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45 Cards in this Set

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Synovial vs. Non synovial joints + examples
-freely moveable cavity (shoulder, ankle, elbow) - immoveable(brain sutures)
Describe Cartilage, Ligaments, Bursa, Tendon
-covers/cushions opposing bones; avascular nutrients from synovial fluid
-band of bone to add STR & stability to joint -enclosed sac of synovial fluid (knee, shoulder) - muscle to bone
Give examples of each of the type of joints: Pivot, Condyloid, Ball & socket, Hinge, Plane/gliding, Saddle
-cranial(neck), knuckle, shoulder, elbow, spine, wrist
Explain the following movements: Extension/flexion/hyperextension, abduction/adduction, internal/external rotation, pronation/supination, depression/elevation, inversion/eversion
-bend limb at joint, straighten limb at joint - away from body, toward body - palm down, palm up -lowering body, raising body -sole of foot inward, outward
Explain development of Genu Varum and Genu Valgum in children. include conditions
-Var= bow(knees apart), persists until 2-3yr, rickets -Valg=knock(knees together) persists till 7yr, rickets,poliomyelitis, syphillis
A pregnant patient would elicit what type of body shape? Epiphyses is what? What age does it close? Scoliosis is more common in adolescent boys or girls? When is screening and age for girls? boys? What test is utilized?
-Lordosis -where growing/lengthening occurs for children(growth plates) -20 yo -girls -11&13, 7th grade -boys-13/14, 8th grade -Adams forward bend, which makes it easy to view any assymetry and abnormal spinal curvatures
What is antalgic?
-hop/limp to avoid pain in gait
What is Lithotripsy?
-Treatment of kidney stone by crushing of stone in renal pelvis, ureter, bladder by mechanical force
What is the most common musculoskeletal concern that prompts a person to seek care? -
-Joint pain and loss of function
Rheumatoid Arhtritis involves which joints? Explain RA. OA
-Symmetrical -stiffness worse in morning, movement decreases pain -joints get stiff after rest, pain worse at end of day
Descriptive words for: Bone pain, muscle pain
-deep, dull, throbbing - cramping, soreness
Myalgia is? (+ condition, system) What other conditoin may be suggested?
cramping, aching (muscle pain), atrophy, that includes claudication
Stiffness in joints, swelling, or, limitation of motion may be result of? What systems might the sign of weakness be associated with?
-RA stiffness occurs in morning and after rest, decreased ROM may be due to joint injury to cartilage - musculoskeletal and neurological
Fracture pain feels like what descriptive word? other bone pain unrelated to movement feels?
-sharp -dull and deep
Joint complaints: Characterized by(4), Associated events?(4) Temporal factors? (3) How to treat?(5) Meds(4)
-stiff/limit movement, change in size/contour, swelling/redness, constant pain or pain with motion, uni/bilateral, -time of day, activity, specific movements, injury -change in freq or character of episodes, better or worse as day progresses, nature of onset(insid vs rapid) -exercise, rest, weight reduction, PT, head/ice -salicylates, NSAID, antirheumatics, corticosteroids
Muscle complaints: Characterized(5) Preciptating factors(4), Effort to treat(4) Meds(4)
Limited movement, weakness/fatigue, paralysis, tremor/tic/spasm, clumsy -injury, strenous, sudden mvmt, stress -heat, ice, splints, rest -muscle relax, salicylate, NSAIDs, OTC
Skeletal complaints: Characterized(6), Associated event(6) effort to treat(2) Meds(4)
-difficulty w/gate/limping, numb/tingling, pressure, pain with movement, crepitus, change in skeletal contour -injury, recent fx, strenous, sudden movement, stress, post menopause -rest, splint -HRT, calcium, scripts /OTC
Back pain complaint: Character(7) Associated event(4), Efforts to treat (2), Meds(2)
-tear, burn, tingle/numb, radiation to butt, groin or legs, triggered by cough, sneeze & sudden movement -trauma, heavy weights, long dist driving, sports -rest, avoid standing/sudden -muscle relax, analgesics
What is ataxia? What device measures joint angles?
-irregular & uncoordinated voluntary movements -goniometer
What age specific screening exists for adolescents and infants?
-scoliosis, ortilani sign(hip slips in and out of socket)
Explain the following types of dislocation: Subluxation, contracture, ankylosis
-partial dislocation of joint -shortening of muscle leading to limited ROM of joint - stiffness/fixation of joint
Upon inspecting the skin and tissues on joints, what is unexpected? how bout palpation?
-swelling (excess joint fluid, inflammation) - thickened synovial membrane feels doughy/boggy (fluid presence)
Difference between Active ROM and passive ROM? Strength grading is more, what?
