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105 Cards in this Set

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Differences and Similarities between Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis
They are chemically similar, but Viagra takes longer to work and has high side effects
Who are the #1 users of impotence drugs?
College students
What is the #1 STI in the world?
What is the #1 STI in the US?
What is the #1 STI in college campuses?
Who feels the symptoms of Chlamydia?
Men. women do not, which is a problem because if not treated they become infertile
What tests will detect HPV?
-blood test
-saliva test
What test will detect oral cancer?
- blood test
What happens if you mix Viagra with Alcohol?
-cardiovascular problems
- mixing a depressant with a stimulant puts a lot of stress in the heart
Symptoms of Oral Cancer?
-difficulty swallowing
- persistent sore throat
- ear pain
- hump in neck
- don't swallow
- do not brush your teeth or floss one hour post
-use mouthwash, or peroxide
difference between obscenity and indecency
-obscenity- pornography not illegal for sale to older than 18
-Indecency - illegal
Child Pornography Act
- it's a felony to posses or distribute
- have to register as a sex offender for 20 yrs
- go to juvenile
Multi-Vitamins Recommendation
-only if you don't have a balanced diet
- every other day
Consequences of daily multi-vitamin intake
- increase risk for cancer, demantia, alzeihmers, and heart disease
Myths of Vitamins
- vitamins do not lower cholesterol
- do not provide energy
- whole food vitamins are not better than synthetic
1996 Communication Decency Act
- open at your own risk
- bed rock principle - cannot sacrifice 1st amendment the rights of an adult to protect children
- you can call for censorship
Sperm Killing Suspects
- laptops
- tight briefs
- cellphones in pocket
- jacuzzi and saunas
- steroids/ narcotics
- Age
-smoking (sperm's motility)
Squeal Law
- if you are having an abortion and are under 18 you need a parental notification
- didn't pass- can lead to unsafe abortions
Roe V. Wade -1970
- 1st trimester woman decides
- 2nd trimester women and state
- 3rd trimester federal law decides, will only allow if women's health is at risk
Child Endangerment Law
- it's mandatory to report if you suspect a child is being maltreated/abused
Laci and Connor Bill *
- Unborn Victims of Violence Act
- husband murdered pregnant wife
- if you harm pregnant woman you have two offenses
What's the difference between critical and sensitive period?
- Critical- window of time brain is developing, and after it does whatever went wrong/wasn't stimulated isn't fixable - cataracts and first language
- sensitive- less precise in time , if a function was impaired it still may be recovered - math and logic
Why are they recommending Gardasil for men?
- helps prevent oral cancer as well as could help with herpes
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Vs. Fetal Alcohol Effect?
They are the same thing, but fetal alcohol effect is less severe. Maybe happens after having a few drinks during pregnancy
US on alcohol during pregnancy?
ZERO drinks
Other countries on alcohol during pregnancy?
1-2 drinks is probably okay.
What happens as you increase the intake of alcohol during pregnancy?
-increase the severity of the following hazards:
- 2x low birth weight
-miscarriage on the second term
-retarded physical growth
-brain impairment
- ADHD ?
Smoking and Pregnancy
-1 in 6 women continue to smoke during pregnancy
- if you stop at least in the last 4 months you will see benefits
-leads to low birth weight
- preemies
-lung disorder
Caffeine Excretion
- takes 4 to6 hours for adults to excrete caffeine
- takes fetus 86-92 hours to metabolize caffeine
Effects of Caffeine on Fetus
- low birth weight
-more at risk for CVD
Addicted to Caffeine
#1 drug
- if you are addicted you excrete it faster
- withdrawal from caffeine has to be done with time
Tummy Time
- part of Back to Bed Campaign
- put infant laying on belly for 10-15 min everyday while awake
- helps develop neck strength which reduces SIDS by 40% as well as helps in the development of motor coordination
-flat head
- skull is molding in the first year
- helmets can be used
- usually goes back to normal naturally
Optimal Birth Age
Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
-used to detect problems in the brain and the spinal cord development
- detects chromosomal abnormality specially down syndrome
-done 16-18 weeks
Chorionic Villus Sampling
- technique for testing fetal cells for chromosomal abnormalities by removing cells from chorionic villus part of the placenta in the uterus
- can be performed from 10 to 12 weeks
- technique for testing fetal cells for chromosomal abnormalities by removing a sample of the amniotic fluid from the amniotic sac
-can be performed between 14-18 weeks
Should a woman that is having a chorionic test have an amniocentesis?
- yes if older woman, and genetic problems in the family
What is deep vein thrombosis?
