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371 Cards in this Set

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A standard or belief
self control
the degree to which a person regulates his or her own behavior
good character
a person who uses self control to act on responsible values has...
delayed gratification
voluntarily postponing an immediate reward in order to complete a task before enjoying a reward
self respect
having a high regard for oneself
self esteem
a person's belief about his or her worth
positive self esteem
a person's belief that he or she is worthy and deserves respect
negative self esteem
a person's belief that he or she is not worthy and does not deserve respect
social emotional environment
the quality of the contacts a person has with the people with whom he or she interacts
social emotional booster
an interpersonal contact that helps a person feel encouragement and support, choose responsible behavior, and recognize options
social emotional pollutant
an interpersonal contact that limits options or may cause a person to feel discouraged and alone or to choose wrong behavior
an individual's unique pattern of characteristics. can be influenced by heredity, environment, attitudes, and behaviors
the feeling or emotion a person has toward something or someone
a compelling desire to use a drug or engage in a specific behavior, continued use despite negative consequences, and loss of control
drug addiction
the compelling desire to use a drug even though it harms the body, mind, or relationships
exercise addiction
the compelling dsire to exercise
the compelling desire to be flawless
nicotine addiction/dependence
the compelling disire for nicotine
relationship addiction
the compelling desire to be connected to another person
thrill seeking addiction
the compelling desire to take unnecessary risks
the compelling desire to work to fill an emptiness
formal intervention
an action by people such as family members who want a person to get treatment.
a return to a previous behavior or condition
a problem in which a person neglects himself or herself to care for, control, or try to fix someone else.
a person who supports the harmful behavior of others
support group
a group of people who help one another recover from an addiction, a particular disease, or a difficult situation
mental disorder
a behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual and that is associated with distress or disability or with a significantly increased risk of suffering, death, pain, disability, or an important loss of freedom
anxiety disorder
a disorder in which real or imagined threats prevent a person from enjoying life
general anxiety disorder
a chronic or long lasting state of anxiety, fear, and tensness
obsessive compulsive disorder
a disorder in which a person has persistent unwelcome thoughts or images and incages in certain rituals
panic disorder
a disorder in which feelings of terror strike suddenly and repeatedly with no warning
panic attack
a period of intense fear accompanied by bodily changes
specific phobia
a disorder in which there is excessive fear of certain objects situations or people that pose little or no actual danger
social anxiety disorder
a disorder in which a person is overly anxious or self conscious in everyday social situations
post traumatic stress disorder
a disorder in which after effects of a terrifying event keep a person from living in a normal way
cognitive disorder
a disorder in which a person's brain deteriorates in function
a disease in which brain deterioration affects memory language and reasoning
conduct disorder
a disorder in which a person regularly violates the rights of others and breaks social rules
eating disorders
a mental disorder in which a person has a compelling need to stare, to binge, or to binge and purge
anorexia nervosa
an eating disorder in which a person starves his or her body and weighs 15 percent or more below the healthful weight for his or her age and gender
an eating disorder in which a person binges and then purges
binge eating disorder
a disorder in which people binge on large quantities of food
mood disorders
a mental disorder involving moods that are extreme
clinical depression
characterized by long lasting feelings of hopelessness sadness or helplessness
bipolar disorder
a disorder in which a persons moods vary from extreme happiness to extreme depression
seasonal affective disorder
a type of depression that occurs when a person has reduced exposure to sunlight
personality disorders
a disorder in which a persons patterns of thinking feeling and acting interfere with daily living
antisocial personality disorder
a personality disorder in which a persons patterns of behavior are in conflict with society
borderline personality disorder
a disorder in which a person has sudden changes in mood relationships and behaviors
a disorder in which there is a breakdown in logical thought processes
somatoform disorders
a disorder in which a person has symptoms of disease but no physical cause can be found
a disorder in which a person is constantly worried about illness
a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders and can persctibe medication
a professional who specialixes in the diagnosis of and counseling for mental and emotional problems- cannot prescribe medications
psychiatric social worker
specializes in working with clients with mental and emotional problems
a specific feeling
mind body connection
the relationship between a persons thoughts, emotions, and bodily responses
psychosomatic disease
a physical illness or disorder that is caused or aggravated by emotional responses
the feeling of being irritated or annoyed
anger trigger
a thought or event that causes a person to become angry
anger cue
a body change that occurs when a person is angry
hidden anger
anger that is not recognized and is expressed in inappropriate ways
chronic sate of anger- a physical state that places the body at greater risk of developing severe illness
a chemical that is involved in controlling states of consciousness and mood
blaming others for actions or events for which they are not responsible
the releasing of anger on someone or something other than the cause of the anger
the response of the body to the demands of daily living
a source or cause of stress
a healthful response to a stressor
a harmful response to a stressor
general adaptation syndrome
a series of body changes that result from stress
life crisis
an experience that causes a high level of stress
minor depression
a mood disorder accompanied by feelings of hopelessness sadness or helplessness, it is diagnosed with two to four of the symptoms that last for at least two weeks.
