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64 Cards in this Set

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What is health?
A complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of infirmary
What are the three domains of a positive,multidimensional state of health?
1. Physical Health
2. Psychological Health
3. Social Health
How was illness viewed in the Stone Age?
Caused by evil spirits
How was illness viewed in the Middle Ages?
Seen as God's punishment
How was illness viewed in the Renaissance?
Organ & Cell Pathology
How was illness viewed in the Mid 1700's?
Caused by capillary tension
How was illness viewed in the 1800's?
Seen as better than the treatment
How was illness viewed in the 1900's
Seen through the paradigm of the Biomedical model
How has illness viewed since 1960?
Seen through the paradigm of the Biopsychosocial model
The microscope was developed during which period?
The Renaissance
Hippocrates thought all illness was caused by a imbalance of what?
The four humors
During which period were people most likely to die from treatment than the disease?
The 1800's
What was John Snow famous for?
His distribution map of Cholera deaths
What is the basis of most modern medicine?
Germ Theory
The paradigm that argues all disease caused by a pathogens and has a purely phsyical cause is called?
The Biomedical Model
A virus, bacterium, or some other microorganism that causes a particular disease sate is called?
A virus
Which model maintains that the mind and body are different?
The Biomedical model
The Biomedical model is best with dealing with which kind of illness?
Acute illnesses
What are the defining characteristics of the Biomedical model?
- Reductionistic
- Mind-body dualism
- Illness over health
What are the defining characteristics of the Biopsychosocial model?
- Macroscopic
- Holistic
- Health and illness
What is the pattern change in illness from 1900's to the present?
Main cause of death from acute illness to chronic illness
The rate of death is called?
The rate of illness in a population is called?
What are the two parts to the Central Nervous System?
- The brain
- The spinal cord
What are the two parts of the nervous system?
- The central nervous system
- The peripheral nervous system
What are the two parts of the Peripheral Nervous system?
- The somatic system
- The autonomic nervous system
What are the two parts of the Autonomic nervous system?
- The sympathetic division
- The parasympathetic system
What is the role of the Somatic nervous system?
Controls voluntary muscles
What is the role of the Autonomic nervous system?
Controls involuntary muscles
What is the role of the sympathetic division?
Expends energy
What is the role of the parasympathetic division?
Conserves energy
What are the major functions of the Cerebral Cortex?
- Sensory perception
- Voluntary control of movement
- Language
- Personality traits
- Sophisticated mental traits
What are the major functions of the Basal Nuclei?
- Inhibition of muscle tone
- Coordination of slow, sustained movements
- Suppression of useless patterns of movements
What are the major functions of the Thalamus?
- Relay station for all synaptic input
- Crude awareness of sensation
- Some degree of consciousness
- Role in motor control
What are the major functions of the Hypothalamus?
- Regulation of many homeostatic functions
- Important link between nervous and endocrine systems
- Extensive involvement with emotion and basic behavioral patterns
- The three F's: Feeding, Fighting, Fucking
What are the major functions of the Cerebellum?
- Maintenance of balance
2. Enhancement of muscle tone
3. Coordination and planning of skilled voluntary muscle activity
What are the major functions of the Brain Stem (Midbrain, Pons, Medulla)?
- Origin of majority of peripheral cranial nerves
- Cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive control centers
- Regulation of muscle reflexes involved with equilibrium and posture
- Reception and integration of all synaptic input from spinal cord; arousal and activation of cerebral cortex
- Role in sleep-wake cycle
What are the parts of the Limbic system?
- Hypothalamus
- Hippocampus
- Amygdala
- Pituitary Gland
What are the major functions of the Hippocampus?
- Involved in the formation of memory and navigation of space
- Storing emotional memories
- Shrinks in response to stress
What is the major function of the Amygdala?
- "The seed of emotion"
A chronic, non-progressive disorder of muscular control stemming from early brain damage?
Cerebral Palsy
A progressive degeneration of basal ganglia, resulting in extrapyramidal symptoms (tremors, rigidity, and slowness of movement)?
Parkinson's Disease
TRAP is a way to remember the symptoms of Parkinson's, what does TRAP stand for?
Postural instability
A demyelination of nerve fibers?
Multiple Sclerosis
An inherited disorder characterized by abnormal body movements called chorea, and loss of memory?
Huntington's disease
Dopamine is thought to play a major role in which disease of the CNS?
Huntington's disease
The concept of Flight or flight is associated with which nervous system?
Sympathetic nervous system
Which system counteracts the effects of the sympathetic nervous system?
The parasympathetic nervous system
Which nervous system deals with the vital functions but not emergencies?
The parasympathetic nervous system
What items contribute to the Cardiovascular system?
- The heart
- Blood vessels
- Blood
What is the function of blood?
- Carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissue
- Carries carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs
- Carries waste products to the kidneys and hormones from the endocrine system to the peripheral organs
What is the role of the arteries?
- Carries oxygen rich blood to the organs
- Veins return blood to the heart
- Controls peripheral circulation, dilating or constricting as needed.
How many chambers does the heart have?
Caused by deposits of cholesterol and other substances on the arterial walls?
Chest pain resulting in insufficient or adequate CO2 removal?
Angina Pectoris
Heart attack, where a clot blocks flow of blood to heart?
Myocardial Infarction
During a heart attack a section of the heart what?
It dies
The force blood exerts against the blood vessel walls, systole and diastole?
Blood Pressure
The most blood is flowing during which stage?
The least blood is flowing during which stage?
What are the two areas of the pituitary?
- Anterior pituitary
- Posterior pituitary
What is the role of the Anterior pituitry?
Secretes hormones into the blood system.
What are the two hormones that the Adrenal Medulla release?
- Epinephrine
- Norepinephrine
What is the most essential portion of the Immunological memory?