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90 Cards in this Set

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excessive vommiting
The period of secretion of milk
hunger/cravingg - appetite for nonfood substances like laundry starch - clay,dirt. practiced by some during pregnancy
first 2 weeks following conception
Weeks 2-8 following conception
Critical Periods of Development
Different tissues, organs have unique special timelines when their most crucial development begins
Avoiding mercury in foods during Pregnancy
Limit the Consumption of these fish to 1 serving/month
Nutrient pregnant women should not have
vitamin A (toxicity potential during pregnancy)
Nutrients to be taken by pregnant women
Calcium phosphorus, Vitamin D, iron, folate.
increased needs for kcals during pregnancy are
-/+ 300 kcals during the 2nd and 3rd trimester
Increased need for protein during pregnancy
+/- 10-15 grams/day
theory of caffeine
caffeine decreases blood flow through the placenta
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome characteristics
smaller head size, droopy eyelids, broad flat noses
Altered Glucose Tolderance or Gestational Diabetes
- No evidence of altered glucose metabolism prior to the pregnancy
- increased risk of obese for the baby
- Mom can later become Type II diabetes
Magnesium sulfate
Treatment of choice for the pre eclampsia and eclampsia (serious complication of pregnancy)
Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
Associated with poverty, poor prenatal care, poor nutritional intake (especially inadequate protein and calcium)
kcal demand of lactation
+/- 500 kcals/day (200 more during the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy)
Breast feeding: PROLACTIN HORMONE (from anterior pituitary)
stimulates milk production when the breast is emptied
Breast feeding: OXYTOCIN HORMONE (from the posterior pituitary)
stimulates relase of milk from the breast in resonse to suckling and also stimulates uterine contractions, may be a decreased risk of breast cancer
Low-birth weight
Infants born at 2,500g
Premature baby
born at less than 37 weeks gestational age - many die in the first month of life and many of the rest do not live out their first year of life
feeding of premature infants
- increased mineral needs (calcium, phosphorus, iron
- essential amino acids (tyrosine, cysteine)
- importance of adquate omega 3 fatty acids (DHA)
- carnitine (a vitamin-like compound needed for oxidation)
- inositol (in-cell membranes)

** all found in breast milk!**
reflex absent in infants and when
- suckling reflex
- infants born before 34-37 weeks of gestational age
Growth charts/parameters
- used to measure height, length and head circumference to watch patterns of growth
- helps clinicals to identify overweight/obese kids
Milk anemia
Iron deficiency anemia resulting from a dependency on iron poor cow's milk (common in 1-2 year olds)
Goat's milk
- similair to cow's milk
- good source of calcium and B2 but a poor source of vitamin D and folate
- goats milk may not be pasteurized which could lead to severe diarrhea
Solid Foods
- readiness at 4-6 months
- does not accelerate mental or physical development
Food intolerance
- much more common than a food allergy and usually not life threatening, often related to an enzyme deficit (lactase), symptoms are flatulence, cramps and nausea.
Food Allergy
- less common and if anaphylactic may be life treatening, often related to a protein component, antibody (IgE)/antigen response (immune system response)
- symptoms are nausea cramps, wheezing, rashes/hives
Child care food program
designed to meet 1/3 of the DRI
child care food program - lunch and breakfast
- lunch designed to meet 1/3 of the DRI
- breakfast designed to meet 1/4 of DRI
* proglems can occur if kids don't eat the full meal
Ketogenic Diet - related to child epilepsy
diet begins with 2-3 days controlled fats, gradually switch to a high fat diet.
Oral rehydration therapy
best treatment for infantile diarhea
Girls puberty
begins age 10-14 years old; average peak is 12 years old
Boys puberty
begins age 12-16 years old; average peak of puerbety is 14
- boys gain more lean body mass than girls
DRI energy needs for males:
Age 11-14
Age 15-18
- 2,500 kcals
- 3,000 kcals
DRI energy needs for females:
AGE 11-18
2,200 kcals
Vitamins that that teens lack
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- Iron
- Calcium
over activity of the sebaceous glands responding to hormone output
- BLOCKED DUCTS = LOCALIZED SWELLING - from fat blocking sebaceous glands
Solutions to acne
- vitamin A based products
Retin-A: topical creams
Accutane: severe, cystic acne
Medical Aspect of elders - the branch of medicine concerned with health problems of the elderly
Lifestyle of elders - study of aging processl concerned with social, economic and medical problems of the elderly
Nutrients most commonly deficient with the elderly
- Protein
- vitamin D
- Vitamin B12
- Folate
Changes in the BMR and aging
On average, the BMR decreases about 3% per decade after the age of 30
Elderly people: Program Theories
Every individual has cells genetically preprogrammed as to their rate and timing of growth, maturation and death
Elderly: Error Theories
As one ages, one becomes less efficient at repairing cellular damage
medication related: this prescription drug has a side effect that causes a lack of appetite
- dehydration serum sodium level
- normal serum sodium level
- 148 mmol/L or higher
- 140 mmol/L (normal)
Dehydration for elderly people : water intake?
