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99 Cards in this Set

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What are the 5 levels in the Ecological Model?
5.Public Policy
The intrapersonal level is also referred to as the ____________ level.
True or False
How the Ecological model is delivered makes difference?
True! How it is delivered matters!
Characteristics of the ______________ such as knowledge, attitudes, behavior, self-concept, skills and developmental history.
An individuals health behaviors, knowledge, attitudes, and values are influenced by many factors that reflect ______ 1/_______, _________2________, ____________3/___________
1.Cultural identity
3.Childhood experience
Individual influences can affect and be affected by ______________________ _________________
Environmental influences
Internal influences include:
Religions identity
Racial/ Ethnic identity
Sexual orientation
economic status
financial resources
Values, goals, expectations
age/ genetics
Resiliency coping, skills, time management skills
health literacy and accessing health care skills
stigma of accessing counseling services
Impact at the Individual/Intrapersonal Levels

motivating change in individual _____1______ by increasing ______2______, or influencing _____3_____ or challenging _______4_________.

Learning new ___5_____
1. Behavior
2. Knowledge
3. Attitudes
4. Beliefs
5. Skills
Interpersonal Level also involves
Processes and Primary Groups
Interpersonal Processes and Primary Groups

Formal and informal ___________1/____________ and social support ______2______, including _______3_______, _____4______ and ________________5/_____________
1. Social network
2. Systems
3. Family
4. Work
5. Friendship networks
Interpersonal Processes and Primary groups include:
1. Roommate
2. Supervisors
3. Resident Advisors
4. Rituals/ customs, traditions
5. Economic forces
6. Diversity
7. athletics, recreation, intramural sports, clubs
8. fraternity/ sororities
Impact at the Interpersonal Level

Recognize that groups provide ______1/______ and _____2________, interpersonal interventions target ____3_____, such as __________4/_________ or _______5____.
1. Social identity
2. Support
3. Groups
4. Family members
5. Peers
Institutional Factors

Social Institutions with organizational ________1_______ and _______2/_________ and _________3/_____ for operations
1. Characteristics
2. formal/ informal
3.rules/ regulations
Institutional Factors
1.Campus Climate
2. Class schedules
3. Financial policies
5. lighting, unclean environments
6.distance to classes and buildings
8. availability of study and common lounge spaces
9. air quality
10. safety
Impact at the Institutional Level

Changing the ______1____, ______2___, and ______________3/____________ of an organization (e.g. workplace, health care setting, a school/child care, a faith organization, or another type of community organization) to support _______________4/___________
1. Policies
2. Practices
3. Physical Environment
4. Behavior change

Relationships among ______1________/ ______2_______, and informational _____3______ within defined _______4_______.
1. Organizations
2. Institutions
3. networks
4. boundaries
Community Factors include:
1.Location in the community
2. built environment
3. neighborhood associations
4. community leaders
5. on/off campus housing
6. businesses
7. community parking, transportation, walk ability and parks
Impact at the Community Level

Coordinating the effect of ___1____ ________2___ of a community to being about ____3_____.
1. All
2. Members
3. Change
Public Policy is
Local, State, National and Global laws and policies
Public Policy

Polices that allocate resources to establish and maintain a ___1____ that serves a mediating structure connecting _______2_____ and the large ______3/_________ to create a _____4_____ _________5_______.
1. Coalition
2. Individuals
3. Social Environment
4. Healthier
5. Society
Public Policies

Other policies include those that ____1_____ ____2_____ such as tobacco use in public spaces and alcohol sales and consumption ans those that provide _____3______ ______4_______, both positive and negative, such as increased taxes on cigarets and alcohol
1. restrict
2. behavior
3. behavioral
4. incentives
Public Policy

Additional policies relate to violence, _____1____ ____2_____, green policies, foreign affairs, the economy, _________3/________
1. social
2. justice
3. global warming
Impact at the Public Policy Level

________1_______ and _______2______ state and local policies that can increase ______3_______ health behaviors. Developing media campaigns that promote _____4______ _____5______ of the health need and _____6________ for change.
1. Developing
2. Enforcing
3. beneficial
4. public
5. awareness
6. advocacy
What is Spice?
Synthetic marijuana
What are Bath Salts
Synthetic Cathinones
What is Molly
Purest form of EX
Environmental Influences

