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84 Cards in this Set

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Alcohol is a...drug with ..., .../..., ..., and...consequences.
lethal, physical, mental, emotional, social, legal
type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages
Ethanol can be made through...
fermentation of veggies, fruits, and grains
chemical action of yeast on sugars
What is added to ethanol to make beverages?
minerals, water, flavoring
drug that slows the CNS
Alcohol gives you..., which masks the true effect as a...
an energy rush, depressant
that state in which the body is poisoned by alc or another substance and the person's phys and ment control is really reduced
Effects of alcohol include...and depend on...
slower reaction time, not clear thinking or good judgement, impair vision, body size/stomach contents
What influences teens to use or not use alcohol?
peer pressure, family that discourages alc, media messages that glamorize alc
How do peers affect teens and alc?
want acceptance, peer pressure, choose frs that avoid alc
_____ ______ is one of the main reason teens avoid alc
Parental disapproval
What is the message media sends teens about alc?
to fit in, drink alc
How does adv reach teens on alc?
billboards, tv, radio, mags, newspapers, sponser sports, concerts, festivals, exhibits, comm events to associate products with fun
number one cause of teen death and disability
alc-related vehicle accidents
If you are under 21, it's illegal to...
buy, possess, or consume alc
What happens to teens who break the alc law?
fined, jail, sentenced to youth detention center
How does avoiding alc sit protect health?
less likely to be rape, aggravated assault, robbery, fights
Alc and teen sex
alc>more likely to be sexually active at earlier, often
alcohol abuse
excessive use of alc
___% of youth are exposed to family alc abuse by 18.
Young people who live in a house with one alc abuser are at risk of...
neglect, abuse, ec hardship, social isolation, drink alc
Teens who drink alc can be suspended from...
extracurriculars, activities, school
The decision to be alc free helps you...
keep healthy body (no injury), make resp choices, avoid risky beh (sex), avoid illegal act
What to do when you find yourself in a sit with alc
assertive, refuse, leave, call for a ride
Factors that influence the effects of alc
body size and gender, food in stomach, amount and rate of intake
Alc moves into the bloodstream...in females.
Food in the stomach ....passage of alc into...
slows, bloodstream
When someone drinks alc...., intoxication happens.
faster than the liver can break it down
Alc poisoning happens when...
blood alc levels get too high
short term effects of al to the nervous sys
brain less able to contrl body, memory/conc are dull, judgement and coordination is bad
short term effects of alc to cardiovasc sys
heart rate and blood pre increase with low, high intake means heart rate and bp decrease, irregular rythm, blood vessels expand, body heat escapes
short trm effects of alc to dig sys
stom acid increases>nausea and vomit, toxic chems released in liver, cause inflammation, kidneys more urine>dehy
short trm effects of alc to resp sys
liver releases CO2 released thru lungs, alc depresses nerves that control invol>slow breath, no breath
When a drug enters the body, it...
goes thru the bloodstream to its target organ/tissue
body breaks down substances
Alcohol travels through the bloodstream, to the...while the liver...and the kidneys...
brain, metabolizes the alc in the blood to make it less active, filter the neutralized alc and extrete it
Alc combined with medicines/drugs can result in..., which is...
multiplier effect, medicaton has greater or diff effect than taken alone
typical alc-drug interactions
alc slows drug absorptn, increase time that alc/drug in bdy; freq alc, more met enzymes, drug broke down fastr; met enz change med to damage organs; alc increase drug effect
driving while intox., driving under the influence
Blood alc concentration
amount of alc in blood expressed as %
DWI is defined as having a...% BAC
You're intoxicated if...
you exceed the legal limit of BAC
effects of any kind of drinking
slow reflexes, can't judge distance and speed, increase risky beh, reduce concentration, increase forget
tests given to someone stopped for drinking and driving
field sobriety test, then breathalyzer test
conseq for teen caught DUI
harm to driver and others, restricted driving priveleges, no license, injury, damage, death, regret, no parent trust, arrest, jail, court, fine, police record, lawsuits, high insurance rates
binge drinking
drinking five or more alc drinks at one sitting
____ ___ ____ can be fatal (fatal dose).
Rapid binge drinking
alcohol poisoning
severe and potentially fatal phys reaction to an alc overdose
Why is alc poisoning dangerous?
can stop invol actions like breathe, gag reflex, stom irritated, vomit, choke on vomit
Why is passing out dangerous after alc poisoning?
BAC continues to rise through intestines and stomach
symptoms of alc poisoning
mental confusion, coma, vomit, seizure, slow respiration (10 secs b/w, less 8 per min), irreg heart, hypothermia, dehy
alc goal of Healthy Ppl 2010
reduce # of risk beh associated with alc
Excessive alc can damage...and is esp bad for...
body sys, young ppl
long term brain effects of alc
addiction, loss of brain func (speech, visual skills, memory), brain damage (smaller brain, destroy brain cells)
The brain can...if you stop drinking.
regain lost abilities
long term cardiovasc changes of alc
damage to heart muscle, enlarged heart from increased workload, high bp
long term liver probs b/c of alc
fatty liver blocks flow of blood to liver cells, alc hepatitis (inflam/infect of liver), cirrhosis (liver tissue replace with useless scar tissue)
long term dig sys probs
irritation of dig lining, stomach ulcers/cancer
long term pancreas probs
lining of panc swells to block fr panc to small intestine, chems for dig can pass, begin to destroy panc
How is a fetus damaged in alc during preg?
liver can't process alc, permanent damage to CNS, fetal alc syndrome
fetal alc syndrome
group of alc-related birth defects that indluce phys and mental
leading cause of mental ret. in US
effects of FAS
small head, deformities, heart, liver kidney defects, vision,hear probs, slow grow, coordination, learning, attention, mem
disease in which a person ahas phys or pyschological dependence on drinks that have alc
addict dependent on alc
symptoms of an alcoholic
craving of alc, loss of control (of limiting drinking), physical dep. (not drinking=withdrawal symp.), tolerance (need to drink more each time), health, fam, legal probs
There might be a ...to alcoholism.
genetic link
What effects the risk for alcoholism?
family, frs, culture, peer pressure, alc available?, stress
3 stages of developing alcoholism
abuse, dependence, addiciton
describe 1st stage of alcoholism
abuse: social drinking, depend on alc to manage stress, intoxicated regularly, lie about drinking, drink more and more to get effect
describe 2nd stage of alcoholism
dependence: can't stop drinking, dep, central focus, hide prob, performance at job, home, school suffers
describe 3rd stage of alcoholism
addiction: most imp thing in life, life out of control, doesn't realize/acknowledge, liver damage=less alc to be intoxicated, withd. effects if stop
Alcohol is a major factor in the 4 leading causes of accidental death, which are...
car accidents, falls, drown, house fires
About ...% of violent crimes are alc-related
____ of victims of domestic violence said there was alc involved
Almost...% of homicide victims have alc in blood.
Codependents learn to...
ignore their needs and focus energy on needs of alcoholic, lose trust in others and esteem
process of learning to live and alc-free life
goal of alc treatment programs
stop or control alc intake
living without alc
5 places to get info about treat for alcoholism
Al-anon, Alcoholics Anonymous, Nat. Ass. for Children of Alc., Nat. Clearinghouse for Alc and Drug info, NatDrug and treat referral routing service
4 steps to recovery
admission (of having drink prob), detoxification, counseling, recovery
process where the body adjusts to functioning without alc