dysthymic disorder
a longlasting form of depression- for adults, two or more years, and for teens one or more years
major depression
a mood disorder accompanied by ling lasting feelings of hopelessness sadness or helplessness- needs to have five general symptoms
a chemical that is involved in controlling states of consciousness and mood
cognitive behavior therapy
a form of psychotherapy that involves behavior therapy and cognitive therapy
a drug useed to relieve depression
a suicide attempt in which a person does not intend to die
suicide prevention strategies
techniques that can be used to help prevent a person from thinking about attempting and completing suicide
the ability to adjust recover bounce back and learn from difficult times
protective factor
something that increases the likelihood of a positive outcome
a responsible person who guides another person
the feeling that occurs when someone dies or a life situation changes or ends
anticipatory grief
grief experienced prior to a loss
to view oneself as incapable of being harmed
the ability to share in another perswon's emotions or feelings
five stages of loss ang grief
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance
a nutrient that is needed for growth and to build and repair body tissues
complete protein
a protein that contains all of the essential amino acids
amino acids
the building blocks that make up proteins
essential amino acids
the nine amino acids tha body cannot produces
a nutrient that is the main source of evergy for the body
simple carbohydrates
sugars that enter the bloodstream rapidly and provide quick energy
complex carbohydrates
starches and fibers- where most of the calories in your diet should come from
a food substance that is made and stored in most plants- provide long lasting energy
a simple sugar that complesx carbohydrates are changed to
remaining glucose is changed to this, it is stored i the muscles
the part of grains and plant foods that cannot be digested
a nutrient that provides energy and helps the body store and use vitamins
saturated fat
a type of fat found in dairy products solid vegetable fat and meat and poultry- usually in solid form at room temperature- contributes to cholesterol levels
unsaturated fat
a type of fat obtained from plant products and fish- usually liquid at room temperature
trans-fatty acids
fatty acids that are formed when vegetable oils are processed into solid fats
the process of forming fatty acids into trans-fatty acids
a nutrient that helps the body use carbohydrates proteins and fats
macro minerals
minerals that are required in amounts greater than 100mg
trace minerals
minerals that are needed in very small amounts
herbal supplements
supplements that contain extracts or ingredients from the roots berries seeds stems leaves buds or flowers of plants
an amino acid that is made in the liver kidneys and pancreas
protein supplements
a product taken orally that contains proteins that are intended to supplement ones diet and are not considered food
a nutrient that is involved with all body processes
a condition in which the water content of the body has fallen to an extremely low level
a product that increases the amount of urine excreted
food additives
substances intentionally added to food
enriched food
a food in which nutrients lost during processing are added back into the food
fortified food
a food in which nutrients not usually found in the food are added
the physiological need for food
the rate at which food is converted into energy in body cells
a substance that is added to the diet to increase the total dietary intake
taking vitamins in excessive amounts
a nutrient that becomes electrically charged when in a solution, such as a bodily fluid
carbohydrate loading
an eating strategy in which a few days of a very low carb intake is followed by a few days of a very high carb intake
a food borne illness in which the bacterium salmonella contaminates water kitchen surfaces eggs and raw chicken seafood and other meats
a food borne illness in which the bacterium clostridium botulinium produces a toxin that contaminates imporoperly canned foods
E coli
can contaminate undercooked meat especially hamburger causing a severe form of food poisoning
a common sometimes food borne illness that can be caused by viruses or bacteria
body composition
the percentage of fat tissue and lean tissue in the body
body frame
the approximate weight and density of the bone structure
basal metabolic rate
the number of calories the body uses at rest
a unit of energy produced by food and used by the body
essential body fat
the amount of body fat needed for optimal health
a body weight that is 10 percent or more below desirable body weight
a condition in which the body does not get the nutrients required for optimal health
