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21 Cards in this Set

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Infectious Diseases

Caused by organisms or viruses that enter and multiply within the body


Live in air, soil, food, and the bodies of plants and animals


100x smaller than bacteria, smallest pathogens


Yeast, molds, and mushrooms. Grow in moist, dark areas; athlete's foot


Single-celled organisms that are much larger and complex tham bacteria. Malaria, dsysentery

Other pathogens

Caused by animals, trichina worms; lives in tissue of animals, lice, mites

How do pathogens spread?

Spread through contact with food, water, soil, contaminated objects, infected animals and humans


Skin, mucus, saliva, tears, cilia, digestive system, inflammation, phagocytes

What are AIDS?

It is a retrovirus tranferred by blood, semen, birth, sexual contact, breast milk, pre ejaculation, needles, vaginal fluids

What are symptoms of AIDS?

Fever, night sweats, fatigue, chronic diarrhea, weight loss, swollen lymph nodes, truss on tongue

How do you test AIDS?

ELISA- A blood test to locate antibodies

Western Blot- to confirm ELISA test

Preventing AIDS

Abstinence, avoid blood, sexual fidelity, avoid drugs

Opportunistic Infection

Kaposi's Sarcoma- cancerous, purple blots of skin

PCP- parasite that affects lungs (60% death rate)

Age related demetia

SLIM disease- severe weight loss

What is Trichomoniasis?

Symptoms: painful urination, yellow discharge (F), clear discharge (M), urithritus, vaginitis, itching, burning

Treatment- medicine treatment

What is HPV?

Symptoms: genital warts, itching, burning

Treatment: remove warts

Can cause cervical cancer

What is Clymadia?

Caused by bacteria, can be transfered to baby

Symptoms: painful urination frequently, discharge

Can cause urithritus and pelvic inflammartory disease in women

Cure: none

What is Hepatitis?

Attacks liver, spread by blood, viral disease, blood test needed

Symptoms: fatigue, nausea, abdominal pain

Can cause: liver cancer

What is Gnorrehea?


Symptoms: discharge, painful urination, itching

Can cause: pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility

Treatment: antibiotics

What are Herpes?

1/5 people over 12 may get it, viral disease

Symptoms: blisters

Treatment: none

What is Syphillis?


Symptoms: flu-like symptoms

Stage 1. Chancre sores

Stage 2. Mouth sores

Stage 3. 15-20 years later can get brain damage

Treatment: Antibiotics

What is Pubic Lice?

Symptoms: mites or insects on vag or penis; itching, bleeding from bites

Treatment: Shampoo