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193 Cards in this Set

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Where would you place the stethoscope to hear apical pulse?
At the midclavicular line at 5th left intercostal space
Why do we administer O2 to clients with angina pectoris?
Pain associated with angina pectoris is derived from ischemic myocardial cells. Supplemental O2 will help meet the added demands on the heart muscle.
What lab tests are performed to r/o AMI?
CKMB and troponin
Client c/o chest pain. How do you differentiate chest pain of cardiac origin vs respiratory origin?
Pain of pleuropulmonary origin usually becomes worse on inspiration
What dietary restrictions are needed in CHF?
Goal is to reduce fluid accumulation (less fluid intake, less salt intake)
Avoid ham, cheese, most cold cuts, potato chips
Weigh youself daily
Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables
What are the risk factors of CAD?
Modifiable: HTN, smoking, hyperlipidemia, glucose intolerance, obesity and stress
Non-Modifiable: age >40
Post-AMI rehab includes:
Healthy diet, activity, medications, follow-up appointments
What EKG changes are noted in hypokalemia?
Flat T wave
ST segment depression
What EKG changes are noted in hyperkalemia?
Tall, peaked T waves
Prolonged PR interval
Widening QRS complex
May also lead to ventricular dysrhythmias-> cardiac arrest
What are the dietary restrictions for clients with CAD?
Avoid foods high in saturated fats and cholesterol.
Use polyunsaturated oils to control hypercholesterolemia
What beverages should be avoided in clients with AMI?
Caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea, cola)
What should the post-op instructions include after an angioplasty (s/t angina pectoris)?
Dietary instructions, lifestyle changes to prevent further atherosclerosis.

Need to stop smoking right away.

Angioplasty doesn’t repair the heart!
What is CK-MM?
Blood test that shows skeletal muscle injury
Client came in with MI and is experiencing chest pain. Nurse administers a SL NTG. Chest pain is unrelieved. What should she do next?
Give another SL NTG
Client came in with MI and is experiencing chest pain (unrelieved by NTG). Nurse administers morphine sulfate. What should be monitored?
Respirations and BP
How would you position you client for a thoracentesis procedure?
Upright and leaning forward with arms on an over-the-table bed
This position ensures accessing and draining the infusion (with the help of gravity)
Before initiating therapy with acetazolamide (Diamox) for management of glaucoma, a nurse should ask for allergy to what?
Sulfa drugs
A client recovering from left ventricular heart failure has a ND of activity intolerance. Nurse determines that client is best tolerating mild exercise if client exhibits:
VS that remain near the baseline (indicate good cardiac reserve)
After the vein ligation and stripping, one client calls the nurse to report that she has been experiencing sensations throughout the affected leg (falling asleep). What should the nurse do?
Call the doctor immediately and report this
A sensation of pins and needles, or limb falling asleep, may indicate temporary or permanent nerve damage following surgery.
What is the surgical procedure for varicose vein removal?
Ligation and stripping.
It involves tying off the varicose vein & large tributaries and then removing the vein using hook and wires via multiple small incisions in the leg.
What is sclerotherapy?
Injection of a sclerosing agent into a varicosity
Agent damages the vessel & causes aseptic thrombosis that results in vein closure. With no blood flow through the vessel, distention will not occur.
Stable angina:
Triggered by a predictable amount of effort or emotion
Goes away after rest
Unstable angina:
Triggered by unpredictable amount of exertion or emotion
May occur at night
Attacks increase in #, duration and severity over time
Variant (Prinzmetal’s) angina:
Triggered by coronary artery spasm
Risk factors unknown
Tend to occur early in the day and at rest
Relatively unresponsive to nitrates
Beta-blockers are NOT given, may worsen the spasms
Normally treated with Ca++ channel blockers
Intractable angina:
Refractory to medical therapy
What lab test should be monitored in clients receiving Lasix?
How do you spot a 1st degree HB on EKG?
Prolonged PR interval
Why would you give morphine sulfate to a client with pulmonary edema?
Reduces anxiety and dyspnea
Also promotes peripheral vasodilation and causes blood to pool in the periphery
Decreases pulmonary capillary pressures, which reduces fluid migration into the alveoli
Client with heart failure is scheduled to be d/c with Digoxin & Lasix qd. What should be reported immediately?
Sudden weight gain of 2-3 lbs in a few days
Client should also report loss of appetite, SOB with activity, edema, persistent cough, & nocturia
What information would you provide to a client with CAD to encourage smoking cessation?
"If you quit now, your risk of CVD will decrease to that of a non-smoker in 3-4 years.”
A client with cardiac disease is placed on heart monitor. You see A. Fib with a ventricular rate of 150 bpm. What would you assess for?

