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138 Cards in this Set

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Most common complaint in people dissatisfied with their doc
Chronic headaches
Most important aspect of evaulation of pt with h/as
(physical exam is usually unrevealing)
Pain sensitive structures (6)
- Intracranial arteries (esp around meninges)
- Dura
- Scalp vessels
- Skin
- Muscle
- CN's
Classification of H/A (12)
- Migraine
- Tension h/a
- Cluster h/a
- Misc h/a unassociated w/ structural lesion
- H/a with trauma
- H/a with vascular disorder
- H/a with nonvascular intracranial disorder
- H/a w/ drugs and drug withdraw
- H/a with systemic infection (flu)
- H/a with metabolic disorders
- H/a with cranium, neck, teeth, sinuses, eye disorders
- Cranial neuralgias
Drugs that especially are associated with h/a
Nitrates (vasodilators)
____ helps with h/a's associated with systemic infection b/c it decs temp which decs CBF
aka migraine with aura
Classic migraine
aka migrain without aura
Common migraine
H/a preceded by aura or accompanied by transient neuro or visual phenomenon
Migraine with aura (classic)
H/a not associated with neuro disturbances or aura
Migraine without aura (common)
Migraine that has florid or persistent neuro deficits
Complicated migraine
Of 28 million migraine sufferers, ____ million are F
21 million
F:M migraines
1/___ households has a migraine sufferer
Migraine prevalence peaks in age _____
Migraine is more common than ____ and ____ combined
Asthma and Diabetes
About ____ of migraine sufferers remain undx
2 common mis-dx of actual migraine sufferers
- Tension h/a
- Sinus h/a (only acute sinusitis causes h/a though)
Severe migraine is ranked highest (with psychosis, dementia and quadriplegia) in diability class by the
___% of migraine sufferers have a family hx
50% of migraine sufferers have onset by
2nd decade
20% of migraine sufferes have onset
Under age 10
10% of migraine sufferers have onset
After age 40
Prodromal sx's of migraine (4)
- Mental and mood changes --> depression and euphoria
- Sluggish, fatigue
- Anorexia
- Food cravings
4 kinds of migraine auras
- Scintillating scotoma
- Fortification spectra
- Paresthesia
- Vertigo
Migraine aura
- Dot covering vision expands --> obliterates vision
- Usually unilateral
Scintillating scotoma
Migraine aura
- Zig zag pattern of scintillating scotoma
Fortification spectra
__% of migraines are unilateral
H/A type
- Variable
- Dull and steady
- Pulsatile when severe
3 kinds of phobia associated with migraine
- Photophobia
- Phonophonia
- Osmophobia
Associated with migraine
- strong odors make h/a worse
Migraine is aggravated by any kind of ________
Physical activity
Heightened ensitivity to cutaneous stimuli on scalp
--> migraine sx
Cephalic allodynia
If migraine pt gets to the point where this develops, it becomes harder to tx
Cephalic allyodynia
Symptoms post migraine h/a (2)
- Tender skull
- Fatigue / sluggish next day
(may need to sleep it off)
International h/a society criteria for migraine --> need 2 of 4
- Unilateral
- Throbbing
- Worse with mvmt
- Moderate or severe
International h/a society criteria for migraine --> need 1/2
- N or V
- Photophobia or Phonophobia
Rapid screening for migraines: Y to 2/3 questions =
81% sensitivity
75% specificity
- Nausea?
- Light bother you?
- Limits you from working, studying, etc?
