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15 Cards in this Set

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Predominant beliefs related to health care in the US include:
Belief in science and technology
Belief in private initiatives instead of goverment involvement for healthcare delivery
Belief in individualism and responsibility for one's economic well-being
The limitations of market justice include:
Social problems are not adequately addressed
Society is not always protected from the consequences of ill health
It leads to inequitable access to health care
Medical Model
Health is defined as the absence of illness or disease
_Diagnose, seek, cure, rehabilitate
Disease can be classified into three categories.
Acute - severe, short term, treatable and subject to recovery
Subacute - less severe, can require treatnebt after discharge
Chronic - persists over time, not severe but generally irrevesible
Chronic illness ...
CDC - almost 50% of Americans have at least one chronic illness and 7 out of 10 deaths are attributed to chronic disease
Aprox, 75% of health expenditures are on chronic disease
Three factors of wellness
1. understand risk factors
2. develop interventions
3. provide adequate public health services
Three reasons for the rise on chronic disease:
1. New diagnostic methods, medical procedures, and pharmaceuticals have improved treatment of acute illnesses, survival rates, and longevity
2. Screening and diagnosis have expanded in scope, frequency, and accuracy
3. Lifestyle choices, such as high-salt and high-fat and sedentary lifestyles, are risk factors that contribute
Practice of Medicine vs Public Health
1. Medicine focuses on the individual (diagnosing, treating, and preventing disease) - Public Health focuses on populations
2. Medicine focuses on biological causes of disease and how the best treatments and therapies. Public health focuses on identifying environmental, social and behavioral risk factors and developing and implementing population-wide interventions to minimize risk factors
3. Medicine focuses on the treatment of disease and recovery of health and public health places great emphasis on preventing disease and health promotion
Blum's model of health determinants
Proposed four major inputs which contribute to health and well-being
- Environment
- Lifestyle
- Heredity
- Medical care
There is no single pathway to better health because health determinants interact in complex ways
Market Justice
- the fair distribution of health care to the market forces in a free economy
- emphasizes individual, rather than collective, responsibility for health. It proposes private, rather than government, solutions to social problemsof health
Free market implis that giving people something they have not earned would be morally and eonomically wrong
US health care is a quasi-market
Social Justice
- the equitable distribution of health care is a societal responsibility, which is best managed by a central agency like the government which sees to its production and distribution
- Should be colectively financed and affordable
- Regards health as a social good - should be available to all regardless o the individual recipient's ability to pay
Social Justice principle assumptions
Health care is different from other services and health-seeking behavior is governed by need
Responsibility for health is shared. Both individuals and society are responsible due to conditions such as environmental factors which contribute to poor health outcomes
Society has an obligation to the collective good and the well-being of the community is more important to that of the individual. An individual can be a threat to the overall well-being of society so society has an obligation to care for the idnividual in the interest of the overall good
Free market should not determine distribution of health care, the govenrment, through rational planning, is better equipped for this task
Emphasizes happiness and welfare for the msses; it ignores the individual
The Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act: Three main objectives
1. To expand health coverage
2. To ensure access to quality, affordable care
3. To contain growth in health care costs through transformations in the health care system
Intergration of individual and community health
It has been suggested that the medical model be replaced with a disease-prevention, health-promotion, primry care based model
The real challenge is to incorporate medical and wellness models within the holistic context of health
Healthy People 2020 Four Overreaching Goals
1. Attain hig-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death
2. Achieve health equity, eliminate health disparities, and improve the health of all group
3. Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all
4. Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages