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11 Cards in this Set

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Describe the 3 layers of pharynx

1. mucus coat

2. pharyngobasilar fascia: fibrous continuus with foramen lacerum, pierced by eustacian tube

3. constrictor miscules

Where do pharyngeal constrictor muscles attach

Fan laterally from anterior and instert into posterior raphe at base of skull ant to foramen magnum and continuous with oesoghus

1. Superior: Medial pterygod plate hamulus- middle mandible

2.Middle: hyid bone-lower stylohyoid ligament

3. Inferior: cricoid and thyroid cartilages

All covered by buccopharyngeal fascia

What are the borders of the nasopharynx

Ant: nasal cavity

inf: oropharynx

Sup: sphenoid bone, clivus, PHARYNGOBASILAR FASCIA.

Lat: paraharyngeal space, dee tissiues of infratemporal space

Pos: C1 C2, styloid muscles seperate it from carotid sheath. adenoids

What pierces pharyngobasilar fascia

1. eustacian tube, creating torus tubaris, with lateral haryngeal recess of rosenmuller

2. Leavtor veli palatini

Which muscles elevate soft palate

1. levator veli alatini

2. tensor veli palatini: runs around nasopharynx and hooks around pterygoid hamulus

3. palatopharyngeal arch

Boundries of Paraparygeal space

1. buccopharyngeal fascia (sepeartes pharyngeal muscles from mastication muscles. contains brances of Ext Carotid and mandibular nerve)

2. seperated from carotid sheath by styloid process.

3. deep parotid laterally

boundreis of INFRATEMPORAL space

1. foramen spinosum(MidMenA) and ovale(V2 AccMenA )

2. maxilla

3. base of skull to hyoid bone

4. contains pterygoid muscles

5. continuous sueriorly with temporal fossa

6. Zygomatic arch, temporalis muscles, ascending ramus of mandible, coronoid process of mandible

7. Medially lateral pterygoid plate and nasopharynx

8. Anterior to deep parotid, styloid process and carotid artery and jutular vein.

9. Is connected by the ptergomaxillary fissure to the pterygopalatine fossa

Pyergopalatine fossa boundreis

Roof: apex of orbit

Medial: perpendicular plate of palatine bone

It is a medial depression of the pterygomaxillary fissure.

Communications of Pterygopalatine fossa

Superior: Inferior orbital fissure(pos part)

Superior: Foramen Rotundum: Middle cranial fossa V2

Laterally: Infratemporal fossa:

Medially: Sphenopalatine Foramen: Nasal cavlity

Inferior: Oral Cavity via the greater palatine canal

Posteroir: Vidian Pterygoid canal to foramen lacerum

Contents of Ptergopalatine fossa

1. V2 from For Rotundum to orbit via IOF

2. PP segment of maxillary artery

What is the upper and lower borders of the larngopharynx

epiglottis to C6 with oesoghaus