If F, migraines often occur 1-2 days before menses when have dec _______
Migraine variant
- Vertigo, tinnitus, diplopia, ataxia
Basilar Migraine
(has sx's assoc with vertebrobasilar system)
Migraine variant
-More common in kids
- CN 3 paralysis
Opthalmoplegic Migraine
Migraine variant
- Autosomal dominant inheritance
- Not a migraine until everything else is eliminated
Hemiplegic Migraine
More common migraine triggers (10)
- Stress
- Menstruation
- Glare, dazzle
- Physical activity
- Sleep excess OR deprivation
- Hunger
- Head trauma
- Certain foods
- Barometric changes (snow/rain)
- Pungent odors
50% of F with migraine and aura have ___________
Patent foramen ovale
(if fix it, migraine gets better)
Less common migraine triggers (8)
- High altitude
- High humidity
- Excessive vit A
- Anemia
- Drugs (vasodilators)
- Oral contraceptives
- Reading, refractive errors
- Allergies
Do not trigger migraine as much anymore b/c have decreased estrogen content
Oral Contraceptives
Foods that trigger migraine (11)
- Cheese
- Alcohol and wine - esp darker
- Caffeine, chocolate
- Dairy
- Fermented and pickled foods
- Citrus fruits, figs, raisins
- Nitrates, Monosodium glutamate
- Artifical sweeteners
- Sulfites
- Nuts, legumes, pea pods
- Yeast products
_____ and ____ sx's can accompany migraine attacks --> so often misdx as sinus dz
Nasal and Ocular Sxs
Vascular theory of migraine that has been discarded
- Vasoconstriction --> ischemia --> aura
- Vasodilation --> inc CBF --> pain
Vascular theory of migraine discarded b/c
Alterations in vascular flow are not necessary to produce pain sx's
Leao's spreading depression theory of migraine that has been abandoned
Slow moving wave of depressed electrical activity across cortex
Spreading oligemia theory of migraine that has been abandoned
Spreading wave of dec CBF occurs across cortex during migraine --> indepedent of topography of cerebral arteries
Serotonergic transmission of migraine theory
- Platelet serotonin falls during migraine attacks
- unstable serotonergic transmission --> inc activity of raphe cells --> spreading oligemia
Current migraine theory
Neurogenic theory
Neurogenic Theory of Migrain
Primary disturbance of brain fx --> disturbance in serotonergic transmission causes change in CBF (doesn't necessarily cause pain)--> Inflm in walls of meningeal vessels --> Innervated by CN5 (most pain referred to V1)
______________ receives afferent messages and acts as sensory relay center in brain --> get referral of pain to various areas in face
Trigeminal nucleus caudalis
Trigeminal Nucleus Caudalis evetnds to dorsal corn for _____ --> causes neck and posterior head pain
Cranial ______ activation in migraine can result in autonomic sx's
CN5 nucleus lies close to ______ nucleus --> supplies sinuses and lacrimal gland --> so may cause ANS sx's
Superior salvitory nucleus
Migraine tx: Drug A fails --> move on to Drug B --> C etc
- Not good b/c pt loses confidence in physician
Step therapy
Migraine tx: Find out about h/a --> depending on severity, prescribe A or B
(most pts have already done to self with OTC meds)
Stratified Therapy
If treat migraine early, pts end up using ____ meds overall
Triptans that are rapid acting migraine tx (5)
- Sumatriptan
- Rizatriptan
- Zolmitriptan
- Almotriptan
- Eletriptan
Triptans that are delayed acting migraine tx (2)
- Good for migraines that last days
- Naratriptan
- Frovatriptan
Most migraine drugs like triptans are vasoconstrictors so contraindicated with (3)
*Pt with high BP can use as long as BP is under control
Dr. Lubeck tends to use _____ for pts with migraine and vascular contraindications
_____ = used as rescue analgesic if triptan doesn't work
Migraine phase that happens 24 hrs before
(confusion, malaise, food cravings)
Migraine phase that happens 15-30 mins before
Prophlactic for migraines
- young people tolerate poorly b/c a lot of probs with exercise intolerance, fatigue, depression
Beta blockers
- Better for cluster h/a's than migraine
Ca2+ blockers
Migraine prophylaxis
- very effective
- given at night --> causes sedation
- can cause dry mouth and wt gain
- amitryptiline
- nortriptyline
2 TCAs used as migraine prophlaxis
Migraine prophylaxis
- Not effective unless pt has major mood change with migraine
Migraine prophylaxis
- 3 anticonvulsants
- Depikote (Valproic Acid)
- Gapapentin
- Topiramate
NSAIDs can be used as migraine _______
Migraine prophylaxis anticonvulsant
- Very effective but use w/ caution --> can cause fetal malform in prego (10% risk neural tube defect)
- wt gain and tremor
Depikote (Valproic Acid)
Migraine prophylaxis anticonvulsant
- ADR = wt gain
Migraine prophylaxis anticonvulsant
- ADR = wt loss, memory difficulty
- Approved by FDA in 2010 to prevent migraines occuring at least 15 days/month
- Injected into forehead, temporalis, trapezius, occipitalis, cervical paraspinals to prevent migraine
