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52 Cards in this Set

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Digestive system track
mouth, espohagus (food tube), stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus
Another word for esophagus
food tube
Main logic behind Digestive System
to convert food to energy
During the process of what, nutrients that come from food....
Nutrients go from Small intestine to...
blood stream
6 sections food are separated into
water, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals
What is passed out as feces?
Waste products
How long does digestion take?
20-24 hours
How long is digestive tract?
About 30 feet
Proteins are broken down into
amino acids
Starches are turned into
simple sugars
Fats are turned into...
fatty acids and glycerol
Digestive system is made up of the....
alimentary canal and the accessory organs
Accessory organs
Liver, pancreas, gall bladder
Alimentary canal also called the...
Digestive TracT
What happens in the mouth?
Saliva breaks down food and teeth chomp on food
What happens in esophagus?
Food is passed from mouth to stomach
What salivate?
Salivary glands
Where are salivary glands located?
Under the tongue and near the lower jaw
What happens in stomach?
Enzymes and Acids break down food and churn the food
What enzyme, found in salvia, breaks down carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates are...(not food)
sugars and starches
Waves of muscle contractions called what force food down through the esophagus to the stomach?
Digestive muscle is what type of muscle?
What is the muscular ring that allows food to enter the stomach and then squeezes shut to keep food or fluid from flowing back into the esophagus called?
What environment in the stomach?
Acidic Environment
How much digestive juices are produced in the stomach each day?
3 quarts
When food leaves stomach it is in the form of a thick liquid called...
What muscular tube keeps the chyme in the stomach until it reaches the right phase?
What happens in the small intestine?
Nutrients are absorbed from the chyme and sent to the blood stream
How many parts are in the small intestine?
First C-Shaped part of the small intestine.
Coiled midsection of the SI.
Final section of the small intestine.
What inlines the small intestine?
What are villi?
Hair- like structures that absorb nutrients
What does the liver do?
Over 600 functions, produces bile
What holds the bile?
Gall bladder
What does the Pancreas do?
Creates Insulin
Appendix function?
Nutrients are carried to where in the blood from the SI?
Job of the large intestine?
Absorb water and create solid waste
How many parts in the LI?
What is the pouch at the beginning of the LI that joins the small intestine?
Small, hollow, finger- like pouch, hands of cecum.
Middle part of the LI.
Where feces is stored until they leave the digestive system through the anus.
What is Celiac Disease?
When your body has trouble absorbing nutrients, caused by gluten
What is IBS?
When your colon is not working properly and can feel bloating and cramps etc.
What is Cystic Fibrosis?
When thick mucus blocks the ducts and passageways in the pancreas
What is Hepatitis?
Viral infection in which liver becomes inflammed
What is it called when a gallbladder become inflamed?