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75 Cards in this Set

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Before beginning physical exam?
- Greet patient
- Introduce yourself and inform of agenda
- Wash hands
- Ensure patient is appropriately attired and comfortable
Step 1
Assess General Appearance:
- Habitus
- Posture
- Grooming
- Affect
- Level of consciousness
- Distress
- Psychomotor activity
- Apparent age
Step 2 (after General Appearance)
Blood Pressure
- Apply cuff
- Determine mmHg at which pulse disappears
- Position patient arm w/ artery at heart level
- Inflate 20-30 mmHg higher
- Tell them you would check other arm
Step 3 (after BP)
Respiratory Rate
- Observe 30 seconds
Step 4 (after RR)
Heart Rate
- Have patient extend arms
- Palpate radial pulse for 30 seconds
Step 5 (after HR)
Inspect skin of hands and nails
- Ask patient to sit on exam table
- Assess gait
Step 6 (after inspecting skin of hands and nails)
Inspect head size and shape, hair and scalp
- Distribution
- Texture
- Lesions
Step 7 (after inspecting head size and shape, hair and scalp)
Palpate skull
- Masses
- Depressions
- Tenderness
Step 8 (after palpating skull)
Observe face for symmetry and test CN V / VII
- Palpate masseter with patient clenching teeth
- Check sensation in 3 branches bilaterally
- Close eyes tight, smile, puff out cheeks
Step 9 (after checking CN V / VIII)
Inspect eyelids
- Check for ptosis (CN III)
Step 10 (after inspecting eyelids / CN III)
Inspect conjunctiva, sclera, and cornea
Step 11 (after inspecting conjunctiva, sclera, and cornea)
Visual Acuity (CN II)
- Use pocket screener
Step 12 (after checking visual acuity with pocket screener)
Visual fields by confrontation (CN II)
- Check one eye at a time comparing self to patient
Step 13 (after checking visual fields by confrontation)
Extraocular movements and convergence (CN III, IV, VI)
- Check 6 cardinal directions
- Check convergence
Step 14 (after checking extraocular movements and convergence)
Pupillary Reactions
- Check for symmetry
- Direct and consensual reaction
Step 15 (after checking pupillary reactions)
Ophthalmoscope Exam
- Dim lights
- Check red reflex
- Ask patient to look at fixed distant point
- Inspect fundus
- Check both eyes one at a time (R eye looks at R eye and put hand on shoulder)
Step 16 (after ophthalmoscope exam)
External Ear
- Inspect and palpate tragus
Step 17 (after external ear)
Ear Canal and Tympanic Membrane
- Use otoscope to check for cerumen
- Identify landmarks
- Look for erythema and effusion
Step 18 (after otoscope exam)
Auditory Acuity (CN VIII)
- Check with finger rub or whisper
Step 19 (after checking auditory acuity w/ finger rub)
- Place vibrating tuning fork on top of head and see if it lateralizes
Step 20 (after Weber - tuning fork on top of head)
- Place vibrating tuning fork on mastoid process to check if air>bone conduction
Step 21 (after Rinne - tuning fork on mastoid process)
Inspect nose
- Have patient tilt head back (checking neck extension)
- Use otoscope
Step 22 (after otoscope exam)
Palpate sinuses
- Check frontal and maxillary sinuses for tenderness
Step 23 (after palpating sinuses)
Inspect mouth
- Lips
- Oral mucosa
- Gums
- Teeth
- Palate with tongue blade and penlight
Step 24 (after inspecting mouth)
Inspect pharynx (CN IX, X)
- Use tongue blade and penlight to inspect posterior oropharyngeal walls
- Tonsils
- Uvula
- Have patient say ahh to check gag reflex
Step 25 (after inspecting pharynx)
Inspect tongue (CN XII)
- Have patient protrude tongue and move side to side
Step 26 (after inspecting tongue)
Feel floor of mouth
- Palpate with a gloved finger for masses or induration
Step 27 (after feeling floor of mouth)
Test neck flexion and CN XI
- Chin to chest
- Shoulder shrug
- Rotate head against resistance
Step 28 (after testing neck flexion and CN XI)
Palpate lymph nodes for tenderness and mobility
- Pre- and post auricular
- Occipital
- Tonsillar
- Submandibular
- Submental
- Anterior and posterior cervical
- Supraclavicular
Step 29 (after checking lymph nodes)
Thyroid and Trachea
- Inspect anterior neck for symmetry and masses
- Move to behind patient
- Place two fingers on both sides of trachea below cricoid cartilage
- Have patient swallow to palpate thyroid gland
Step 30 (after thyroid and trachea)
Inspect posterior thorax
- Open gown in back
- Symmetry of expansion
- Deformity or skin lesions
Step 31 (after inspecting posterior thorax)
Tactile Fremitus
- Feel for vibration while patient says 99
Step 32 (after tactile fremitus "99")
- Place left middle finger on patient and strike with right middle finger
Step 33 (after percussion)
- Listen with stethoscope while patient breathes through mouth
- Check all over back AND on sides
Step 34 (after auscultation)
Whispered Pectoriloquy
- Auscultate with stethoscope while patient says "99"
Step 35 (after whispered pectoriloquy "99")
- Auscultate with stethoscope while patient says "eee"
Step 36 (after egophany "eee")
Costovertebral Angle
- Assess for tenderness by tapping with fist bilaterally
- Tie up gown and move to front of patient
Step 37 (after tapping at costovertebral angle)
Inspect anterior thorax and auscultate
- Listen with stethoscope while patient takes deep breaths
Step 38 (after auscultating on anterior thorax)
Measure Jugular Venous Pressure
* Place back of exam table at 30 degrees and extend leg support, ask patient to lie on back