Client with uncontrolled A. Fib is at risk of low CO because of loss of atrial kick.

Also assess the client for palpitations, chest pain or discomfort, pulse deficit, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, syncope, SOB & distended neck veins
Client is being d/c from the hospital after being treated for infective endocarditis. What should be included in d/c instructions?
Notify all HCPs of the hx of infective endocarditis before any invasive procedures.

Providers should place the client on prophylactic antibiotics. Client should take a full course of ab therapy.
Nurse is concerned about the adequacy of peripheral tissue perfusion in a post-cardiac surgery client. What should the nurse avoid to do?
Use of knee gatch on the bed
Also, nurse should plan measures to prevent post-op venous stasis (apply leg wraps/ elastic stockings, use pneumatic compression boots, discourage leg crossing, perform passive/ active ROM exercises, avoid placing pillows in popliteal space)
what activity limitations are needed for the 1st 6 weeks in post-cardiac surgery clients?
Use arms for balance, not weight support, when getting out of bed or chair.
Do not lift anything heavier than 5 lbs.
Do not drive
Avoid any acivities that cause straining.

These limitations allow sternal healing, which takes about 6 weeks.
What is sinus arrhythmia?
Has all the characteristics of a NSR, except an irregular P-P interval.
May occur d/t phasic changes in firing of the SA node s/t vagal tone, respirations, coffee etc.
CO is not affected.
Monitor shows sudden change in rhythm. No P wave, no QRS complexes. You only see wave lines on screen. What is it?
Ventricular Fibrillation
May have course or fine fib. waves
Client with MI is experiencing new, multiform PVCs. Knowing that client is allergic to Lidocaine, what would you give?
Procainamide (Pronestyl)
Client with PVCs has received antidysrhythmic therapy. You would know the therapy is effective if the PVCs continued to:
Decrease to a frequency of <6/min

PVCs are considered dangerous when they are frequent (>6/min), occur in pairs or couplets, are mulitfocal (multiform), or fall on the T wave.

In each of these cases, client’s cardic rhythm is likely to degenerate into V. Tach or V. Fib, both of which are potentially life threatening.
What is quinidine sulfate (Quinidex Extentabs) used for?
Chronic A. Fib

(for dysrhythmia suppression).
Adult client has been defib x3 unsuccessfully for V. Fib. CPR is resumed. Nurse notes that CPR is being administered effectively if:
Carotid pulse is palpable with each compression
What teaching points should be included in clients with an implantable cardioverter/ defibrillator?
Should continue to take anti-dysrhythmic drugs after d/c from hospital
If client feels an internal defib shock, she/he should sit down
Can’t have MRI
Client with complete heart block has a permanent demand ventricular pacemaker inserted. Pacemaker spikes should occur:
Before each QRS complex
where would you place conductive gel pads on chest for defibrillation (ACLS)?
Right of sternum just below the clavicle and Left of the precordium
Post-op instructions for vein ligation and stripping client include:
Avoid standing or sitting for prolonged periods.

Remain lying down with legs elevated for the 1st few days.

This reduces risk of edema in legs.

Client should also avoid crossing legs.
what fruits & vegetables should a client with HD avoid?
avocado, olives & coconut (all have high-fat content)
1st signs of Digoxin toxicity
abdominal pain, N/V, visual disturbances (blurred, yellow or green vision, halos around lights), bradycardia and other dysrhythmias
characteristics of venous (stasis) ulcers
more superficial than arterial ulcers.

ulcer bed is pink. edges are uneven, granulation tissue is evident.

skin has brown pigmentation from accumulation of metabolic waste (from venous stasis), peripheral edema.
Major complication r/t abdominal aortic aneurysm resection or repair
renal failure b/c often too much blood is lost during surgery & renal arteries maybe hypoperfused for a short time during surgery
how do you assess client for renal failure
hourly I&O,

urine output (should be >50 cc/hr),

BUN, creatinine levels.
clinical manifestations of abdominal aortic aneurysm
"heart beating" in the abdomen while supine or being able to feel the mass throbbing.

A pulsatile mass maybe palpated in the middle & upper abdomen.

