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56 Cards in this Set

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To improve your healthy, you must exercise vigorously for at least 30 mins straight, 5 or more days per week.
True/ false
Which is considered a form of cardiorespiratory endurance exercise?
C. aerobic dancing
All 3
Developing strength in the trunk muscles is the most important way to prevent low- back pain.
The terms physical activity and exercise mean the same thing?
Which principle of fitness states that when you stop exercising you can lose up to 50% of fitness improvements in 2 months?
B. reversibility
C. Progressive overload
B. reversibility
The body's ability to respond or adapt to the demands and stress of physical effort
Physical fitness
What are the 5 components to health related fitness?
cardiorespiratory endurance
muscular endurance
muscular strength
body composition
The ability of the body to perform prolonged, large muscle, dynamic exercise at moderate to high levels of intensity
Cardiorespiratory endurance
The lungs ability to transfer oxygen to blood. The hearts ability to pump blood.
The nervous system ability to regulate blood.
The muscles ability to use oxygen and energy are all components that determine what?
Cardiorespiratory endurance
Aerobic capacity.
The maximal oxygen consumption.
Measured using a graded exercise test and a respirator
VO2 max
If you have a low cardiorespiratory endurance, what could happen?
Heart attack, diabetes, strokes, cancer, depression, and anxiety
The amount of force a muscle can produce with a single maximum effort
Muscular strength
Muscular strength depends on what?
the size of the muscle and the ability of nerves to stimulate muscles
The ability of a muscle or group of muscles to remain contracted or to contract repeatedly for a long period of time
Muscular endurance
These factors contribute to what?
Size of muscle cell
Ability of muscle to store fuel
and blood supply to muscle
Muscular endurance depends on these
The ability to move joints though full range of motion
______ depends on joint structure, length and elasticity of connective tissues, and nervous system activity
The proportion of fat and fat- free mass (muscle, bone, and water) in the body
Body composition
High body fat can lead to what?
heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, joint problems,diabetes, cancer, and back pain
Physical abilities that contribute to performance in a sport or activity, including speed, power, agility, balance, coordination, and reaction time
Skill- related fitness
The ability to perform a movement in a short period of time
The ability to exert force rapidly, based on a combination of strength and speed
The ability to change the body's position quickly and accurately
The ability to maintain equilibrium while moving or stationary
The ability to perform motor tasks accurately and smoothly using body movements and the senses
The ability to respond quickly ro a stimulus
Reaction time
Any body movement carried out by the skeletal muscles and requiring energy
Arranged on continuum based on amount of energy they require
Physical activity
Planned, structured, repetitive movement of the body intended to improve or maintain physical fitness
Physical fitness depends on what?
Genetics and Behavior
How much physical activity is recommended for adults per week?
30 minutes of moderate- vigorous activity 5 days per week
The ability to change the body's position quickly and accurately
The ability to maintain equilibrium while moving or stationary
The ability to perform motor tasks accurately and smoothly using body movements and the senses
The ability to respond quickly ro a stimulus
Reaction time
Any body movement carried out by the skeletal muscles and requiring energy
Arranged on continuum based on amount of energy they require
Physical activity
Planned, structured, repetitive movement of the body intended to improve or maintain physical fitness
Physical fitness depends on what?
Genetics and Behavior
How much physical activity is recommended for adults per week?
30 minutes of moderate- vigorous activity 5 days per week
How many days of strength building are needed?
2 days per week
From a telephone health survey, about how many Americans get moderate activity, vigorous activity, and no activity?
Moderate activity= 50%
Vigorous activity= 30%
No activity= 25%
How much physical activity should children get?
60 minutes of moderate- vigorous activity 5 days/ week (ideally 7)
Recent stats show that how many girls and boys got the recommended 60 mins/ day off physical activity and how many didnt?
Participated: Girls=30% Boys= 45%
Didnt participate: Girls= 30% Boys= 17%
These are all benefits of what? Improving health and wellness, more efficient metabolism, manage weight, improve physical fitness, reduce stress, disease prevention, improved psychological wellness, improved immune function, and improved wellness of life
Benefits of exercise
At what age should men and women get checked before beginning an exercise program?
Men= 40 and Women= 50
Specificity, progressive overload, reversibility, and individual differences are all components of what?
The basic principles of physical training
What t=does the acronym FITT stand for?
Frequency (how often)
Intensity (how hard)
Time (duration)
Type (mode of exercise)
The training principle that fitness improvements are lost when demands on the body are lowered
Lose 50% in 2 months
For cardiorespiratory endurance exercises what is the Frequency, Intensity, and Time?
Frequency: 3-5 days a week
Intensity: target heart rate or VO2 max
Time: 20-60 mins
What are the 2 types of muscular strength and endurance?
Isometric exercises and Isotonic exercises
The application of force without movement
Isometric (static) movement
The application of force with movement
Isotonic (dynamic) exercises
For muscular strength and endurance what is the Frequency, Intensity, and Time?
Frequency: 2-3 days a week
Intensity: amount of weight
Time- reps of 8-12
Stretching should be performed _________not _______.
Statically not ballistically
For Flexibility what is the Frequency, Intensity, and Time?
Frequency: 2-3 days a week
Intensity: pleasant, mild stretch
Time: 15-30 sec. and 2-4 reps