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57 Cards in this Set

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Good character

Uses self control to act on responsible values


A standard or belief

7 building blocks for good character

Compassion, good citizenship, fairness, respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, honesty

Cats Give Fat Rats Really Tasty Honey

Self respect

Having high regard for oneself

Actions that promote self respect

Spend time with family or mentor, keep a journal, list your responsible actions, enjoy activities with yourself, golden rule (treat others...), support family members


Self esteem

A person's belief about worth

Poitive vs negative self esteem

Pos~ worthy and deserves respect

Neg~ not worthy, doesn't deserve respect

Actions that promote self esteem

Work on health Goals

Work thru Difficult times

Take calculated Risks

Make responsible Decisions

Expect others to treat you with respect

Evaluate Media Messages

Green ducks drive red Mercedes everyday

Social-emotional environment

The people you interact with and how they affect you

Social-emotional booster

Someone that encourages and supports

Social-emotional pollutant

Person that limits options and chooses wrong behavior


Person's unique pattern or characteristics. Heredity, environment, attitudes, behaviors


A compelling desire to use drugs or engage in a specific behavior despite negative consequences

Addictions can affect...

Physical health




Probs with law

Pesky Students Ruin My Property

Formal intervention

An action by people who want a person to get treatment

Signs of addiction

Compelling Desire to engage in behavior

Behavior is their "Escape"

Feel Guilty for behavior

Continue despite consequences

Dogs Eat Greasy Carrots

Mental disorder

An illness of mind preventing him/her from having a healthy life


A condition in which a person ignores their own problem to fix someone else


A person that supports harmful behavior

Treatment for mental disorders


Medication and/or Therapy

Support groups

Eager Mice Tour Spain

Anxiety disorders

Real or imagened threats prevent a person from enjoying life

General Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Chronic or long lasting state of anxiety, fear, or tenseness

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Unwelcome thoughts or images or engages in certain rituals

Post tramatic stress disorder (PTSD)

After affects of terrifying events

Panic disorder

Feelings of terror strike suddenly and repeatedly without warning

Panic attack

Period of intense fear accompanied by bodily changes

Specific phobia

Excessive fear of certain objects, people, and situations that pose little danger

Social anxiety disorder

Person is overly anxious and self conscious over every day social situations

Cognitive disorder

Brain deteriorates in function


Brain deterioration affects memory, language, and reasoning

Conduct disorder

Person regularly violates rights of others and breaks social rules

Eating disorders

Person has compelling desire to starve, binge, or purge


Person starves body and weighs 15% or more below healthful weight


Binges and purges

Binge eating disorder

Binge on large quantities of food

Clinical depression

Long lasting feelings of hopelessness, sadness, or helplessness

Bipolar disorder

Person's mood varies from extreme happiness to extreme depression

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

Depression occurs when someone receives a reduced amount of sunlight

Antisocial personality disorder

Person's pattern of behavior in conflict with society

Borderline personality disorder



Breakdown in logical thought process

Somatoform disorders

Person has symptoms of disease but no physical cause can be found


Person is constantly worried about illness

Delayed gratification

Voluntarily postponing an immediate reward in order to finish a task before enjoying a reward


Return to a previous behavior such as drug use

Support group

Group of people who help one another to recover from a particular disease, addiction, or difficult situation

Stress management skills

adequate Sleep

proper Nutrition

Time management

adequate Sleepproper NutritionTime management good Decision makingWord association

good Decision making

Word association

Swimmers need tasty delicious water

Mind body connection

Relationship between thoughts/emotions and bodily changes

Psychosomatic disease

Physical illness due to emotions

Hidden anger

Anger that is not acknowledged and expressed inappropriately


Chemical that controls states of consciousness and mood

General adaptation syndrome


Series of bodily changes in response to stress

Alarm stage

Fight or flight

Release adrenaline


Body relaxing and ceasing adrenaline


3rd occurs with poor stress management

Inability to go through 2nd stage

5 things to prevent stress

Adequate sleep, 8 or more hrs

Proper nutrition

Time management

Responsible decision making

Word association

Response to life crisis