A systolic bruit may be auscultated over the mass.

*not all clients exhibit these sx*
how would you know if pericardiocentesis was successful for a client with cardiac tamponade
rise in BP

fall in CVP

client usually expresses immediate relief

heart sounds are no longer muffled or distant
Expected finding of NV assessment of a client who underwent aortoiliac bypass graft
warmth, redness and edema in the affected extremity b/c of increased blood flow
contraindication to thrombolytic therapy e.g. Streptokinase
uncontrolled bleeding

severe uncontrolled hypertension d/t risk of cerebral hemorrhage
antidote of Coumadin
why do we start clients on Coumadin while they're on Heparin (for the last couple of days before d/c)
Coumadin works in liver & inhibits synthesis of 4 Vit.K-dependent clotting factors but it takes 3-4 days before the therapeutic effect of Coumadin is exhibited.
what's the therapeutic range of prothrombin time
1.5 to 2x control value
antidote for Heparin
Protamine sulfate
Do not take BP within ____ min after nicotine or caffeine ingestion
client had a percutaneous insertion of IVC filter & was on heparin before surgery.

You need to watch out for
bleeding & infection
client diagnosed with Raynaud's disease should
eliminate caffeine

stop smoking

Nifedipine (Procardia) may help decrease vessel spasms

avoid exposure to cold
what is thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger's disease)
uncommon disorder

inflammation & thrombosis of smaller arteries and veins

most common in young adult males who smoke

cause unknown, suspected to have auto-immune component
pulmonary embolism (PE) is a life-threatening complication of
DVT and thrombophlebitis
most common sx of PE
chest pain, shortness of breath
most common complication of placing a permanent or temporary pacemaker
pacing electrode dislodgement

limit client's activities
AICD (automatic internal cardioverter-defibrillator)
detects and delivers an electrical shock to terminate life-threatening episodes of V. tach and V. Fib
energy levels used to defibrillate a client in V. Fib:
(1st-2nd-3rd shocks resp.)
V. Fib is characterized by
irregular, chaotic undulations of varying amplitudes.

no measurable rate

no visible P waves or QRS complexes
what is done for rapid-rate A. Fib
carotid sinus massage- for vagal stimulation to decrease rapid HR and possibly terminate a tachydysrhythmia
vagal stimulation can be done by
carotid massage

gag reflex

asking client to strain or bear down
A. Fib is characterized by
loss of P waves

QRS is often normal

irregular ventricular rate, range 60-100 bpm (controlled) or 100-160 (uncontrolled)
A. Fib rate: 150 bpm.

Assess client for
hypotension and dizziness

risk of low CO (loss of atrial kick)

also assess for palpitations, chest pain, pulse deficit, syncope, SOB, distended neck veins
client in unstable V. tach.

You instruct client to do what?
perform cough CPR, i.e. Inhale deeply and cough forcefully q1-3 sec.

Cough CPR may terminate dysrhythmia or sustain cerebral & coronary circulation for a short time until other measures are implemented
client has just gone into V. Tach but is alert/awake and has good skin color.

What should you do?
administer amiodrone (Cordarone) IV
cardioversion vs defibrillation
cardiovert when awake

Defib when unconscious
V. tach is characterized by
no P waves

wide QRS intervals

rate 100-250 impulses/min

regular rhythm
_____ helps increase renal perfusion
pulmonary capillary wedge pressure is a reflection of
left-ventricular end-diastolic pressure
patient with MI is going into cardiogenic shock.

d/t myocardial ischemia, you would assess the patient for
Ventricular dysrhythmias
Digoxin works by
exterting a + inotropic effect on heart, while slowing overall HR

#1 med for heart failure
Heart failure is caused (or exacerbated) by
physical or emotional stress,

dysrhythmias, infections, anemia, thyroid disease,

pregnancy, Paget's disease, nurtirional deficiencies (alcoholism, thiamine),

pulmonary disease and hypervolemia
what should a client avoid before dipyridamole (Persantine) thallium-201 scan

alternative test to exercise thallium-201 scan
myocardial ischemia can be spotted on EKG by
ST segment elevation or depression
while performing CPR on adult client, sternum should be depressed ______ inches
Pulmonary edema is characterized by
extreme breathlessness

dyspnea, air hunger, and production of pink-tinged sputum.

