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40 Cards in this Set

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If a client has peripheral vascular disease, the nurse pays particular attention to what?
the integrity of the extremities. EX: if the physician's order is to apply a cold compress to a lower extremity, the nurse should assess circulation to the legs by assessing for capillary refill, observing skin color, and palpating skin temperatures, distal pulses, and edematous area
What influences the ability to perceive heat, cold, and pain?
level of consciousness
If a client is confused or unresponsive, the nurse must do what?
make frequent observations of skin integrity after therapy begins
Local application of heat and cold to an injured body part can be what?
Before using heat and cold therapy, however, the nurse must understand what?
normal body responses to local temperature variations, assess the integrity of the body part, determine the client's ability to sense temperature variations, and ensure proper operation of equipment
What is heat-loss mechanisms?
sweating and vasodilation
What is mechanisms promoting heat conservation?
vasoconstriction and piloerection
What is mechanisms promoting heat production?
Local responses to heat and cold occur where?
through stimulation of temperature sensitive nerve endings within the skin.
Normal temperature of the skin's surface is what?
34 degrees C and 93.2 degrees F, but receptors usually adapt quickly to local temperature between 45 degree and 15 degree C (113 degree and 59 degree F)
Excessive heat causes what kind of feeling?
burning sensation
Cold produces what kind of feeling?
a numbing sensation before pain
Prolonged exposure of the skin to cold results in what?
a reflex vasodilation
The cell's inability to recieve adequate blood flow and nutrients results in what?
tissue ischemia
If heat is applied for 1 hour or more, what happens?
blood flow is reduced by a reflex vasoconstriction as the body attempts to control heat loss from the area.
Continuous exposure to heat does what to the body?
damages epithelial cells, causing redness, localized tenderness, and even blistering
What happens what the skin is exposed to continuous cold?
skin initially takes on a reddened appearance, followed by a bluish purple mottling with numbness and a burning type of pain.
Factors influencing Heat and Cold tolerance
*A person is better able to tolerate short exposure to temperature extremes. *Certain areas of the skin are more sensitive to temperature variations. These include the neck, inner aspect of the wrist and forearm, and perineal region. The foot and palm of the hand are less sensitive. *Exposed skin layers are more sensitive to temperature variations
CONT: Factors influencing Heat and Cold tolerance
*The body responds best to minor temperature adjustments. If a body part is cool and a hot stimulus touches the skin, the response is greater than if the skin were already warm. *A person has less tolerance to temperature changes to which a large are of the body is exposed.
CONT: Factors influencing Heat and Cold tolerance
*Tolerance to temperature variations changes with age. Clients who are very young and old are most sensitive to heat and cold. *If a client's physical condition reduces the reception or perception of sensory stimuli, tolerance to temperature extremes is high, but the risk of injury is also high. *Uneven temperature distribution suggests that the equipment is functioning improperly
A prerequisite to using any heat or cold application is what?
a physician's order, which should include the body site to be treated and the type, frequency, and duration of application
For open wounds, what type of compress would you place to help improve circulation, relieve edema, and promote consolidation of pus and drainage?
sterily, warm, moist compress
Moist heat promotes what from the skin's surface?
vasodilation and evaporation of heat
Immersion of a body part in a warmed solution promotes what?
circulation, lessen edema, increases muscle relaxation, and can provide a means to debride wounds and apply medicated solution
What temperature should a nurse heat the water to for a warm soak?
40.5 C to 43 C (105 to 110 F)
How long should you change the water when using a warm soak?
about 10 minutes
Stiz bath
a bath in which only the pelvic area is immersed in warm fluid
The desired temperature for a sitz bath depends on what?
whether the purpose is to promote relaxation or to clean a wound.
It may be necessary to add warm water during the procedure, which normally last how long?
20 minutes
Advantages of moist applications
*Reduces drying of skin and softens wound exudate. *Conforms well to body area being treated. *Moist heat penetrates deeply into tissue layers. *Does not promote sweating and insensible fluid loss
Advantages to Dry Applications
*Dry heat has less risk of burns to skin than moist applications. *Dry applications does not cause skin maceration. *Dry heat retains temperature longer because it is not influenced by evaporation.
Disadvantages to Moist Applications
*Prolonged exposure can cause maceration of skin. *Moist heat will cool rapidly because of moisture evaporation. *Moist heat creates greater risk for burns to skin because moisture conducts heat.
Disadvantages to Dry Applications
*Dry heat increases body fluid loss through sweating. *Dry applications do not penetrate deep into tissues. *Dry heat causes increased drying of skin.
Aquathermia pad
used for treating muscle sprains and areas of mild inflammation or edema. The unit consists of a waterproof plastic or rubber pad connected by two hoses to an electrical control unit that has a heating element and motor
Recommend temperature for aquathermia pad
40.5 to 43 C (105 to 110 F)
Aquathermia pad application should only last how long?
20 to 30 minutes
Cold compresses should be applied for how long and at what temperature?
20 minutes; 15 C (59 F); to relieve inflammation and swelling
For a cold soak what is the time and temperature?
20 minutes; 15 C (59 F)
What is a ice bag used for?
sprain, localized hemorrhage, hematoma or who has undergone dental surgery to prevent edema formation, control bleeding, and anesthetize the body part.
The optimal outcomes for a client is what?
to prevent injury to the skin and tissues, reduce injury to the skin and underlying tissues, and restore skin integrity