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41 Cards in this Set

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Truncus arteriosus gives rise to?
ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk
bulbus cordis gives rise to?
right ventricle and smooth parts (outflow tract) of left and right ventricle
primitive ventricle gives rise to?
portion of the left ventricle
primitive atria gives rise to?
trabeculated left and right atrium
left horn of sinus venosus gives rise to?
coronary siinus
right horn of sinus venosus gives rise to?
smooth part of right atrium
right common cardinal vein and right anterior cardinal vein give rise to?
superior vena cava
how does truncus arteriosus evolve?
neural crest migration divides trunk into 2 arteries via fusion and twistin of truncal and bulbar ridges into ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk
trucus arteriosus pathologies?
tetralogy of fallot + transposition of great vessels
transposition of great vessels
Cause: failure of aorticopulmonary septum to spiral

See: aorta leaves the RV (anterior); pulm trunk leaves LV (posterior).

so there is a separation of systemic and pulmonic circulation

Die unless shunt
Tetralogy of fallot most common... ?
Most common cyanotic heart defect

Most common cause of blue baby syndrome
Tetralogy of fallot
Cause: anteriosuperior displacement of infundibular septum

See: boot shaped heart on xray
4 problems. 1. pulmonary stenosis 2. aorta overrides VSD 3. R ventricular hypertrophy 4. Ventricular septal defect

Early cyanotic spells occur due to shunt in VSD
tx: squat to inc. pressure in femoral arteries, to dec. shunt so more blood to lungs
Interventricular septum development?
1. muscular ventricular septum forms -there is an opening = interventricular septum
2. aorticopulm septum splits into aortic and pulmonic trunks
3. aorticopulm septum fuses with muscular ventricular septum to make membranous interventricular septum
Interarterial septum development?
1. foramen primum narrows, septum primum grows
2. septum primum makes foramen secundum. Foramen primum disappears
3. Foramen secundum maintains l to r shunt, septum secundum grows
4. septum secundum makes foramen ovale
5. foramen secundum grows, septum primum shrinks
6. septum primum forms valve of formamen ovale
Fetal erythropoiesis occurs in?
1. yolk sac- 3 to 8 wks
2. Liver - 6 to 30 wk
3. spleen - 9 to 28 wk
4. bone marrow - 28 wk on
fetal hemoglobin equation
adult hemoglobin equation
Does Fetal or adult hemoglobin pull more o2?
Fetal because it needs to pull it from the mother's circulation
Umbilical Vein or Artery is more saturated with o2?
Vein has more saturation = 80%

Artery o2 saturation is low
Fetal Shunt Names?
1. Ductus Venosus
2. Foramen Ovale
3. Ductus Arteriosus
Ductus Venosus?
To bypass liver/hepatic circ

Mom-->umbilical vein -->ductus venosus-->IVC

Skip liver because would take away more o2 and blood has already been cleaned by Mom's lliver
Foramen Ovale?
allows oxygenated blood from RA-->LA to skip lungs, pulm circ

R-->L shunt

IVC-->RA-->foramen ovale--->LA--> aorta to body/head

Foramen ovale should close at birth when infant takes a breath -->this dec pulm resistance-->inc LA P> RA P-->foramen ovale cloases = fossa ovalis
Ductus Arteriosus?
connects pulm A and aortic arch. Allows deox blood from RB to skip lung to LV...helps strengthen LV.

SVC-->pulm A-->lower body of fetus

At birth pulm and systemic circ are joined...born then closes = ligamentum arteriosum
Indomethacin vs. Prostaglandins on fetal heart?
indomethacin closes PDA
Prostaglandins keep PDA open

normally: when born inc O2 -->dec. prostaglandins --> PDA closes = ligamentum arteriosum
Umbilical vein turns to?
ligamentum teres hepatis
Umbilical artery turns to?
medial umbilical ligaments
Ductus Arteriosus turns to?
ligamentum arteriosum
Ductus Venosus turns to?
ligamentum venosum
Foramen ovale turns to?
fossa ovalis
allantois turns to?
urachus -->median umbilical ligament
notochord turns to?
nucleus pulposus of intervert disk
Aortic Arches?
1,2,3,4,6...NO 5
1st Aortic Arch derivative?
maxillary artery (branch of external carotid)
2nd Aortic Arch derivative?
stapedial artery + hyoid artery
3rd Aortic Arch derivative?
Common Carotid + internal Carotid artery
4th Aortic Arch derivative?
L-aortic arch
R - subclavian A
6th Aortic Arch derivative
prox part of pulmonary A + L-ductus arteriosus
Developing brain starts with?
prosencephalon becomes?
telencephalon -->cerebral hemisphere

Diencephalon -->thalami
Mesencephalon becomes?
Rhombencephalon becomes?
metencephalon -->pons + cerebellum

myelencephalon -->medulla