a body weight that is 10 percent or more than desirable body weight
a body weight that is 20 oercent or more than desirable body weight
anorectic drug
a drug that decreases appetite
starvation diet
a method of weight loss in which a person severely restricts calories
fat ketosis
a condition in which excessive ketones are released into the blood
a drug that helps a person have a bowel movement
physical examination
a series of tests that measure health status
a series of tests of a person's urine that check normal kidney function and detect urinary tract infections
blood test
an analysis of blood for blood components, chemicals, pathogens, and antibodies
a record of the electrical impulses of the heart that is used to detect disorders of the heart
chante in a body function
the determination of a health problem
a physician who specializes in medical and surgical care and treatment of the eyes. can diagnose and treat eye conditions, test vision, perform surgery, and proscribe corrective lenses
an eye care professional who is specially trained. they can test vision and perscribe corrective lenses
visual acuity
sharpness of vision
refractive error
a variation in the shape of the eye that affects the way images are focused on the retina and blurs vision
the inner lining of the eye
also called nearsightedness- distant objects appear blurred and close objects appear clear
also called farsightednesss, close objects appear blurred and distant objects appear clear
the irregularly shaped cornea causes blurred vision
age-related and is caused by weakending of eye muscles and hardening of the cornea
lenses that correct for both close and distant vision
radial keratonomy
surgery that improves myopia by changing the curve of the cornea
photorefractive keratectomy
laser surgery that reshapes the surface of the cornea to improve myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism
an inflammation of the eye membranes that causes redness, discomfort, and discharge
a condition in which pressure of the fluid in the eye is high and may damage the optic nerve
optic nerve
the nerve fibers that transmit messages from the retina to the brain
the clouding of the lens of the eye that obstructs vision
macular degeneration
an incurable eye disease
a specialist who diagnoses and treats hearing and speech ralated problems
a physician who specializes in medical and surgical care and treatment of the ears nose and throat
a machine used to measure the range of sounds a person hears
a measure of the vibrations of the ear drum and air pressure in the eustachian tube
eustachian tube
connects the middle ear and the back of the nose
conductive hearing loss
occurs when sound is not transported efficiently from the outer to the inner ear and is caused by excessive wax buildip ear injury birth defects and middle ear infection
sensorineural hearing loss
occurs when there is damage to the inner ear or auditory nerve
auditory nerve
connevts the inner ear to the brain
cochlear implants
electronic devices that are implanted in the ear to resore partial hearing to the totally deaf
assistive hearing device
a device that helps a person with hearing loss communicate and hear
dental plaque
an invisible sticky film of bacteria on teeth especially near the gum line
hardened plaque
dental sealant
a thin plastic coating painted on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth to prevent tooth decay
the abnormal fitting of teeth when the jaws are closed
dental veneer
a thin shell of ceramic material used to cover teeth
periodontal disease
a disease of the gums and other tissues supporting the teeth
a condition in which the gums are red swollen tender and bleed easily
a mineral that strengthens the enamel of teeth
a physician who specializes in skin care
a skin disorder in which pores are plugged with sebum or oil dead skin cells and bacteria
when they are open they are called blackheads and when they are closed they are called white heads
reduces the amount of bacteria, may reduce the amount of perspiration, and contains fragrance to cover up oder
smooth raised areas on skin that can be lighter or darker than surrounding skin
an immune system disease that often produces inflamed skin covered with thick white scales
athlete's foot
a fungus that grows on feet
ingrown toenail
nail grows into skin causeing swelling and infection
a raised fluid filled area that is caused by a burn or by an object rubbing against the skin
a thick layer of skin caused by exvess rubbing
a thick layer of skin usually on or betwween toes that results from excess rubbing of an ill fitting shoe
a deformity in the joint of the big toe that causes swelling and pain
noncancerous growths on the skin that are caused by human papillomavirus