8 or more servings of water
Term for swallowing difficulties
oldest RDA age group
age 51 +
Alzheimer's & Aluminum
contact with aluminum is a result of the disease process but not the cause
Alzheimer's enzyme
Protease enzyme
recommended use of multi vitamin and mineral supplements with the elderly
- Vitamin B12
- calcium
- Vitamin D
DHEA (OTC)- hormone supplement to stimulate cell growth
hormone percursor synthesized by the adrenal glands.
- decline in DHEA may lead to obesity, diabetes, coronary heart disease, cancer
Effects of DHEA
acne, facial hair, breast/prostate cancer, etc.
Hormone which promotes sleep
Gingko Biloba
slows progression of dementia
- improvement in cognitive performance and social function measures
- NOT a memory enhancer
Stimulates production of compounds thought to be the buildilng blocks of cartilage
Part of the body protein that gives cartilage its springy quality
- >/= 120% of ideal body weight
- MALEs >/= 25%
- Females 30%
- BMI greater than 25-29.9
- greater than 110% but less than 120% of IBW (ideal body weight)
Herbal weight loss suplement: Meridia
targets brain neurotransmitter, may cause increased BP and heart rate, modestly enhances wt. loss
HWLS: Phentermine
a modest appetite suppressant effect, may be used in combination with anti-depressants
HWLS: Xenical
lipase inhibitor, blocks fat absorption, may also help lower LDL works on genes that affect appetite regulation
Ephedra's (related to weight loss)
can cause heart palpitations, dizziness, strokes and death
Very low kcal diets
- 600-800 kcals/day
- powerder, mix with water
- Nutrimed - 420 kcals/day
to loose one pound how many kcals should be decreased per day
kcal level for Males on diet
no lower than 1200-1500kcals/day
kcal level for Females on diet
1000-1200 kcals/day
dieting - ketosis (promoted by atkins diet)
can decrease one's appetite
Barry Sear's Zone Diet Plan
40/30/30 - (40% cals from carbs,20% cals from proteins, 30% cals from fat)
South Beach Diet
- 3 phases
1) intro/detox phase - bands simpler carbo food sources
2) second phase - encourages fibrous whole foods or more moderate glycemic index carbs, less processed foods
3) third phase - can eat just about anything in moderation
average # of kcals/week most people burn with exercise
2,800 kcals
establishing a diet
- it takes 21 days to establish a pattern
- 100 days to make it automatic
- permanent lifestyle changes take time
what do drugs do?
can alter food intake and the absorption, metabolism and excretion of nutrients
dry mouth - 400+ in drugs
- meds are taken for long periods of time
- multiple meds are taken
- nutritional status is poor or deteriorating
- nutrient needs are high
Adverse drug interactions occur if these happen
physicians' desk reference
drugs and alcohol do not mix
alcohol can cause liver damage and stomach bleeding
Antineoplastic Agents (cancer drugs) ex. methotrexate, cisplatin
- anorexia
- nausea/vomitting
- mouth and GI ulcers
- Methotrexate = folate and B12 antagonist
Antihypersensitives (diuretics) - ex. Diuril, Lasix, Captopril
- causes POTASSIUM Mand MAGNESIUM wasting or sparing
- along w/antihypersensitives, antidepressants, antidiarrheals, Decongestants and antihistamenes
- it causes dry mouth (xerostomia) which leads to mouth sores, difficulty swallowing and dental decay
AntiCoagulants ex. Coumadin
- Avoid excessive Vit K rich foods (grean leafy veggies, cabbage, liver)
NSAIDS ex. IBUprofen and aspirin
can cause GI irritation, ulcers and iron loss w/aspirin
Certain antiboitics ex. TETRACYCLINE, cipro, levaquin, floxin, trevan
can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
(uncoated erthromycin) - avoid citrus juices, wine, cola (acids destroy these)
Corticosteroids ex. prednisone
- reduces pain and inflammation
- used to treat arthritis and severe asthma
MAO inhibitors (antidepressants) ex. isocarboxide
- AVOID TYRAMINE containing foods (red wine, aged cheese, liver)
Lipid Lowering Agents ex. Lovastatin, Nicotine acid
- bind phosphorus and m ay lead to osteomalacia over time