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105 Cards in this Set

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a major factor influencing the health care system is:
the aging of the population
the health care sector constituted what percentage of the us gross domestic product in 2005?
which type of health care facility employs the most people in the us?
the basic sourcce of the physician distribution problem in the us is:
lack of health care coverage for all
the number of specialists is increasing because:
demand for specialists services is high, the development of medical technology, specialists earn more money
the nurse reinvestment act of 2002 provides:
grants and scholarships for nurses, funding for nurse retention programs, funding for further education for nurses
what is the main difference between clinical nurse specialists and nurse practitioners
cns's work in hospitals and fnp's work mainly in primary care settings
In the U.S. midwifery's role in the management of pregnancies has been ________ compared to Europe.
physician maldistribution occurs by:
specialty and geography
There is a ___________ of physicians in rural areas compared to metropolitan and urban areas.
the roles and responsibilities of health services administrators include:
leadership and strategic direction, departmental management, program oversight
primary care is :
longitudinal, the portal to the health care system, holistic
the principle source of funding for graduate medical education is:
private funds
what is a major criticism of managed care?
quality of care may be sacrificed
Since 1949, the percentage of active primary care generalist physicians has:
which medical specialty earns the highest salary?
t/f. the number of active physicians has steadily increased over time
t/f. the number of active nurses has steadily increased over time
t/f. less than 2% of all active physicians are DO's
t/f. more than half of DO's are generalists.
t/f. more than half of MD's are specialists
t/f. there is an imbalance between primary care and specialty care services in the us health care delivery system
t/f. there has been a decreasing number of international medical graduates in the us since 1980
t/f. fee for service reimbursement favors specialist practices.
t/f. pts requiring services from OT's need help with performing tasks in their daily living and working environments
t/f. in the preindustrial period, europe was more advanced than the us in medical science.
t/f. when hopitals first emerged in the the us, they were used primarily for the wealthy
t/f. in the preindustrial era, much of the medical care in the us was provided by nonphysicians
as the health care delivery t/f. system developed in the us, right from its inception, pcp's were assigned a gatekeeping role
when bills for compulsory t/f. health insurance were introduced in several states, they were opposed by labor unions
t/f. middle class americans have generally opposed proposals for a national health insurance program
t/f. according to polls, most americans are satisfied with the quality of health care
t/f. among both the insured and the uninsured, only a relatively small portion of american adults believe that the government would be the best source for obtaining health coverage
t/f. medicaid has uniform national standards for eligibility and benifits.
what has played a major role in revolutionizing health care delivery
science and technology
medical care in preindustrial america had a strong _______________ character.
the delivery of medical care in preindustrial america was governed mainly by:
free market conditions
in the preindustrial period, what was the main role of dispensaries?
provided basic medical care to ambulatory pts
hospitals in the us evolved from :
what main purpose was served by an almshouse in preindustrial america?
performed general welfare and custodial functions
in the preindustrial period, what was the main reason why most people could not afford the services of a physician?
the cost of travel was too high
what was the main consequence of early proprietary medical schools, as opposed to state sponsored schools in the preindustrial period?
standards were low
what was a particularly important factor in promoting the growth of office based medical practice in the post industrial period.
when a professions services are generally accepted and are legitimized, they impart ______ to the profession.
cultural authority
cultural authority was conveyed to the medical profession mainly through
advances in medical science
development of the hospital and _____________ happened almost hand in hand in a symbiotic relationship between the two.
professionalization of medical practice
even though hospitals incurred frequent deaths in the early 1900's their use was on the rise mainly because
a large number of immigrants were settling in american cities
why did physicians remain independant of corporate settings even after the medical profession became well recognized?
physicans who took up practice in a corporate setting were castigated by the medical profession.
define organized medicine
concerted activities of physicians through the AMA
the Flexnor Report of 1910, reported on:
standards of training in medical schools
in the us, public health and private practice of medicine developed seperately because:
physicians were skeptical of the government taking control of medical practice
since the early 1900's the burden of disease in developed countries has shifted from :
infectious to chronic
the inception of ____________ was used as a trial balloon for the idea of government sponsored universal health insurance
workers comp
initially, what was the main purpose of private health insurance in the us?