chemicals that dissolve hair at the skin's surface
the use of electricity to damage hair follicles
a state of deep relaxation in which there is little movement or consciousness
rapid eye movement
the period of sleep characterized by rapid eye movements behind closed eyelids
nonrapid eye movement
the period of sleep in which the eyes are relaxed
the prolonged inability to fall asleep stay asleep or get back to sleep once a person i s awakened during the night
sleep apnea
a disorder of brief interuptions of breathing during sleep
restless legs syndrome
a sleep disorder in which there are unpleasant sensations in the legs and feet and an urge to move them for relief
a disabling condition in which a person experiences "sleep attacks" at inappropriate and various times of the day
regular physical activity
physical activbity that is performed on most days of the week
a chemical that helps transmit brain messages along certain nerves
chemicals produced in the brain that create a feeling of well being
type 2 diabetes
a type of diabetes in which either the body does not produce enough insulin, or the body cannot properly use the insulin produced
a disease characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue
a painful inflammation of the joints
life expectancy
the number of years a person can expect to live
cardiovascular disease
a disease of the heard and blood vessels
cardiac output
the amount of blood pumped by the heard each minute
high density lipoproteins
substances in blood that carry cholesterol to the liver for breakdown and excretion
low density lipoproteins
substances in blood that deposit cholesterol in body cells
coronary thrombosis
the narrowing of one of the coronary arteries by a blood clot
coronary collateral circulation
the development of additional arteries that can deliver oxygenated blood to the heart muscle
blood pressure
the force of blood against the artery walls
dynamic blood pressure
the measure of the changes in blood pressure during the day
a condition caused by a blocked or broken blood vessel in the brain
physical fitness
the ability to perform physical activities and to meet the demands of daily living while being energetic and alert
cardioresperatory endurance
the ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen during sustained physical activity
the ability to bend and move the joints through the full range of motion
muscular strength
the maximum amount of force a muscle can produce in a single effort
muscular endurance
the ability of the muscle to continue to perform without fatigue
healthful body composition
the ratio of lean body mass to body fat
plenned structured and repetitive bodily movements done to improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness
aerobic exercise
an exercise in which large amounts of oxygen are required conrinually for an extended period of time
anaerobic excercise
an exercise in which the body's demand for oxygen is greater than what is available during exertion
isometric exercise
an exercise in which a muscle is tightened for about 5-8 seconds and there is no body movement
isotonic exervise
an exercise in which a muscle or muscles movea against a resistance weight and or gravity eight to 15 times
isokinetic exercise
an exervise that uses special machines to provide weight resistance through the full range of motion
the ability to bend and move the joints through the full range of motion
static stretching
stretching the muscle to a point where a pull is felt and holding the stretch for 15-30 seconds
muscular strength
the maximum amount of force a muscle can produce in a single effort
muscular endurance
the ability of the muscle to continue to perfoem without fatigue
skill related fitness
the capacity to perform well in sports and physical activities
fitness skills
skills that can be used in sports and physical activbities
the ability to rapidly change the position of the body
the ability to keep from falling when a person is in a still position or moving
the ability to use the senses together with body parts during movement
reaction time
the time it takes a person to move after he or she hears sees feels or touches a stimulus
the ability to combine strength and speed
principal of specificity
a workout should include a specific type of excercise to obtain the desired fitness benefits
the principle of overload
a workout must include excercise beyond what a person usually does to gain additional fitness benefits
the principle of progression
the amount and intensity of exercise during workouts must be increased gradually
the principle of fitness reversibility
fitness benefits are lost when training stops
the freezing of body parts
a reduction in the body temperature so that it is lower than normal
