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28 Cards in this Set

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Patterns of disease and death in the 21st century

infectious VS chronic

escalating costs of medical care

infectious diseases

acute illnesses caused by harmful matter or microorganisms (bacteria/viruses)

chronic illness

- degenerative illnesses that develop or persist over a long period of time (HD, cancer, stroke)

what is the leading cause of deaths now in the 21st century? WHY

- chronic

1. ppl live longer and chronic affects older ages

2. growth of industrializstion = increased stress

reasons for escalating costs of medical care

- lifestyles contribute to health probs

- public and private health insurance programs bear this burden

what is health according to WHO and when was it established

1948 - its a complete state of physical, social, and mental well being not just the absence of illness/injury

what is the wellness/illness continuum

- health and illness are related concepts where there is death at one end and optimal health at the other

- its based on physical conditions (blood pressure) and lifestyle (amount of exercise)

The biomedical model

- what is it

- includes the genetic materials and processes by which we inherit characteristics from out parents

- includes the function and structure of someones physiology

- its the dominant paradigm of the medical profession

what are the 3 characteristics of the biomedical model


single factor



- illness if caused by biochemical imbalances -and/or neurophysiological abnormalities

- everything is reduced to its biological component (helps give a treatment)


- only biological factors are considered

- mind and body are separate components and the mind doesnt play an important role in disease


body is like a machine thats fixed by replacing or removing the ailing part or destroying the foreign body thats causing the prob

problems w the biomedical model

- doesnt account for everything

- ppl w the same illness have diff progressions

- hypertension and depression rated are not identical in monozygotic twins

evolving views of diseases

- anatomical pathology (16th - 18th century)

- tissue pathology (late 18th century)

- cellular pathology (19th century)

- germ theory (19th century)

anatomical pathology

- 16th-18th century

- disease is localised in anatomy

- autopsies showed that change in organ = related to symptoms of illness

- Galen: discovered illnesses could be localized

tissue pathology

- late 18th century

- specific tissues could become diseased while others stay healthy (nearby)

cellular pathology

- 19th century

- life resides in cells and so cells must be the place to look for disease

- disease seen as the cells response to abnormal stimuli leading to cell malfunction/malnourishment leading to cell death

germ theory

- 19th century

- there are particles in the air that cannot be seen that cab cause disease

- began w the work of louis pasteur w his discovery of vaccines (immunity = exposure to small amounts of bacteria)

The biopsychosocial model

- the favoured paradigm of health psychology

- proposes that all 3 factors affect and are affected by the persons health

biopsychosocial model can be characterised as:

- multidimensional = has bio, psycho, social influences

- a general systems model = they all interact to create the important act of play

- intuitive = its common sense, youll look at lived exp's to see which phenomena was affected (ex. person dying shortly after their partner dies)

psychological component of the biopsychosocial model

- behaviors = things that ppl could do to help (exercise)

- emotions = subjective feeling that affects and is affected by our thoughts, behaviours and physio (happier ppl are less disease-prone, more likely to take care of their health, recover faster from illness)

- cognitions = ppls thoughts and how they think of things (thinking of stress as good or bad)

- personality = stable and enduring pattern of thinking, doing and behaving)

the biopsychosocial model (interplay of world and person)

[world (social factors): society community family <->

[ the person (psych factors - exp and behavior): cognitionn emotion motivation


[bio factors (genetics and physio): organs tissues cells]]]

Biopsychosocial Framework

approach used to describe and explain how bio, psycho, social factors combine and interact to influence physical and mental health

(3 ) clinical implications of the biopsychosocial model

- an interdisciplinary team approach to assessment and diagnosis

- prevention and treatment efforts should consider all 3 factors

- acknowledgement of the benefits of the patient-practitioner relationship can improve treatment

health psychology

study of behavioral, cognitive, emotional factors that influence the:

- maintenance of health

- development of illness and disease

- course of illness or disease

- patients and fams response to the illness/disease

health psychologists may work in

private practices (specific) or hospitals (general)

ImportantContributions of Psychology to Health

- Reliableand valid assessment techniques

- Commitmentto keeping people healthy rather than treating them when they become ill.

- Solidfoundation of scientific methods for studying health-related behaviours.

- Evidence-basedstrategies for changing behaviours that affect health and illness.

health psych research

- stress & immune function : stressed immune system = V NKC activity = ^ viruses

- Mindfulness and meditation-based stress reduction and psoriasis: mindfulness = ^ recovery

- group therapy & breast cancer: psychotherapy = lived longer