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28 Cards in this Set

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External Ear
outer ear; mostly composed of the auricle and the external acoustic meatus
Auricle (Pinna)
shell-shaped projection encircling the auditory canal opening; directs sound waves toward middle ear; elastic cartilage
External Auditory Canal (Meatus)
extends from the auricle to the eardrum; passageway for sound waves
Tympanic Membrane
middle ear; eardrum; outer surface is skin & inner surface is mucous membrane; vibrates in response to sound waves
Eustachian Tube
connects middle ear to pharynx; equalize pressure on either side of eardrum by swallowing or yawning
Auditory Ossicles
tympanic cavity spanned by three smallest bones in body: malleus, incus, stapes; articulate to form a lever system that amplifies and transmits vibration of eardrum to fluids of inner ear;
Semicircular Canals
inner ear of bony labyrinth; each canal houses a receptor organ for dynamic equilibrium= crista ampullaris
inner ear of bony labyrinth; receptor organs for static equilibrium= maculae
inner ear of bony labyrinth; snail shaped & contains sensory receptors for hearing= organ of corti
Vestibulococohlear Nerve
inner ear; 8th nerve; hearing and balance
Round Window
pressure valve, allows for movement of fluid in inner ear
Oval Window
vibrates in response to vibrating stapes and causes movement of fluid in inner ear
Organ of Corti
supported by cochlea; contains the receptors for hearing
Maculae in Utricle
inner ear; respond to horizontal movements and tilting the head side to side
Maculae in Saccule
inner ear; respond to vertical movements
Crista Ampullaris in ampulla
consists of a tuft of hair cells covered with cupula (gel-like mass); major stimuli are rotatory movements
Two adaptions for external acoustic meatus?
ceruminous glands & hair
lancing of eardrum
Inner Ear
'labyrinth'=maze; divisions- bony labyrinth & membranous labyrinth
bony labyrinth
tortuous channels worming through the bone, filled with perilymph; regions: vestibule, semicircular canals, cochlea
membranous labyrinth
membranes within bony labyrinth, everything in blue, interior contains endolymph
parts of bony cochlea
Where are equilibrium receptors located?
in the semicircular canals and in the vestibule of the ear
The final step in perceiving sound is
the auditory cortex is stimulated
What part(s) of the ear are involved with hearing?
external & middle
What part(s) of the ear functions in both hearing & equilibrium?
Internal ear (labyrinth)
Receptor organ for static equilibrium?
vestibule in inner ear
Receptor organ for dynamic equilibrium?
semicircular canals