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42 Cards in this Set

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infectious mononucleosis
a viraJ infec­tion involving mononucleocytes, a type of white blood cell. The symptoms vary from mild, coldlike symptoms to high fevers, swollen glands, and spleen and liver involvement. Also called mono.
pain and swelling caused by initation.
a cminogen, an agent required to start the formation of cancer insomnia (in-SOM-nee-uh): sleep abnormalities, including difficulty in falling asleep and wakefulness through the night.
insulin shock
the result of too much insulin, which causes a dangerous drop in blood gluoo;e. Also called hypoglycemia
a hormone produced by the pancreas and released in response to high blood glucose following a meal. Insulin promotes the use and storage of gluoo;e by the body's tissues.
the degree of exertion while exercising (for example, jogging takes more exertion than walking and so is more intense).
intemaI pressures
regarding sexual feelings, a person's internal bio­logical urges toward having sexual intercourse.
: a length of time spent in a medical facility as part of the train­ing of health-care providers.
intimacy: being vel
close and familiar, as in relationships involving pri­vate and personal sharing.
, a state of being poisoned; often used to mean drunkenness.
intravenous (IV) drug abuse
the practice of using needles to inject drugs of abuse into the veins. (The word intravenous means "into a vein. ")
: ionizing radiation applied to food to kill microorganisms and other pests.
Ionizing ~
~Jdiation disrupts the internal molecular workings of cells, killing them.
jock ilth:
a fungal infection of the groin and inner thigh; not a sexually transmitted disease.
: a legal term meaning a person under age 18; a minor. Crimes committed by juveniles are usually punished acconling to the judgments of juvenile justice, and often not by adult standards
Kaposi's (cap-OH-zeez) sartoma
a normally rare skin cancer causing a purplish discoloration of the skin, seen commonly among people with AIDS.
the normal protein of hair and nails.
fragments formed by the tissues during incomplete use of fat for energy, and released into the blood.
ketoprofen (KEE-toe-PRO-fen):
a drug that relieves fever, pain, and inflammation. Its small pill size eases swallowing for those who have trou­ble swallowing regular pills.
Kyoto Protocol (kee-OH-toe pro-toe-call
an agreement signed by many of the world's leaders in 1997, ilIat spells out the degree of reduction in car­bon dioxide emission required of each nation by the year 2012. Kyoto is a city in Japan where the leaders met to write the agreement. Protocol means the first draft of an agreement.
contractions of the uterus strong enough to push the fews through the vagina for delivel)'.
: the production of milk by the mammary glands of the breasts for the purpose of feeding babies.
times of falling back into former habits, a normal part of both weight change and weight maintenance.
unseen or inactive.
learning disorder:
any of a number of nerve or brain dysfunctions that interfere with normal learning, believed to affect 2 to 3 children in each class of 30. The disorders may affect attention, memol)', language, organi­zational skills, problem solving, social awareness, and other aspects of learning
lethal dose:
the amount of a drug necessary to produce death.
. leukemias (loo-KEE-me-ahs):
cancers that arise in the blood cell­making tissues.
leukoplakia (loo-koh-PLIKE-ee-uh):
whitish or grayish patches that develop in the mouths of tobacco users and that may lead to cancer.
life expectancy:
the average number of years lived by people in a given society.
life management skills:
the skills that help a person to realize his or her potential to be well and enjoy life. This book's Health Strategies sections give examples.
life-support systems:
the maximum years of life a human being can live. life-support systems: a term used to refer to mechanical means of sup­porting life, such as feedings given into a central vein or machines that force air into the lungs (artificial respirators).
lifestyle choices:
choices, made daily, of how to treat the body and mind. Examples are what to eat, when to exercise, and whether to use alcohol or other drugs.
lifestyle diseases:
diseases that are made likely by neglect of the body. They cannot be passed from person to person. Examples are heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Ufestyle choices that promote health can help prevent lifestyle diseases
: the sensation a pregnant woman experiences when the fetus settles into the birth position.
lipoproteins (I.lP-oh-PRO-teens):
protein and fat clusters that transport fats in the blood.
living will
a will that declares a person's wishes regarding treatment. should the person become unable to make decisions (for example, in the event of brain death).
an individual's length of life.
combinations of over-the-oounter drugs and other chemicals packaged to look like prescription medications or illegal drugs.
affection, attachment. devotion.
low birthweight:
a birthweight of less than 51, pounds (2,500 grams), used as a predictor of poor health in the newborn infant.
low-density lipoproteins (LDIs):
lipoproteins that carl)' fat andcho­lesterol from the liver, where they are made, to the tissues where they are used. IDLI also deposit cholesterol in arteries, forming plaques
. low-impact aerobic dance:
: aerobic dance in which one foot remains on the floor to prevent shock to the lower body.