did Ezekiel say about individual responsibility?
o “the righteousness of the righteous will be his own and the wickedness of the wicked will be his own”. He privileged individual over corporate responsibility.
• What is the “New Exodus”?
o When the Israelites are in the dessert and exiled, second Isaiah believes there will be a second exodus where the mountains will sing and the trees will clap their hands, replicating the splendor and majesty of the exodus through the red sea. This belief includes the idea that because god saved us before in Egypt he will save us again. God controls Assyria (I will use Assyria to punish my people- Isaiah) and Babylon (King Nebuchadnezzar is the lords servant and god has given him everything) so he controls everything. He has a plan to bring us back to Israel.