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29 Cards in this Set

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pyramid of influence
pyramid of influence that a teacher can have over students, modeling and leading students by example is the foundation, interacting with students is the middle, and overt attempts to teach is the tip
circle of concern
everything that a person is worried about that they may or may not have control over
circle of influence
Things that a person does have control over
Proactive people
people who focus their thoughts and activities inside their circle of influence, they spend their time and energy on things they can do something about; their circle of influence grows over time
Reactive people
people who spend most of their time in their circle of concern, they tend to focus only on things that out of their control and their circle of influence shrinks over time
a belief held by students that the adults and peers at their school care about their learning and about them as individuals
Self-fulfilling prophecies
Expectations about future behavior and performance that emanate from labels and self-image
The training of self-control
putting someone else down in order to bring yourself up.. people who do this usually feel bad or insecure about themselves
Teeter-totter syndrome
An never ending cycle where someone constantly teeter totters to make themselves better about themselves
Hydraulic lift
someone is kind to another person and by doing so, makes both people involved feel better about themselves and puts both at equal levels
An attitude that one's own ethnic group or culture is better than others, or failure to recognize the existence or validity of other ethnic/cultural groups and their customs, values, beliefs, and norms
An attitude that defines certain cultural or ethnic groups as inferior to others and legitimately subject to exploitation, discrimination, and various types of abuse
conscious or unconscious attribution of exaggerated characteristics and/or oversimplified opinions, attitudes, or judgments regarding members of a given ethnic group or culture
A negative attitude toward a specific group based on comparison using the individuals own group as a positive reference point
Illnesses or conditions that are long-lasting
An illness that periodically causes breathing difficulties that result from the constriction of the airways in the lungs
A disease in which the body does not absorb the sugar in food as a result of the failure of the pancreas gland to produce the hormone insulin
A general term used to describe different types of seizure disorders or temporary disruptions of electrical impulses in the brain that result in seizures
Cerebral palsy
A term used to describe a group of chronic conditions caused by damage to the brain that affects body movements and muscle coordination. The damage usually occurs during fetal development or during infancy, but it can also occur before, during, or shortly following birth
Congenital heart disease
is caused by a defect in the heart that is present at birth
Acquired heart disease
develops during childhood, usually is caused by a viral or bacterial infection
Several diseases in which cells grow out of control, develop abnormal sizes and shapes, destroy neighboring cells, and can spread to other organs and tissues. Leukemia, lymphoma, and brain cancer are the most common childhood cancers
Spina bifida
A birth defect resulting from the incorrect development of the spinal cord that can leave the spinal cord exposed after birth
Learning disability
A disorder that affects a person's ability either to interpret what he or she sees and hears or to link information from different parts of the brain
A common, chronic behavioral disorder characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity
Failure to finish tasks started, easy distractibility, seeming lack of attention, and difficulty concentrating on tasks requiring sustained attention
Difficulty staying seated and sitting still, and excessive running or climbing
Acting before thinking, difficulty taking turns, problems organizing work, and constant shifting from one activity to another