compensate for loss of income during sickness and temporary disability
the Baylor Hospital plan of 1929 laid the foundation for modern health insurance in the us. this was a _______ plan
why did the first blue cross plans cover only hospital care?
initial hospitalization was required in order to compensate a beneficiary for loss of income
during the WWII period, health insurance became part of collective bargaining because of :
wage freezes
during the WWII period, the supreme court ruled that :
health insurancce could be part of the collective bargaining process
what was the main reason for initiating national health care in countries like germany and england?
to ward off political instability
the beliefs and values that form american ideology represent the sentiments of :
the american middle class
who was the first president to champion the cause for national health insurance
harry truman
over time, which interest group has proven to be the most powerful in opposing national health insurance?
on what grounds have middle class americans generally opposed proposals for national health insurance programs?
higher taxes
what is the most pressing concern that americans have expressed about health care in the us?
high cost
physicians and hospitals in the us began consolidating and integrating mainly in response to
the growth of managed care
e health has resulted in:
patient empowerment and a dilution of their dependant role
the elements of the epidemiology triangle of diseas occurance include:
environment, agent, host
what is the leading cause of preventable death in the us?
what is tertiary prevention?
rehab therapies and monitoring of health to prevent complications or further illness, injury, or disability
the wellness model is built on:
intervention, adequate public health and social services, understanding risk factors
according to the CDC, what contributes most to premature death in the us?
lifestyle and behavoirs
crude birth rate is calculated by:
dividing number of live births in a period of time by the total population
incidence is:
the number of new cases occuring during a specified period divided by the population at risk
demand side rationing is the same as:
price rationing
deontolgy asserts :
it is an individuals duty to do what is right
utilitarianisms emphasizes:
happiness and welfare for the most people possible
supply side rationing is also referred to as:
nonprice rationing and planned rationing
the limitations of market justice include:
social problems are not adequately addressed, society is not always protected from the consequences of ill health, it leads to inequitable access to health care
prevalence is:
the total number of new cases at a specific point in time divided by specified population
crude rates refer to:
the total population
holistic health adds to the __________ element of the WHO definition of health.
John Snow is famous for:
tracing the risk of cholera outbreaks in London the the Broad Street pump
according to the CDC, what % of premature deaths in the us population can be attributed to inadequate access to medical care?
t/f. under the medical model, health is defined as a complete state of physical , mental, and social well-being and not just the absence of disease or infirmary
the 2 broad goals of healthy people 2010 are to eliminate health disparities and improve the quality of health care services
for most privately insured americans, health insurance is
employer based
approx how many millions of people are employed by the us health care system
10 million
under free market conditions, the relationship between the quantity of medical services demanded and the price of medical services is:
what kind of health care system does great britain have?
national health system
what are characteristics of a national health insurance system?
the government finances health care through general taxes and health care is delivered by private providers
what are characteristics of a socialized health care system?
health care is financed through government mandated contributions by employers and employees
what is an overarching goal of health people 2010?
increase quality and years of healthy life
what is an example of an IADL?
walking up and down stairs
the ownership of canada's health care system is best described as:
combination of public and private
supplier induced demand is created by:
according to the CDC, what contributes most to premature death in the us?
lifestyle and behavoirs
crude birth rate is calculated by:
dividing number of live births in a period of time by the total population
incidence is:
the number of new cases occuring during a specified period divided by the population at risk
demand side rationing is the same as:
price rationing
deontolgy asserts :
it is an individuals duty to do what is right
t/f. capitation is a payment mechanism in which all health care serveces are included under one set fee per covered individual
t/f. in a free market, multiple pts and providers act interdependantly
moral hazard has to do with insured pts demand for health care services
in a single payer system, the primary payer is usually an insurance company
in national health insurance, governments are immune from lawsuits