Auscultation of lungs reveals crackles.
what medications should be avoided in a heart failure?
Dilitiazem (Ca++ channel blocker), propranolol and metoprolol (B-adrenergic blockers) have negative inotropic effect and worsen a failing heart
Spironolactone (Aldactone) is a
K+ sparing diuretic

client should avoid foods high in K+while taking this drug (unless combined with another K+ losing diuretic)
Troponin T
normal 0.1-0.2 ng/mL

anything >0.2 indicates MI
Tropinin I
normal <0.6 ng/mL
lab test ordered in clients with c/o chest pain to r/o MI

either Troponin T or I is checked

more specific for heart injury as compared to CK-MB

elevated for longer period of time (1-2 weeks) after MI
what does it mean if CK-MB, CK and myoglobin results are normal but Troponin results are elevated?
either lesser degree of heart injury is present

or injury took place >24 hours ago
how reliable is Troponin test to r/o MI
elevated Troponin should not be used alone to diagnose or r/o MI

some people having a MI have normal Troponin, while some people with elevated Troponin have no heart injury

Troponin levels also increased in chronic or acute conditions (myocarditis, CHF, severe infections, kidney disease...)
How are LDH-1 and LDH-2 related to MI?
LDH-1 and LDH-2 begin to elevate about 24 hrs after MI and peaks in 48-72 hrs.

They return to normal within 7-14 days thereafter.
If you give Lasix to client with K+ below normal range, what can happen?

If client has hx of cardiac problems, it can precipitate ventricular dysrhythmias
normal PT value
9.6-11.8 sec (Male)
9.5-11.3 sec (Female)

Therapeutic PT level is 1.5-2x client's control value.
normal aPTT value
20-36 sec (depending on the type of activator used for testing)

Therapeutic dose 1.5-2x normal range
normal Digoxin level
0.5-2 ng/mL
what is CPK
cellular enzyme that can be fractioned into 3 isoenzymes:

CK-MB: elevates in MI
CK-MM: skeletal muscle injury
CK-BB: brain injury
client with varicose veins developed skin breakdown and secondary infection.

Legs should be elevated __________
higher than the heart.

to assist with return of venous blood to the heart.
normal Fibrinogen level is ________
180-340 mg/dL for males and
190-420 mg/dL for females
critical Fibrinogen level is ________
< 100 mg/dL
with DIC, fibrinogen level ______
decreases/ drops
normal atrial pressure is _______
1-10 mm Hg
why is left atrial pressure recorded as mean (average) and not as systolic/ diastolic
b/c left atrium does not generate significant pressure during atrial contraction
pneumatic antishock garment is used to treat _____
hypovolemic shock (to provide circulatory assistance)

temporary measure until definitive treatment is given

can compromise blood flow to lower half of body
Quinidine sulfate is administered for A. Flutter or fibrillation only after the client has been __________
Indications of right-sided heart failure
peripheral or sacral edema,


what assessment would elicit information about Left-sided heart failure
lung sounds (crackles)
Intraaortic balloon pump therapy (IABP) is most often used in treatment of ________
cardiogenic shock

most effective if balloon is inserted early in the course of tx.

contraindicated in clients with aortic insufficiency & thoracic and abdominal aneurysms.
Intraaortic balloon pump therapy (IABP)
is a mechanical device used to decrease myocardial O2 demand and increase CO

It consists of a cylindrical balloon that sits in the aorta and counterpulsates.

That is, it actively deflates in systole increasing forward blood flow by reducing afterload, and actively inflates in diastole increasing blood flow to the coronary arteries
normal INR levels for clients on Coumadin
recommended INR levels for clients with mechanical prosthetic heart valve (on Coumadin)
recommended INR levels for survivors of MI (on Coumadin)
Toxic shock syndrome
caused by infection

often associated with tampon use

complication: DIC
Captopril is a _____
ACE inhibitor
cardiac tamponade is characterized by

distant or muffled heart sounds

JVD, or falling BP accompanied by pulses paradoxus (drop in inspiratory BP >10 mm Hg)
Raynaud's disease is characterized by
diminished or absent peripheral pulses
Regarding smoking, what is meant by the term 'pack years'
# of cigarettes smoked daily + duration of the habit

standard method of documenting smoking history
how would you position a client for pericardiocentesis
supine with HOB elevated 45-60 degrees
a complication of pericarditis
cardiac tamponade
PVCs are
abnormal ectopic beats originating in the ventricles.

