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39 Cards in this Set

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provides overall control of thought, sensation, and voluntary and unvoluntary motor functions of the body
nervous system
the brain and spinal cord
central nervous system
the nerves that enter and exit the spinal cord between the vertebrae and the 12 pairs of cranial nerves that travel between the brain and organs without passing through the spinal cord, and all of the bodys other motor and sensory nerves
peripheral nervous system
messages from the body to the brain are carried by ____ nerves
messages carried from the brain to the muscles are carried by ___ nerves
controls involuntary function
autonomic nervous system
the bony structure making up the forehead, top, back, and upper sides of the skull
There are ___ number of bones that make up the face
the lower jaw bone
bone that forms part of the side of the skull and floor of the cranial cavity.
temporal bone
the movable joint formed between the mandible and the temporal bone, also called the TMJ
temporomandibular joint
the two fused bones forming the upper jaw
maxillae (maxilla singular)
the bones that form the upper third, or bridge, of the nose
nasal bones
the cheek bone, aka zygomatic bone
the bony structures around the eyes
the fluid that surronds the brain and spinal cord
cerebrospinal fluid
the spine is made up of ___ bones
the bones of the spinal column
the bony bump on a vertabra
spinous process
five areas the vertebrae are divided into starting from the top
cervical - 7
thoracic - 12
lumbar - 5
sacral - 5
coccyx - 4
lacerated scalp with a cranium fracture is known as an_____
open head injury
lacerated scalp with cranium intact is known as ____
closed head injury
type injury to the brain in an open head injury. brain lacerated, punctured, or bruised by broken bones or foreign objects
direct injury
type injury to the brain in an open or closed head injury. shock of impact on the skull is transfered to the brain
indirect injury
first and most significant signs of head injury
altered mental status
mild closed head injury without detectable damage to the brain
a bruised brain caused when the force of a blow to the head is great enough to rupture blood vessels
a cut to the brain
a collection of blood within the skull or brain
bruising on the same side as a blow
bruising on the opposite side of a blow
the brains outer protective covering
collection of blood between the brain and the dura
subdural hematoma
collection of blood between the dura and the skull
epidural hematoma
blood pools within the brain
intracerebral hematoma
rule of thumb for a mechanism of spine injury
MOI exerts great force on the upper body, or if there is any soft tissue damage to the head, face, or neck due to trauma. Also blunt trauma above clavicles.
two sections of the spine most vulnerable to injury
cervical and lumbar
falls ___ the patients height have potential for spinal injury
The most common causes for spinal injury are:
mvc's,falls, diving accidents, and gunshot wounds