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29 Cards in this Set

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Explain the following methods of nutritional assessment: 24hr recall(4 errors), food frequency questionnaire(2 errors)
-most popular (easiest), everything eaten within last 24 hours?relies on memory, atypical intake, alter truth, snack/condiments
-how many x/day/wk/month person eats foods -doesn't quantify intake amt, relies on memory(how much)
Explain the following methods of nutritional assessment: food diary(4), direct observation (1 errors)
-individual writes everything consumed down for a period of time(3 wk days, 1 wkend day), noncompliance, innacurate recording, atypical intake, conscious alteration
-look at what they eat and how much, requires inpatient
If a person had recent surgery, trauma, burns or infection, how do their nutritional needs change? How do chronic illnesses influence nutrition? N&V&D&C effect?
-caloric/nutrient needs up to 2-3x greater -twice as likely to have nutritional deficits (diabetes, pancreatitis, malabsorption) -nutrient intake/absorption
Why is it important to ask about medications? supplements?
-possible interaction with digestion, absorption, and metabolism -can reach toxicity levels (vitamins/minerals)
For nutritional assessment inspection for the following, explain normal and abnormal: Hair, Skin, Eyes, Tongue, Nails, MS,
-shiny, firm; dull, dry -smooth, no dryness; dry, flaking(cracks, lesion)
-clear, shiny cj: pink moist; pale/red cj, dry -red, smooth; beefy red/pale -smooth, pink; brittle, spoon -erect posture; rickets, osteo
How do you calculate BMI? Normal range? Waist to hip ratio for men/women?
Wt(lb) / Ht ^2 x 703 -18.5 to 24.9 -(Waist circumference/hip circumference)<1.0 for men, <.8 for women
What are normal Hct/Hgb values for women(purpose)? men? low Hct/Hgb indication of? Normal cholesterol range(purpose)? Explain moderate risk and high risk of CAD? TG ranges(define)? Borderline CAD? High risk?
-(cell volume for iron status) 36-46 -37-47 -anemia -(for fat metabolism) 120mg/dl to 200mg/dl -200-239, 240+ -(scr for hyperlipidemia, cad)-0-19yo= 10to 100mg/dl, 20-65= 40-200mg/dl -250-500, 500+
Explain total lymphocyte count? Range? Lymphocyte depletion(mild), moderate? severe? When might affect TLC?(5)
-test of immune functioning (WBC) -1800 to 3000 -1500 to 1800 -900 to 1500, <900 -surgery, trauma, infection, cancer, chronic disease
Explain serum albumin test? range?Moderate visceral depletion? severe? When would this occur?(3)
-measurement of visceral protein status -3.5 to 5.5 g/dl -2.8-3.5, <2.8 -protein/calorie malnutition, altered hydration status(increases), liver dysfunction
What organs are in the: RiUQ? LUQ? RLQ? LLQ? Midline abdomen?
-liver(most), gallbladder, duodenum, pancrease(head), right kidney, various colon -stomach, spleen, liver(left part), pancrease(body), left kidney, various colon -Cecum, appendix, right ovary tube, right ureter, right sperm cord -left ovary and tube, left ureter, left sperm cord, various colon -abd aorta, uterus, bladder
anorexia can occur with what conditions?(3) Dysphagia may be an indication of? What is pyrosis? Eructation?
-gastrointestinal disease, pregnancy, psychological disorders -throat/esophageal disorders -heartburn from reflux of gastric acid -belching
Explain the three different types of abdominal pain: visceral, parietal, referred
-from internal organ(dull, poor localize) -inflammation of overlying peritoneum(sharp, precise local, movement hurts) -disorder in another site
Give the corresponding indication for the following stool colors: Black, grey, red
-occult blood(melena) from GI bleeding or iron medications -hepatitis -GI bleeding or localized bleeding around anus
A patient comes in because of excess use of tylenol, what disease might you suspect? What are other contributors?
-peptic ulcer disease -alchy, smoking, helicobacter infx
What are some things you should consider before assessing GI patient?
-warm room(cold=muscle tightness), empty bladder, supine, inquire for pain
What is most important about assessment techniques for GI?
-change in sequence: Inspect, auscultate, percuss, palpate
Compare normal and abnormal findings for Inspection: Contour, Symmetry, Umbilicus, Skin, Turgor, Demeanor
-flat to rounded; protuberant, scaphoid -symmetric bilateral; bulges masses, pulsation, hernia -midline/inverted; everted w/acites/mass -smooth/even, red/jaundice/glisten(ascites) -none; poor=dehydration/GI disease -relaxed w/benign expresssion; restless, turning for comfort/stillness/knees up
How often do bowel sounds occur? Borborygmus is what? Define hyperactive sounds? hypoactive/absent?
-5-30x/min -stomach growing -loud, high pitched, rushing, tinkling sounds = increased motility
-follow abd surgery or inflammation of peritoneum
Vascular sounds of abdomen: normal vs abnormal? Name the 4 major arteries to listen for bruits? bruits may indicate?
-no sounds - systolic bruit-pulsatile blowing sound -Aorta, left renal, iliac, femoral -aneurysm
Most appropriate nutritional assessment method for: 64 year old woman w/mild dementia, 25 year old inpatient
-food diary -direct observation
When percussing on abdomen, what sounds are you looking for? Adipose tissue, fluid, or mass may would sound?
-mostly tympany(hollow) -dull
In percussing for liver span, what is the adult range? Correlates with? Percussion sounds? Purpose of percussing liver? Where is spleen located? size?
-6-12cm. -height -dull -hepatomegaly presence or changes in liver size -left anterior axillary line -<7cm (hard to locate)
What is the purpose of the CVA test? What if pain is present? Purpose of the fluid wave? What does ascites occur with? (7)
-assess the kidney -sharp pain w/inflamed kidney -ascite fluid in peritoneal cavity -heart failure, htn, cirrhosis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, cancer
Purpose of shifting dullness percussion? What would you hear to confirm fluid?
-perform after positive fluid wave test(presence of ascites) -dullness as you percuss the side abdomen
What is the purpose of light palpation? depth? what are abnormal findings?(4) deep palpation?
-check skin surface and superficial musculature - 1cm -muscle guard, rigid, large mass, tender -enlargements of organs, consistency 5-8cm
If patient is cold, tense or ticklish, what might be a problem? How to solve this?
-voluntary guarding -use their hand on top of yours.
For the spleen, how large must it be to be palpable? When might the spleen enlarge?Normal size of aortic width? Abnormalities of aorta?
-3x -mononucleosis, trauma -2.5 to 4cm -widened with aneurysm, pulsations with aortic aneurysm
Explain the following procedures: Inspiratory arrest(w/ abnormal reaction), Rebound tenderness(blumberg)(w/abnormal reaction)
-hold fingers under liver border, pt takes deep breath; sharp pain, stops inspiration midway(cholecystitis, gallbladder inflam)
-choose non tender area, push hand at 90 degree angle slow & deep, lift hand quickly; pain on release of pressure(peritoneal inflam)
Explain the Obturator test (abnormal result)
-lift right leg flexing at hip and 90 degrees at knee, rotate internally and externally -pain(perforated appendix)