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48 Cards in this Set

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what is health?
not merely the absence of physical disease
what is wellness
ability to live life fully with vitality and meaning
health can be determined by
genes age other factors
6 dimensions of wellness
physical: healthy diet, exercise, checkups, prevention
emotional: self confid. control, esteem
itellectual: openess to new ideas, humor, critical thinking
spiritual: set of guiding beliefs, principles,
interpersonal/social: satisfying reltionships
enviromental/planetary: enviroment is protecting our wellness
all 6 interact continously allowing change
what is an infectuous disease?
communicable from 1 person to another ex. cold, herpes
what is a chronic disease
develops and becomes worse over a period of time usually caused by lifestyle factors
3 leadign causes of death: heart disease cancer stroke
what are the 2 goals of healthy people 2010
to eliminate health disparities among americans
to increase quality and quantitiy of life
what is healty people 2010
national wellness goals that the us govt. seeks to prevent uneccessary disease
health issues among populations and gender
income and education
geographic location
sexual orientation
factors that influence your overall wellness
stress levels
negative attitude
acess to adequate health care
steps toward behavior change
choose target behavior
obtain info. about your target behavior
how does your lifestyle affect your behavior
find outside help
how to create behavior change
examine pros/cons
boost self-efficacy
identify and learn how to overcome barriers to change
what is self efficacy
your belief in your ability to successfully take action and perform a specific task
internal locus of control
self talk and encouragement
what is the transtheoretical model for change
assists with understanding how behavior can create effective lifestyle changes
trastheoretical stages
-precontemplation: no thought to stop in the next 6 months
-contemplation: thoughts to stop with in next 6 months
-preparation: decides to start trying w/in a month sets goals, rewards, etc
-action: motivation to keep changing
-maintenance: been successful for 6 months
-termination: hardest stage to stay in No temptation to lapse...highest regard to self efficacy
what is stress
the collective physiological and emotional responses to any stimuls that disturbs an individuals homestasis
what is a stressor
any physical or psyciologial event or condition
stress resulting from an unpleasant stressor
autonomic nervous system consists of & controls
brain, spinal cord & nerves
controls basic body processes
ex. digestion, heart rate, blinkin
autonomic nervous systems consists of 2 divisions
sympathetic nervous syst
parasympathetic nerv. st.
sympathetic nervous system
reacts to danger or other challenges by almost instantly acclerating body processes
moderates the excitatory effect of the sympathetic division
endocrine systems consists of
glands, tissues, cells
helps control body's functions by releasing hormones and other chemical to bloodstream
impt. target of sympathetic
what happens during stress
neuro chemical message sent to hypothalamus
notifies pituitary gland: release ACTH into blood stream
moves into adrenal gland above kidney and release cortisal and hormones into blood
epinephrine (adrenaline) is released
what happens during fight or flight
endocrine syst. releases epinephrine that effect functioning of organs involved in responding to a stressor otherwise known as?
-autonomic and endocrine prepare body to deal w/ emergency
instantaneous changes give you heightened reflexes or strength
state in which blood pressure etc are normally maintained
what is general adaptation syndrome? (GAS)
universal & predictive response pattern to all stressor
3 stages of GAS
alarm: sucessible to disease or injury result:headaches, anxiety
resistence: w/ continued stress body develops new level of homestasis more resistant to disease or injury
exhaustion: prolonged succession of stressors disorganized thinkng
links b/t stress and specific conditions
altered immune system
endocrine affects pregnancy
digestive problems
cardio disease
appropriate techniques for managing stress
social support
time management skills
relaxation tech.
relaxation response
progressive muscle relaxation
deep breathing
hatha yoga
dangerous coping strategies
binge eating
what is psychological health?
absence of sickness or as the presence of wellness
-fulfillment of human potential
-description of ideal mental health
maslow's hiearchy of needs
-basic pshysiological integrity: body function, respiration, circulation, nutrition, etc.
-safety and security: sensory function, enviro. safety, legal and economic protection
-belonging & love: communication, relationships, sexuality
-ego strength and self esteem: effective coping, intellegiance, assertiveness
-self actualization and fullfillment: enrighment, creativity, recreation and leisure
qualities of self actualization
-realism: deal w/ world as it is and not demand otherwise
-acceptance: of themselves and others positive self concept and high self esteem
-autonomy: independence, sense of being self directed aware of feelings and willing to express them
-capacity for itimcay: physically and emotionally
-creativity: fresh application for what goes on around them open to new experiences
what is self esteem
having pride in yourself
treating self w/ respect
considering self valuable
anxiety disorders
generalized anxiety disorder
panic disorder
post traumatic stress
mood disorders
SAD: seasonal depression
Mania: excessive elation, etc.
Bi-polar: happy/sad
schizophrenia: hallucinations, caotic behavior
suicide warning signs
sudden explicable lightening of mood eating disorders, etc
psychological help options
therapists, groups, friends, etc.
what is enviromental health
grew from efforts to control communicable diseases. pathogens found in water, etc.
what is added to the water system for the past 50 years
where is solid waste buried
sanitary landfill
worlds population is
6.5 billion and increasing at the reate of 78 million per year
factors which limit population growth
food, availabe land and water, energy
factors that contribute to pop growth
high fertility rates
lack of family planning resources
lower death rates
forms of indoor pollution
enviromental tobacco smoke, carbon monoxide & other combustion by products
types of chemical pollutants