-active- patient is moving, passive-you are moving patient - neurological
What characteristics are we looking for in the size/contour of a joint?(5) skin color and quantity? (5)
-swelling,deformity, dislocation, contracture, mass
-redness, ecchymosis, wound, surgical incision, scar
Name the four types of normal spinal curves?Gait inspection includes? (6)
-cervical(concave), thoracic(convex), lumbar(concave), sacral(convex) - phase, cadence, arms wing, toeing, base support, stride length
To test grip strength, how do you palpate? Muscle strength grades less than three indicates what? How is muscle strength compared, and what is considered complete AROM?
-cris cross hands using two fingers for them to grasp - disability -bilateral, symmetric, -full muscle str
An audible and palpable crunching that accompanies movement is called what? Associated with?
-crepitation, -RA
What is TMJ dysfunction consist of? Patient has snapping or clicking sounds at TMJ, should nurse be worried? What CN# is TMJ test using?
-pain, crepitus(grind), locking, popping in joint - no, normal - 5(trigeminal)
In cervical spine inspection, for the flex/hyperextension, lateral bend, and rotation, name the appropriate angles. Angles for ROM of spine: Flexion at waist, hyperextension at waist, lateral bend, rotation
-flex=45degrees hyper=55degrees -lat=40degrees -rotation=70%
-flex=75-90 -hyper=30, lateral=35, rotation =30
La Segue's test determines what? Normal result? Abnormal?
-(Straight leg raise) if any herniated discs problems are present -raise legs while keeping knee extended normally produces no pain
-raise affected leg short of the point where it produces pain-->Sciatic pain>>herniated nucleus puplosus which = back/leg pain
To test the shoulders for ROM, what movements need to be utilized? elbow? What can occur if elbow shows forearm dislocated?Effusion of synovial thickening present in?
-flexion/hyperextension=50deg, abduction=180, adduction=50, internal rotate=90, external rotate=90
-flex(150-160), extension(5-10), hyper=5-10
-subluxation - gouty arthritis
A patient shows symptoms of soft, boggy, fluctuant swelling in both grooves of elbow, what is implied? How might a patient with subcutaneous nodules feel? Occurs in?
-synovial thickening or effusion -raised, firm, nontender, overlying skin moves freely - RA
What is the rounded mound on your palm near the thumb called? How do you test for ulnar/radial deviation?
-thenar eminence -hand shake twist
Explain Phalen's Test and Tinnel's sign, what do they test for?
-hold dorsal hands together while flexing wrist 90 deg for 60 secs, numbness/burning in carpal tunnel
-percussion of median nerve, burn/tingles in carpal tunnel
What are the major landmarks of the hips? Walking produces what motions? Patient has trouble with internal rotation of hip, what is indicated? trouble with abduction of hip while supping?
-greater trochanter of femur, iliac crest. -hip flexion, extenstion, and hyperextension - hip disease - hip disease
Patient has trouble walking due to angulation deformity of knee, what might be some of the possible causes? What does the bulge sign used for? How do you displace the fluid?
-genu varum(bowlegs), genu valgum(knock knee), flexion contracture -presence of small amts of fluid4-8ml in suprapatellar bursa - stroke medial knee upward, tap lateral aspect (pressure)
Explain what the ballottement technique is used for(in knees)Mcmurray? A patient has history of trauma followed by locking knee with clicking sound, which test should be used?
detect large amounts of fluid or examine floating body structures(causes fluid to move between patella and femor) - meniscal tears - mcmurray
Explain the following abnormalities of the ankle and foot: Hallux valgus, hammertoes
-outward deviation of great toe (RA) -deformities in the 2nd-5th toe
Patient has pain upon moving their chin to their chest, this indicates what?
-Meninges pain
Name four areas of MS Health outlined in Healthy People 2010? Objectives for physical activity?
-physical activity, arthritis, osteoporosis, chronic back conditions -increase ppl who do activites to improve, maintain str, flexibility, endurance
Ortalani vs Barlow in infant
relocate hip into joint with "clunk", abducted hips gently pulled anteriorly -push back legs while flexed in an attempt to dislocate hip adducted and pushed posteriorly
Osteoarthritis vs Rheumatoid arthritis
-noninflammatory,localized, progressive deterioration of articular cartilage, commonly affects hands, knees, hips, and lumbar and cervical spine.

-inflammatory, disease of joints surrounding connective tissue(associated with fatigue, weakness,anorexia, wieght loss, low fever, lymphadenopathy)
The nurse is assessing ROM and notes a grating sound when examining the shoulder joint. The nurse would document which of the following choices?
a)Limited motion of shoulder joint
b)Shoulder deformity
c)Crepitus of shoulder joint
d)Shoulder atrophy
The nurse is performing ROM of the ankles and asks the client to pull the toes up toward the nose. The nurse is assessing which of the following movements?
a)Plantar flexion
The nurse is assessing muscle strength in a client and notes FROM against gravity with full resistance. The nurse would document which of the following?