Environmental ________1/_________ interact and affect ______________2/_________________ and vice versa.
Environmental Influences

1. factors/influences
2. individual behavior
Environmental Influences

These factors may be the ______1_______ _____2_____ or place, the human aggregate or ______3_______ of the people, organizational and social climate, and/or ________4_______ of the surrounding community.
1. physical
2. setting
3. characteristics
4. characteristics
Physical setting or place

Campus ________1______
Campus ________2______
Campus ________3______
1. Geographical - pool parties/ sunscreen
2. Meteorological-hurricane/ lightning
3. Architecture - big campus, lighting, stairs
Marshal student center- positive= stairs, negative= walk way is confusing
Characteristics of the People (Human Aggregate)
_____1____ setting
Characteristics of the _____2_______
_____3_____ influences
______4______ forces
1. Behavior
2. Inhabitants
3. Culture
4. Economic
Organizational Factors
Organizational _____1_____
Organizational _____2_____
Organizational _____3_____
1. Structure-Library increasing their hours
2. Policies- designated smoking areas
3. Climate- Instability
Social Climate or Characteristics of Surrounding Community

____1_____ Climate
_____2_____ and ______3_____
_____4_____ ____5_________
1. Political
2/3. Reinforcement and rewards- obama care- you will pay extra taxes if you smoke
4/5. Campus architecture
Because significant and dynamic ______1_______ exist among these different levels of health determinants, ___2_____ are most likely to be ____3______ when they address determinants at all levels.
1. interrelationships
2. Interventions
3. Effective
What percentage of people who are white smoke hookah?
What percent of USF students smoke hookah and are between the ages of 18-19?
What is MAP-IT?
Framework used to plan and evaluate public health interventions to achieve goals.

Method to create a path to healthy community

Easy for communities to use

Program Planning Model
What do the letters in MAP-IT stand for?
M- Mobilize (individuals and organizations into a coalition)
A-Assess (areas of greatest needs and resources in the community)
P- Plan (your approach, vision, strategies, and action steps
I- Implement (plan using action steps)
T- Track (progress over time)
Individuals and organizations that __________ _________ ____ ___________ __________ in health of community.
care abut and invested interest

ex. Stakeholders
Areas of greatest need to ____ ___________ community
The specific
Resources and _______ ___________ that you can ______ ____ ____ to address the health topics of concern.
other strengths
tap into

ex. CHIP, boys and girls club
Start with a vision of where community _____ ___ _____ as a whole, then add strategies and action steps to help you ________ that vision.
Wants to be
action steps that can be ___________ and will _____ _____ _______.
Make and Impact
Mobilize- Step 1

Look for partners who:
Have a stake in creating a healthy community
partners who will contribute to the process
Mobilize- Step 1

Aim for _______ representation
Mobilize- Step 1

Possibilities include:
-Those affected by issues (stakeholders- students, faculty/staff, tax payers)
-HHS organizations (those who serve individuals who are affected by it)
-People whose lives or jobs are affected (student affairs, campus police)
-Business community (Restaurants, bars,) THEY HIRE US!
- The media- Social, facebook, instagram, tv, commercials, radio, newspaper
What is HHS
Health and Human Services
Stakeholders know:

The community and key people in it
Mobilize- Step 2
Identify roles for partners
assign responsibilities
Mobilize- Step 2

This helps keep partners __________ in the coalition and process.
Mobilize- Step 2

Makes partners _________/___________ in the process instead of __________ participation.
leaders and key players
more investment
What are some example of Mobilize- Step 2
-Host meetings, events, or advisory groups
-develop and present education and training programs
-lead fundraising and policy initiatives
-provide technical assistance in planning and evaluation.
Assess also refers to Assessing _______
What ____ ___, verses what _____ _____ ____ ____.
Needs and assets in a community

can do; would like to do

Work as a coalition to _______ ____________
set priorities

what do community members and key stakeholders see as _________ __________ issues?
most important

Feasibility, effectiveness and measure ability
Private businesses/ enterprises, outreach/ libraries, faith based organizations in rural areas, community organizations, sports exercise facilities, arts institutions, schools, professional expertise= USF
Conversation Starters: PH Theory

Start a dialogue about underlying causes of health and quality of life. Public health is asking the _____1_____.

