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55 Cards in this Set

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From all the available foods, we should select what of each?

The proper balance

My Plate includes which five food groups?

Fruits, vegetables, grains, protein and dairy

Grains have the most what?


Iodine is a?


A well-recognized group of diseases is known as?

Deficiency diseases

Cereals, bread, and pastas are examples of what?


What will prevent scurvy?

Raw Vegetables

Oily veggies or animal substances are examples of?


Carbohydrates are nutrients that provide?

Quick energy

Meat, fish, cheese, and peas have?


Are calcium and iron vitamins?


Vitamin A

Keeps eyes, skin, and hair healthy.

Vitamin A found in what?

Fatty foods, milk, butter, and Carotene

Vitamin B

Helps Nervous system function

Vitamin C

Helps form blood vessels, prevents scurvy, resists infection

Vitamin D

Builds calcium and phosphorus into bones

Vitamin E

Helps cells function normally

Vitamin K

Helps blood clot

Good source of vitamin B

Leafy vegetables

Bruising, bleeding into tissues are symptoms of lack of which vitamin?

Vitamin C called scurvy

Partial blindness and infections is lack of which vitamin?

Vitamin A

Sources of vitamin B

Thiamine, niacin, riboflavin

How does toxic waste enter foods?

Through the contamination of groundwater

"Junk food" refers to food made mostly of what?

Fats and sugars

Two common symptoms of allergic reaction that affect the brain are what?

Headache and fatigue


Process of heating a substance to kill harmful microbes but leave the flavor unharmed


Substances of dead or weak bacteria introduced into the body to produce resistance to a specific disease

Its ok


Easily transferred from person to person by direct or indirect contact


Chemical that slows down or stops bacteria growth


Microscopic organism (microbes)


Microscopic organism that does not have a nucleus and multiplies by single cell division


Requiring a microscope to view because of very small size


The system of habits used to preserve good health

Who had the idea that diseases are the result of germs?

Louis Pasteur

What is the easiest and first defense against contagious diseases?


What is the top layer of skin called?


What is the second layer of skin called?


The dermis contains what?

Our sweat and oil glands

The epidermis contains what?

Our skin cells

Nervous stress can contribute to and cause what?

Skin blemishes

Where does oil and sweat accumulate the most because skin is very active?


Our growth and size are primarily linked to what?


What keeps muscles tone and strengthens the heart?


Many plants, rocks, soil and water contain what?


Amino acids are what?

Building blocks for proteins

Healthy bones, teeth and muscles need which mineral?


What are pesticides?

Chemicals used to get rid of insects from crops

What is a preservative?

Chemical that is added to food to stop it from spoiling

An lack of vitamin B can cause which disease?


An extreme lack of vitamin C can cause which disease?


What is plaque?

A sticky substance that forms in or on teeth from bacteria

Which disease is caused by an extreme lack of vitamin D?


List the 4 steps of digestion in order :

1. Carbs change to sugar

2. Protein breaks down to amino acids

3. Fats convert to fatty acids

4. Nutrients are carried to cells

Evaporation from your body helps control proper ...?

Body Temperature

You need to be able to label the schematic digestive system from quiz 1 question 15.

Mouth, esophagus, liver, gall bladder, stomach, pancreas, large intestine and small intestine