characterized by absence of P waves

wide and bizzare QRS complexes

& a compensatory pause that follows the ectopy
how do you differentiate pericarditis from other cardiopulmonary problems
pericardial friction rub

chest pain that worsens on inspiration (pericarditis and pleurisy)
pericardial friction rub
heard with inflammation of the pericardial sac during the inflammatory phase of pericarditis.
Characteristics of arterial ulcers
pale, deep base

surrounded by tissue that is cool to touch

trophic changes: dry, soluble skin & loss of hair
arterial ulcers are caused by ______
tissue ischemia from inadequate arterial supply of oxygen and nutrients
Triamterene (Dyrenium) is a
K+ sparing diuretic (anti-hypertensive medication)
Name some fruits naturally high in K+
avocado, bananas, fresh oranges, mangoes, nectarines, papayas and dried prunes
d/c instructions for clients with Automatic Internal Cardioverter-defibrillator include
avoid tight clothing or belts over AICD insertion site

avoid rough contact with insertion site

avoid electromagnetic fields (e.g. electrical transformers, radio/TV/radar instruments, metal detectors. and running motors of cars or boats)

avoid MRI
Digoxin maybe held ____hrs before cardioversion
48 hrs

b/c it increases ventricular irritability and may cause ventricular dysrhythmias after the countershock
If a client is receiving oxygen via nasal cannula, what should you do BEFORE cardioverting the patient
temporarily REMOVE oxygen

oxygen supports combustion and a fire could result from electrical arcing.
cardiomyopathy patients should be instructed to
change positions slowly.

Risk of orthostatic hypotension r/t venous return obstruction

sudden changes in BP may lead to falls
Ferrous sulfate is an iron preparation and should be taken with ______
orange juice or other Vit.C containing product to increase absorption.

Milk products inhibit absorption
Edema is fluid accumulating in the _____
intercellular spaces
"pitting edema" leaves a ____ in the skin
pitting edema is graded on a _____ point scale
1+ edema
mild pitting

slight indentation

no perceptible swelling of the leg
2+ edema
moderate pitting, indentation subsides rapidly
3+ edema
deep pitting

indentation remains for a short time

leg looks swollen
4+ edema
very deep pitting

indentation lasts a long time

leg is very swollen.
usual rate in V. Tachy is _______
140-180 bpm or more
what drug would help a client that has decreased CO, that would also help increase BP?
Dopamine receptors are found in _______
renal blood vessels and the nerves
A hypothermic client would exhibit ______________
decreased HR and decreased BP

metabolic needs of body are reduced in this condition.
cardiac output is the _____
total amount of blood ejected from the ventricle per minute.

amount of blood ejected from the ventricles with each heart beat
Stroke volume

Normal= 70 cc
% of left ventricular end-diastolic volume ejected during the systole
Ejection fraction

Normal= 60-70%
3-layered vessels (intima, media, adventitia) that carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the tissues
small resistance vessels that feed into capillaries
join arterioles and venules

Larger, lower-pressure vessels than arterioles

where all the nutrients and wastes are exchanged
join capillaries and veins
large-capacity, low-pressure vessels that return unoxygenated blood to the heart
non-invasive test that gives graphic representation of the heart's electrical activity
Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG)
Holter monitoring
Ambulatory (24-hr) EKG test

records heart's activity and cardiac events over a 24-hr period
Instructions for clients undergoing Holter test:
- Keep an activity diary
- Do not take a shower/ bathe, operate machinery, use a microwave or an electrical shaver while wearing the monitor
Cardiac Catheterization and arteriography (angiography)
injection of radioopaque dye through a catheter

then, fluoroscope is used to examine the coronary arteries and intracardiac structures

also used for monitoring ICP, oxygenation, and CO
Instructions for client undergoing Cardiac catherization
- NPO after midnight
- Baseline VS and peripheral pulses
- Obtain written, informed consent
- Instruct that flushing of face, nausea or sudden urge to urinate may occur immediately after dye injection
- Allergies to iodine, seafood, dyes??
Cardiac Catheterization post-op care
- Monitor VS, peripheral pulses & injection site for bleeding
- Pressure dressing and bedrest for 8 hrs
- Keep leg straight for 6-8 hrs (if femoral approach) and keep arm straight for 3 hrs (if AC approach)
- Encourage fluids unless contraindicated
- Report any c/o chest pain immediately
non-invasive examination of the heart that uses sound echoes to visualize intracardiac structures and monitor the direction of blood flow
Client must be able to lie still for _________ for Echo
30-60 min
Stress test (exercise EKG)
noninvasive test that studies the heart's electrical activity and monitors for ischemic events during increasing exercise
The client should report ______ during a cardiac stress test
- chest pain/ discomfort
- fatigue
- Leg cramps
- diziness
uses IV injection of radioisotopes to examine heart