- $$$$$
Almost daily h/a
- From overuse of meds
- Sx's like migraine and tension h/a
Rebound H/A
Tension headache has 2/3
- Pressure/tightening
- B/l
- Not aggravated by routine PA
Tension headache has both of 2
- No N/V
- No photo of phonophobia (or only 1 of)
Tension h/a has no evidence of _____ dz
Episodic Tension HA is less than _______
Chronic tension H/a is more than
#1 misdx of those with brain tumors is ______-
Tension h/a
H/a type
- Has no inc in scalp muscle EMG compared to migrain
Tension h/a
Tension h/a and migraine co-existing in the same pt
Mixed h/a
(probably just tension h/a is a milder migraine)
Symptomatic Pharm tx of tension h/a
- Similar to migraine
- Avoid daily analgesia use
Prophylactic pharm tx of tension h/a
Similar to migraine
PT tx of tension headache (3)
- Massage
- Biofeedback
Psychological tx is used for this only if there is an emotional problem underlying the cause of the h/a
Tension h/a
Trigger in a h/a prone individual can cause these 4 kinds of h/a
- Migraine w/ aura
- Migraine w/o aura
- Tension-vascular
- Tension type
Ex: throbbing h/a w/o vomitting but with photophobia
Tension-vascular h/a
M:F of Cluster h/a
Boring, excrutiating, throbbing unilateral pain
- Frequently around orbit
Cluster H/A
Cluster h/a is often assoc with (3)
- Horner's syndrome
- Rhinorrhea
- Nasal Congestion
Characterized by extreme restlessness during h/a
Cluster h/a

(this distinguishes it from migraine)
H/a triggered by alcohol
Cluster h/a
- 1-6 attacks/day --> frequently at night
- Duration 30-90 mins
Cluster h/a
Attacks occuring during certain wks to months and then remit
Cluster h/a
Increased levels of ______ are present in cluster h/a's
Biological timeclock = in ____ of thalamus --> controls circadian rhythm --> disturbance in this may cause cluster h/a's during certain time of yr, day, etc
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
Cluster h/a symptomatic tx (3)
- Ergotamine
- Injectable sumatriptan
- 100% O2
Cluster h/a tx
- aka Imatrex
- Works really well but $$$
Injectable sumatriptan
Used to tx cluster h/a's
- But most insurance companies will only reimburse it for respiratory conditions
100% O2
Cluster h/a Prophylaxis (5)
- Prednisone
- Valproic Acid
- Methysergide
- Lithium
- Verapamil
Very effective for cluster h/a prophylaxis, but as taper off, h/a's return
Giant Cell Arteritis M:F
H/a that is rare under age 55
Giant Cell Arteritis
Unilateral, intense, boring pain
- Tender, non-pulsatile temporal artery
Giant Cell Arteritis
H/a with systemic sx's
- wt loss
- fever
Giant Cell Arteritis
Lab results assoc with giant cell arteritis
Elevated ESR
Jaw claudication is assoc with this type of h/a
Jaw claudication
50% with giant cell arteritis also have ______________
Polymyalgia Rheumatica
Giant cell arteritis - conside if 50-50 rule applies
- Age 50+
- ESR > 50
Need 3/5 to dx giant cell arteritis
- Age>50
- ESR>50
- New onset localized h/a
- Non-pulsatile or tender artery
- + bx
1/3 to 1/2 of pts with this h/a will develop blidness of untx'ed (from ischemia)
Giant Cell Arteritis
Pathology of giant cell arteritis = inflm of ___________
Medium sized arteries
Tx for giant cell arteritis (2)
- Prednisone before bx results
- Temporal artery bx
Sharp, shooting, lancinating pain lasting seconds to mins in distribution of CN5
Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Almost always unilateral
- Trigger points on face and inside mouth
Trigeminal Neuralgia
If under 50 and expect trigeminal neuralgia, need to r/o ____ 1st
Trigeminal Neuralgia tx
Sudden onset of worst headache ever + nucal rigidity
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
With subarachnoid hemorrhage, will have CN3 palsy if it is in ___________
(dilated pupil + ptosis)
Posterior Communicating Artery
Dx of Subrachnoid Hemorrhage that has 90% sensitivity
CT scan w/o contrast
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: If CT is (-), need to do ______
Lumbar puncture to check for blood
If recent blood in CSF, RBCs will not have had time to lyse and therefore will be at ______ after centrifuge
If blood resided in CSF for 4hrs+ ___________
Will get small red pellet + red supernatant = Hb in plasma (b/c RBCs have been lysed)
Cause normal neuro exam except for signs of inc ICP
- papilledema
- H/A
- rarely CN 6 palsy
Pseudotumor Cerebri
Nerve with longest intracranial course so when tehre is inc ICP, it is the most likely affected as it is pressed against tentorium
- Normal CT
- Lumbar puncture w/ elevated opening pressure
Pseduotumor Cerebri

(lumbar puncture okay to do b/c there is no mass --> will not cause herniation)
Drug etiology of pseudotumor cerebri (3)
- Tetracycline
- Vit A
- Steroid withdraw
Drug that causes pseudotumor cerebri --> happens In F using this to tx acne
Endocrine abnormalities can cause pseudotumor cerebri --> most likely in ________
Obese F with menstraul irregularities