- Use penlight to transilluminate
- Use ruler
Step 39 (after measuring JVP)
Auscultate and palpate carotid arteries
- While patient holds breath
Step 40 (after auscultating and palpating carotid arteries)
Inspect and palpate point of maximal impulse
* Flatten exam table back so patient is lying supine
- Use right hand to feel PMI
Step 41 (after feeling PMI)
Auscultate heart
- Use diaphragm
- Aortic, Pulmonic, Tricuspid, and Mitral areas
Step 42 (after auscultating heart)
Palpate lower extremity pulses and check for edema
- Femoral
- Popliteal
- Posterior tibial (medial ankle)
- Dorsalis pedis
Step 43 (after feeling peripheral pulses)
Inspect abdomen
- Scars, contour, asymmetry
Step 44 (after inspecting abdomen)
Auscultate abdomen
- Bowel sounds in all 4 quadrants
- Aortic or renal artery bruits
Step 45 (after auscultating abdomen)
Percuss abdomen
- All 4 quadrants
- Liver and spleen
Step 46 (after percussing abdomen)
Palpate abdomen
- Light and deep pressure in all 4 quadrants
- Feel for masses
Step 47 (after palpating abdomen in 4 quadrants)
Palpate Liver
Step 48 (after palpating liver)
Palpate spleen
Step 49 (after palpating spleen)
Palpate abdominal aorta
Step 50 (after palpating abdominal aorta)
Inspect muscle bulk
* Have patient sit up
- Check for asymmetry or atrophy of arms, hands, legs, temples
Step 51 (after inspecting muscle bulk)
Check muscle tone
- Upper and lower extremities
Step 52 (after checking muscle tone)
Test muscle strength
- Shoulder abduction (out to side)
- Forearm flexion and extension at elbow
- Wrist extension
- Finger abduction
- Grip strength
- Finger opposition (touch fingers to thumb)
- Flexion/extension/abduction/adduction of hips
- Extension/flexion of knees
- Dorsi and plantar flexion of ankles
Step 53 (after checking muscle strength)
Check deep tendon reflexes
- Biceps
- Triceps
- Brachioradialis
- Patellar
- Achilles
- Plantar (Babinski)
Step 54 (after checking reflexes)
Sensory exam for pain
- Use broken wooden stick and cotton swab
Step 55 (after sensory exam for pain)
Sensory exam for temperature
- Cold metal reflex hammer handle or tuning fork
Step 56 (after sensory exam for temperature)
Sensory exam for light touch
- Use cotton wisp or fingers
Step 57 (after sensory exam for light touch)
Sensory exam for vibration
- Use tuning fork on joints
Step 58 (after sensory exam for vibration)
Sensory exam for proprioception
- Great toes
Step 59 (after sensory exam for proprioception)
Test cerebellum by checking coordination
- Rapid alternating hand movement
- Finger to nose
- Heel to shin
Step 60 (after testing cerebellum with rapid hand movement, finger to nose, or heel to shin)
Check gait
- Observe turning
- Note feet placement for stance
- Arm swing
- Evidence of pain
How many general steps? What are they?
1. General appearance
2. Blood pressure
3. Respiratory rate
4. Heart rate
5. Inspect skin of hands and nails
How many head/face steps? What are they?
6. Inspect head size/shape, hair/scalp
7. Palpate skull for masses/depressions
8. Observe face: CN V and CN VII
How many eye steps? What are they?
9. Inspect eyelids for ptosis
10. Inspect conjunctiva, sclera, and cornea
11. Visual acuity w/ pocket screener
12. Visual fields by confrontation
13. Extraocular movements and convergence
14. Pupillary reactions
15. Ophthalmoscope exam
How many ear steps? What are they?
16. Inspect and palpate external ear
17. Use otoscope
18. Auditory acuity w/ finger rub
19. Weber - tuning fork on top of head
20. Rinne - tuning fork on mastoid processes
How many nose steps? What are they?
21. Inspect nose w/ otoscope
22. Palpate sinuses: frontal and maxillary
How many mouth steps? What are they?
23. Inspect mouth
24. Inspect pharynx (say ahh)
25. Inspect tongue (side to side)
26. Palpate floor of mouth
How many neck steps? What are they?
27. Test neck flexion and CN XI
28. Palpate lymph nodes
29. Thyroid and trachea
How many back steps? What are they?
30. Inspect posterior thorax
31. Tactile fremitus (feel while saying 99)
32. Percussion
33. Auscultation
34. Whispered pectoriloquy (auscultate while saying 99)
35. Egophony (auscultate while saying "eee")
36. Tap on costovertebral angle
How many anterior thorax steps? What are they?
37. Inspect anterior thorax and auscultate anterior thorax while taking deep breaths
How many cardiovascular steps? What are they?
38. Table at 30 degrees - measure JVP
39. Table at 30 degrees - palpate and auscultate carotid arteries
40. Lying flat - point of maximal impulse w/ right hand
41. Auscultate heart in 4 areas
42. Palpate lower extremity pulses and check for edema
How many abdominal steps? What are they?
43. Inspect abdomen
44. Auscultate abdomen
45. Percuss abdomen (including liver and spleen)
46. Palpate abdomen w/ light and deep pressure
47. Palpate liver
48. Palpate spleen
49. Palpate abdominal aorta
How many muscle steps? What are they?
50. Inspect muscle bulk for asymmetry and atrophy
51. Check muscle tone in upper and lower extremities
52. Test muscle strength
53. Check deep tendon reflexes
How many sensory steps? What are they?
54. Sensory exam for pain
55. Sensory exam for temperature
56. Sensory exam for light touch
57. Sensory exam for vibration
58. Sensory exam for proprioception
How many final steps? What are they?
59. Test cerebellum by checking coordination (rapid alternating hand movement, finger to nose, heel to shin)
60. Watch gait