helps determine myocardial perfusion and contractility
Nuclear cardiology
Digital subtraction angiography
invasive procedure involving fluoroscopy with an image intensifier

allows COMPLETE visualization of arterial blood supply to a specific area
after the digital subtraction angio, encourage client to ______
drink at least 1 qt (1 L) of fluid
Hemodynamic monitoring (also called single procedure monitoring or continuous monitoring)
uses a balloon-tipped, flow-directed pulmonary artery catheter

measures intra-cardiac pressures and CO
What needs to be done after hemodynamic monitoring device has been inserted?
- monitor site for infection
- assess for arrhythmias, hemorrhage, clot formation, air embolus or spontaneous wedging of the cardiac balloon
- monitor pressure tracings and record readings
chest x-ray can determine/ detect _______
- size and position of the heart
- presence of fluid in the lungs
- other abnormalities (e.g. pneumothorax)
Before chest x-ray, make sure ______
- all jewelry is removed
- determine client's ability to hold breath
arterial blood gas (ABG) assess arterial blood for _______
- oxygenation
- Ventilation
- acid-base status
Before drawing an ABG from patient, _____
- document patient's temperature
- note whether client is receiving supplemental O2 and the amount
- note mechanical ventilation along with the ventilator settings
After drawing an ABG from patient, _______
- apply continuous pressure for 5 min on the insertion site
- periodically check the site for bleeding
Doppler ultrasound
transforms sound wave echoes into audible sounds

allows examination of blood flow to the peripheral circulation
dye injected to allow visualization of the veins

used to dx DVT or incompetent veins
Before venogram, the nurse needs to do what?
- Keep pt. NPO after midnight
- Baseline VS and peripheral pulses
- informed consent
- allergies to seafood, iodine, dye??
- client may experience flushing of face or throat irritation from injection of dye
for all cardiac disorders, the goal is to _______
decrease cardiac workload


increase myocardial blood supply
How do you separate pulse ox reading from o2-sat obtained from ABGs?
pulse ox: SPO2
abdominal aortic aneurysm results from
damage to the medial layer of abdominal portion of the aorta
dissecting aneurysm
vessel wall ruptures and a blood clot is retained in an outpouching of tissue
3 types of aortic aneurysms
false (pulsating hematoma s/t trauma )

fusiform (bilateral outpouching)

saccular (unilateral outpouching)
S/S of abdominal aortic aneurysm
-abdominal mass to the left of midline
-abdominal pulsations
-bruits over the site of aneurysm
-diminished femoral pulses
-Lower back/abd pain
-SBP in legs lower than SBP in arms
treatment for abdominal aortic aneurysm
abdominal aortic aneurysm resection

drug therapy for abdominal aortic aneurysm
- Oxycodone
-B-blockers (metoprolol, propanolol)
-anti-hypertensives (minipress, Nitropress, NTG)
#1 risk for patients with aortic aneurysm
hypovemia --> shock

-monitor VS
-Lab results
-S/S of shock
during anginal pain episode, EKG shows
-ST depression

-inverted T
How do you differentiate anginal pain from MI pain
MI pain lasts longer

-cardiac enzymes are abnormal in MI (not in angina)
treatment of angina
-diet & lifestyle change
-PTCA, stent placement
-oxygen 2-4L
meds for angina
-beta blockers
-ca+ channel blockers
-nitrates (NTG)
do not give NTG to patient who presents with angina whose SBP is <
do not give beta blockers to patients presenting with angina whose HR is <
clients with angina should seek medical attention if chest pain lasts longer than
20 min
Mitral Valve Stenosis
Blood backs up into the left atrium and lungs, pulmonary congestion occurs and the right ventricle eventually dialates and fails.
Central Venous Pressure (CVP)
CVP measures preload and is used for the RIGHT side of the heart.

ELOW 2: dehydration, blood loss
ABOVE 8: Fluid Overload
What is Starling's Law?
Starling's Law is the more preload the greater the cardiac output to a physiological point. After that physiological point the cardiac output decreases.
Enlarged heart
Chronic disease of cardiac muscle
Cause unknown