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25 Cards in this Set

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The outer ear is referred to

The oracle/pinna

What is the pinna/oracle

It is the outer part of the ear that acts like a funnel taking sound from a large area and channelling it into a small canal

What is the auditory canal

Carries soundwaves to the eardrum

What is the tympanic membrane

It is a thin layer of tissue that receive sound vibrations also known as the eardrum

What are the ossicles

They are tiny bones that amplify and carry sound in the middle ear

What is the oval window

It is an oval shaped hole in the vestibule of the inner ear covered by a thin layer of tissue

What is the eustachian tube

It is an air filled tube of the middle ear that equalizes pressure between external and internal ear

What is the vestibule

It is a chamber found at the base of the semicircular Canal's that provides information about static equilibrium

What is the semicircular Canal's

They are the fluid filled structures within the inner ear that provide information about dynamic equilibrium

What is the cochlea

It is the coil structure of the inner ear that response to various sound waves and converts them into nerve impulses

What is the organ of Corti

It is the primary sound receptor in the cochlea

What is the basilar membrane

Anchors the receptor hair cells in the organ of the Corti

What are otoliths

Tiny stones of calcium carbonate embedded in Gelatinous coating within the saccule and utricle

What are three ossicles

The malleus, the Incus, and the stapes

What are three ossicles

The malleus, the Incus, and the stapes

What is the protective measure of the ossicles from loud sounds

They pull away from the eardrum

The auditory tube (eustachian) Links what

The middle ear to the nasopharynx

What is otitis media

A middle ear infection which is usually because of a throat infection. It is especially common in children because the auditory tube runs more horizontally

How do we hear

The sound goes into the paneer then through the eardrum and the ossicles vibrate. The stapes purses in words on the oval window. The oval window transfers the vibrations to the inner ear fluid causing pressure waves. The organ of Corti in the cochlea makes The hair cells bend against tectorial membrane. This stimulates the neurons which sends the impulse to the Temporel lobe's

Deafness can be caused by what problem

Conduction problem meaning that something is blocking the process of hearing

What is tinnitus

A ringing in the ears from information or medication

Static equilibrium is gravitational. The Otoliths tell the brain(cerebellum) what position the ____ is in


The three planes of dynamic equilibrium are

Horizontal diagonal and vertical. The fluid in semicircular Canal's move to the body position and tell the brain (cerebellum) what position the body is currently in using proprioceptor's

Motion sickness is

Sensory input mismatch

Vertigo is

A balance disorder causing false sensations of movement can be caused by an inner ear infection