hheat exhaustion
extreme tiredness due to the body's inability to regulate its temperature
an overheating of the body that is life threatening
druge misuse
the incorrect use of a prescription or OTC drug
drug abuse
the intentional use of a drug without medical or health reasons
sniffing drugs through the nose so that they can be absorbed though the mucous membrane of the nasal passages
a wax coated form of a drug that is inserted into the rectum
buccal absorption
the absorption of a drug between the cheek and gum
sublingual absorption
the absorption of a drug when it is placed under the tounge
allied health professionals who dispense medications that are prescribed by physicians
a place where prescription drugs are legally dispensed
therapeutical equivalence
two drugs are chemically the same and produce the same medical effects
indication for use
a symptom or condition for which the OTC drug should be used
contraindication for use
a symptom or condition for which the OTC drug should not be used
an herbal supplement that is known for its stimulating effect
an herbal supplement that promotes relaxation
a drug that depresses the brain and nervous system
a process in which yeast sugar and water are combined to produce alcoloh and carbon dioxide
a process that uses a fermented mixture to obtain an alcoholic beverage with a high alcohol content
a measure of the amount of alcolol in a beverage
blood alcolol concentration
the amount of alcohol in a person's blood
a substance that is poisonous
an open sore on the skin or on a mucous membrane
alcololic hepatitis
a condition in which the liver swells due to alcolol
a disease of the liver caused by chronic damage to liver cells
a condition in which the body does not get the nutrients required for optimal health
the natural ending of a pregnancy before a baby is developed enough to survive on its own
a baby that is born dead
fetal alcohol syndrome
the presence of severe birth defects in babies born to mothers who drink alcolhol during pregnancy
an afteraffect of using alcholol and other drugs
a period in which a person cannot remember what has happened
alcohol withdrawl syndrome
the reaction of the body to the sudden stop of alcolol consumption
delirium trements syndrome
a severe form of alcolol withdrawl syndrome in which there are hallucinations and muscle convulsions
a germ that causes disease
single celled microorganisms- most are beneficial
intracellular parasites that are classified as bacteria
single or milti celled parasitic organisms that obtain their food from organic materials
one of the smallest known pathogens
tiny single celled organisms that produce toxins that cause disease
a parasitic worm
common cold
a respiratory infection caused by more than 100 different viruses
a virus that infects the nose
a highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory tract
reye's syndrome
a disease that causes swelling of the brain and deterioration of liver function
an infection in the lungs caused by bacteria viruses or other athogens
strep throat
a bacterial infection of the throat
rheumatic fever
an autoimmune disease in the heart that can cause fever weakness and damage to heart valves
a bacterial infection of the lungs
severe acute respiratory syndrome
a contagious respiratory illness caused by a new type of coronavirus
a condition in which the bronchial tubes become inflamed and constrict making breathing difficult
asthma triggers
substances that cause the airways to tighten swell and fill with mucus
asthma attack
an episode of coughing wheexing shortness of breath and tightness in the chest
an overreaction of the body to a substance that in most people causes no response
a substance that produces an allergic response
a yellowish powder produced by flowers, trees, and grass
hay fever
a common term for seasonal respiratory allergies that typically occur it the spring and fall
round skin lump that indicates sensitivity to a particular allergen
an STD that produces inflammation of the reproductive organs
pelvic inflammatory disease
a serious infection of the internal female reproductive organs
an STD where the bacterium enters the body through tiny breaks in the mucous membranes and then burrows its way into bloodstream
a painless open sore that appears at the site where the bacteria entered the body such as the genitals or the mouth
a highly contagious std that infects the linings of the genitals and urinary tracts of males and females
an std caused by the herpes simplex virus that produces cold sores or fever blisters in the genital area or mouth
sometimes causes genital warts and has been linked to cervical cancer. most common type of viral STD in the US
viral hepatitis
a viral infection of the liver
an infestation of pubic lice