- pressure on the valve of the vein behind the patella that prevents back flow of blood
- forms a blood clot that can travel to heart and be distributed to lungs or brain
What can deep vein thrombosis lead to?
- pulmonary embolism
- stroke
How to prevent deep vein thrombosis?
- move your leg, if you are in place for 3 hours or more you are at risk
- hydrate
- in seat exercise
- no alcohol
- aspirin to thin blood
-compression socks
-ladies, don't cross your legs
Who's at risk for deep vein thrombosis?
- older than 60
- morbidly obese
- people on birth control pills
- smokers
- people using Hormone Replacement Therapy
- broke leg
- recent surgey
What are the symptoms of deep vein thrombosis?
- chest pains
-shortness of breath
- skin warm to touch
-bloody cough
- dizzy/fainting
- rapid pulse
- cramps behind the patella
What is an embolism?
- obstruction of an artery typically by a clot
- stop oxygen flow to this area
What are the symptoms of a heart attack for men?
- chest pain is the real warning
- jaw pain
-shortness of breath
- radiating pain
- dizziness
-profuse sweating
What are the symptoms of a heart attack for women?
-breath shortness
- jaw pain for 4 hrs is the real indicator
- chronic fatigue
- total cholesterol should be below 200
- LDL should be lower tha 130
- HDL helps excrete plaque
- believe VLDL might be better predictor
Best predictor for women and men?
women under 65- absolute number of LDL
men - HDL
When does blood pressure begin to damage organs?
130/85 - threshold for having high blood pressure
what are the contributors for cardiovascular disease?
- age
- total cholesterol
- HDL cholesterol
- blood pressure
- smoking
- enlarged hearts
- obesity
what are the causes of antibiotic overuse?
- microbial evolution
- how does microbial evolution occur?
- if you don't finish antibiotic till last day creates antibiotic resistance
- through conjugation
MRSA - what is it?
- cut-like that enlarges, gets inflammable, and once you see red streaks means that it's on the blood
- could lead to amputations
MRSA as a major infectious disease
-resistant to penicillin
- hard to get rid of them, very potent
MRSA - how do you get it?
- towels
- hot tubes
- jail
- exercise equipment
- pedicure
MRSA - How do you prevent it ?
-hand washing in warm soapy water
- cover all wounds
- monitor for skin abnormalities
- dont share personal hygiene items
- shower slipper
-sit on towel
Drug resistant TB - people are no longer getting vaccinated for this
- bacterial resistant
- rare
- deadly
- airborne
-difficult to diagnose
-unresponsive to meds
- mortality rate is 70%
Bacterial meningitis
- swelling of the spinal cord and membranes
- season from November to end of February
- common in residence halls, boarding schools, camps.
Symptoms of bacterial meningitis*
first few hours:
- high fever
-severe headache
- stiff neck
- 12+ hours
- extreme nausea
- bright light sensitivity
- rash
-extreme exhaustion
Bacterial meningitis
- if you get treatment fast, you can be cured
- 10-20% die
-20% long-term disability
Bacterial meningitis and Vaccination
- can get vaccine from ages 11 to 55
- only covers 4 of the 15 strains
- these 4 strains are the primary ones though
- 70-83% effective
- 70% of students are vaccinated
Hepatitis A - source, latent period, prevention
- food and water
- 30 days
- vaccination, hygiene, sanitation, bottled water

-wont kill
Hepatitis B - source, latent period, prevention
- blood transfusion, multiple sexual partners, unprotected sex, maternally
- 7 days
- vaccination, safe sex, abstinence
Vaccination and Hepatitis
There is only vaccination for Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B. These are 90% effective
Hepatitis C, source, latent period, consequences, symptoms
- blood transfusion, blood to blood contact, snorting cocaine
- 7 to 9 weeks
- liver damage
- turn yellow, abdominal pain, low grade fever, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea
Hepatitis vs. HIV
- hepatitis is very potent, last a long time
- HIV is not potent at all, put is air and it dies instantly
What is pandemic?
-spreading across very quickly in a geographical area
- if it was airborne it would be pandemic
- in 20-21 days it would take over the world
- begin in china
-from cutting animal heads and not cleaning boards
- if an animal is infected farmer has to destroy entire flock... so they hide it
- not airborne yet
- health impact: pneumonia, encephalites, organ failure
How do you test for HIV?