How does the _____2_______ environment affect the environment?
What is determinants of health?
Different factors that influence health
Conversation Starters: PH theory
How does _______, ________ ________ _______ affect the health of our community?
Physical, social individual behavior
Extra Credit

You assess more than ___1__, you also assess ___2____.
2. Needs

Collect data to paint a realistic picture of community needs. Data collected during this phase will be _______ _______.
Baseline data
________ _______ is information gathered before initiation of program/ intervention
baseline data
Baseline data is gathered __________ the initiation of a program or intervention
Data might be _______ and/or ________
State, local
For health campus, it would be __________ _________ _________.
NCHA institutional data
_________ and _________ data is easier to get/ retrieve
State and National

What is our _______?
What do we need ____ ____ to reach our goal? ____ will do it?
How will we know when we have _______ our goal?
to do
Plan (what and how)

includes _________ and ___________________________________ to the community
objectives and steps to achieve them that are tailored
What does SMART stand for?

S- Specific
A- Achievable
R- Realistic
T- Time oriented
How the steps in making a plan
What will change?
Who is being targeted?
By how much?
By when?

__________ Desired amount of change, reflected by number of percentage

What are we trying to target?
1.Individual behaviors (reduce smoking, increasing cessation attempts)
2.Professional practices( automatic screening for chlamydia)
3. service availability (stress reduction program)
4. attitudes and intentions (feeling of safety)
5. insurance status (increase health insurance/ medicaid)
6. service enrollment( increase medicaid enrollment)
7. policy enactment (smoke free enforcement)
8. participation in program (make sure people are going to programs)
9. organizations that offer particular programs (counseling centers that has stress work shops)
10. policy compliance/ enforcement findings (little green monsters on campus)
11. results of screening or testing (reduce amount of chlamydia)
When creating an assess/ SMART plan begin with ________ words such as: ____________
Create SMART Objective:

Population/who-_________ _________ or ______________ _____ ____ population.
Campus wide; specific to a particular
What is D.A.R.E

Longest drug prevention program that did not work!
Plan- How
Search for evidence based interventions, best practices, and other tested interventions
What are the barriers to "How" in the plan stage?
Ethics, stigma, political skilled personnel
What is the definition to "how" in the Plan stage?
programs/practices that have been scientifically evaluated and proven to work.
What are the importance to "how" in the plan stage?
resources have limited funding and multiple health problems , more research than ever before.
What is the community toolbox?

Resources for information to improve community health
Plan- How

Brainstorm with ______________
coalition members
Plan- How
What are the type of interventions?
-Prevention (reducing risk of heart problems)

-Early/intense intervention (targeting those at high risk)

-enhancing experience and competence (self-efficacy= belief that you can achieve a goal, skill building, knowledge.)

-enhancing resources and opportunities (social support for health issues, economic opportunities is going to improve health, increase life options)

-modifying barriers and access (physical-geographic ex rural, poverty, discrimination)

-changing broader systems (policies, laws, and culture)
What are the levels of "HOW" in the plan stage?
individual, families, organizations, community, broader systems

_________ _______ ________ with action steps, identifies who is responsible for each, timeline/deadlines
working from plan

What do you want audience to ____?

What is the _____ _______ you want to get across?
key message

What _____ ____ ____ will you use to reach target audience?
type of media
What steps should be made in the tracking part of MAP-IT?
Plan regular evaluations to measure and track progress over time

Share progress and successes with the community and media

Keep in mind
-data quality
-limitations of self-report
-data availability

Evaluation optimally is done __1____ implementation and ____2____ implementation
2. after

Data quality should be a __________________ collection, analysis, structure of questions.
Standardization of date

Self-report bias_____________________.
May not be accurate
Data availability- data collection efforts not always performed on ______________/___________ basis

regular/ frequent

It is costly and time consuming to get data
Action Model to Achieve a Healthy Campus

____________________ nature of planning and implementation
Action Model to Achieve a Healthy Campus

______1______ are demonstrated through assessment and tracking

These feed back to intervention ____2___ to identify ___3___ in the future

What are the benefits to MAP-IT ?
-Includes all stakeholders
-assesses assets as well as needs (look for ways to use what community already has)
-assessment= realistic
-Comprehensive and specific plan
-incorporates evaluation from the beginning (allows the adjustment when necessary)
What is strength based approach?

When one looks for ways to use what the community already has.
What are the benefits to MAP-IT ?
It is realistic rather than preconceived idea of what the needs are or resources at disposal.