a paracite that is spread through sexual contact
white blood cells that hepl the body fight pathogens
B cell
a white blood cell that produces antibodies
helper T cell
a white blood cell that signals B cells to produce antibodies
a pathogen that destroys infection fighting helper T cells in the body
opportunistic infection
an infection that developes in a person with a weak immune system
a fungal infection of the mucous membranes of the tounge and mouth
oral hairy leukoplakia
an infection causing fuxxy white patches on the tounge
pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
a form of pneumonia that may affect people infected with HIV
kaposi's sarcoma
a type of cancer that affects people who are infected with HIV
AIDS dementia complex
a loss of brain function caused by HIV infection
HIV wasting syndrome
a substantial loss in body weight that is accompanied by high fevers, sweating, and diarrhea
a person's use of self control to act on responsible values
angina pectoris
chest pain that results from narrowed coronary arteries
a drug that widens the coronary arteries, allowing more oxygen to get to the cardiac muscle
congestive heart failure
a condition that occurs when the heart's pumping ability is below normal capacity and fluid accumulates in the lungs and other areas in the body
coronary heart disease
a disease in which the coronary arteries are narrowed or blocked
coronary artery
a blood vessel that carries blood to the heart muscles
hardened deposits of fat and other materials in the walls of arteries throughout the body
a term used to describe hardening and thickening of the arteries
a disease in which fat deposits collect on artery walls
a heart condition in which the heart may beat very slowly or very fast for no obvious reason
a device that is implanted in the heart to stimulate normal heart contractions
rheumatic fever
an autoimmune action in the heart that can cause fever weakness and damage to the valves in the heart
heart attack
the death of cardiac muscle caused by a lack of blood flow to the heart
a fat like substance made by the body and found in certain foods
lipoprotein analysis
a measure of two main types of lipoproteins in the blood
a substance that protects cells from being damaged by oxidation
a blood pressure range that places people at higher risk for heart disease and stroke
a hormone that regulates the blood sugar level
a simple sugar that is the main source of energy in the body
the painful inflammation of the joints
the wearing down of the moving parts of joints
rheumatoid arthritis
a condition in which joints become deformed and may loose function
cerebral palsy
a disorder of the nervous system that interferes with muscle coordination
chronic fatigue syndrome
a condition in which recurring tiredness makes it difficult for a person to function in normal ways
cystic fibrosis
a condition in which large amounts of thick mucus are produced affecting the lungs and pancreas
down syndrome
a genetci disorder in which a child is born with an extra chromosome in each cell
a disorder in which abnormal electrical activity in the brain causes a temporary loss of contro of the mind and body
an inherited condition in which blood does not clot normally
migrane headache
severe head pain that is caused by the dilation of blood vessels in the brain
multiple sclerosis
a disease in which the protective covering of nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord are destroyed
muscular dystrophy
a genetic disease in which the muscles progressively deteriorate
parkinson's disease
a brain disorder that causes muscle tremors stiffness and weakness
peptic ulcer
an open sore on the lining of the esophagus stomach or first part of the small intestine
sickle cell anemia
an inherited blood disease in which the red blood cells carry less oxygen
systemic lupus erythematosus
a condition in which connective tissue becomes inflammed
a group of diseases in which cells divide in an uncontrolled manner
an abnormal growth of tissue
benign tumor
a tumor that is not canverous and does not spread to other parts of the body
malignant tumor
a tumor that is canverous and may spread to other parts of the body
the spread of cancer
ultraviolet radiation
a type of radiation that comes from the sun and also is emitted by sunlamps and tanning booths
malignant melanoma
the form of skin canver that is most often fatal
an odorless colorless radioactive gas that is released by rocks and soil
basal cell carcinoma
the most common form of skin cancer in the form of a round raised red spot
radiation therapy
treatment of cancer with high energy radiation to kill or damage cancer cells
the treatment of cancer with anti cancer drugs
a process in which the immune system is stimulated to fight cancer cells