- baseline line test - tells you where you are
-ELISA - enzyme test that tests fro antibodies, 10% of times gives false positive
- to confirm you need the western blot test
- new polymerase test will be released soon that will actually count the virus and you will be able yo know right away if you were infected or nor
Aluminum and Mercury on Vaccines
- linking it to autism
- aluminum stays in the spot
- you can ask for a vaccine with no or low mercury and aluminum
Vaccine priorities
- babies are demanded to have hepatitis B
- vaccine against lyme disease - makes you tired, lethargic, can die
Tetanus Shot and Diphtheria
- you need to renew your tetanus every 10 years or if you get needled
Waivers that you can show to excuse you from not being vaccinated
- medical reasons that could be temporary or permanent
- religion
- philosophical
Upcoming Vaccines
-herpes - is being clinically tested
- HIV/AIDS - clinically testing
- chlamydia - early trials
Cervical Cancer
- due to HPV
- get paps mire to detect HPV and not allow it to become a cancer
Gardasil Vaccine
- 3 injections over 6 months
- side effects: death, seizure, paralysis
- not illegible if pregnant, yeast allergic reaction, acute illness
- controversy: tested on for only 6 months on 1200 girls
Cancer - indolent vs. carcinoma
indolent - slow moving ie. prostate
carcinoma- fast moving ie. breast
T- primary tumor size
N- whether it's located in lymph node
M- metastases
Stage I of Cancer
inside organ
Stage II of Cancer
located in organ lining, ready to spread
Stage III of Cancer
spread regionally outside organ
Stage IV of Cancer
systemic, distal - all over body
difference between UVA and UVB
UVB- longer and more deadly wavelengths
- main cause of skin cancer
- intense sunburn in high altitudes and closer to the equator
UVA- shorter wavelength but very intense
-deeper skin penetration, associated with wrinkling
- skin cancer inducement, melanoma
- ray in tanning bed
Lung Cancer
-89% is associated with tabacco use
- ladies, 1/3 of lung cancer has no association with tabacco
Breast Cancer Risk Factors
- early onset of menarche
- late onset of menopause
- family history
-older age
-higher socioeconomic class
- mutation in BRCA I and BRCA 2
- never having children
-having first child after age 30
- being obese after menopause
- taking HRT
- drinking more than two alcoholic beverages a day
Skin Cancer - what to look for?
- boarder
- color
- asymmetry
CT Scan concern
-emits a ton of radiation
- 20x that of X-ray
- should only be used in emergency
- radiation that doesn't leave body
- always chose low radiation CT Scan
- they said there were links to autism, but it turns out that there are none
- can chose to have vaccine without mercury
Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act 1990 = Clery Act
- Amended twice - 1998, 2002
- serious felonies that happen close to campus or on campus have to be reported to the secretary of education
Clery Act Amended in 1998
Universities receive funding by submitting an annual report that tells type of incidence, profile of victim, profile of propretators, what type of weapon was used, where it was used and type of incidence
Clery Act Amended in 2002
amendment focus more on sex offenders
Rights under the clery act
-right to feel safe on campus
- informed of reporting actions
- informed of counseling and supportive services
- informed options of changing academic and living situation
- informed of the outcome of any disciplinary proceeding
Campus sexual assault victims bill of rights Act, 1992
-right of notification of the victim
- perpetrator must also be informed of his rights
- dignity must be retained by both parties
- policies must be clearly presented by university
- you must be response and pro-active about letting local law enforcement know ASAP
- medical coverage- you are compensated
- disciplinary action- the victim has the right to know the action if any taken by the university
- which is privacy of information
- exempted, you do have the right to know the disciplinary action taken if you were sexually assaulted - know the punitive action that has been taken
Sexual Assault
sex without consent
- weapon may have been used
- injury
- multiple parties involved
forced intercourse
Statutory rape
- 3 year age difference between the people having sex
- 16 yr old with a 19 yr old it's a statutory rape because there isn't any consent here (under 16 can't consent)
Coercive sexual assault
- assault within position of influence
- physician assaulting patient
- faculty/ student
- these are very hard to prove
Affirmative Consent
- defender has to prove that consent was given
- NY drunk women
- Texas asked for condom
- West liberty pop bottle
Rape Shield Law
- name and picture shielded from media if victimized
- in a sexual assault case you can only present information relevant to the case
- if you are a prosecutor and you violate the rape shield law case is dismissed, if you are the defender the only thing that is done is jury disregard the information
Campus Sex Prevention Act
- publicize sex offenders, students
- exceeds students from being admitted
Jessica's Law
- Sex offenders have to live 2000 ft away from schools, LTC, library, parks
- same as Megan's Law just the distance changed
Megan's Law
- sex offenders cannot live 1500ft from schools, parks, LTC, library
- bouncers and bartenders cannot be hired if any convictions
- have to register in the state
- came before Jessica's Law