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52 Cards in this Set

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Def. Wellness Pg2
...a lifelong process that at any given time produces a positive state of well-being; of feeling good about yourself; physical, psychological, social functions. Contorl of both internal/external rixk factors for disease/negative health conditions
The health Continuum Pg. 3
See picture in book. A continuum that shows where a specific individual is as far as health
7 components of Wellness Pg. 4
hint - Super Smart Intelligent People Exercise Excellently Often
Social, Spiritual, Intellectual, Physical, Environmental, Emotional, occupational
Spiritual Practices Pg. 5
Believing in a source of value that transcends the boundaries of the self but also nurtures the self.
Health Behavior Gap Pg. 6
Eliminating the discrepancy between knowledge and behavior ie; smoking, seatbelts.
Locus of Control Pg. 6
Attitude of a person about their health. It's either my responsibility or others.
Self Effiancy Pg. 7
A persons abiltiy to accomplish a task or behavio
Health Disparities Pg. 8
differences in the incidence, prevalence, mortality, and burden of diseases and other adverse helath conditions among specific population groups
Leading Health Indicators (10 of them)
Pg. 9-10
Physical activity *Overweight and obesity * Tobacco use *Substance abuse *Responsible sexual behavior *Mental health *Injury and violence *Environmental quality *Immunization *Access to health care
Reactance Motivation Pg. 12
Theory of behavior that has been associated with drinking abmon college students, suggests that telling people to abstain completely from doing something often produces the opposite reaction
Subliminal Advertising Pg. 12
messages, wrods, and symbols are embedded, or hidden, in the pictures, sounds, or words used in advertisements
Emotional Arousel Pg. 15
Movie or news or reading something that spurs someone to action
Countering Strategies Pg. 17-18
a new behavior is substituted for the old one ie; Exercising, cooking , playing a musical instrument, cleaning, walking, reading, keeping busy
Self Help Approach Pg. 13
Assumes an individual can manage their lifestyle to avoid expensive long term health care.
Transtheoretical Model (6 stages)
Pg. 13-19
Precontemplation: lack of awareness, Denial. Contemplation: Awareness of need to change. Preparation; Planning to change within a month. Action; Engaging in strategies. Maintenance: Greater difficulty thatn action stage, duration from 6 months to life. Termionation: behavior no longer and issue
Benefits of Wellness Pg. 2
Increased energy level and productivity. *Decreased absenteeism from school and work. *Decreased recovery from illness. *Supplies body with proper nutrients. *Improves awareness of personal needs and ways to meet them. *Expands and develops intellect. *Increases ability to communicate emotions and act assertively. *Promotes attitude that life's difficulties are chalanges and opportunities not threats. *Acts from an internal locus. *Increased ablitity to cope with stress and resist depression. *Improves cardiorespiratory system. *Increased muscle tone, strength, flexibility, endurance. *Imporved physical appearance. *helps prevent/delay premature onset of some chronic disease. *Regulates/improves overall body function. *Promotes self-confidence. *Delays the aging process. *Promotes social awareness and ability to rach out, understand, care about others.
Recidivism Pg. 16
reverting to original behavior
Contracting Pg. 18
Written contracts to help
Physical Activity Pg. 70
exercise and all other types of human movement
Exercise Pg. 70
planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movement done to improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness
Performance Related Fitness Pg. 70
Speed, power, balance, coordination, agility, reaction time
Health Related Fitness Pg. 70
Cardio respiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body compostition
Cardiorepiratory Endurance Pg. 71
ability to take in, deliver, and extract oxygen for physical work. ability to persevere at physical task at a given intensity level.
Aerobic Pg. 71
"oxygen" demand can be met continuously
Aerobic Capacity Pg. 71
maximum oxygen consumption
Stroke Volume Pg. 71
amount of blood that the heart can eject in one beat.
Cardiac Output Pg. 71
amount of blood ejected by the heart in one minute.
Exercise Related Problems Pg. 75
Dress according to weather, appropriate shoes, Warm up and cool down, Exercise within your capactity,
Frequency Pg. 79
number of days of participation each week
Overtraining Symptoms Pg. 79
Chronic fatique and listlessness, inability to make further fitness gains or regressions of the level of fitness, sudden loss of weight, increase in resting heart rate, loss of enthusiasm for working out, risk for injury, irritability, anger, depression
Duration Pg. 79
length of exercise
Progression Pg. 80
Progressing to a new level of exercise
Specificity Pg 80.
suggests that the body adapts according to the specific type of stress placed on it. ie jogging is good muscle build up for jogging not cycling
Motivational Tips Pg. 81
Exercise witha friend, with a group. Elicit the support of friends and family. Associate with other exercisers or join a class or club. Keep a progress chart. Exercise to music and set a time and place. Participate in a variety of activities and don't become obsessive.
Hyperthermia Pg. 83
abnormally high body temp that can cause illness or even death.
Cross Training Pg. 80
activities that use many muscles and are different. ie basketball, cycling, jogging, swimming, racquetball
Atrophy Pg. 104
muscle loss from maintaning muscle size in one part of body but not others. ie jogging and not weight lifting
Benefits of Resistance Training Pg. 105
Increased muscle mass and decreased fat mass, increased strength and muscle endurance, Increased basal metabolic rate, increases bone density, low-back pain, improves dynamic balance, improves mobility, such as that necessary for walking and stair-climbing, improves reaction time, contributes to more restful sleep, helps elevate modd of mildly to moderately depressed people, improves body image, self-esteem, and self-confidence,
Anaerobic Pg. 105
"without" oxygen. ie weight lifting
Muscular strength Pg. 105
maximum force that a muscle of muscle group can exert ina single contraction
Pepetition Pg. 105
one complete lift of an exercise
Muscle Contractions static/dynamic Pg. 106
Static is when muscles exert force but don't move. Dynamic involves contractions that are either concentric or eccentric
Concentric Pg. 107-110
Muscle shortening
Muscle lengthening
Isometric contractions Pg. 107
muscles produce tension but don't shroten or lengthen
Isotonic Pg. 110
muscle contractions occur when muscle shorten and moves the bones to which they are attached
variable resistance Pg. 112
machines that allow the resistanc eto be variable because of leverage wywtem changing
Free Weight Training Pg. 116
Isotonic training with free weights
Isokenetic Training Pg. 118
contraction against an immovable object giving the contraction as much resistance as the muscle pushes
Circuit Resistance Training Pg. 118
endurance and build up of muscle, repetitions
muscular endurance Pg. 118
submaximal resistance with repeated muscle force
Hypertrophy Pg. 121
an increase in the diameter of muscle fibers, recruitment of more motor units.
Human Growth Hormone Pg. 123
secretes a number of hormones that affect other glands and organs